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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • Kevevs
    Free Member

    ignore and carry on….

    Free Member

    hAHA Kimbers you are a star

    Free Member

    who me?I don’t know! explain privatisation, or capitalism? I’s like saying that’s solved the problem of poverty or homlessness without actually thinking about it.

    Free Member

    haha explain that ninfan

    Free Member

    I dunno, it’s just boring, when it used to be so much fun of here, I kind of miss all that silly crap when elf and sfb and tj were on here, proper opinions, now it seems a bit boring. not that I’ve been here often to tell, but it just seems a bit …. meh. I kind of care about stw cos I’ve had fun on here!

    Free Member

    bang on aracer. nice. soz. I’ll go away.

    Free Member

    soz Jamie, been a bit slack on my slagging off.

    Free Member

    lol. soz.

    Free Member

    run 10 year old ultegra/105 9 speed combo every day, **** sweet if you can adjust it every few months, keep it clean and lubed. sorted. Bikes run and run!

    Free Member

    I feel pretty sad about his conviction. apart from the fact that he was a horrible peado! I’s like a small part of my younger childhood innocence died. Who’s next? Tony Hart, Mr Bennet or Morph? seriously, that Rolf could convince a whole nation that he was a nice friendly arty sort of uncle is going to make us nice arty uncles look like horrible ****. :(

    Free Member

    for this forum?
    We need so damn many things
    To keep our dazed lives going
    Many things, to keep our lives
    Lives going, so many things
    We need so damn many things
    (We need so damn, we need so damn many things)
    To keep our stupid lives going
    (To keep our stupid, keep our stupid lives going)
    Many things to keep our lives
    (To keep our lives, to keep our lives, many things)
    Lives going, so many things

    (So many things, so many things, lives going)
    We can be bound, run around
    (We can be bound, we can be bound, run around)

    Free Member

    men are faster, stronger, better, more intelligent didn’t you know? It’s a bit boring this Idea. Utterly tired. all us people are just in a wide spectrum of good at some things and bad at others!

    Free Member

    yes, read the **** thing. it’s not long. As far as I can tell, Chomp-sky is right on lots of stuff, in theory.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    do you have a stapler? just keep stapling him and saying “hahaha I didn’t seeyou” *staple* “hohoho, I didn’t see you AGAIN!” *staple* *staple* “soz mate, you were right in the way of my stapler LOLZ!” *staple*… “did you know how intimidating it can be for a cyclist huh??” *staple* *staple* *staple*…”hey come back! there’s nothing to fear!…put this Hi-vis on so I can see you…” *chase with stapler*

    Free Member

    Karma’s alright once in a while, but can be a bit fattening if you indulge too much, what with all the creamy coconut milk. Quite moreish though, I’ll agree.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    you are finding it hard to find someone to cheers on? what? Jesse Pinkman! he’s the moral centre of the whole thing and he doesn’t sway much, not like Walt or all the others, who are pretty ambiguous. You HAVE to root for Jesse! You end up caring so much for his character, and then you question why? cos he’s supposed to be a drug dealing drop out scumbag. makes you question your own preconceptions (I mean, if you’re a “decent” person yourself) and all the shit he goes/puts himself through, and then all the ***spoilers*** etc… Breaking Bad is absolute top drawer telly. yes, they stretch it out a bit, but hey, it’s tv!

    Free Member

    here’s the final model. It was going to happen eventually. I reckon a massive big screen would weigh, err say 1225kg?

    Free Member

    massive floating billboard

    Free Member

    Love the background traintracks sounding like The Terminator soundtrack :D

    Free Member

    Penn State Sour cream and chive pretzels.

    Free Member

    He’s great! quite a bit of his stuff on Netflix

    Free Member

    Free Member

    yeah, I was a crash fan too when I had a Speccy, but then I got a C64. Oliver Frey FTW!

    Free Member

    actually, that cover still looks s**Thot!

    Free Member

    “so’s your face, bitch!” *jessie pinkman style*

    Free Member

    Yes! I keep telling people to watch it. One of my fave films.

    Free Member

    Yeah! 41 today! Never really bothered me to be honest. Happy birthday Isaac Newton and Kenny Everett!

    Free Member

    but where’s the conditioned gift? I work in a very big supermarket, and the disgusting amount of unnessecary sppending is so evident. one bloke said to me “we’ll even waste £60 of this, why even buy it, it’ll go in the bin” but the guy was very aware of it. I dunno. got many stories.

    Free Member

    I don’t come on this very often these days but I will definitley up up up Mr. Turing. good man Rad skills Massive balls..I love the fact that despite popular culture, even now, gayers were doing good shit for humanity, back then! :D

    Free Member

    hmm, my conspiricy theory is that The big supermarkets agree to spend a fortune on advertising in the press, only if the press agree to bang on about incoming crazy winter weather all over their front pages. Supermarkets pile high snow shovels, de-icer, salt,tins of soup, beans and other “essentials” etc at front of stores and rake in the fear-spenditure ;)

    Free Member

    Surely he should be aspiring to drive to work in a ridiculously powerful sportscars like premier league stars. They never have accidents.Or a massive Range Rover battletank. Can your pal not have a rollcage, fire extinguisher, bulletproof oakleys etc put on his bike, along with a mahoosive stereo system and bling alloys?

    Free Member

    strikes my ass. when people get seriously fecked off enough with socio-economic inequality they just start burning their High Streets to the ground and raiding footlocker and PCworld for what they percieve to be materialistic answers. What needs changing is the whole idea system of value.

    Free Member

    I regret not being the person I am now when I was younger. I think everyone has this idea in their head of going back and doing things when they were younger with the knowledge and experience they have now. Apart from that, I don’t really regret anything. Live and learn..

    Free Member

    Wonderful thread. I’m sure most people who read it have abolutely no idea, which, unfortunately is how it is in the real world. Try explaining to your manager truthfully why you couldn’t even summon the energy or will to pick up the phone to actually talk to a real life person, when anything outside of your duvet is a nightmare waiting to happen, even more of a nightmare than what is happening under the duvet in your head. I have these problems off and on, I’m certain not as bad as a lot of people, but bad enough to be able to empathise. The self-esteem thing, the continuous voice in your head that keeps saying no you can’t do that, nope you’re not good enough, all the **** no’s that deny you and negative spiral when it comes is just **** rubbish and just drags you down into a black hole of anxiety and panic and meaninglessness etc. Being sel critical is a good thing and can push you to make great things, but this is like a hyper version of that that is so negative and self-destructive. it’s a **** battle when it get’s like that and no denying it. Just battle on. Sometimes it is so hard to see yourself from the right perspective.When you get that “rigt” self-perspective back you have to cherish it and feed it properly with exercise, family, good friends, all the good stuff I reckon. “mindfullness” has been reccommended to me by mates, and daft stuff like swimming, meditation, etc, to get head in right place. and I think all that is right. as I never feel happierthan when “escaping” up a mountain or out on bike etc. I guess you have to find ways of coping that are positive, rather than negative like booze or something. anyway, that’s my ramble :) x

    Free Member

    Can’t wait to see this turning into a mahoosove thread while middle class types try to determine what is “lager”, what is “cider” ans what exactly is the meaning of “responsibility” Richatd burton was a drunk intelligent, very intelligent man, pushed himself out of the valleys into superstardom. Loved a bit more than responsible. It’s all about control, and strangely! Everyone is different.

    Free Member

    About the same time it takes to drink a pint of merlot. or are you a 17 yr old or a bored 50 yr old troll. Trolls are the best :)

    Free Member

    Unless I’m doing a 1pm-10pm shift. Then it’s..
    Get up whenever. Waste the morning faffing about. Get on bike for work 1240. Arrive 1250. Clock in at 1

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