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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • Kevevs
    Free Member

    Can remember The Cement Garden being memorable. I also went through a big Martin Amis phase where I had to read everything he’d written for a bit. Think that started with The Rachel Papers and then Money and Other people, London Fields. Stopped with Times Arrow cos I thought it was crap/grew up.. We read o Kill A Mockingbird in school, but to be honest, I was too young to get it. Looking back, I can see getting immersed in books was an escape from not wanting to grow up!..

    Free Member

    Very Young – Mister Men – pretty much all of them, I was a bit mad for ’em apparently.

    young – Enid Blyton – Faraway tree, Enchanted Forest, Famous Five, secret Seven

    Then got really into Atlasses, Wonders of The World Mag and stuff like that. Anything with good photo’s and diagrams and graphs and Information about the natural world. AND SPACE, anything with space.

    9ish-13+ – Asimovs Foundation and Empire series, Phillip K dick stuff, Arthur C clarke, really went a bit scifi. and loads of Steven King, but never Liked Tolkein and all that fantasy stuff. And then decided to read books you’re “supposed” to read.. Huxley, Orwell, Salinger, etc. Cos I decided I was intelligent HAH!!

    Free Member

    Ride and enjoy it Danny B, sounds like a nice bike. Very talented people have had brilliant fun for years and years on “lesser” bikes. don’t get into all the marketing hype that goes with this Sport/lifestyle/website/magazine. you’ll soon tire of the latest thing not making you brilliant. When you break it, get a new one that more suits your riding. Does that Ritchey come with a flux capacitor?

    Free Member

    What you want is a titanium (from old Migs) Casio F-91W encased in “kelvar”.

    Free Member

    Out of all those films, if you haven’t seen vanishing Point, it wins hands down IMO.

    Free Member

    No, I get it RS, I don’t really like watches much, but I love a good old simple casio. Speshly with the Electro Luminescence ;) I don’t get the databank, K.I.S.S

    Free Member

    Quality marsdenman hahaha! Osama Bin to Toys R Us

    Free Member

    Pretty impressive Somafunk! Only a little bit of hail and snow here on Llandudno/Conwy coast. Shedloads a few miles east though. Bastard wind and a bit of slush cycling to tescos earlier. Quite fancy a big dump of snow, better than endless boring grey rain!

    Free Member

    Haha. Think the op was doing a parody of a typical STW bling watch thread, and it turns into a typical STW thread anyways! – NOOO, Don’t get something simple and cheap like you asked for, get a proper ugly lump that is more expensive with more buttons n stuffs!..

    Free Member

    Whoa there there Danny B! I’m going to have to take a lie down…

    Free Member

    Morgans spiced & coke or Ginger ale. Should do me for the weekend. Just rode out in the slush and shite to Tescos for my weekend supplies. Buggered if I’m leaving the house again till Monday. Xbox, DVD’s and duvet diving for me.

    Free Member

    Silver A168. All-time-classic-of-all-time-mate.

    It says “Electro Luninescense” on it, it’s proper 80’s style, and it’s got to be silver like the cool bling kids back in school. What more do you want from a watch?! Out of that lot, what would Kraftwerk wear eh? These are the only deciding factors..

    Free Member

    you read the wasp factory Somafunk?

    Free Member

    3. I Think the question should be.. How many bikes do you use?

    Free Member

    haha somafunk sounds like my childhood but more excessively Pyro. I do miss burning stuff :(

    Free Member

    what is her name? and how wide and dense is your chest hair? Is it very dark hair? we need more information. I could provide an EPS. vector format graphic if you want to do a tatoo of her name or something.

    Free Member

    really admire your honesty m8. and why ask on here if not anywhere I suppose?! Expect pisstaking. I have no constructive advice to give apart from follow your instincts..and to otherwise assume this is a category A troll.

    Free Member

    you’re dad didn’t buy you an air pistol then? or just reliving the air pistol youth? DAMN I WANT A NAIL GUN TO PLAY WITH.. How far can you stand away from a tree and get a nail in proper??

    Free Member

    Nice one Joolsburger! forgot that!

    Free Member

    no I love a bit o sugar, just like I love a shitload of beer. I’m just answering your question best way I can. Sugar doesn’t fill you up or give any real nutrition. Which is what your body wants in the morn. some other guys will come along and give you some real DATA in a mo….

    Free Member

    go through the labels and pick the one with the least sugar per 100g. then go buy some seeds n nuts, pitted dates n prunes. chop and mix em all up and stick in a container. dispense at leisure. tasty, healthy and filling. The important thing to remember, is that the most expensive, with the best packaging and advertising may not be the best for your health. Blinded by Muesli, easy it is..

    Free Member

    This is very manly. *rubs thighs*

    Free Member

    No, they were imported back from LA Fitness, after a 3 month boot camp. seems to have worked though, fair do’s to the little critters.

    Free Member

    bloody health n safety. If I had kids, I’d be moaning about their inability to get into danger early in life and learn from their mistakes. How do you learn about the inherant dangers of combustibles unless you’ve tried to blow things up/set things alight as a kid. That’s what bonfire night is for!

    Free Member

    got family photo’s of my uncle and aunt getting married in early may, in the snow! probably a bit cold too. maybe a bit wet the week before. It’s crap. but it’s that time o year. It’s good to moan though.. let it out :D It’s the British way. it’ll be too hot in August.. phew (x fingers)

    Free Member

    maybe what’s interesting is what’s termed “press” or “newspapers” or “journalists” anymore? They sound like very outmoded words to me. If you’ve got a website with a million hits everyday or something. what’s the difference?

    Free Member

    I just hope hope hope in 3 or 4 months time it is so dry and dusty this forum is dead for weeks on end from people riding bikes and sitting in the evening sun supping a nice cold one. Or the forum is frothing with summery activity and sunny photo’s. LET’S HOPE!!

    Free Member

    can’t we just turn this into a Hugh Grant bashing thread? pleeeeease?

    Free Member

    *LIKES* thread. A lot of people say modern technology is dumbing down language, what with the yoof never actually writing anything down with a fountain pen and paper and putting it in an envelope with a wax seal and putting it in a letterbox etc. I am of the opinion that technology is really transforming language and giving people more access to communication than ever before. Everything is so much faster, and maybe our brains are evolving to keep up. Can’t wait till we get to the point where there is no technological or language barrier between communication (yes, I am a sci fi geek!)

    EDIT: Tymbian, Zilog’s right y’know. Those examples you quoted would never happen in real life. But I get what you mean though in the OP

    Free Member

    cheers JoeMC. word

    Free Member

    **** knows. Where do you live? It seems to very blue and purple where you live and your windows seem to be covered in seagull spunk.

    Free Member

    MuppetWrangler, you might have a point with the rappings and the hippity hoppings. I recall “phat” being a graffiti term for awesome big fat bubbly spraypainted letterforms that looked cool ie “phat” therefore “phat” = “cool”. Might be wrong though. Maybe the Phat beats came first.

    Free Member

    Those new gold hope hubs are THE SH**!!

    well to be quite honest with you, you young rapscallion, I paid rather a large wad for these perfectly CNC milled British made hubs, and I think if they actually were “THE SH**” I would be putting them in a cellophane bag and disposing of them correctly in a Dog refuse bin in my local park. You are quite incorrect. GOOD DAY.

    Free Member

    Bad. As in Bad-meaning-good. I dunno what the academic technical type term is for it tho. I’d be interested to know.

    Free Member

    Wow! That’s ace. jealous much?!

    Free Member

    Lucky for you. I’ll be cycling to work tomorrow at 6AM :(

    Free Member

    yeah, but even an ordinary bod, setting up a blog and photoshopping a big nob on the head of Hugh Grant and calling him nasty defamatory names will now come under the radar even more no? Seems to me they’re using the Press Regulation as an opportunity to MOAR regulate the internetz. Can’t be having ordinary people getting ideas in their heads and broadcasting them willy nilly. gosh!

    Free Member

    ah, ok. A Notting Hill or Four Weddings and A Funeral DVD will suffice.

    Free Member

    While I’ve still got the chance, can I just call Hugh Grant a massive W*****. HELLOOOO HUGH GRANT! YOU’RE A MASSIVE W*****!

    Free Member
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