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  • Charlie’s Greatest Airs: Not Jumpy – Not Grumpy.
  • kennyp
    Free Member

    Grumm, like everyone else says, fantastic pictures.

    Free Member

    And one final thing on the topic………three folk died yesterday in a tragic accident doing something they love…………how many folk died yesterday in Britain because they’d spent a lifetime smoking, or drinking too much, or being junkies, or because they were fat slobs who never took any exercise? I’ve no idea, but let’s say it was 20. And 20 the day before, and 20 the day before that etc…….why isn’t it headline news in every paper?

    Free Member

    I think the fact that the leader of the Mountain Rescue team had nothing but praise for the folk involved says more about the incident than any of us waffling away on here ever will.

    If there weren’t risks and dangers in the mountains then there wouldn’t be any need for mountain rescue teams, and you can bet that those same teams are always the first to encourage folk to get oaway from their tellies and their sofas and to get into the hills.

    Free Member

    Sink The Bismark, because I love those old black and white war movies.

    Free Member

    Tell us more.

    Free Member

    Rudeboy, I know what you’re getting at, but speak to the guys who actually work in Mountain Rescue and they’ll tell you that they don’t have any problem at all with folk going out in extreme conditions. They do have problems with folk who are ill-equipped or inexperienced, but not folk in general who are sometimes just unlucky. As for the inexperienced folk, there are always plenty of experienced people happy to take them along.

    The fact that two groups were caught in this avalanche suggests that it was mainly bad luck, though it’s difficult to know given the sensationalist angles taken by the media (remember that fell-running thing a while back?).

    I know a lot of folk who go out in those conditions, and 99% of them weigh up all the risks and do give a lot of thought, and respect, to the Mountain Rescue teams. Risk is part of life, and sadly there are far too many folk determined to remove it.

    Free Member

    Stanes are great, but the natural stuff is way better. The Kenny Wilson book is great (but check his website as it has a few corrections to the routes). So much good natural riding I don’t know where to start. Torridon, Cairngorms, hills behind Blair Atholl, Southern Uplands, Harris, Pentlands, endless.

    There’s a wee brown book by Andy McAndlish is great too. Most bike shops have it. Speak to Bothy Bikes if you’re in the ‘Gorms; they know a lot of good local stuff. Bike across Rannoch Moor if you’re prepared to push a fair bit. Devil’s Staircase…great descent. Take a tent and go exploring. Buy an OS map and follow the dotted lines; you can ride anywhere here as long as you’re responsible.

    Make sure you’re equipped for a day in the mountains though, and can use a map and compass. And don’t expect your phone to work. And beware of the midges. Seriously, BEWARE of the midges. And drink loads of whisky. And don’t spell it “whiskey” or we’ll deport you!! And try haggis.

    Post here nearer the time and you’ll probably get some guides for the day.

    Free Member

    What Bob and Stevo say………..great place for a beginner, only one tricky bit (the staircase) and a great fun ending. Not somewhere I’d want to go all the time, but fun nonetheless, especially if you’ve got someone new to the sport along.

    Free Member

    Our first ever 24 hour race (we had 2 teams in) and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. Weather wasn’t too bad really, and it was very well organised. Riding through the snow at 6 o’clock on Sunday morning while absolutely shattered and yet still loving every second is something that’ll stay with me a long time.

    Top marks to the marshalls and the other folk out cheering at all hours of the night, especially the caravan near the top pumping out Led Zepplin.

    Great weekend and we’re now looking at maybe doing SIS later in the summer, then Puffer again next year. It was funny the next day but in the space of a few hours the chat went from being about how hard it was to how we could squeeze in extra laps the next time!

    Free Member

    I’ve read the book and it’s superb. Skip the film and get back to the original medium; much, much better.

    Free Member

    Yup, off to bed myself now. Had a hot bath, a couple of glasses of wine, bored MrsKenny with all the stories and am now zonked!!

    Free Member

    Yes, would definitely do it again. Wouldn’t mind a crack at one of the "soft southern puffs" summer ones too! Mayhem or Sleepless maybe.

    Free Member

    First ever 24 hour I’ve done and I thought it was fantastic. Great atmosphere, and riding through the beautiful snow (and the mud) at 06.30 this morning while both totally shattered and totally hyped was superb.

    I thought the course was very good. A few technical sections to keep the interest, but mostly fast and flowing; a good one for XC whippets (not me I should add).

    Lots of fun, and a huge thank you to our support crew, who turned a good weekend into a great weekend.

    Free Member

    Strathpuffer. My first ever 24 hour event and I totally loved 90% of it. The other 10% was hell. As it should be.

    Free Member

    I didn’t realise it was the American verson. Tonite?

    Free Member

    Hels, we’ve actually got a couple of teams in. One of them I reckon could do pretty well…….and then there’s the one I’m in which is a more a "let’s see if we can avoid being last" team.

    We’ll be in a big tent with several wee tents if anyone wants to pop in and say Hi.

    Free Member

    Landslide……..not the most obvious one, but I love it. Oh and Rosie live goes without saying obviously. What’s Next To The Moon would be another.

    Free Member

    Yes, I bought Xped dry bags from them. Very prompt service, and a big thumbs up to the Xped stuff too. Crushes my sleeping bag to a fraction of its size. I’ll use them again.

    Free Member

    RudeBoy, I wasn’t meaning you, but there are people in this country off all colours, genders, whatever, that seem increasingly keen to be seen to be offended.

    The young man referred to be Harry was a trainee officer being prepared to go off to war. The fact that a friend and fellow officer had called him what some people think is a rude word was probably not of the slightest interest to him. If he’s been accepted for officer training then he’s almost certainly got far greater things to think about.

    As far as I can tell he’s never claimed to have been offended. However there are lots of folk keen to be offended on his behalf (and unasked).

    I’m Scottish and British. It doesn’t bother me in the least being called a Jocko or a Brit or whatever, even if the person calling me the name is trying to be offensive. As far as I’m concerned they are more than likely jealous. I just laugh it off, which I’m sure is what this young officer did.

    Free Member

    It is, we did it last May. However be prepared for a huge carry in the middle section, up a big hill. And you have to be pretty decent technically to ride sections of the descent on the other side.

    Glorious scenery though. We did it as part of a three day Glen Clova/Ballater/Braemar loop.

    Free Member

    Is Harry a racist or an idiot?

    How about he’s neither? He’s a young man in the army, and hopefully has better things to do with his time than bother about the usual groups of professional victims queuing up desperate to be offended.

    Free Member

    I’m doing it too, in one of the teams that Rickmeister (above) is supporting. First ever time we’ve done a 24 hour event, so we thought we may as well start with the toughest.

    We’ve got two teams of four, and four support crew, so for once we’re pretty well organised. Pop in and say hello if any of you are about.

    Free Member

    Californian/Irish………but a teacher friends pupils recommended a band called Flogging Molly. I’ve bought a couple of CDs and they’re superb. Sort of Pogue like in style.

    Free Member

    It’s like most things. If he genuinely (and I mean genuinely) wants to exercise more then he’ll find the time. If deep down he doesn’t then he’ll come up with all sorts of excuses. I know loads of folk with kids, jobs, whatever and they all find the time.

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