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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
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    Free Member

    The article makes good points but takes them to strange places. The solution to mistreatment of domestic animals is to gradually eliminate them as a species?

    I think the argument against owning birds or caged rodents is stronger, since they clearly don’t want to be caged and need constant attention to not get bored. Cats and dogs have cohabited with humans for a long time though.

    Free Member

    The normal stuff is anyones guess but if RM fail to deliver a 48hr item do they refund if they fail to do so on time?

    I doubt it, 24h tracked seems to be taking about a week at the moment.

    Free Member

    Yes mostly worried I’ll **** it up.

    Also learned from experience that “simple DIY jobs” can be messy and frustrating when you don’t have an existing tool collection or a garage and try to do them at the kitchen sink or on the living room floor.

    Free Member

    Had to go digging to find this thread, no one taking their camera out in the pouring rain?

    I usually avoid photos of people but I’m pleased with this.

    Free Member

    There’s pen tablets available much cheaper if you want to try it out first. Not sure how they compare for note taking though.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    They’ll release it on the date it says. It should only be for a couple of sales then you get it sooner after that.

    Unless you desperately need the money right now ebay is still the easiest way to sell anything you can post.

    Free Member

    I really like that beach… orb photo. The colour one.

    Free Member

    This one’s single use, but a bag of coffee from Rave for the cost of postage. New customers only and expires at the end of the month: RAF334090

    Free Member

    Mushroom time.

    Free Member

    Barclays was cheapest by far when I looked as long as your most expensive bike is under their limit.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve tried a little bit of datacamp and codeacademy and found codeacademy more engaging – it was a few years apart but codeacademy was better at presenting practical challenges to test knowledge instead of quizzes and flashcards.

    Free Member

    If you’re going for an even split –

    Add up total spend.
    Divide by 7 to get what each person should have spent.
    Get anyone who spent less to send you the difference (if they trust you).
    Divide amongst the people who spent more.

    If you’re not doing an even split, good luck I guess.

    Free Member

    The newer macs seem to offer great performance for this kind of work, even the laptops. Windows PC likely still offers better vfm.

    CPU is important for Photoshop, not just having loads of RAM. Look up some performance benchmarks as they’ll generally include some Photoshop tests.

    Free Member


    Summer might be over now.

    Free Member

    Yes binning would be the way to go. You can also group values on a pivot table but it’s a bit more manual.

    Free Member

    I’m quite enjoying it. Any mountain biking around here involves plenty of road pedalling anyway, options for big off road routes are very limited.

    On the other hand I have miles and miles of back lanes in easy reach with minimal traffic, it’s nice just being out in the countryside. I ride a bike I’m happy to take down bridleways but my MTB hasn’t had much use this summer.

    Free Member

    They would still both be “whetstones”

    They are but water stone and oil stone appear to be common terms for different types of whetstone, and I don’t think anyone actually said “wetstone”. And as we all know it’s very important to correct people on the internet 🙂

    Free Member

    whetstone, nothing to do with “wet”, it’s the same etymology as to whet (sharpen) your appetite

    There’s different kinds and many are best used with water or oil.

    Free Member

    My very limited experience is the GP will offer drugs as an option but not necessarily a solution. It seems like a very long process for some people to discover what works for them but anti depressants aren’t treated as a last resort.

    Free Member

    If you’re using true/false you can simplify things with logic statements.

    For your example NOT(OR(A1,B1)) outputs TRUE if A1 and B1 are FALSE.

    OR would give you true if one is true and AND is true if both are. Extends to more columns if you want.

    Free Member

    As a glasses wearer I would find it difficult to use either an electronic or optical viewfinder without them. The dioptre adjustment might be ok for low prescriptions.

    Free Member

    The idea of gripping the saddle with your thighs on a descent sounds unnatural and potentially painful.

    Free Member

    Yeah I switched to his aeropress method after trying the diluting thing and inverted and whatever other nonsense people came up with. It’s nice that there’s lots of ways to experiment and use different methods if you want but it’s very simple and makes a nice cup of coffee with minimal fuss.

    Free Member

    Probably almost as much as I change gear, you’ll stop thinking about it after a while.

    Free Member

    I decided they’d be fine in the bag for the 2-3 weeks it takes me to get through them. They do lose some flavour over time but still pleasant to drink.

    Free Member

    I take Loratidine tablets for most of the year and take more than one a day if I need to. No side effects from those. Not sure what’s in the spray I have but it’s one you can buy off the shelf and helps if the tablets aren’t, but does give me a headache.

    I bought an air purifier a few weeks ago. I was a little sceptical at first and thought it might just be placebo but I’ve had minimal hayfever symptoms since. Will see if that holds up later in the summer when it’s usually worse for me.

    Free Member

    Eat them.

    Free Member

    <30s to measure and grind enough for 1 cup with my hand grinder. It’s not really any more hassle than electric for that quantity. If you’re regularly making a whole pot or serving multiple people then yes electric is easier.

    Free Member

    It wasn’t intended as some anti supermarket statement, that’s where nearly all my food comes from.

    Problem is supermarkets don’t treat coffee as a fresh good but as something that can sit in a warehouse for ages, and it really tastes better fresh. Also not burnt.

    Free Member

    Oooh another coffee snob thread 😀

    I got rid of my Krups burr grinder and got a Timemore C2 hand grinder (~£50). Immediately and obviously better tasting and more consistent coffee. I wouldn’t bother with cheap electric grinders, if I’m just making one cup at a time I can grind by hand in less time than the kettle takes to boil. Plus it’s much smaller and easier to clean.

    Tried Lavazza Red and some other supermarket beans and they’re really unpleasant. I guess some people like the burnt flavour.

    Free Member

    Is that a fact or something you pulled out of your backside?

    The latter. All soldiers are heroes serving their country with courage and professionalism. If they shot some unarmed people I’m sure they had a good reason for it and weren’t keeping score or anything so crass.

    Free Member

    Seems like we hold trained dogs to higher standards than trained soldiers.

    Yes some blame lies with the leadership and the people who decide we need special forces going around killing people, but it doesn’t absolve the soldiers who absolutely knew what they were doing and probably signed up to do it.

    Free Member

    I dunno whether to engage with that but its a nice illustration of the point. There’s a genuine and difficult question of how sporting competition can be made accessible to people of different physical ability. Then there’s a lot of people using that as a convenient platform to deny the existence of trans women.

    Free Member

    I can’t help feeling that puts a lie to the suggestions this is about fairness in sport.

    Trans women competing in the women’s category is unfair, but men competing against trans women is fine?

    Free Member

    NB: That was a joke. But on writing it down I now realise I have no idea what ‘a hiding’ is/was?

    Possibly related to whips made from animal hide.

    Free Member

    A while ago, when computer chips were getting faster and faster and all the talk was about how many gigahertz etc I tried to look into the maximum speed possible. I got drawn into stuff about quantum vibration, Max Planck , 10 to the power of minus 37 and other things I didn’t understand. It seems that the universe vibrates more times every second than there have been seconds since the big bang. And that’s a lot of seconds. More than a million, I guess.

    I don’t know about maximum possible speed but it always impressed me that the speed of an electron is of practical concern when designing computer chips. They’re fast enough now that a signal needing to travel a few centimetres can cause a bottleneck.

    Free Member

    Didn’t specialized have a dropper that did this?

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