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  • Malverns Retro Components Memory Lane Gallery
  • Kahurangi
    Full Member

    Major to minor would normally take priority however those markings suggest to me that the major to minor slip must give way to the minor to major slip.


    /edit – I could see it, now it’s gone. Good work imgur!

    Full Member

    Because if I buy 100 litres @ 129.8 p/l , I’ll pay £129.80. No rounding needed.


    Full Member

    Do you just need to switch from a leading edge to a trailing edge dimmer?

    Full Member

    A kid?

    Are we talking 8, 18 or a baby goat?

    When I was 11-13, I was using Parker fountian pens at school, the ones that took cartridges. Ink wells = mess and wouldn’t be welcome at school. Probably not worth spending more than that, even if you wanted to.

    Full Member

    I’ve been getting stainless brushed double sockets/outlets for ~£5 each from amazon, about £12 for ones with USB outputs. Light switches, single/double are generally around the £5 mark.

    BG Electric/Nexus metal are the same ones.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    facebook marketplace. gumtree. craiglist.

    if you really CBA doing that, I’ll collect them off you at a PMA event next year.

    Full Member

    we should have never come back.

    but no, don’t go, too many poms already.

    Full Member

    I have a WD Mycould. I only want to use it as a network drive, for manual backups and storage of large files. It does this ok but the network mapping isn’t persistent and it doesn’t always connect well.

    It’s also slow as hell.

    Full Member

    Lots of folks when racing an enduro will carry nothing but a gel and their goggles. When they get a puncture, f*ck them, they chose to go fast and light, keep begging matey!

    the NN organisers will send you a minimum kit list closer to the time, with crazy essentials like waterproof, spare tube and water.

    Basically you’ll want to to take everything you would for an ordinary 40 km loop away from the car, remove a few non-essentials, then add plus some cash for the pizza guys in the middle of the forest!

    If someone is honestly stuck I’d obviously help them out. But far too often I’ll see people riding a race loop without the bare essentials…. gotta say, that’s the choice you made, don’t expect everyone else to be carrying your spares for you!

    Full Member

    Ideal to experience Waterworld as intended.

    Full Member

    There might be filters for photoshop/illustrator and the like that will produce line drawings from a photo – they might be able to export that as a vector  format that AutoCAD could read… but in my experience (daily use though I’d no longer call myself a power user or anything close), that’s not something that AutoCAD co do itself, I’ll have  quick google for some appropriate plugins on my coffee break.

    Bus fundamentally you’re wanting to go from a raster image (pixels) to vector (lines), which will take manual, human effort.


    the functionality you’re looking for is now actually part of the package. Assuming you’re on a subscription and not a hooky copy, you might be able to get it, and it might do what you want.

    there are also a number of online conversion sites. these are the first couple of results from le google.

    Full Member

    I have some of the older Dainese Trails skins and wouldn’t recommend them. Comfy enough but you can’t wash them without the mesh-like D30 material coming away and having to painstakingly put them back together.

    The Trail Skins 2 look like they’ve fixed this but…

    Full Member

    Just to temper your enthusiasm, I found the “Stealth” rubber on the Adidas Terrex shoes a big step backwards from my Freeriders.

    Full Member

    Poison your kids with chemicals instead

    Have you seen the amount of DHMO in Irn Bru?????

    Full Member

    I have several pairs of old dhb (wiggle) ones that are fine. lots of models from £15 to £115. The cheapest ones aren’t as “nice” as the slightly more expensive ones but have been fine and never  think about it once I’m riding.

    The newer dhb ones feel a bit funny, like squashing in some funny places so I’d say make sure you  try them on before cutting the tags off!

    Full Member

    Tempted to get some so I don’t wear my trusty Zamberlans out

    If they’re wide and high volume then won’t that be very different to the fit of a Zamberlan? I have bought boots/shoes that only fit ok in the past and have always regretted it!

    Full Member

    I’m expecting the new HD to be a good 3-season companion to a MM on the front – anyone tried this combo?

    Full Member

    I occasionally use, MM SuperGravity pair. Vertstar front, Trailstar rear, so maybe a touch more draggy than your combo.

    But yes, I will agree with the comments above, the grip is legendary. Reliable, trustworthy and confidence inspiring. If your legs can handle it you’ll have a whale of a time on the downs. I keep that pairing for races, even dragged them round a Naughty Northumbrian. That was a bad move.

    Full Member

    Are they fitted on to the seat stays?

    I used RaceBlade Longs for a few years, they fit on to clips that go under the QR skewer and under the brake caliper. Slightly fiddly to fit the first time, but v stable and don’t trash the paintwork, rattle around, etc.

    Full Member

    Hope do one. I have one sitting spare in a box somewhere!

    More usefully, you are able to add an angle adjustment headset. I also have one of those sitting in a box somewhere….

    Full Member

    I skipped a few pages, but I think what we all understand is, nobody really wants the Midlands.

    Northerners; “no we don’t want that place, definitely not part of the North, therefore it’s South”

    Southerners; “ew, that place has too many Greggs and not enough Waitrose, definitely North. far too grim for us”

    Midlanders; “why won’t anybody love me?”

    Full Member

    When my dropper was new, shiny and worth more than the bike it was attached to I took a bog standard Velcro chainstay protector, removed the Velcro and stitched it around the stanchion as a homemade boot. Cable tied at the top, stretched over the collar at the bottom it stayed put but could be rolled back for inspect/ and clean.

    worked very well.

    Now I’m back in the slop of Englandshire, I don’t bother.

    Full Member

    Sorry, you took me literally. Now that Sustrans claim to have a network, is the threat of removing parts of the networks a useful tool?

    Full Member

    Thanks all, looks more achievable as a DIY solution than I initially thought. I’d prefer a 50/50 steel door you’ve given me a good start, cheers.

    Full Member

    My newer Seal Skins have a righter rubber seal inside the cuff, which is better at keeping the water out. Probably not as effective as a drysuit cuff or taping it up, but works ok. Knee length would work even better.

    Full Member

    On a personal level, I feel that the sustrans labelled routes are shite; they’re unreliable and untrustworthy. I can’t plan a route for a particular level of cyclist based on their network and that’s an embarrassment. It’s not all their fault. On a case by case basis they can be excellent or downright impassable.

    But now that we have a network, they can scream and shout about how they’ve been forced in to this position by NIMBYS, councils, landowners and embarrass them in to helping improve it. Do you reckon threatening to remove a cycle network would help motivate improvement?

    Full Member

    IME goggles fog up less quickly than glasses, but that might be because I keep my goggles in much better condition than my riding glasses and only wear the goggles on the descents.

    Goggles for enduro rading, big mountain, winch & plummet only really. For me. You can do whatever the hell you want.

    Full Member

    Any links to a helmet mount for the Evolva X8??? I can’t find any.

    Full Member

    I reckon if you see something wide open, one might assume the owner was nearby.

    Some friends had a weekend away to find they’d left their entire garage open, open door visible from the main road.

    Full Member

    Really neat idea! I did the same in AutoCAD for the last bike I bought, I’ll check your tool out tohave a look compare the results.

    Full Member

    Not snaggletooth specific, but I’ve found that N/W chain rings are often tight on the chain for a couple of rides until they wear in a little.

    Full Member

    Bike cable cutters are geared a lot better than those Magnusson ones, or maybe you all have hands like a gorilla.

    Full Member

    My WTB tyres look like that after their first ride through rocky terrain. If the tread is ok and it holds air, crack on.

    Full Member

    Yes chariots are spendy, especially when  they are £600 new and £400+ S/H.

    Then when you get one new for £450 and can sell S/H, that’s not a poor use of your money.

    Chariots are on suspension too, cheap trailers won’t be. this made us happier to take little ones out when much littler.

    Full Member

    NZ Enduro. £1000 will cover the entry with a bit left over to your expenses and flights.

    Nydia Track, Wakamarina and Whites Bay.

    Best 3 days riding you’ll ever do.

    Full Member

    Do a forum search for “Chariot”, there have been several thread on this not too long ago.

    FWIW, we love our Chariot and used it with the infant sling from <6 months as a bike trailer on smooth paths & tracks. Bough it new in a sale for not much more than 2nd hand.

    The design has changed since then so can’t comment but expect to pay extra for the stroller wheels, jogging wheel, infant sling, drink holder, ski touring skis, ….

    Full Member

    Can you think of any other forums/websites where you have to do this?

    Yep, I have to do this in Gmail too. In Word etc. you can Paste As > Text without Formatting, etc.

    Full Member

    Whats’ the right solution? What’s your problem? Ripping the tyres or trashing the rims?

    If the £50 is burning a hole in your pocket, then I’m sure I can provide some snake oil ;-)

    Full Member

    DAB upgrade kits?

    Taxi comms?

    Police scanner/radio listening?

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