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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • kaesae
    Free Member


    So we should accept that the American banksters have the right to collapse the global economy by committing massive fraud and that the banks can rip us off when ever they like and nothing will happen to them.

    This will then lead to people believing in the banking system and the economy can then grow stronger and recover.

    It’s no wonder to me that we are in a recession and it’s no wonder we are not getting out of it.

    I provided some info I didn’t say I agreed with all of it, just that it was relative to Iceland having said **** being a bunch of morons and taking it up the financial butt crack with what equates to a rather large prickly cactus.

    Let me tell you how it is that the Icelandic people were able to free themselves from debt slavery. Firstly they do not have a media that are involved in creating a false understanding of what caused the situation and are also owned by the very people that caused the collapse in the first place and secondly they are not fooled by politics or the pantomime that is democracy into believing that they cannot act on their own behalf.

    I for one am hoping that Scotland will leave the UK and set up it’s own national bank, I’m also hoping that the people of Scotland will wake up and realize that effective efficient management of resources is the only logical way to live or move forward as individuals and as a collective society.

    If that doesn’t work then **** you lot! I’m off to live elsewhere in the world!

    Free Member

    Having provided you lot with countless facts on you tube clips that could have been easily verified with a little research, the only argument you could come up with was to say none of the facts are true because you say so!

    President George Washington’s Fiendish Foe: The Depraved Rothschild British Banking System.

    22 country’s the British are still to help with humanitarian aid, maybe you should tell your government, there are people who still need you to free them!

    Free Member

    Libya, the country the UK helped free!

    Now unsafe for embassies and the red cross as well as other charities/human rights organizations.

    TV says it was a good thing, so who cares about the facts!

    Free Member

    These women have something they would like to say.

    Franksinatra, if you would like to discuss it, rather than trying to act like you actually have balls, emails in my profile give me your address I’ll drive over, you still living at the borders?

    Free Member


    The bottom line is that politics is a farce, all it does is create a front so that when we find out that we’ve been ripped off! we as dumb animals then get annoyed at the government and replace them with another corrupt government.

    The problem isn’t that there’s not enough to go round, the real problem is that by controlling the wealth you control the population. We don’t need to make cutbacks which is all austerity measures are before we make absolutely sure that our affairs are being run as efficiently as possible. The problem with our affairs being run efficiently is that there is less potential for ripping us off! so obviously it will not be popular with the rich.

    Also the main problem in our culture is the banksters and other rip off merchants like energy companies, until we have a government who will actively go after the banks and the rest of the scum we will continue to live in a global shitemare!

    Gordon Brown mentioned something about going after the banks and then the media did a very nice hatched job on him, not surprising when you consider who owns the media! If our situation is to improve first we need to gain control back of our own finances and lives.

    Leaving the country and Europe under the control of the rich and powerful will simply lead to more hardship or perhaps even civil war!

    Free Member

    Perhaps we should look at having an independent news channel that is funded by the people it reports to and more concerned with the truth than making money :idea:

    I don’t trust any of the major media bodies for good reason, however I have found that when it comes to news relating to imperial capitalists, they tend not to tell you the truth.

    Nice hat! but xmas is next month, on the bright side you are far younger than I thought you would be and your neck is far let fat than I was expecting!

    Free Member


    This thread is hilarious, all these people going on about how the BBC has messed up recently and should go back to it’s magnificent self.


    Rather than realizing that you are seeing the BBC for what it is, a load of utter shite!

    You have to go on about how good it usually is and make out that this is just a mistake a slight set back, because if this isn’t just a mistake but you getting a look at the true nature of the belligerent soul sucking monstrosity the BBC represents.

    Then what does that say about all the years you’ve spent sitting there looking at what is basically a load of televised idiotic, utterly useless shite?


    Free Member


    I think he’s befuddling idiots, who have nothing better to do than stalk people!

    Or maybe he’s saying that he still has the memories and the moments and no amount of brain washed, devolved homo sapien **** talk, can change the fact!

    The UCI are the real criminals and always were, but as is always the case with the sexually frustrated week of mind. Give them someone to go after and they will try to lynch them, a bit like a dumb dog that doesn’t know any better than not to chase shadows!

    Free Member

    As long as war is a profitable business, wars will continue to happen. Should we remember fellow humans beings who have been unfortunate enough to be caught up in wars and lost their chance at life?

    That is up to each of us to decide as individuals and should be respected.

    Conflict is what happens when you fail to grasp that each of us has a right to our opinions and to choose our own actions, as long as our actions do no harm to others or do not have a detrimental effect on their quality of life. Then we should all respect that.

    Conflict is always born of oppression or resistance to the will of others. Rather than demonstrating an inability to be reasonable and excepting the view points of others differ from our own, modern humans are condition to go into conflict mode.

    Take a step back mentally and look at the situation, people have the right to remember, people have the right to say that it is being used as a way of distracting us from all the shit that’s going on! If you can accept that without becoming emotional, then the issues that have formed on these threads can be resolved, if not then you will simply be trapped in a vicious cycle of escalating conflict and animosity.

    Free Member

    Look at the state of the planet and understand that your leaders are fools, what does it say about you who are willing to follow these heartless parasites and do you honestly still believe that they will sort all of our shit out?

    I will leave you lot to your fate, one that through your own complacency you truly deserve!

    Free Member

    Let me ask this question again, why are terrorists who are funded, trained and equiped by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the US fighting in Syria?

    What exactly do the terrorists hope to get and who is controlling them? also why is it that you seem to think the people of Syria want to be under the control of foreign terrorists, the fact that the opposition have no cohesion and could not dream of running a country, should tell you everything you need to know about the situation.

    However you have been told what to believe about this situation and regardless of how little sense it makes, you do not have the strength of character or depth of perception to think for yourselves.

    Free Member

    So to recap the extremists/terrorists are in Syria to help free the people, once Assad is gone they will go back to simply being covert forces for Qatar, Saudi Arabia and America in that area :lol:

    Qatar, Saudi Arabia and America are no longer interested in regime change, they are now interested in helping human beings claim their freedom from a dictator, Saudi psychopath central Arabia is now interested in human rights :lol:

    America has been responsible for tens of millions of deaths to civilians all over the world since the end of WW2, using a military that is one of the best trained most heavily armed and has some of the most advanced weapons in the world. We should just forget about that because it doesn’t fit with the picture the corporate media have very kindly painted for the people’s of the west.

    A picture that doesn’t fit with witnesses on the ground or the vast majority of sources, Bashar Al Assad is not blowing up his own security forces and loyal civilians with car bombs and suicide bombers. He’s not assassinating his own government or his own friends, nor is he murdering any Syrian who speaks out in support of the government.

    We should also forget or over look the fact that America has been involved in regime change for years and see’s it as standard policy.

    Boots on the ground will cost trillions, proxy forces a couple of billion, if you think the the US and it’s regional allies are not involved in regime change any more, that they have stopped trying to rule the world and change the global political situation, how smart does that make you?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Kicked his door in for being an ass = good
    Hung about and paid for the damage = D’oh!

    Hahahaha! that’s not exactly a happy ending!

    Free Member

    Driver was in the wrong and tried to intimidate the cyclist at least twice, he should simply be reported and made to resit his test.

    No matter how you look at it that’s dangerous driving and to suggest someone should give up their rights, so that they can become a slave to the will of others is not to me a valid argument. To suggest it is to suggest we abandon the rules of the road.

    As for the cyclists position, it makes sense to give yourself more room to maneuver. Especially when drivers will try and make gaps they know cannot be made without running you off the road!

    Free Member

    binners, actions speak louder than words, can you show me where Obama has done anything to get the banks under control?

    Free Member

    Not really look at what Obama is getting away with over sea’s, do you think all of the drone strike and other shit would have been socially acceptable under Bush?

    Obama can get away with a lot more shit than any white president ever would have, he got the Nobel prize before he had even done anything?

    It’s obvious that Obama is very well connected, his rise to power has been meteoric!

    Free Member

    Exactly graham, he is completely unelectable and not even worth considering, Obama is doing everything the money men want. The only way to move out of the recession is to get the US banks under control and the other banks and create an environment of stability and trust between normal hard working people and the banking system.

    Obama has no real power the entire democratic voting system is simply a con to fool stupid people into handing over sovereignty and as such control of their lives to rich people.

    Name one political party that made a real difference or wasn’t about as much use as a wet fart in a stuck lift!

    This is how the US banking system collapsed

    These bastards paid of the loan rating companies, then made money selling loans that were dodgy, then they insured the loans so that they would get paid when they eventually collapsed.

    Not too mention how much legislation they had changed to do so and how many people warned about the collapse, everyone involved benefited from the massive fraud committed and they are all still employed in the banking system?

    Free Member

    That Moron and the other one OBAMA spent $2 billion on media crap when there are entire tent cities of people and we’re heading into a winter.

    The US elections including the electronic voting system is a joke!

    Free Member

    We live in a stupid era, it’s not our business until it’s our shit! then it not the other persons business because it’s not their shit 8O

    Free Member

    Hahahaha, this guy is unelectable without the media BS!

    Why exactly was he running for president?

    Free Member

    The documental INSIDE JOB I would think constitutes a conspiracy.

    Those responsible kept all the money they made from the fraud, then got bailed out by the US government and used the money to buy up all of the smaller independent banks that were in trouble.

    There are of course better copies in terms of picture quality and sound, but this is free!

    Free Member

    Does anyone have any experience with solar panels and are any of the smaller ones worth buying?

    Say 75cm by 80cm? all I want it too power at the moment are some lights and to be able to evaluate how much energy is being stored up each day.

    Free Member

    I would like to start at this point learning about solar panels and wind turbines.

    So that I can be well versed in the sciences and techniques when it comes to installing them.

    I already know what kind of insulation I will be using.

    Free Member

    I’m not talking about anything too complexed just solar panels and wind turbines.

    Looking at getting a house and I want to bring my energy bills down as much as possible, from what I understand of it you can buy solar panels and kits cheaply.

    Does anyone have any info on solar panels or wind turbines to add to this thread?

    Free Member

    I’m going to play about with this over the next couple of years and see what happens, maybe it is a pointless activity but enough people are reporting results to make it worth looking into.

    What about solar panels, does anyone use them and what are the most cost effective solutions in relation to energy output also what’s the best way to store the energy.

    Surely someone on STW has solar panels or a wind turbine?

    Free Member

    I don’t see how it can’t work, you use electricity from the battery to achieve electrolysis then the alternator recharges the battery?

    By injecting the Hydrogen into the carburetor you get a more efficient fuel source.

    To me the idea seems sounds and it can’t be too hard to produce one of these.

    Free Member

    African Monetary Fund? don’t suppose any of you have heard of it? or understand how much Libya set aside for it’s creation?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=8452a943ad72eb32&bpcl=35466521&biw=1920&bih=918

    and of course Libya’s contribution to it…0.0…1c.1.qSVN9EuaAxQ&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=8452a943ad72eb32&bpcl=35466521&biw=1920&bih=918

    Free Member

    Good to see so many people who are completely oblivious to what is happening globally.

    Gaddafi planned to create a new currency, the African Gold Dinar. This would of course have needed a banking system as well. Hence the $150,000,000 to $200,000,000 that had been set aside.

    All of the African countries involved with the project would only have traded in this currency, for all of their oil and other wealth.

    Humanitarian aid in the form of mass murder of Libyan civilians by NATO and arming terrorist groups or regime change to once again oppress the people of Africa.

    I do not doubt a lot of people will believe that they know what happened in Libya, that it was a revolution rather than a coup!

    However more and more people know the truth and the imperialists cannot use tyranny, oppression and murder to escape the recession. All we are doing is isolating ourselves further, from developing countries and regions.

    Hopefully one day we will learn that we need to create stronger ties and alliances with people, not bomb them into submission!

    Free Member

    If you know that this is the truth now I am truly relieved, not long ago Libya was a country that simply wanted it’s freedom to most people on here!

    That you have woken up to the facts that Benghazi and Misrata are global islamic extremist strong holds, that those cities are where most of the suicide bombers and fighters that were active in Afghanistan and Iraq were recruited from, is a good thing.

    Not surprising that it was easy to instigate demonstrations/uprisings from Benghazi and Misrata, Gaddafi had been imprisoning extremists from those two cities for years. Libya had thousands of terrorists locked up in prisons as a sign of good faith and cooperation with the west. They have of course now all been released and are free to attack embassies and any thing / one else they like!

    Gaddafi also got rid of his WMD’s and nuclear programme, truth be told the conflict in Libya was easy for NATO, Gaddafi spent his money on developing his country not on weapons.

    The money the west claimed was seized from his families personal accounts, was actually put aside to redevelop Africa. Between $150,000,000 and $200,000,000.

    What has been done to the government and people of Libya is truly disgusting, glad to hear that the world now know this was simply regime change and WAR in it’s newest format.

    Has the public also woken up to the fact that the exact same thing is happening in Syria, I do hope so!

    Free Member

    So in response to the initial questions

    why does Bashar Al Assad have to go?
    And do the Syrian people get a say in it, we have the above gibberish!

    If those answers proposed as rational, measured, responses to these simple questions, are anything to go by, then I would suggest that I am not the one that needs help.

    I would also suggest that there is a great sickness, a plague affecting the minds and spirits of many people these days.

    Compassion, understanding, open mindedness, logic / reason, truth and many other characteristics we as individuals require to have an adaptive, cohesive, successful way of life. Are sadly lacking in an awful lot of people these day.

    If this is the mentality of the majority of our people, is is any wonder our way of life is such a failure and discriminates against or exploits so many people! it’s not that people are failures, it’s that there is no room for success in a culture who’s primary or principal demand is that we embrace useless idiocy.

    There was a time that petty, childish, completely revolting attitudes and behavior would have drawn me into an argument, no more though!

    There is a great deal to be done and those of us that do care about the future of all the good people in the world, must wake up to why things are the way they are and do all that we can to effect change!

    Not only within ourselves, but also in the culture and wider world we live in!

    Free Member

    Atlaz, where the UCI are concerned, I can even get on with what ever you are! meant to be!

    Free Member

    Cool, hopefully it will go well, I will come back later and have a look!

    Free Member

    crikey – Member

    Kael, in your pants again?

    Not everyone wears pants crikey! some of us prefer hats for keeping our heads warm!

    Free Member

    You do that cap! I am pushing for change and the shit that is happening in Syria is not on!

    Also the shit that is happening here in the UK is not on, through the banking system, the rich and powerful have had it their way for too long.

    Where they have led us too as a people is unacceptable, they are utterly incompetent and the political system is a farce.

    Libya and now Syria has shown them for what they truly are, heartless parasites!

    Free Member

    Hahahaha! the captain has spoken.

    I should take advice from you lot, because you and your way of life is a complete and utter failure!

    You’re not doing very well at convincing me, so far!

    Free Member

    So captain, you think the topic is invalid and not worthy of discussion and that is why you have joined the thread :lol:

    By STW standards, that seems very sensible to me!

    Free Member

    piemonster – Member

    I will literally wee myself if Flashy gets an actual answer.

    So how many times will that be this week then?

    Free Member

    Do you know what the word awareness means captain?

    The decision about the fate of Syria is for the Syrian people to make, not a bunch of self important, delusional capitalists who are so arrogant they believe they know what’s best for other people.

    Considering the state of the UK and the US, it’s beyond belief that we should be giving anyone advice let alone demanding change!

    Free Member

    As I have said and continue to say, the conflict in Syria is being misrepresented. The media is quite simply lying about what is actually happening.

    Although I do not support Bashar Al Assad as I have no reason too, I am very much against the hold the media has over the majority of people. I am also against arming, training and equiping terrorists. Or having foreign countries intervening in this fashion to affect regime change.

    Here is a question for all the genuis’s who think this is a good idea because the TV says so, what do you think will happen if Bashar Al Assad and the current government is toppled?

    The so called rebels are worse than the regime, if the regime is so bad and the rebels are worse, how can you even consider handing the country and all of it’s weapons stocks over to the rebels/terrorists?

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