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  • jumpupanddown
    Free Member

    So it’s alright for the banks to **** up and get away with it, and still get rewarded with bonuses!!
    And your job is to go hounding genuine descent folk, struggling, with no work, kids to feed.
    I hate your kind with a passion!!! Your just another middle class stuck up **** that’s never had any money problems cos your lifes been so **** perfect!!! Tosser!!

    if you didnt borrow money you couldn’t afford i wouldn’t be contacting you would i, grow up and take responsibility for you’re own actions. A huge amount of people seem to think owning the latest apple product is a right!!

    Free Member

    quality not the same recently

    Free Member

    you may hate them for all the charges they apply you still spent THEIR money..

    finally some one that gets it!!!

    ive seen people go in to iva’s over shit they brought in the Apple shop.

    Free Member

    would go on some long moral rant, but in short NO!

    Free Member

    stupid, but i bet ill see people with them.

    Free Member

    Would you say I’m living within my means jumpupanddown?

    spend what ever you want mate, was just saying that from my experience in the money collection industry i would never borrow money.

    Free Member

    Perhaps some people have a desire not to live like a tramp/student/hippy. Debt is fine, as long as it is manageable and you have some form of contingency in place.

    people should live within their means.

    Free Member

    I lost my job, I already had some money owing on credit cards and an overdraft when I lost my job. I contacted the bank regarding my circumstances, they refused to freeze interest or take into account I had hardly any income.

    my advice to any one is the same… dont borrow money full stop. I work in collections and thats my advice, take it as you will. But i have no over draft no cards, nothing and i never will. Banks are there for one reason only to make cash they are not charities!! You spent £300 on a TV..why?

    i got my stereo, sofa and pans out of a skip


    Free Member

    A solicitor has no power under the mental health act nor can they do anything much if someone has been sectioned.

    when you have been falsely arrested by police and that leading to you being sectioned they can….. when the man at the desk asks you if you want to harm you’re self, dont say yes!!!

    Free Member

    Ah right, just the one experience then

    well yes but a piratical one.

    Free Member

    How extensive is your experience ?

    been in that situation myself….shall we say.

    Free Member

    if she is acting sane a good solicitor will have her out in a few hours.

    in my experience that is

    Free Member

    i have changed my whole name, to a girls one.. 🙂

    Free Member

    i work in collections, in fact im ther right now, serously people like you make me lol… YOU CANT AFFORD THE STUFF YOU BUY, STOP BUYING STUFF!!!

    Free Member

    so what is out side the universe?

    Free Member

    Nobel Peace Laureate Obama will shortly decide what to do with America’s 5,500 strategic nuclear weapons — that possess enough destructive power to destroy the planet at least five times over. Some experts say it’s 50 times over.

    Eric Margolis

    Total known land area occupied by U.S. nuclear weapons bases and facilities: 15,654 square miles

    U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project

    Free Member

    WHAT THE **** DO YOU THINK A H-BOMB IS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this is a h bomb

    it was fired at half power, there are 10000s of these thing waiting to go off. we are **** mate. And yes they have the power to cover the globe with atomic explosions, dont you get that.

    Free Member

    So the critical difference between Marxism as a religion (Marx, Engels – beard) and fascism (Neitzsche, Hitler, Wagner – moustaches) / Ba’athism (Michel Aflaq, Salah al-Din al-Bitar – clean shaven) / Rukhanaist ideology (Nursultan Nazarbayev – clean shaven) / Jamahiriya (Colonel Gadaffi – scruffy goatee) is the facial hair of the primary authors?

    yes they are all just nut jobs that have caused more harm than good.

    Free Member

    then you have to take account of all the biological and chemical weapons that have been produced

    Free Member

    oil means nothing, mankind was about before and it will be about after. nuclear weapons, not nice i’ll grant, they could quite easily render the most of europe uninhabitable if used in volume, a nuclear winter again not nice, but some amazonian tribe will go on untouched.

    the Americans have enough fire power to burn the entire surface of the globe 14 times. Nothing would survive, were talking Hydrogen bombs not atomic bombs huge difference

    I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    Free Member

    you dont care but you post your opinions on a debating forum

    Look seriously go learn some stuff you seem to have a keen and inquiring mind use it because at present your views are ill informed and ludicrous

    have you ever heard of mutual assured destruction, the human race is **** sooner or later than button will be pressed.

    Free Member

    oh dear, oh dear….

    i might give you civilisation as we know it, but the human race will be around a bit longer. Rome collapsed mankind is still here, Even Easter island is still inhabited and that probably marks the most extreme man made catastrophe to date.

    as soon as some nut job get hold of some atomic weapons things are going to get bad, really bad. The invention of atomic weapons was a historical game changer, that and the limited supply of oil etc.

    Free Member

    I refer you to my earlier point about sh the grown up are talking and you understanding too little

    i couldn’t give a shit mate, none of youre discoverer matter, the human race has 50 years left tops.

    Free Member

    That’s gonna leave a flat spot on the tyres! ppprp!

    and a big brown stain in his shorts

    Free Member

    god i wouldn’t do them in the wet, you would die.. you need a mate at the bottom coz if some fool starts walking up youre ****. There in Falmouth for any one that dosent know.

    Free Member

    Ever heard of pure research whether you like it or not nuclear power is the result of pointless research.
    A cure for aids? there are worse diseases and for aids the solution is known, whether people accept it and change behaviour is a different discussion.

    yes money wasted on pure research is not spent curing aids, feeding people etc.. i think that that pure research could be used to find new sources of energy rather than proving or disproving stuff that does not matter to most of the human race as this point in time. Why not find a way of building a machine that can move atoms around so that you can make some sort of replicator device, and thus provide a unlimited amount of food for all.

    Free Member

    JUmpupanddown, toss a coin what is the outcome? toss a coin 100 times how many heads how many tails, toss a coin a 1000 times how many heads how many tails?

    if you did it enough times maybe just once it could land on its side

    Free Member

    yep, done this one

    Free Member

    jumpupanddown, which suggests you have no understanding of statistics or science.

    Are you suggesting that a god for which there is no evidence is better than science for which there is a reasonable amount of evidence?

    i dont believe in god, i just dont think a lot of experiments are as conclusive as some wish to believe. Any way i think we should poor all our research budgets in to more important things like finding a cure to AIDS,as if we dont the human race is ****.

    Free Member

    Which presumably means that according to him, he spent the first 54 years of his life talking bollox, which he later retracted. I hope no one was paying attention to him before 2002. When did you first become a fan of Hitchins deluded – was it after 2002 ?


    this really did make me lol, and lol hard

    Free Member

    So you even know what the word science means?
    Why not disprove them with evidence ?
    Scientists admit that they dont have facts in the sense lay people use the word and can be swayed with evidence, If you have evidence to the contrary of any view then please show me your [peer reviewed and objective] evidence and we can evaluate it. If not shh the grown up are talking

    Unless an experiment has been carried out an infinite amount of times it is not possible to conclude that the same thing will always happen.

    Free Member

    The best minds used to think the sun went around the earth.

    Free Member

    Because observation, experiment and rigorous testing indicate that that is the case in the unverse to which we belong.

    but its to localised we need to go much deeper in to the universe before we can draw and firm conclusions, until man develops the ability to travel many times faster than light we will not have the ability to physically examine other parts of the universe. At which point many of the current theories could we be proven.

    Free Member

    I like the one electron theory best.

    Free Member

    So the solution is to choose who you believe to be the most credible from the two unbelievable options?

    maybe there both wrong maybe there both right, there is not sufficient primary evidence to prove any thing conclusively, so ill keep an open mind till that evidence comes along.

    Free Member

    1: That would be a being that has evolved into complexity from a simple beginning, just like us and

    why would that being have to have evolved the same way as we did any way..Perhaps it could have evolved in a completely different way and be made of a type of energy or mass we have no concept of. You need to think out side the box more.

    Free Member

    the one issue with physics that i have never really been happy with.

    The big bang, there was nothing, no time, no mass, no void, absolutely nothing, then there was everything, time began, mass and energy appear.

    As for the shape of the universe, you have to remember that space is not 3d in the normal sense, time, gravity, mass, energy, everything, interact in ways that on an everyday level you do not see. You assume time is fixed, but it is not.

    dont question the scientists, unlike the religious people their right about every thing!!

    Free Member

    we can only view the universe from our perspective… we might just be a experiment in some greater beings laboratory.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Early humans were cannibals…and you are part of the Bourgeoisie , that bike you own is a life times wages for some people on this planet!

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