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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • jumpupanddown
    Free Member

    half the people on this forum are trolls its funny really, trolls trolling trolls, its like 4 chan with bikes.

    Free Member

    how times have changed, rember geting my first dial up at age 11, then i descoverd fat bird porn…… good times… id never censor my childs net conection. But i would give them a long talk to about giveing out youre IRL stuff, and meeting people IRL.

    Free Member

    how times have changed, rember geting my first dial up at age 11, then i descoverd fat bird porn…… good times…

    Free Member

    yep its fine, as long as you work hard the rest of the year…

    Free Member

    New to the internet I take it?

    you bit, thats how i won…i ruined the thread and some **** are mad….

    Free Member

    Perfectly good thread ruined by jumpupanddown

    then my job is done!

    Free Member

    dont be a tight wad and stop buying cheap junk

    Free Member

    Let us all fear the wrath of jumpupanddown…

    wow you can copy and paste.

    Free Member

    next year the Freds will ram energy gel up their asses for a speed boost.

    Free Member

    My Mac Mini and my 17″ PowerBook let me do what I want, when I want, including Photoshop work on large files, something I’ve done on Macs for sixteen years.

    not so good for riping dvds though…or any other thing else they dont want you to do…

    Free Member

    Scaredy, yes you do. In both business and first.

    i stole a spoon…

    Free Member

    What if you actually want to look like a ‘low middle class twonk’ though? I’m potto scum, and looking like a low middle class twonk might be an upgrade for me. Is the iPad the ideal accessory for someone like myself?

    And how does a Xoom make you not look like a low middle class townk then?

    they all make you look like a twonk…. midlle lower or upper class…

    Free Member

    It’s tech geek wannabes like you with huge chips on their shoulder that make it so easy for me to sell Macs!

    Sold 3 MacBookPro’s to one guy today, and an iPad, all with Apple Care… £4200 in one transaction! Who said consumerism was dead eh! Probably sold £10k worth of iPads and Macs on my own today all told too… Crazy world!

    A fool and his money are soon parted, they all got intell chips in them any way.. Macs are for people that dont know what a command line is.

    Free Member

    Most of the 01s had 100mm forks, but there was at least one race model- might’ve been the Team, maybe it was the Race- that came with an 80mm fork.

    Free Member

    ill get permantly band from this forum if i tell you!!!

    Free Member

    i want a computer that lets me do what ever i want!! hence i have a win 7 pc and A LINUX PC… but you need a brain bigger than a garden pea to work that.

    Free Member

    just checked meant to run at 100mm

    Free Member

    you can only put a fork with the original amount of travel on, i think its 85mm

    Free Member

    sorry i meant working class twonk that thinks hes a middle class twonk

    Free Member

    stick with spds…

    Free Member


    The xoom is faster and dosent make you look like a low middle class twonk.

    Free Member

    Why not by a normal tablet computer that’s not a Ipad, as haveing a Ipad just shows the world what gullable loser sheep you are. As you can buy a much more powerfull product at a much lower price with a diffrent name on it.
    However my really problem with apple is the total tossers they employ in their stores, youre not a **** genius mate, if you were you wouldnt be working in a shop.

    Free Member

    Shite with a capitol SH for forks

    Only thing id do with them is stick it round a dropper post

    yes then you can destroy it in no time….

    Free Member

    slag her off all you want, she was the first female prime minister, thats a huge achivement. The mines were out of date and loss makeing get over it, it was a shit job any way.

    Free Member

    Doea this mean that all those lovely adverts where the banks are offering to help me and make my life more beautiful are, infact, bull crap?

    yes utter shit!

    Free Member

    no doubt ill be in touch with some of you soon.

    Free Member

    various lending facilities have still chosen to give me a shit load of cash that they have no reassurances I could repay if I fell on hard times.

    pleas understand the bank is a business, its not there to be nice to you its there to make money for its share holders, get over it!! Yes it pays well!

    Free Member

    jumpupanddown you really should not be so quick to judge. Have you not figured it out that it is down to the likes of Jools and all us other tax payers which mean you still have a job.

    my bank didnt borrow any money from the goverment.

    Free Member

    Yes you **** idiot. Why don’t you read his post since you are so keen to comment

    you mean it took two years to find a job he considered him self worthy of. Lots of jobs out there if youre willing to do whats available, min wage is better than the dull.

    Free Member

    No, the creditors forgot their responsibility for a duty of care to check capability to repay when frivalously lending money with pound signs in their eyes. You can’t just blame the people who borrowed.

    i totally agree, i mean we shouldn’t let the working classes borrow money should we, and people should not be held responsible for there own actions, its our fault there morons!

    Free Member

    Does debt collection pay well jumpy and do you require a decent education to access such a delightful profession?

    Oh, and do you still live with your mummy? You didn’t answer.

    i have a degree, and i live at least 300 miles away from my mumy.. i bet you’re pissed coz you owe the bank a shit load of cash and have some how managed to convince you’re self you shouldn’t have to pay it back as the bank are such nasty people!

    Free Member

    I was out of work for almost 2 years and during that time ran up and overdraft and a credit card bill with natwest.

    it took two years to get as job???

    Free Member

    Oh could someone also get the taxpayer to bail us out

    you do realise the whole crisis started because people were not paying there mortgages and debits don’t you!!!

    Free Member

    @ jumpupanddown I ran the debt up when I was unemployed

    did you claim all you’re benefits, what did you spend the money on? did you have payment protection for you’re debits?

    Free Member

    that jumpy manages to bully

    so what should the banks do the,

    hi ive lost my job….

    that’s ok, just forget about the 30 grand you owe us….

    i dont think the banks would last long do you? Also much of that money is peoples savings…

    also i dont bully the nicer you are the more money you collect, being very nice gets you more payments.

    Free Member

    Well done. You obviously have a razor-sharp mind. Indispensable no doubt, in your job as a debt collector.

    this seems to be the problem, why should you live a life style you cant afford.

    Free Member

    You really are a snidey little creep, aren’t you?

    well its our money dont you think we keep a check on what you waste it on, were legally obliged to any way.

    Free Member

    To put it in context, I’ve not had a holiday in 2 years, the last time I did go away was with my mum who paid for my flight and has a small apartment in France

    I never go out drinking these days due to my financial situation. My last tv was given to me by my brother but it died. My tv is the only thing of any value I have bought in 3 years. I have a mobile phone I won in a competition. My car cost 1500, a grand of which was donated by my mum. The other 500 was from a breakers as scrap value for my last car which fell apart around me.

    My furniture is all second hand and donated. I almost never buy clothes.

    Thanks to all those giving helpful advice. It really is appreciated.

    Then what are you spending you’re money on? you out goings must be higher than you’re income!

    Free Member

    Do you have a mortgage jumpy?


    Free Member

    Give over, life goes on, the world still turns, some people make errors of judgement, stop being so flipping holier than thou!

    yes people do make errors, their errors and when you’re a big boy you take responsibility for them.
    I can see what you spent you’re money remember that, when you’re telling me who hard you’re life is, and how you cant afford a 65 quid loan payment. Remember i can see that you blew 100 quid in Marks and Spencer… and withdrew 70 in cash at 2 in the morning last Friday.

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