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  • 2025 Mountain Bike World Cup Series calendar revealed
  • jumpupanddown
    Free Member

    April fools pranks are always best when some one gets killed.

    Free Member

    I’ve started ignoring bikes with suntour forks but that really narrows things down.

    all rock shox forks are made by suntour, and so are fox lower legs, as well as many others.

    Free Member

    face palm

    Free Member

    now, does any one have a mint sauce key ring i can borrow..

    Free Member

    Might want to have a bit of a think about what you’re saying there, being a racist **** in the public domain is not something I’d put under freedom of speech personally…

    id say it is, freedom of speak is saying things others don’t like. IE the ability to say any thing with out fear of persecution by government.

    Free Member

    Freedom of speech is not the issue. What he said was racist, and that is illegal


    Free Member

    Where has TJ gone?

    i know were id like him to have gone.

    Free Member

    is it all used?? ill have any thing unused pleas.. could do with some good handcuffs if you have them. Pm me will pay for postage etc

    Free Member

    Have you met TJ, or even had the balls to engage with him in a reasonable discussion, you pathetic, repulsive little man?

    Grow up.

    i hope never to meet him, or you as i expect you smell strongly of wee.

    Free Member

    Jumpupanddown, Mancunian aerospace (BAE), computer (Ferranti), chemical (ICI) and many other industries led the way globally in their respective fields.
    You are wrong.

    Yes there were a few British firms that were leaders is some fields, but the bulk of industry was way out of date. It was cotton for example that made Manchester rich, when the cotton went so did the money.

    Free Member

    its all TJ’s fault, burn him!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    They haven’t
    history agrees.

    So what history qualifications do you have, you seem to know how to examine biased sources so well. Did you get you degree from Mickymouse?

    Free Member

    The ideals of a fairer, more democratic society, with justice, reasonably priced heat, light, power and public transport available to everyone;
    The provision of truly democratic health care system, a decent education system for all, not just the privilaged few, greater equality of opportunity and almost full employment.
    These ideals were on the ropes were they?

    THESE were the things that people fought hard for and these are the things that that woman sought to destroy and undermine.

    Don’t tell me not to be myopic:
    I grew up watching a proud city, the first industrial city in the world, systematically destroyed.
    The hopes and aspirations of millions of people, along with the businesses and communities that they created were gone within a generation.

    British manufacturing was systematically undermined and sold off because the Tory party decided that they, and not the people who actually ran the best engineering, mining, shipbuilding, chemical and aerospace companies in the world knew best.
    They were scared that true democracy might actually take a little of the power and wealth away from the ruling classes and put it in the hands of those who actually produced the end result.

    The birthright that should have been passed down to future generations was squandered – all because that woman knew best and knew that appealing to the basist instincts of greed, division and hatred would allow her and her friends to do whatever they wanted.

    I’m not sure if I believe in evil, but if it does exist then what she achieved in her time in office is as good an example as I can find.

    That’s just not true, sadly the industry died because for decades Britain’s industrial mangers refused to invest in new machinery and manufacturing technical advances, party as efficiency measures upset the unions and party as new machinery took away from profits. By the 50’s Britain’s industry was decades out of date, it was Japanese industrial growth that ripped us a new ass hole, and it was all OUR fault,from union members to the top levels of management! There were mills in Manchester in the late 50’s using 90 year old equipment, while at the same time Japanese company’s were investing in the first computer controlled weaving machines. In the end the unions lost there power due to their members no longer having jobs, and many factory owners lost all their money. So no one really won.

    Free Member

    You’re telling me your bike shop would happily replace a set of pads with 4 months wear in them? Really?

    Your local bike shop sounds unusual.

    the wear has nothing to do with it, the pads should not come day some one is going to get really hurt by neils badly made shit.

    Free Member

    Well well, what a surprise.

    Another anti Superstar thread by a new forum user.
    Coincidence, or deliberate stirring by one of the usual suspects?

    **** of neil you’re stuff sucks, and you’re customer serve sucks even worse, if that is possible.

    Free Member

    If I did that with my LBS I’d get laughed out of the building

    youre LBS sounds shit

    Free Member

    youre meant to hang it from a tree or bush.

    Free Member

    the web site says same stuff at half the price, he lies…

    Free Member

    lol… 🙂

    Free Member

    i had a spark, the scott/dt swiss shock was utter shit, i had about 5 of them before i gave up, utter utter shit!

    Free Member

    bedwetters people get upset by what somebody they don’t know writes on a mountain bike forum?


    Free Member

    sram talk shit… its just a **** hose

    Free Member

    my girlfriends dead body

    Free Member

    Apart from those examples not being trolling the link you provide causes MalWareBytes to wake up and shout at me. Not a 100% safe link.

    so if its not trolling what the **** is it???

    Free Member

    id like to see the way some people would react if they were trolled for real, call girls sent to you house, pizza delivery on the hour every hour, taxis, nudes of you and youre wife sent to you family, letters sent to you Neighbor telling them you like small boys etc…
    its funny as they completely brake down and cant even figure out who is doing it to them.. and its all done for the lols, its even funny when they find you live on the other side of the planet.

    Free Member

    Guy that owns it is a nob. Haveing met personaly.

    Free Member

    This place is by far the worst. I visit other forums populated by 18 stone bodybuilders and martial artists and rarely do you see the level of spitefulness and general rudeness as seen on here on a daily basis.

    maybe the internet is not the place for you, this is the shallow end matey!

    Free Member

    See that is the problem with this place. You ask for something and people are rude. How about you stick you comment where the sun don’t shine jumpupandddown?

    i bet you have blood pressure problems. now calm down and breath deeply.

    Free Member

    You really should not let things you read on the net make you mad, if they do sadly there is no software solution to that problem. Although Valium/getting a life might help.

    Free Member

    none, as im a cyclist… wtf would i want to own a car for!

    Free Member

    the main problem is that its not shimano,

    Free Member

    nice big bag so you can carry a spare set of ridding gear on wet cold days, more water than you think, food, and a CHAIN TOOL

    Free Member

    all cars are shit, cars suck, why are people on a bike forum so keen on cars. just think you could sell youre car and by a nice new bike.

    Free Member

    well you want a tail wind, so watch the weather and go by that.

    edit god im high, you want a short travel full sus, go i hated riding round there no **** rocks or boulders, some relay nice people though.

    Free Member

    the best alternative is to ride at least 3 days a week with one alldayer min. Ride with people better than you, make sure you’re bike is set up properly, best of all its free,I.E teach youre self..

    Free Member

    a well run institution such as Botton village is a **** of a lot better than no care in the community, were the mentally ill are left to wonder the streets.

    Free Member

    remploy give many people a reason to get out of bed in the morning, **** all work is ever done.. but lots of people get to have a half normal life because of it. lots of its employees would not be able to work any were else, as they dont care if you dont feel like working and instead talk to youre mate and or waterbottel for a few hours, or make strange noise jump up and down etc..

    Free Member

    Ive had gore ones, which were a disappointment and many others but the loeka tech jacket is the best jacket i have ever had, and one of the cheapest!!!
    Very warm but breathable, also looks good of the bike, so nice i often just wear it as a jacket and most inportantly water proof!!

    Free Member

    there going to get nuked

    Free Member

    Why should having more and more kids entitle you to more and more money?

    people simply are not having enough children these days hence why we need so many immigrants, they could never openly pay people to breed due to politicly views in this country.Bit that the real reason you get so much money for having kids, its good for the country

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