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  • Christmas Countdown Day 6 | Bell Super Air R Helmet
  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    fbk – Member

    ….waits for the "I've got a xxxxxx and it lasts 3 weeks without a charge"

    Sort of happy to oblige… 😕 I have a phone that does 10-12 days between charges. Unfortunately all it does is call and text, and its 'apps' are snake II and a silly little LED torch. Late adopter, me.

    Free Member

    ro – Member

    yes. they're t@ssers. i met one once so i know.

    that's funny ro cos I met a really nice one once and I have therefore surmised that the sun shines out of all their rear ends. 😆

    more seriously, 9 million is a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the RAF and indeed probably much less than what it would cost without huuge sponsorship and what they charge for appearing at airshows (BBB excepted).

    How much does it cost to run the queen out of interest? There is an argument that says the 'investment' in the royals is good for the country as it brings in tourists and interest in the UK, and part of the national identity, but of course this is very hard to measure. I would have thought a similar albeit much smaller thing was applicable to the cost/benefit of the red arrows.

    Would we be having the same debate about the battle of britain memorial flight?

    Free Member

    Bastian Schweinsteiger's surname translates as 'pig mounter' (as in to mount a horse rather than errr, 'enter' it…)

    Free Member

    £15 posted to you with t-shirt (fruit of the loom 'ok rather than tatty' quality) or £10 posted without the t-shirt. Or free if you read it online or find it in a bike shop/bike race.

    Free Member

    They are terrible. My mate just cancelled with them in the 30 day period. Because every time his phone rang the Internet disconnected. Tried everything different socket, different filter, cable, computers, router, in the end cancelled went with sky and no problems so far…

    nigh on exactly the same story here too.

    Free Member

    the course last year was ace: hope its similar!

    Free Member

    We Europeans call it 23.30. 🙂

    and yes it all got a bit silly at about 03.00 though. I didn't envy the marshal up there, apparently he was letting folk through one at a time at one point.

    Free Member

    Twas rideable the whole time

    I thought you stopped at midnight. 😉

    The bit that gave me most grief was just before the arena return, there was a little left hander with a short sharp climb, just didn't have enough traction and couldn't keep enough speed into the bottom!

    funnily enough despite being a slow biffer with a bestest lap time of 51 mins, I still cleaned that bit every lap!

    Free Member

    that's not a very 'wee' moan now is it Phillips? 😉 Still, unlike most races its the first time I have heard you winge since the night before the race. 😆

    However, it's Deeply uncool to overtake someone and then not clean the secion straight after! fmh might be a slow soloist (and a crap moaner!) but he could clean anything in Newnham in any weather even with 2 inflatable crocodiles on his back….

    Free Member

    I remember the first year where the course just emptied at midnight!

    heh, too few people up for 24hr and torchbearer this year: the course seemed to empty by about 80% at midnight this time!

    We were very chuffed to finish 20th out of 68 men's 24hr teams, especially given that we:
    -are not a shop/industry/remotely sponsored or even 'helped out' team. (well alright, my wife did wash my bike for me at one point but that's it)
    -started the race with 4 out of 5 men and did the last 12 hours with only 3. 8)

    The course was ace considering the battering that sunny Plympton had over the preceding week, particular fun being the wierd new 'bermy left hander to nadgery climb' which became rideable for those of us still going at 11.30.

    I think i mentioned this on another thread before, but again as a competitor the 'finish the lap if you started it before 12' thing was much more fun and got me a last exhausted lap at 11.45. Much much better this way I think!

    Torchbearer pairs for mrs julian and me next year I think.

    Free Member

    Mr Liker Biker bears a worrying resemblance to Steve 'Shred Mag' Toze! 😆

    Free Member

    Responsible roadie?

    Compact cars are the most popular amongst your tribe

    I drive a VW caravelle!

    It costs you between £31 and £40 to fill up your car with fuel

    …try £80…

    I don't use public transport all that much but i do let buses pull out and i cycle to work.

    Free Member

    blimey you two, get a room!

    If my bullit was that colour i would risk (if it is a risk) weakness with a respray: that colour is ming!

    Mine is metallic grey and about to have a possibly questionable makeover with the use of probably-not-matching coloured grips, pedals and decals.

    It also has a newish coil dhx5 and old 66's and rides ridiculously well for such an old relaively cheap bike.

    Free Member

    raining again in plympton this morning 🙁

    Free Member

    primo tent placement

    …he likes his tent anywhere near a bush or tree so he can wander out for a wee in the night. Or even the day.

    Free Member

    half link or 34/17 or 36/18.
    Or a tensioner: cheaper than new ring/sprocket.

    Free Member

    I'll be entering the pain cave


    24hr team here, with as-yet unrecovered-from injuries/illnesses looming. I might have a place spare depending on recovery/flakiness!

    In all, our camp consists of vings in his 'pain cave', another 12hr pair, a 12hr team, 12hr solo and a 24hr team. 14 of us altogether, should be nice and silly.

    Free Member

    I can poo standing up? Is that like weeing standing up? How convenient. How did I get to this age without being advised of this before?! I will have a go in a minute and report back.

    No idea about car seats though I'm afraid.

    Free Member

    what year is your reba team? -'09 and '10 are waaaay better than previous ones (new damper).

    Free Member

    yes they do' 'cheers-dialtone'

    they don't!!

    There used to be a little bit of blurb on the slotty dropout description page saying beware not all callipers fit especially 'old' xtr. I had a bit of a mission getting a bb7 in there, involving careful helitaping and setting the pads really far out and the 'arm' 1/3 way in to get it to fit in the rear triangle.

    Still a great system though: all the benefits of slot drops/chain tugs without the braking forces levering the axle out of the back on the disc side. Suprised no one else does similar really.

    Free Member

    They have now joined the list of golf websites that we have blocked, amongst others.


    Free Member

    jimmyshand, if you see him, please ask him why he makes himself sound like such a nugget on here then! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I did briefly until my daughter told me I was rubbish. 🙁

    Sounds like another one would be a great fun sailing-perilously-close-to-the-H&S-wind plan though!

    Free Member

    juan – Member

    I don't want you kid, he's too old, I want someone else kid lightweight and all… Actually where is julian

    they have both grown quite a bit now! Carl has a small blond thing he might lend you though; here he is in last year's unofficial and unscheduled under-5 breakdance throwdown comp:

    Free Member

    He is back he will make it more obvious over time.

    Holy cow junkyard, how much more obvious does it need to be??

    Oh, and short term bans don't count. Neither does banning oneself rather publicly. In fact, he should lose a couple of banning cred points for that one.

    Free Member

    the zoofighter would pwn you all, you know. On dh tyres and everything.

    Oh, 35mph or something lame like that for me!

    Free Member

    JF69 – Member

    I heard that the trolling zoo fighter was something to be scared of.
    just don't go near his kids!

    George, (as i find it simpler to address him) is almost unique on here in that he has a had half a dozen login names even in the short time i have been on here yet has only been banned once or twice. (only Hora can rival that level of namechangeyness) Usually the serial name changing is cos of getting banned lots like adam g and fred. Though I proper lol'd when he embraced the zoofighter story. 😀 I haven't spotted you yet George, but warm hello's! :).

    Free Member

    she's already spotted this thread and is 'on to it'. 😀

    Free Member

    luke – Member

    The main man has spoken, Pure Gold will be making a comeback this year.

    ….the errrr, 'source' of Rudeboygate last year, non?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Sponging-Machine – Member

    My mate finished the Lanza in 11 hours this year.

    …and he is in our team for 24/12! I am going to feel like such a lump of sweaty lard in comparison. 😳

    Free Member

    errr, I'll be in the sluice then….

    (actually these days I'll more likely be found in an armchair sporting elbow patches and cords, listening to families complain about each other.)

    Free Member

    After driving off sober at 3pm on the sunday last year, mrs Julian has booked a 3rd night at avon tyrell so she can help you finish the barrels. 😆

    Free Member

    and there's a bus too. Value For Money Yay! 😆

    It's the rather a lot taller fence across the front 'view' of the house where they seem to have built a new road that does it for me. Oh and the yellow sighns and german shepherd, but perhaps they will take him with them….

    Free Member

    [edit] oh, drac beat me to it ^^.

    Free Member

    Drac – Member

    Strangely despite it being up for some time, this is not pictured in the estate agents blurb!

    But is strangely visible on the photos on the website to those with eyes.
    No Drac. Perhaps i didn't make myself terribly clear in my post. This is how its advertised:

    This is how it looks now:

    Link to thread, and rather enormous website.

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member

    Sounds a bargain just for the house.
    What's the catch?

    there's a thread about this one on 28dayslater: someone from there went to have a look round as a prospective buyer. Sadly the yummy 'cotttage overlooking the sea' factor is spoilt by the owner of the rest of the land around it putting up an ENORMOUS security fence all round the house and immediate garden. Strangely despite it being up for some time, this is not pictured in the estate agents blurb!

    Free Member

    Luke I know its a bit common (they even sell it in sainsbury's!) but I loooooove Hall & Woodhouse's Blandford Fly, and i have never found it on tap before (too far away i s'pose). But hell, I'll try any ale twice! 😀

    Free Member

    stever – Member

    I've got an Amica Chips trade cap mainly because it says chips on it.

    I want a team 'Bonjour' jersey cos it says 'Bonjour' on it. 😀 (and it was/is a truly terrible magazine!)

    Free Member

    VW t4 2.5tdi caravelle minus the rear bench here: the differences between mine and a modified van are as follows:
    -taxed and insured as a car
    -side windows slide open,
    -plastic trim, little 'ashtrays'/bins and three 12v power points,
    -ceiling lining
    -quieter and waaaaay comfier inside than a converted van
    -heating vent in the floor behind the drivers seat
    -6 fans in the ceiling for rear passengers.
    -same engine/power as most t4's -easily chippable for more grunt and lower service intervals….
    -seats are easy to reinstall for picking up multiple french relatives from airports…

    -cost: depending on the age of the van, but i could have bought and then converted similar age/milage t4 van for £3-500 less than i bought the caravelle for.
    -middle seats only have lap belts (but mine is 10 years old, perhaps not with newer ones)
    -you can see in easily through boot and rear side windows.
    -carpeted all the way through the boot.

    I would do the same again though, just so much simpler getting the bits i wanted (ie comfy but swallows 5 xc bikes with front wheels only off). Only trouble is finding one in your price range: I was really lucky to find one locally so soon.


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