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  • Singletrack Magazine Issue 137: Join us now or miss out!
  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    I have done this in the past and yes, if you are using a 160mm rotor you just leave off the adapter and mount the caliper and conical washers straight onto the fork.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I don’t think Dr Fox fixes people’s backs for £80 a session though does he?

    oddjob, here it is straight from the horse’s mouth so to speak: General Chiropractic Council

    Q8. Can chiropractors use the title ‘Dr’ when advertising?


    The Committee of Advertising Practice’s (CAP) position is that advertisers who use the title ‘Dr’ should take care not to imply that they hold a general medical qualification. In general, CAP advises that if they do not possess such a qualification advertisers should not call themselves ‘Dr’. Chiropractors are therefore advised not to use the title ‘Dr’ in their advertisements or in any information targetted at patients.

    When referring to themselves in, for example, print adverts, practice leaflets or websites, chiropractors who wish to use the courtesy title of ‘Dr’ should give their name followed by their qualification in brackets e.g. John Bloggs (Doctor of Chiropractic).

    The CAP Copy Advice Team provides a free advice service and will check any advertising claims prior to publication. They can be contacted at or on 020 7492 2100 Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.

    Credit cards and driving licences are fine, but misleading people in serious back trouble who want fixing by the best sounding professional they can afford really is something else.

    I suppose it depends how much you like this relative but the way your posts read, and the GCC ‘guidance’ reads (and I notice it is referred to as ‘guidance’ as opposed to ‘code of conduct’ for other Allied Health Professionals) he either needs gently putting straight (did you see what i did there) or shopping to the GCC.

    Free Member

    Holy thread resurrection!

    It was a mere £1.27 a bottle in sainsbury’s today.


    That is all.

    Free Member

    That looks ace! 😀

    They should have had Anvil as the extra special 5th long lost cousin. They were right up there with those four in the very beginning and just sort of lost their way. 🙁 I’d forgotten about them and then saw that tragic/hilarious BBC4 storyville on them a while back.

    And funny they all end up on stage playing a diamond head song together. I would imagine that amazing collection of rock egos had a big argument about whose rawk classique to play at the end. And Metallica sort of won, as i suppose that is the best cover version any of the four bands did.

    Free Member

    Some truly great bikes on here.

    Of all the frames i have owned, the only one i have never seen being ridden by anyone else in the same year/colour is my old ’01 specialized hardrock. As i recall they made it in about five colours/component specs that year and mine was particularly poor value for money, so i suppose no one else was gullible enough to shell out the extra for the metallic black ‘pro’ model. 😆

    Free Member

    The avid branded syringes in my kit are definitely leur lock like the middle one TJ posted, and are just normal medical use syringes with avid printed on the side. These ones on ebay have the wrong picture on the listing but will be just fine as replacements. Avoid anything that says ‘catheter’ on it as it will just have a tapered tip and you may as well have something you can screw the red plastic fittings into for beter hose connection.

    Free Member

    My cat ignores me whether I call her by the daft name supplied by the rescue home or the less daft one we gave her when we got her.

    Fatmuthahubbard’s choccy lab is the stoopidest dog ever, and he still got over his name change (rehomed at 3 or 4 years old) in 3 or 4 weeks.

    Free Member

    is it the ‘saying who he worked for’ or the ‘yet even more evil found to be in fags’ that was the contentious issue then?

    Do you really have to keep something like that sort of job a secret? Blimey.

    Free Member

    I personally think that is totally and utterly unacceptable because he isn’t a doctor and doesn’t hold a phd but I am told that he is allowed to.

    Grrrrrr 👿

    How ever is he allowed to?

    I think, (no actually in my professional opinion, dammit!) to claim to be a doctor with neither GMC registration nor a phd in your specialism is proper grade-A quackery.

    You can get a phd in chiropractic. And the UK professional body (General Chiropractic Council) says you can only call yourself Dr if you have a phd in it, and you should qualify it afterwards with your actual qualification in brackets after your name, so that people don’t confuse you with a ‘physician’ doctor.

    Oddjob, if what you say about him is accurate, your relative is either practicing illegally by not being registered with the GPC (after all how could they let him use this title?), or in breach of their regulations by calling himself Dr. I have a feeling it may also be a criminal offence (claiming to be a nurse or midwife and practicing as one without qualifications certainly is a criminal offence, as well as an offence under our professional body).

    Free Member

    …or if you (the buyer that is) already have the money in your paypal account or a direct debit from your bank account to paypal, no one pays any fees.

    Free Member

    Having never really done a job where i used it, I can honestly say I have never ever put my ‘BA’ after my name.

    For work stuff I sometimes used my job title (Staff nurse, charge nurse, CPN depending on where/what i was at the time) which in health professions is honest and useful for the reader of the report/letter etc: you’d want to know if your report was being written by a student nurse or a nurse consultant I suppose…

    I have to use the slightly awkward RNMH for proper Mental Health Act paperwork and reports.

    I have a colleague who is a senior-ish (Band 8b) clinical psychologist and unlike some other ones (who apparently are quite entitled to), he studiously avoids the use of his ‘Dr’ title at work and asks everyone to address him by his forename, as we have medical doctors in the service too. Though when he was sorting insurance out for his new car on his lunch break the other day I was amused to see ‘Dr’ on his car stuff. 😀

    Free Member

    ….what, so your curtain twitching neighbours don’t recognise you? 😆

    Free Member

    I thought Lyons was a forum regular… He’s been around here for a couple of years hasn’t he? On that basis i would have quite happily bought say a <£300 frame or fork for him on gifty paypal. Fortunately I am both too happy with my current stuff and too skint to be spending that sort of money at the moment…

    FWIW my least well described, longest arriving and least well packaged second hand bike bits have been through ebay with proper paypal rather than on here. Mind you they did all arrive.

    Free Member

    Mine is great for 24 hour events together with some big trousers (I use snowboarding ones) for inbetween laps.

    My down jacket (despite being both a ‘fashionable’ brand and a sensible dark grey) just attracts ridicule rather than looking ‘poseable’ in.

    Free Member

    Mud. Singlespeeding in it with a silly-skiddy rear tyre for both controlling pedalling and not spinning the back wheel, and for not braking to carry speed and not lose the front wheel.

    Gawton DH membership.

    Riding with fitter faster and more skillful people sometimes.

    I’ve spent less on bike parts this last year compared to the year before.

    Free Member

    There are not nearly enough e-list tenuous links on here. I mean, Kate Middleton’s ace! You want to be having lunch with someone way less cool. And philconsequence etc’s excellent rawk connections need their own thread.

    I squeezed my AX into a hedge to let Gary Wilmot past in a country lane once. Unfortunately he did not smile at me like this. The girlfriend I was in the car with at the time dumped me a week later. I feel Gary is somehow responsible for this.

    That sort of thing.

    Free Member

    toys19: 😛

    we came 3rd to last in the ‘City IQ’s map’ in the times last saturday. Apparently only saved from rock bottom by our 7 bookshops and 5 independent cinema screens. If we’ve got 7 bookshops (I am sure we aren’t allowed to count The Works!) and 5 indie cimema screens then I’ll eat my hat. You stay in Plymouth cos you can afford to live here and cos of what its next to, not what’s in it.

    Like the opposite of Chester, really 😆

    Free Member

    Quick delivery for the little bit’s I’ve bought.
    -grips are the same as superstars and pretty much everything that’s not odi or cane creek ones, ie fine.
    -they don’t sell brake pads any more which if mine are anything to go by is just as well!

    I’d definitely use them again.

    Free Member

    Houns – Member

    See it’s comments like that are completely daft

    Still work for them Houns? I recall a minor debate on here recently about bike biz people reflecting this in their username. Only a minor thing but i think it would help the uninitiated to know if you are still on their books, so to speak.

    Back on topic, it really is a shame you can’t get the full range imported over here. Are we saying no one else in the UK could import them as sideways did because Halfords do then? I see GT and Kona for sale all over the place.

    Free Member

    You entertaining yourself or oldies? Loads of national trust/heritage/walky stuff open on a sunday nearby, particularly if you have access to a car.

    +1 for boat trips from the Barbican. You can just go across the water for a very little coastal walk and a pint in the mountbatten, or kingsand/cawsand for quaint fishing village content, or calstock for great chips and bar on boat. 😀

    The aquarium is pretty fantastic if you like nature stuff but a bit expensive and stoopidly busy if it is holidays and raining.

    Surfing life has got actual surfers working in it and proper surfboards for sale upstairs, don’t let the ‘lifestyle’/fashion stuff downstairs and kings of leon on stereo put you off 😉

    Free Member

    Pages 3 and 4 on this link from scott website.

    Basically the opposite of what you would think: you do the top clamp up first and then click the lever forward again before you do the bottom one, so it only engages fully when the lever is all the way forward. A long time since I had my genius, and i dimly I remember it seeming a bit counter-intuitive and leaving an odd slack bit in the cable between the 2 clamps but it worked.

    Free Member

    All the BMW’s with an ‘x’ in the name are well gopping.

    The air intake on this is so bad it’s almost great though: 😆

    They wisely seem to have left it off for the new version.

    Free Member

    Anyone tried these?

    Or these?

    Almost seems too good to be true, even with the nails sticking out of it.

    Free Member

    aP, excellent use of the acute ‘é’. 😀

    Free Member

    That sounds decent enough. As above, if you don’t like it ebay or classifieds.

    I subsribed to WMB some years ago for some ‘free’ Endura Humvees which I was just about to pay £40 in a shop for (subs was only about £30 iirc) I got a letter saying ‘sorry, it was such a great offer we have run out but hey, thanks for subscribing anyway!’. I wanted shorts at 25% off with some free magazines, not just 30% off the newsagent price on some magazines I usually found in the library anyway, so I cancelled my subscription.

    Free Member

    we haven’t had any worn out fox fork uppers on here for a while. Are they making them better these days?

    Free Member

    Depends how much of a sweater you are: mine is great when its proper cold (ie less than 1 degree) but i am usually hot rather than cold on a bike. Best try before you buy as they can be less comfy on long rides as you rely more on a nice tight chinstrap to keep it on properly (rather than the cradley bits of an xc helmet which let you get away with a tiny bit more jaw movement).

    Free Member

    2nd team. She

    Free Member

    I think unless you buy a dedicated downhill ring or new-fangled 1×9/1×10 chainring, it will be narrow enough for 1/8″ chains but not 9 or 10 speed ones. VeloSolo are predominantly singlespeed/fixie products so more than likely your chainring is too wide for your chain.

    Its not a bad thing for singlespeed, as wider rings are said to last longer and i am sure are less likely to fold under gurn-inducing out-of the saddle pedalling. (only seen this once but it was a proper race-ender!) If you still have a 9 speed cassette and derailleur on the back, it will be time to look for a new chainring.

    Goldtec, Renthal, FSA (cheapest iirc) and e-thirteen all do proper tall toothed single rings you can also fit a 9 speed chain on.


    Free Member

    plenty of people use 30.0mm collars on 29.8mm seat tube (including me). Its not as critical as the actual seatpost diameter.

    Free Member

    Do what i am doing investigate if you can get a cheaper passport using dual nationality.

    if you are also french there’s really not much in it, and the bureaucracy here is way easier. When I lived there it was almost easier to be a brit working abroad than to be a frog with an ID card and passport. 🙁

    Free Member

    the freemasons. Consequently,

    Free Member

    a nice Chianti.

    Free Member

    surf mat’s guns

    Free Member

    my xc bike has a carbon bar. Bit too pricey for me usually though.

    Free Member

    The Highwayman near Okehampton used to have a great selection of stuffed animals in exciting ‘rad wildlife’ poses. 🙂

    Free Member

    I miss the neighbours in my last house: going next door was like one of Flasheart’s hair-metal threads, complete with bar in their dining room. Aaaaawesome! 😀

    Mine are just fine here. No Skid Row though 🙁

    Free Member

    14mm bmx, 10mm for ‘grown ups’ bikes 😉

    Free Member

    I can’t believe you two have managed to start getting pissy with each other about lights.

    Only thing for it is a ‘ride off’ on each others’ trails with each others’ choice of head/bar light. And a cuddle.

    [edit] fwiw having tried both extensively, I am mostly with GW on where to put one’s lumens. But perhaps its just my local trails.

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