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  • Reserve Launches New 30|SL Wheelset
  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    S’s all the way: the only words in Italian with an ‘x’ in them are foreign imported ones like taxi. Same goes for j,(despite juventus), k, y and w if i remember rightly.

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member
    What about the 24 hours a day, 60 secs ina min, 60 mins in an hour, 7 days a week varying days in a month, 12 months in a year. Want to put them all in in 10s Elfin?

    Ooh, why not eh? What a shame it never really took off. *Salutes the motherland and lol’s*

    Free Member

    Pimpmaster Jazz – Member

    Julian – no, I didn’t. How much are you after?

    RRP is ridiculous £15, (for a cone spanner. But bigger. 😕 ) CRC is £13, so hows about a fiver posted?

    Free Member

    I would suggest as far as the forests are concerned that it’s all cut and dried with only the window dressing to come.

    I’ve done the consultation for forests -it is a complete insult to the word ‘consultation’ and exactly the window dressing you describe.

    Free Member

    We’ve elected a bunch of ####s

    Don’t get me started. We didn’t actually elect anyone properly did we?

    Free Member

    My local fast-rising young-star front-bench idiot MP voted for it.

    As did mine. And cut-n-pasted me a reply via secretary the other day. So I emailed him again. Also rubbish statement in local free paper about “it’s all labour’s fault and we need to get ‘innovative’ to save money” -next to no money to be saved by this now is there?

    (off topic, Pimpmaster did you find a 28mm spanner in the end? I found mine if you want it for a few quid.)

    Free Member

    I was a language assistant, so taken on by the LEA and assigned to the school in Argeles Gazost on the basis of being from an english-speaking nation, fluent ‘enough’ (I am actually half french but brought up in yookay) and most of the way through university so ‘clever’ enough.

    No idea if teaching qualifications are recognised or not, but I do remember the crazy business about being ‘posted’ to schools when you qualified as a teacher rather than applying to the jobs you fancied. It was very arbitrary and hugely unpopular with teachers, the one and only time I have ever been on strike 😆 .

    Free Member

    I used to work in the secondary school local to Luz St Sauveur. Utterly uutterly ace school (if you have kids of your own) and great place to live, but no idea about international schools to work in. Luz can get cut off if it really really snows but Pierrefite and Argeles (further down the valley) are suprisingly warm, dry and free of snow at 400-430m.

    As before, Luz is local to Cirque de Gavarnie, Tourmalet, Aspin, a few good ski stations and a few cheap’n’cheerful ones. There is one truly hideous nightclub. Less good for the sea, and nearby Lourdes is a bit Marmite really.

    If it was me, I would live in Pau for a bit of ‘town’ but everything not silly far away.

    [edit] mmmmmm, Prades…. 😀

    Free Member

    If not, I’d hang onto that lockring if I were you!

    I didn’t realise madison were asking £26 for one. 😯 That’s pretty much what I bought my old slx 20mm hub (normal rrp) and xt one (sales) for.

    Free Member

    Peter, if you want to give it a go, I’ve got an ‘external’ lockring from a dead 20mm xt hub (does up with the flat ht2 spanner as opposed to the socket ones). I shouldn’t see why it woudn’t fit since the little flappy washer bit is the same size as the one you have in your picture above.

    Drop us an email with an address if youwant it posting. 🙂

    Free Member

    Mate has ay-ups, mrs julian has joystick. Not much in it tbh, the ay-ups sit slighly lower on your head and come in jazzy colours, but also have cables that joystick doesn’t have, and as far as a remember the new ones still don’t have any lower power settings (would be ace for longer rides if they did). Joystick is a bit easier to swap between helmets which is just as well when you compare the cost of spare mounts for joystick and ay-up.

    Free Member

    My tory MP has a semi-rural constituency with loads of outdoor folk (esp equestrian/ramblers) but is also a party whip.

    (And rumour has it he joined the conservatives back in the John Major government so he could do The Lord’s work more effectively. What would Jesus do about the forestry sell-off? 😆 )

    I am sure hell will freeze over before he votes against Cameron.

    Free Member

    Join a club!

    Mrs julian gets a modest discount at certini/specialized enormo-store for being in local girl’s team Filthy Foxes, and I get a modest discount at Dartmoor cycles for being a member of Woodland Riders (Gawton/Chipshop).

    Free Member

    It’s happening already -can no one else see the flying car in the Salford photo?


    Free Member

    don simon – Member

    @don simon: have you seen “In Bruges” (film)?

    No, is there a connection?

    the 2 main characters go and see that picture tryptich 8) in the film, is all.

    Free Member

    long thread on sdh about these recently, I think yetiboyjay of these parts has had them iirc, looks very interesting. Considering how long they have been around for in motorsport its amazing no one has marketed them for pushbikes before!

    Free Member

    Well all things considered, the pragmatic thing to do at this point would be to bin it, apart from the financial cost there is the political one which is harder to put a price on.

    I suppose if you are going to make an arse of youself, best to do it four years before the next general election though eh?

    Free Member

    “when the seagulls follow a trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea”

    Free Member

    Murdoch somehow in the House of Lords (yes I know, I know, but I am sure if a man of his errr, influence wants it badly enough it can be arranged….)

    Also a whole load more people without landlines or ‘home’ broadband, and instead of phone, stereo, telly and computer they will have just an ipad/similar connected to a ‘cloud’ rather than having any data/music/dvd’s stored/stuck at home.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    the zoofighter is indeed on here most days. We last properly respected his authoritah on the heel and toe thread: you can look that up for a depressing stw argu-fest and guess which one he is. 😀

    Free Member

    as above linked in a thread a few days ago. The ‘consultation’ is an insult. It reads as though the government have already made their minds up about the central sell-off (no questions whatsoever about that aspect) and are just fishing for the right answers from the public so they can say that the public agree with them.

    I did it and rattled on about the validity of the ‘consultation’ process in the free text boxes.

    Then I emailed my (conservative party whip) MP who got back startliningly quiclky, but reading the ‘what did your MP say’ bit on the 38 degrees website and what he answered to someone else in our constituency, it looks like it was a rather cut’n’paste reply, making no reference to the actual questions I asked about the consultation process. Naturally, the whole issue of ‘how one goes about bringing in changes not referred to in one’s manifesto 10 months before, having formed a government without a single-party majority’ was also unanswered.

    Shame, he has a pretty good reputation for being an MP for his constituents as well as his party. Not this week though?

    Free Member

    The nhs pension was widely accepted by workers as something to mitigate against the low wages for qualifications/stress/responsibility ratio. If I got paid more I would be happy to put more in my pension. Instead we get pay freeze for at least 3 years, ie pay cut equivalent to ‘cost of living’ inflation. Cheers!

    Free Member

    depends really. A mate has just registered his plate with a company. It would seem that very few traders/cherished plate comanies just buy the registration from you straight away. You give them the right to sell it for you (presumably at a far better price than they could afford to if they had to ‘own’ thousands of registrations until buyers come along for them) and then they promise to give you an agreed sum when they find a buyer for it. Said mate will have £1500 but only when someone wants to buy it from the dealer.

    Free Member

    Your local FC woods will look like this in 5 years:

    And then this in ten years:

    How did the crunch vote go by the way?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    How small is small?

    -tiny g clamps, and those things that are like oversize clothespegs. Oh, and normal clothespegs.

    -Really really fine grade sandpaper and then spongey abrasive buffing/polishing things.

    -Variety of tiny shaped scalpel blades to go in a couple of different size handles.

    -My favourite is the tiny little twist drill which you just roll to and fro between your fingers, with the tiniest drill bits ever.

    -Tiny needle nosed and round nosed pliers, and some lockable grabby forceps.

    -A tiny vice?

    Most of the above with the exception of the drill bits can be fund in yer local bargain ‘everything is a quid or two’ tool shop. Proper model shop for the drills.

    Elastic bands and hair bobbles are useful too, as is really thin masking tape (tamiya, from model shop again) for holding small stuff together whilst it dries.

    Free Member

    Harry_the_Spider – Member

    Are the Torys trying to sell it?

    there’s no ‘trying to’ in it, they have made up their mind about the Moon too, and will shortly be embarking on a cynical confidence trick known as a “public consultation” in order to make us think there is and never ever was any other option, but we get to feel satisfied that as if by magic, some of the suggestions generated by the public may be exactly how they wanted to sell it anyway.

    Surely they should sell the royal family off first though.

    Oh, yes the moon is amazing and if there was any multicellular life on earth without the moon it would be prety different to how it is now…

    Free Member

    You can’t engineer a 180mm is calliper into the space on a post mount without having to move it out a bit hence the extra 20mm: you’d have to go up a rotor size. If you like a bodge you can space the post mount adapter out from the fork slightly with washers to fit a 203mm rotor in it, as 200mm is herder to come by. Formula do one but the rrp is frankly ridiculous.

    Or if you are confident (really confident!) with brakes, try buying an old 160mm mini and either use the whole caliper or dismantle your brake and use just the half with the mount on it, plus the is to post mount adapter and keep you 180mm rotor. You used to be able to buy half a calliper for changing rotor sizes.

    Free Member

    Rather than laying people off, an across the board paycut – would you prefer that perhaps?

    already happening in the NHS. No April cost of living pay rise for next 3 years = pay cut, non? They are already talkng about giving NHS employees the option of one or other form of freezes on their pay increments too.

    Free Member

    I think the royal navy pack them on a bit tighter than stena line though…

    Free Member

    A mate ordered a couple of rotors from them 6 months ago, it was next day or maybe the day after IIRC. They have some blurb on the site about everything being in stock, and posted same day if you order before 2pm.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Nope. Silverfish are distributing them. clicky
    From the blurb on the website I couldn’t be sure if they will be servicing them too.

    Free Member

    Since this is the bike forum, I will leave the Tories out and blame Dave Hinde.

    Free Member


    Skip to the bit at 3mins 50 for my favourite rockumentary moment ever. 😀

    Free Member

    I’d wager that 43% of the people on this site would have a stroke at the thought of their mint condition pride and joy being bounced around against a load of other bikes on an uplift trailer. There is a wide range of quality in terms of trailer and the terrain the trailer is, err, trailed over.

    Free Member

    No really that old, but a Rivette H4 and the original trek 69-er singlespeed with the funny bronze fork.

    Free Member

    On the other hand, those rivette frames used to supply a narrower seatpost and a shim to assist with internal cable routing, and with the theory that a slimmer seatpost made the ride more forgiving whilst allowing them to use larger diameter tubes at the seat tube/toptube/seatstay junction.

    Whatever happened to rivette anyway? I rode one once and it was ace.

    Free Member

    My old 2005 aluminium scott genius had a 34.9mm seat tube and had a small warning sticker no, actually it was under the lacquer specifically saying not to use a shim+narrower seatpost. I never knew if this was because at the time scott made the only carbon ‘upgrade’ seatpost in that size (others do now make them) or if there was an engineering reason for it.

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