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  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    Thankyou Cougar. That makes more sense. Perhaps being too gramattically correct is les fun then. ‘petit pantalons is way funnier than the real french for shorts. (which disappointingly is just ‘short’ without the ‘s’ and expressed as a singular noun)

    The french for ‘bell-end’ is the same as it is for ‘acorn’, but possibly only funny if you are french or have a tiny winkle.

    Free Member

    Dez, i did read it.

    Joe seems to recognise the ineptness of the insult he was given on some thread that has recently been closed or deleted, and highlighted it to the internet on this thread.

    I agree with the ineptness of the insult.

    What have i missed?

    Free Member

    Properly inept pseudo-french.

    2 errors in three words: if you are going to insult someone via an english idiom translated into a foreign languauge, at least do it properly. 😆

    Free Member

    …would lose their job if he was elected…

    well there it is, no one was really elected so perhaps that’s why…

    is foxyboy just CFH’s playtime 2nd login then?

    Free Member

    jambo, step up is still there but you need to be 9 stone and going some speed to get much air off it. 😳 Being under the expanse of flyovers it never gets rained on though and is well hard packed, so very hard to dig. New plan is to make some sort of comunity art space with or without jumps and ‘managed’ grafitti space. A friend is involved in the artsy bit.

    Free Member

    Marsh Mills? Plymouth, innit.

    Although since a dead body (of a poor soul who died from heroin cut with cement) was found there and the national trust got funny because its one of the pedestrian routes to a big stately home they run (and yet is all derilict an ting, there has been some movement. Because the site is owened by and borders land owned by about eight different agencies it is like trying to push water uphill though!

    Free Member

    Our nimby’s/council are just as bad. No actually worse. A few years ago someone tried to plan a skate/bmx park under the 8 lane A38+slip roads nearby. (Marsh Mills if anyone knows it, formerly Europe’s most accident-prone roundabout in the 80’s 8) ) The site is at least 150m as the crow flies from any dwelling. It is immediately adjacent to a main line railway, 70mph dual carriageway plus flyover sliproads (makes 8 lanes altogether), sewage works, suermarket and speedway track, all of which are between the site and any dwellings.

    And yet the council turned it down because apparently local residents feared it was going to be too noisy. FFS.

    Free Member

    Tim Manley and Steve Worland look like a right pair of geography teachers these days 😀 (wheelbuilding pic in gallery).

    Free Member

    mx comps are also quite tall (ie axel-to-crown) for the travel aren’t they?
    [edit] …just popped out to check as i have a mate’s mx pro in the back: 505mm for 120mm travel, so only 5mm longer for the travel than rockshox reba or rev. So not that long, really.

    Free Member

    Bearing in mind the apparently massive buying power of merlin and crc in the UK, you have got to wonder what is different about the supply chain of shimano in germany for it to be so cheap from so many places. Not that I am complaining….

    Is it as simple as VAT? I though we did OK for VAT over here.

    Free Member

    pottery win. 😀
    smelting fail 😕

    nice programme, I loved the unspoken irony of him trundling about the countryside at walking pace.

    Free Member

    When i started riding a mountain bike in early 90’s, i thought that sort of ride was mountain biking! Looks lovely. 😀

    Free Member

    “dmr revolver .. light”
    Any idea how light? Which side of 200g? I can’t find a claimed weight

    mmm, i weighed mine before i built it into a wheel, laughed because it was a little bit less than the claimed weight of a pro2, and have long since forgotten exactly what it was. Bearings were not at all draggy out of the box fwiw.

    Pro 2 has better/best resale value, mind…

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    So who here’s tasted breast milk then?

    …pulls up chair….

    Free Member

    Honestly, I cleaned the toilets on this and couple of other battleships when they were in Devonport:

    …and made 18000 hot dog rolls a day in something much like this:

    ..and flushed a gazillion bedpans away in one of these:

    …but i suppose the one my grandchildren will ask me about is this:

    Free Member

    ermmm, it’s fred’s birthday. Sort of.

    And the stations one is nice of you like stations.

    Free Member

    how much over 250k?

    My folks once paid ‘extra’ for the ‘contents’ of a house when they bought of a bloke who’d gone bankrupt. He’d built it for himself and all, I think they felt quite sorry for him and what it meant was that he lost a little bit less in terms of the bankrupcy process iirc. (he also fecked off to NZ after the sale 😆 ) The contents were kitchen units, washing machine and tumble drier, loads of well lush curtains etc. Stamp duty was neither here nor there for the purchase price in 1994 but i wonder if that is legal/do-able nowadays?

    Free Member

    i’ll tell you when it gets here!

    Free Member

    Oh, i looked it up and Venezia Santa Lucia was a ‘mere’ 23 passenger platforms, but several have a third track in between the ones you can get on and off from the platforms.

    Free Member

    …and the newly pinked-up Victor i mentioned earlier.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I love Venic Santa Lucia station. I think I saw 34 platforms there in the 90’s, though tghe last four or five looked a bit mothballed. I supposethat’s because its because its very busy, a terminus station and also on an island that is crowded with no room for a mrshalling yard nearby.

    Other station with no public road access:

    Free Member

    Mrs j rang the shop again this morning, and they were fine about giving all her deposit bar 10% deposit back. So now we can spend it on curry, beer and so on, and then save it up again in the time it will take the frame to arrive.

    Apparently the guy was an absolute gentleman over the phone, and money returned to her account a short while later. So sort of good service then really…

    Free Member

    Just clamp 2 together end-to-end on an exposed cable run. You’ll be fiiiiiiine. 😈

    Free Member

    Mister P – Member


    Bitte sehr. 8)

    Free Member

    I would add the dmr revolver to your list: light and nicely finished.

    I would take the shimano ones off your list: I have junked a couple (and i never throw anything away!) as bearing life/sealing is not on a par with ‘normal’ shimano hubs, the 28mm cone spanner is expensive and they are much harder to keep running right than loose ball qr hubs.

    Free Member

    foes xct5 with coil curnutt shock and 130mm coil revs, demo bike about 5 years ago on a dusty dry Newnham Park. Great fun.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    £500 that’s one hell of a deposit.

    Could have got the whole lot on 0% finance: she chose to pay £500 as she had it to spend, it’s just she expected to have a shiny frame to ride in 3 weeks not 10-12 weeks.

    Free Member

    beamers/HTS, “Teasin’ Tina” has gone back to her gulf-era pink-on-top paintjob now. And it really is piiiink! Kept my bored/retired father-in-law busy for a couple of weeks 😯 .

    Free Member

    +1. In the ‘muff we are blessed with a number of really friendly and sensible bike shops. It must be the pace of life and glorious countryside.

    They also manage to do a decent job of selling pretty much every type of bike to every type of customer. I have never seen a trials bike or a unicycle in there but considering the size of the place its amazing what they fit in.

    They also have an ebay shop ‘koo bikes’ iirc with free 1st class postage.

    Free Member

    Incidentally, if the friction material falls off a Shimano OEM pad and you ask for a refund you get told it’s a consumable and the warranty doesn’t apply.

    well, every day is a school day. Is it shimano or madision who say this?

    Oh, and does this pad unreliability occur often in motorbikes and cars? I’d never heard of it before budget mtb disc pads came out.

    Free Member

    Punky Jamie went to Metal Hammer iirc. rawk!

    Free Member

    soething slick with ‘sipes’ in it will bizarrely be grippier on wet tarmac/kerbs than a knobbly or indeed the side knobs on a semi slick. Something to do with squeegy-ing the water through the tread and maintaining the maximum tread-to-tarmac contact once most of the water is out of the way.

    Specialized nimbus and continental city contact here, though anything with a good rubber compound with grooves cut into the slick bit will be ace.

    Free Member

    Oh, I thought of a good one!

    Falklands fans, my (sadly now deceased) second cousin Sam:

    Top bloke, spoke with the most amazing recieved pronunciation. How I imagine Captain Flasheart talks. 😆

    Free Member

    sc-xc – Member

    <keeps quiet about great uncle surfmat>


    On my dad’s side we are allegedly related by marriage to Oliver Cromwell. 😯

    If you are French, you will remember Yann Piat who my mother shared a nanny with in St Raphael as a little girl. Assinated in 1994, supposedly over her battles against organised crime, but all whilst being a high profile French National Front politician.

    Not great with the family connections here then. 😳

    Free Member

    I had one of those ‘clever’ boxes from crc with gloves in it: came with normal (letters, on foot) postie and fitted through our letterbox.
    If your mrs sells loads of random stuff on ebay then crc’s old jiffy bags were useful: we never throw one away basically, whereas for us the boxes are less useful. But if you get more in the post than you send, and then put your crc boxes in the recycling then I can see the logic.

    Free Member

    Someone asked about gresleys: there are a few at the great central railway between Loughborough and Leicester.

    But this is my favourite train and railway. (clicky)

    absolutely bonkers engineering in impossibly steep terrain. And it runs all winter:

    And now there are new comfy modern ones, it woiuld seem:

    Free Member

    So is it considered a physical condition or a mental illness?

    Neurological IME. Brain forgets that body is better from whatever virus you were ill with in the first place and keeps you in ‘survival’ mode. Or at least that’s what the ME sufferer’s groups were saying a few years ago when my brother had it (5 years of being really vacant, vague and of course tired. He’s about to get a first in engineering degree though so safe to say he’s better now…)

    A bloke-friendly analogy would be that it’s a bit like that chap on here the other day with the Alfa 147 that went into ‘limp’ mode every time it went past 60 despite there being nothing wrong with the engine.

    Though the Lighning Process and its great success really does challenge the purely neurological understanding. The other complicating thing is that there is a host of knock-on psychological problems that arise, particularly if you get it in your teens when you are supposed to be drinking cider and chasing girls/boys around.

    And its not just ‘yuppie flu’: in my professional life i have met many ‘council house tenant’ sufferers of ME who would instead be branded as ‘benefit scroungers’. Same illness, different insults. 😆

    Free Member

    How about the reverse?

    When i was 17, my then girlfriend wanted jewellery for christmas and hinted a lot about this as only a 16 old girl can. I hinted much to her disappointment that her music collection badly needed expanding. I fashioned a jewellery box out of a cassette box and put a ‘nice-for-the-financial-means-of-a-17-year-old-just-growing-out-of-his-paper-round’ ring in it and then wrapped it up so it was very obviously a cassette box. Gave her the box and said she should open it round the tree with her folks on christmas morning. So she was really disappointed with me for christmas eve and then well chuffed in the end.

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