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  • Matt Hunter’s Hometown is a Perfect Place for MTB
  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    Grammar fight! 😀

    [edit] There’s an ‘h’ in whoosh BTW. 😉

    Free Member

    alpin, is this marketing for your Germans? I’m sure we could come up with some “don’t mention the war” type descriptions if so.
    Goose-stepping climb, anyone?

    Free Member

    Gurn-tastic, or indeed Gurn-trocious, depending on what side of Watford you live.

    Free Member

    mrlard – Member

    you never know they could of seen this thread?!?!

    Richie is a regular on here and tends to post on most threads about their lines with a more positive outlook, so quite probably yes.

    Whether that has any bearing on the reply you had is anyone’s guess. If it was I don’t blame them from replying by email to the OP and staying out of this thread though, I think sometimes on here you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

    Free Member

    Three pages in and no one has mentioned this yet? Yes, engineering rather than architecture but it is bonkers-big when you stand underneath it. 150 year old iron and it still has heavy goods and intercity on it.

    …and on the opposite side of the channel:

    Free Member

    mbr did a route a few years ago that incoporated a very small bit of legal coastal path near Helston/Lizard, might be worth looking that up.

    Also have a look for cornwall mtb clubs on facebook and ask for advice, very little in the way of bridleways but I hear there is lots of cheeky stuff if you know where. Loads of slightly less cheeky riding nearer falmouth and poldice valley if you fancy a (40 minute from Helston) drive but as ever, its always best to get a local to show you round. Mrs julian did this last summer and said it was ace.

    Free Member

    Their ‘forgetting’ to put bar plugs in for you is clearly retribution for you forgetting to get them any cakes.

    Nice looking bike though. 😀

    Free Member

    I like that in the video the bike is leant against a blingly looking Rangey Sport, such is the confidence that the bike will not fall over and scratch the car.

    But I would never bother using one. I was advised from an eary age to always lean a bike on a wall/car/tree/lamp post by resting the back wheel only on it: friction between wheel, ground and vertical surface acts as a brake of sorts and my bikes all have a back wheel already.

    Free Member

    The word ‘austerity’ can kiss my £$%@>?+~#()& ^%&*^%^%&!!!! etc.

    Free Member


    You said ‘froody’, I think you will find lost of closet h2g2ers lurking here too. 😀

    Free Member

    Different oil too? I seem to remember them always being volcanically hot from chinese takeaways, is the oil hotter than in a traditional chippy?

    I like them from chinese sometimes, I sort of see them as a bit different in the same way that kebab shop fries are different from chip shop chips or indeed burger king ones.

    Free Member

    carlphillips – Member

    sadly i wont be there this year

    His boss other half is topping off 10 months of DIY-not-riding by making him go camping somewhere else that weekend, with less beer, no bikes and no bands.

    Loser. 😉

    Free Member

    probably not your bag, but in the 90’s the Warp ‘family’ did some daft but listenable and ‘new-at-the-time’ stuff: Aphex, Boards Of Canada, Plaid/Black Dog, Squarepusher.

    Free Member

    We did looooooads of role-play in foundation Family Therapy training (before we get to practice on real families), which was hugely interesting and very helpful. I remember a really fascinating one where I ‘played’ a young patient I have known and one of my colleagues ‘played’ the mental health problem, ie gave it a voice and a personality.

    We did role play in (NHS) managment training and mentoring students/new starters. That was well rubbish.

    YMMV significantly though, depending on the ‘trainer’ of our roleplay, and the social skills and job satisfaction/burnout/sociopathy of the people roleplaying.

    Free Member

    Mmmm, Clubber has already posted my favourite tips. Particular plus one for Naughty Step, with a ‘minute for every year old they are’ guide for how long to leave them between reminding them why they are there and that they might want to apologise. (any longer and they may forget what they did wrong and then what’s the point…)

    And the high shelf thing is also good.

    Ridethelakes, are you planning on any more?

    Parents need to be even handed in their approach both between what mum does and what dad does, and also to each child. In my professional life its amazing how many kids I meet who can’t do right for doing wrong, and have some amazing sibling from whose behind the sun shines. It can be a hard pattern for parents and their kids to get out of.

    We started very basic reward charts at late 2’s early 3’s, but that was more about taking responsibility in a positive way for small things rather than ‘not being naughty’.

    Free Member

    Oil filter changes are pain because the filter is halfway up the back of the engine. You can only get to it from underneath.

    Oh lordy, the traumatic memories of failing to get my oil filter off last summer! 😡 Stoopid garage that the last owner used to service it had done the filter up well tight, and clearance for ratchets (filter has a crappy hexagon spot welded into the top to fit a socket on) is virtually non existent. Oh and you may have to take the enormous sump guard off first too. We nearly didn’t make it to the Big Bike Bash last year until the world’s nicest mobile mechanic lay in the pool of oil on my drive and rescued me. (evidently I am quite a lot better at bicycles than motor vehicles.)

    Of course you know they go on forever if looked after. A mate used to work at a VW van dealers, they had a regular customer who had somthing absurd like 450k on his T4.

    Free Member

    A little bird told me that tickets are for sale for this summer’s one.

    Free Member

    Perhaps if he throws enough advertising at it and prices the products well enough, he will do ok anyway. I would be tempted to try a different sport at least though!

    Free Member

    Excellent vibe at the last 2 ones.

    Still a bit disappointed i don’t get my favourite 4-5am slot, but the course is a real giggle.

    Free Member

    Last proper holiday Millie and I had before first child. I stood around looking bleak pretending I was in Kraftwerk 😀

    I lived not too far away from this for a little bit. Points for location as well as how cool observatory domes look anyway.

    Free Member


    So if Pollack declined to comment does that mean he doesn’t have a ‘better’ version of the story? It also sounded from the article as though by dropping his own salary to a mere $12500 (canadian ones that is) a month he could have salvaged the company, but he won’t get out of bed for that. 😕

    Free Member

    If its small and light enough, RM airsure or international signed for.

    Free Member

    Pavement: Shady Lane
    Pulp: 59 Lyndhurst Grove
    Doors: Love Street {arse, already up there^}
    Jeff Buckley: Lost Highway

    Free Member

    The Flying Ox – Member

    Honest question:

    Are we not mentioning JahWomble on purpose?

    I think he was still alive when this thread was first started. 😥

    Free Member

    mrs’ kona smoke has a cheap square taper bb with splines on drive side and oldskool notched ring thingy on the non drive side. But its not a shimano.

    Free Member

    Strong words Peter! I mostly agree mind:

    Not so often I put my mental nursie hat on here these days but:

    Not sure I would say ‘selfish’, but it is very easy to underestimate the devistation on friends and to a greater extent family that comes from losing someone to suicide. I have heard many people tell me that their families would recover and be better off without them. It’s simply not true. Currently working with someone who lost a close relative to suicide a couple of months ago, (and to a lesser extent the family) for which this is all too apparent.

    It is impossible to quantify misery but a family a bit miserable looking after or just being around someone will in most cases be so much more miserable if/when they kill themself, and on most cases will stay so for so so much longer than if miserable person had died of accident or illness.

    It is understood from research that the risk of ‘completing’ suicide (as opposed to thinking about it or taking an overdose, quickly regretting it and seeking treatment) in a person is much much higher if that person has also lost someone close to them or a close-ish relative to suicide recently. The cascade of suicides in Jeffrey Euginedes’ “The Virgin Suicides” is a bit OTT as a story but is one kind of example, if a little far fetched.

    So the person contemplating suicide ought to consider the fragility of anyone close to them and the possibility that their death may be a factor (rarely the sole reason, mind) in someone else’s premature death too.

    Oh and in response to the OP question, no. Given the job I do, for me it would be like Tony Hawk comtemplating rollerblades.

    Free Member

    On an old style bottle in an xc or wet/gritty road race you could get the worst of the mud off with a wipe on jersey before you opened the valve. I suppose with a recessed bit in the top of the ‘hands free’ collecting bit you couldn’t wipe away, you would get a bit more mud/grit with your mouthful.

    Very small drawback though, I’d have thought they would be just as easy to wash and if it goes in cage not backpack, slightly quicker to have a swig off and replace if you are in a hurry/race.

    Free Member

    Anyone have any idea why Boardman don’t do direct sales? I’m sure I heard rumours that they planned on it a while back.

    They kind of do though really:

    Compare this to buying a pinnacle from Evans or one of those new Vitus bikes from CRC. All great value for money by the way, and unlikely to be featured in anyone else’s bike shops.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen the trailer.

    boom tish.

    Free Member

    they never had fridges, cellophane or use by dates when they invented pork pies.

    Eat it!

    Free Member

    I thought alivio rings were steel anyway?

    Free Member

    Hairy, please post up with the outcome later on if it hasn’t all been too crazy a day for you. I think the combination of nice guy/terrible boss/bike shop has a lot of us extra-interested. Forza! 😀

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member

    Here here, leave the thread alone TJ.

    [tannoy] Mr Kettle and Mr Black to court 3 please.[/tannoy] 😉

    Free Member

    That Intense one is quality, good work! 😀

    Free Member


    Free Member

    is it a 29er? There were a few threads on here about it (common prob iirc) when they first came out, try searching back a couple of years ago.

    Free Member

    All the best Hairy.

    Free Member

    Allthepies, the only possible explanation is that we are getting a glimpse into a parallel universe with a parallel STW, which is just the same except Glupton is a biffer, Elfinsafety is a country gent with a stable (literally a stable block) full of Marins, and spelling mistakes are tolerated.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member

    8 minutes and no responses.


    genuine lol 😀

    where’s Poddy?

    Free Member

    mmmm, drunk window shopping, so much safer when the shops are shut! 😀

    wind-bag – Member

    Yates DOGSBOLLOX????

    You mean a Roberts!

    I do mean a Roberts, of course. Ahem. I will sit in the retro naughty corner for 33 minutes (a minute for every year of their life, isn’t it?) and think about what I said. 😳 😳

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