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  • The Carbon Chameleon is dead long live the aluminium Chameleon
  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    As I said on the other lengthy thread, I will now be looking at the next Tory manifesto before voting.

    Is that you being all ironical on us DonSimon? 😆

    Free Member

    thanks for your reply JY.

    Nah, my magnet rotates relative to the opposite fixed one but even sighting it with a ziptie between the flywheel and the moving magnet, the distance changes by half a mm if that (it might be wishful thinking).

    It is plenty hard enough to pedal even in top gear on slicked-up 26″ wheel and can obviously be easier to pedal if you change gear.

    If i rev it up by hand to a particular wheel speed (with my awsumm moozical ear skillz, I went for the pitch of the ‘whine’ rather than guesstimating the rpm) and then let the crank go, it takes a couple of seconds less to stop spinning in the hardest setting compared to the easiest. So there is some change in resistance, but I’ve literally never been near a turbo before so no idea if this is about right or not.

    I think it will be plenty tiring enough anyway!

    Free Member

    Aha, turns out i have not read the last three. 😳

    I like my dad’s old copy of Astérix the Legionary cos its the first one I read. And it has Obélix swinging a tiger round by its tail. 😀
    And I like “La Domaine Des Dieux” and “Astérix en Suisse” cos they are just soooooooo funny.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A good driving skillz argument. The le mans crash one was close, but….

    Free Member

    Reason #252 for acquiring additional european languages: you get to read a new set/reworking of the bad asterix puns all over again. 😀 The German puns are completely lost on me though!
    (Of course most of them don’t translate at all, so the translators had to think of other ones that would fit in with the plot and pictures.)

    Some proper sense of humour failures on the ‘comments’ on the Gaurdian page. I think this is not a waste of valuable research time and money, but rather what uber-nerd academics do to ‘wind down’.

    BTW, i’ve not encountered the four ‘extraterrestrials’ that get clobbered: have i missed a book?

    Free Member

    Come on, let’s see six grand by tonight…

    What will you do for six grand then? 😀

    Free Member

    waswaswas, carl isn’t a cool/nerdy (delete as applicable) enough podiatrist to be remotely involved in or have a financial stake in research. He does have spesh insoles in his shimano shoes though.

    Just had a flick through it, lordy, is that what pschology/therapy papers look like to everyone else? 😯 😯

    Free Member

    NHS does not mean ‘free at point of use’, it means loads more than that. I’ll start us off with not-for-profit, accountable to the health secretary and standardisation of rules and operating procedures laid out by DOH. So yes, BS to your BS. 😀 [edit, oh, tj beat me to it]

    FWIW, first-world contries with privatised or semi-privatised healthcare systems don’t have payment at point of use for all treatments/interventions. Health insurance and 2 tier medical treatment depending on your funds. You don’t have to pay to get in an ambulance in the states, but the treatment you are offered once in ED varies according to your insurance or lack of. Also when has NHS dentistry been free at point of use for all patients?

    Free Member

    I call BS

    If in internetland it’s really that easy to disagree with someone who works in it and takes an active interest in it, then I call BS on your calling BS allthepies. 😉

    Free Member

    Elfin, please don’t think I am defending the present government.

    I was posting SDP leaflets in people’s front doors when I was 10 (and they were remotely principled!), and have 12 years NHS service under my tunic. And I will be having a party when thatcher dies that you will be most welcome to come to.

    But yes, nulab were slipping in all sorts of underhand nonsense before the general election, certainly much of the blurb in my first post was already happening 5 years ago, and the breakup of PCT’s and GP contracting were all planned under labour. And I would be moaning just as much about it under a labour government as I am now.

    My ill-made point in that post was that the usual Toryboys on this forum only come out when it suits the Good Name Of The Conservative Party, whereas Ernie (and you to a lesser extent) will post up about ‘morally right vs wrong’ not ‘red vs blue’ as sometimes all the politicians are wrong.

    FWIW ‘Reforms’ will not really save much in taxes. In extrememly limited fairness to the government, the object is a blindly and stupidly principles-driven reduction in the ‘state’, ie the taxes to go back into private enterprise and reduce the responsibility of central government for our health. Oh, and has the (I am sure unintended, yeah right) side effect of making rich people richer. The recent backtracking on keeping the health secretary ultimately responsible is very important IMO.

    Free Member

    High praise indeed.

    *boom tish* 😀

    Free Member

    I can’t believe the Metallica CD has been ‘spurned’! May the gods of metal cause you many punctures this weekend, sinner!

    Free Member

    Long open curved wards, so staff cannot see from one end to t’other.

    yep, we’ve got a couple like that too. PFI too, so freekin’ awesome* value for your money, taxpayers.

    *sorry i meant ‘will cost you twice as much as if the SHA had paid for it up front in the first place, and tied into renting it for another 25 years’

    Free Member

    I love how every post here gets polarised into ‘right vs left’ or indeed ‘god vs the futility of our brief existence on earth’. (yes, you Woppit)

    Let’s not forget that lots of this NHS sell-off reform nonsense was started by NooLab a few years ago anyway. I bet flashy would be wetting his plus fours with laughter and indeed starting a thread on here if it had been eighteen months ago and it was Gordon Brown on the end of the doctor’s rant instead. Whereas I seem to remember ernie having the same level of scorn for underhand stealth privatisation whichever party it was trying to slip it in unnoticed.

    Free Member

    We are definitely driving less and drinking less. (not at the same time, of course).
    Same pay freeze as Drac here (well, actually a cut in terms of cost of living) on both our incomes. When we have finished paying off our student/crazy 20’s debts we will be better off again in terms of disposable income so I suppose we have that to look forward to in a couple of years.

    Free Member

    Nice clean ward and relativeley young patients in it.

    Wonder what it was he was talking to the dude in the compression stockings about?

    “Well, for the princely sum of ‘no rise to your taxes’ I, your caring sharing prime minister can offer you excatly the same treatment in a choice of treatment centres, some of which may be almost as close to your home as you local district general hospital.

    “You can be cared for by enthusiatic but less experienced teams in a non-acute hospital-shaped building, in which should you get serious complications overnight, you will be seen by one generic SHO before being scooped into an ambulance and taken to a proper hospital.
    ….where you won’t be seen at night by a specialist any more because the selling off of less acute specialities means there is less expertise available round the clock to care for the really bad cases in your field of illness. “

    The consultant comes across as a bit frazzled to put it kindly, but I suspect that ^^ is what his rant is really about…

    Free Member

    Tasteless tagging up there ^ 😕

    Is Elfin’s dome thick enough of thatch to go all bald except for some intricate design on the top to stand out well? I am thinking either the bullheart logo, or just a cock and balls 😀

    Free Member

    Added value bonus being you can use it to shine up your car dashboard and bumpers 😉

    But yes it’s great.

    Mrs julian keeps winning fork juice at races so never needed to buy any: does anyone on here use generic/halfords silicon polish and is it really the same but cheaper?

    Free Member

    I want a hollowed out volcano and a white cat. My minions can double-time it between monorail stations round the complex wearing Howies organic unbleached off-white jumpsuits and non-slip Vans.

    Free Member


    I was in a cohort at nursing skool, and there were 120 of us. Anita Roddick must have a massive company! 😀

    Free Member

    We’ve all got “if the wind changes” photos of ourselves and mates looking a bit peculiar.

    Clearly there must be a market for cameras that take very hi res photos at a gazillion frames per second. Then take it back to Wapping and get the work experience lad to trawl through several hundred pictures until you find the magic ‘between facial expressions’ shot that makes your subject look like a tool/psychopath. I chuckle at these pictures but they are hardly representative of anyone’s default facial expression and a bit sad that newspapers have to resort to this to get our interest.

    I bet even Cameron could be snapped accidentally looking humble if you snapped for long enough. 😉

    Free Member

    AFAIK only halfords open on sunday anywhere near me (Plymouth). Unless you count Big Peaks in Ashburton (much like convert’s: surf/outdoors/kayak/bike shop) but that’s a bit of a way on a mountain bike. Sundays is for riding though, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    perhsaps we should have a thread where those of us who’ve bought frames from other stw-ers post up a picture to say ‘look what i did to your pride and joy!’.

    I’ve still got a couple of bikes whose frames I bought on here: one looks pretty sensible but the other might make the former owner’s toes curl! 😆

    Free Member

    Yeti sure make a pretty bike, though i suppose turquoise and loopy chain/seat stays are a bit marmite.
    Kinesis great value for money.
    I’ve built up a couple of scandals for mates, and despite the on-one bashing encountered here, they are indeed silly light (weighed before built, 15-1600g depending on size and whether its slotty or normal dropouts) and I found them pretty well finished in terms of welds, tube shapes and anodising. Certainly on a par with kinesis if not quite as spangly as a boutique brand. BTW geometry/handling of scandal is the same as an inbred if you wanted to have a go on one, they are just lighter.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit – Member

    Rowan Williams, being intelligent, earlier…

    Ah, but his beard is a lot better these days. Shirley a good sign!

    Free Member

    Yes. (round my way is not round Ton’s way though) What’s been going down in Leeds, Ton?

    As an aside, I was in a kebab shop at 2.30am the other night and a young lady got very shirty with the staff because they woudn’t sell her a whole cucumber. It’s not like they didn’t have loads in the kitchen. I’m guessing she was trying to make some kind of misguided drunken e-coli statement.

    [edit: no idea if she actually was drunk, because I was absolutley ballbagged]

    Free Member

    Ace. Please post up a “4YO scares park users witless with air zound” video in due course; that will be well funny 😀 .

    Free Member

    for downhill? Those weights are, errr, ‘impressive’! Also i’d be wary of any online shop with massively discounted stuff not showing as ‘in stock’.

    Had loads of intense tyres over the years but not those ones so unable to comment on the ride/gripof the ones you’re looking at. 909 ‘s have been ok to me until it gets muddy (sounds like GW’s experience of the comp 50) : I see winstanleys have had a few versions of them too. The world cup ones were grrrreat in proper bone dry dust and really rather frightening in anything less dry.

    Free Member

    How about sunday eucharist? 😉

    Free Member

    see if you’d said all that ^^ in the first post, this would be a bit of a non-thread, since that all sounds quite reasonable. I don’t think anyone would bat an eyelid if this was Holland not Scotland. I’d love to hear of him dealing with inattentive pedestrians by parping one of those air zound horns and scaring the bejeesus out of some old dear.

    Free Member

    SBZ, cough cough… 😉

    Free Member

    I want to know how Elfin’s kebab was too.

    Free Member

    depends which ones, and whether they go on front or back. What are you looking at?

    Free Member

    tomthumb, i was hoping that the idea was:
    1) we all say what silly folk the 2 drivers were.
    2) George tells us how wee the wee boy is.
    3) George gets fully legit proud dad points for this detail.
    4) then we all say “but but but!” because we all think that age is too young to be riding off the pavement, even if it is on a cyclepath with dad+trailer between him and the traffic.
    5) big arguments ensues. (c.f. the ‘getting air on trailer on trailcentre with tiny baby thread’)

    Oh, I hope I haven’t spoilt it now.

    Free Member

    yes. with this.

    Free Member

    So anyway, after we’ve argued ourselves to death on whether or not there is a God, (kind of inevitable that any thread with an archbishop in it ends up this way really 😆 ) how do we feel about

    -the Archbishop sticking his oar in again?

    -does he really have a political agenda like Cameron, Osborne and Streeter (huuuugely serious comitted Christian by the way) have all insisted today?

    -if he does have a political agenda, why is he so mean to NuLab too?

    AND no one has answered my (OP) initial question; What Would Jesus Vote?

    (FWIW if he existed and had a uk vote, I think he’d go for ‘pre-coalition-sellout’ LibDem)

    Free Member

    George, you forgot to remind us how young your son is.

    Free Member

    that looks like a very nice way to se Alaska 😀

    I’ve never ridden a phatbikie: I am a bit puzzled about the bit about a minute in, where he shoulders the bike to walk over/between some rocks poking out of the wet sand which looked all of 6 inches high at worst. Are these bikes that unweildy or have i missed out on some phatbike ‘in’ joke?

    Free Member

    Gary Streeter described Williams’ piece in the New Statesman as a “party political rant”.

    Does anyone remember if The Archbishop ranted at the last government in this way? (hint: oh yes he did) If so, what ‘party’ is he ranting for? Try as I might I can’t reconcile very many conventional C of E values with NuLab either, nor with much of what they did in government. 😕

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