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  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    😆 @ “gnarl inflation. 😀

    Free Member

    I think it is up to the rider themselves to decide if he/she is overbiked though. It is nice every so often to try trails you are tiring of on a less bouncy bike, (or get rattled to bits on on a more bouncy bike) but just ride what makes you enjoy it the most.

    Free Member

    Gweilo, you’ll haver to help us out here: I have read grum’s posts a couple of times and I can’t see the bit where he condones benefit fraud anywhere.

    I do think it is possible to see him suggesting that in these tight times, ‘cracking down’ on benefit fraud by contracting private companies with incentive schemes may be a rather less efficient use of public money than investing in robust pursuing of tax evasion and tightening laws allowing tax avoidance.

    Free Member

    Rockape63 – Member

    You Guys really get off on this don’t you? Like CMD has a choice?

    Are you new here? 😆 Like the “choice” of Cameron/Osborne and the has not been debated to death about twice a week on this forum for the last eighteen months….

    Free Member

    I have a friend who is a bastid-hard genuine certified Zulu Warrior (although he rarely dresses like one!), and he is absolutely terrified of cats.

    Don’t know if that helps at all.

    Free Member

    There was a thread recently which again pointed out that our elections are actually decided by a small minority of swing voters in marginal constituencies. So yes, some variation on PR please: my vote in my extremely safe constituency currently means absolutely naff all.

    Free Member

    I got it Grum. 8)

    My lids love “Oops tv” (like ‘you’ve been framed’ but a bit kiddified, and with JLC as Beadle) -I wonder how long it will take them to realise…

    Free Member

    What hub is it? Lots of them can be adapted to take 20mm axles by replacing the bits on either side of the hub.

    Free Member

    Flashy, whatever you get, make sure you leave strava on. 😈

    Free Member

    He certainly is a lot more of an “operator” than he would like us to think. I reckon even that thing at the olympics where he got stuck in a harness up in the air was engineered.

    Free Member

    So I take it we are out of the “rumbuctuous dispatch box sparring” now then? 😀

    Of course I often use google/wiki as ‘signposting’ (for myself or my patients), as do a number of my professional colleagues, as much as it pains us to admit it.

    Bwaarp, speaking as a clinician, I think it is essential to be able to understand and “adjust for” intellectual laziness, but if you are going to making a career of this, you will do well if you know when it is pragmatic to sail a tricky course through this sort of stuff whilst holding your principles to your chest like a fragile infant, rather than throwing more and more hard science at it. Keeping fallible human beings interested and engaged (as opposed to bored and alienated/enraged) is half the battle of research IMHO.

    Free Member

    bwaarp – Member

    Yunki calm down man, think of this thread as just a heated houses of parliament debate.

    Yes, I’d be murdered if I did that in a thesis – but this is a forum and some people seem curious enough (like Junkyard) to think about the topic in a critical manner so I believe it’s appropriate.

    Pick one and stick to it please. 😉

    Free Member

    Houns, you forgot “oakley wearing” up there. 😉

    Free Member

    I thought the unspoken rule on here was “find out what you want to argue about in Wiki but never ever let on to the rest of the thread that you found it there”. 😆

    Free Member

    Wiki has a nice little summary

    …and there I was thinking you were angling for the scientific high ground on this thread. 😛

    Free Member

    …yet earlier in the thread you seemed to be challenging someone’s observations of pain response in a 27 week prem baby, not a 12 week foetus. ❓

    Although it is generally accepted that human babies would be born larger and better developed were it not for us walking on our hind legs (to walk on your hind legs not all fours, you have to have a tougher pelvis with a smaller hole through the middle, so the offspring has to come out smaller), the paper I linked also suggests that a human newborn has the same neurological development as that of a month-old macaque monkey that is able to do all sorts of supposedly developed and independent things for itself.

    Again, it really is all shades of grey isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Interesting Julian. Can you point me in the direction of the research?

    Can’t remember what the one I was thinking of was called, but a quick google (bottom of first page of results) produced this:

    Here you go.

    … which is free to view without the need for an Athens login, has some nice pictures and graphs, and would also put foetal pain sensitivity at “only” 28-30 weeks too, as well as postulating later effects on mental health/prersonlaity.

    With a five to seven week reduction, will you think about backing down now? 😉

    Free Member

    Bwaarp, I’ve never been in a NICU either, but for the puropses of balance, I am also aware of research that suggests that some of the pre-natal experiences of the baby/foetus from well before 35 weeks can have effects on the neurological development (and consequently potentially the personality traits) of the child in later life.

    It has long since been accepted that right from birth, stimuli such as touch, noise, light, temperature and the ‘suddenness’ of those stimuli begin to affect not only the reactions and behaviour of the baby but also the completion of the wiring of the brain and by consequence one’s personality, (which incidentally some researchers believe is not complete until your early 20’s, but that is for another thread!). I can well understand how these processes could begin well (over 5 weeks) before birth.

    And as another poster has already said, there is a great deal of ‘wiggle room’ in the notional 40 week gestational period from how in touch some mothers are about the timing of their periods, and the variations in size of baby and maximum fundal height of mum.

    Free Member

    northwind +1 -I wonder if Superstar has a few wheelbuilders, including one who is quite a bit less good at it than the others!

    For me, the pricing is so good I would be willing to take a gamble on the build itself, and then spend more in getting them re-tensioned by a good wheelbuilder if it turned out to be a ‘Friday afternoon’ set. I usually build my own wheels and my mates’, but there is no way I could buy the parts for what SSC sells complete builds for (same usually goes for hope hoops, CRC and Merlin btw, but often ssc seems even more crazily priced for the parts you get)

    Free Member

    zulu, you are either trolling or not reading his posts properly. Perhaps it is the job I do, but it seems clear to me from his posts that there is not a ‘line’, but a mass of ethical considerations in many shades of grey rather than the black and white that seems to prevail in this thread. Is that really so hard to see?

    Free Member

    I’m a vegetarian and a pro-choicer fwiw. Does that make me a bad veggie? 😆

    Free Member

    @atherbeintobago, great story about Dr Dan and his 100 hours. He’s not fooling anyone is he? 😆

    fwiw, as a health professional I honestly thought it was some kind of send-up of the madness of cabinet reshuffles of the 80’s/90’s when I first heard that Hunt was the new health secretary. Seriously, if you had looked for someone even more willing to sell their soul off than Lansley, someone with an even worse record of being utterly in the pocket of private enterprise at the expense of the taxpayer and the voter, you couldn’t have done better/worse than Hunt. 👿

    And yes, all this does also whiff of “smokescreen” -I wonder what they hope to sneak past the meeja whilst we are all arguing about abortion?

    Free Member

    If Landis actually does pay out to publish the verdict in the press, is he also allowed to publish the awesomely funny list of things he is “not allowed” to say any more? 😆

    Free Member

    Seal head rather than seals?

    My 2006-7ish reba race had a crack in the seal head (white bit that goes just behind the c-clip at the bottom f the RH stanchion. But I would never have noticed this, tf tuned did and sent me back the cracked one when they replaced it (for free as part of overall service cost 😀 ), and even knowing what was wrong I still would have had tropuble telling where it was cracked.

    Free Member

    uuurgh, definitely before a night shift: I am well rubbish afterwards!

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    I struggle with long sentences so this may have been covered, but if at all possible vary your commute times. Arriving at work at 10am, the roads are far far nicer than if you are arriving at 9am. It’s like night and day.

    Indeed! I work silly nursing shifts, but I stayed late yesterday and rode home with the 5pm traffic and it was well rubbish. 🙁 Also not keen on 8am ride home after nights either, but that is as much to do with being dog tired as the morning rush hour…

    Free Member


    -most expensive-but-high-street brands where it is very omportant to have the brand name very big so everyone can see you are wearing it, particularly the ones that were cool and then sold out massively eg Bench, Ecko, Superdry.

    Not sure whether “meat and fish” really counts: I do buy and cook these for other people and my children.

    I am also a nurse, and so on a daily basis I am required to give people and extoll the benifits and virtues of medicines that are made by eeeeeeevil big pharma companies with highly dubious skellingtons* in their closets. (*yes that is how real health professionals speel it 😀 )

    Free Member

    I thought it was a very funny sketch, but seems to be lacking in enough good jokes for a whole series IMHO.

    slight tangent, I recently read “Them” by Jon Ronson: it pre-dates 9-11 and has a chapter where he hangs out with the then self-styled “Bin Laden’s right hand man in UK” -this also concerns a self-proclaimed community leader who is not always tolerated by his peers, but is both funnier and true.

    Free Member

    “….but I thought you were gay.”

    It must be the gesticulations and frequent bursts of singing. I am the anti-alpha man but quite happy with this.

    Free Member

    IME formula fittings are not all created equal: I have to fit fatter o-rings on the brass screw-in bit for one banjo (on the ti-fitting-ed ones) than I do for the other.

    Free Member

    Zulu-Eleven – Member

    shouldn’t you lose your gun licence if a loaded gun is ever “to hand” ?

    Why? The law says that firearms have to be kept ‘secure’

    Nowhere more secure than in the bedroom with me, is there?

    For my brother in law to leave his cabinet unlocked or keep a shotgun ‘ready’ in the bedroom, he would have to get licences for my sister and their 2 year old, and register/reference his forearms to them too.

    That said, I also knew someone whose shotgun cabinet was inside his fitted wardrobe…

    Free Member

    fritzvonrundle (rarely posts on here, often lurks) rides to work on a drop-bar 26″ singlespeed that we built up as cheap as we could:
    -carerra somethingorother mtb frame, re-‘finished’ in rattle-can black.
    -p2 fork
    -raceface cadence drop bar.
    -tektro v-brake drop levers.
    -rear shimano cable disc and front v-brakes as dicated by mounts/lack of mounts on frame and fork.
    -1″ rear slick and 1.75″ front slick to raise the front end a touch.
    -mech-hanger mounted tensioner for ss.

    It looks and absolute state, is hilarious fun to ride and rather fast too.

    Free Member

    fwiw, the £1000 spanner is a way to reduce your ebay shop fees. Rather than take a b-i-n listing down because you are out of stock, and then pay a new listing fee when you have it in again, you put the price up sky high so no one will buy it until your new stock arrives.

    Free Member

    …or out of their depth.

    Free Member

    He’s left his little satchel at home.

    Free Member

    I once worked on a crumpet making machine, which is a fantastic big clanky sizzly thing. Sorting crumpets into stacks for packagin also gives you baby-smooth hands.

    I also briefly cleaned loos/bathrooms and did the dishes on Royal Navy battleships when they were in port. (Devonport dockyard). You’d get to wander around all sorts, and the sailors were very decent to us -I always imagined they were pleased they were getting a few weks off the crappiest chores… Sometimes you’d finish your shift, come out on deck to go home and find you were a mile out in Plymouth Sound. 😯

    Free Member

    Phil McCrackin. (courtesy of a sixty year old lady I work with)

    …and half of the names in the Austin Powers films.

    Free Member

    In the meantime I would be getting all Malcolm Tucker on him behind closed doors however.

    Yes indeed 😀 , but he is the Tucker figure for the Conservative Party at the moment. Who would you get to go all Malcolm Tucker on Malcolm Tucker?

    Free Member

    I think you should try, Gorehound. If it goes badly, I am not sure you will be allowed to post from your smartphone in the cells to tell us all about it though.

    Seriously though, the police report suggests it is a bit worse than calling an officer a pig and blowing a rasberry. In fact, bordering on a public order offence.

    Free Member

    Graham, that veganfitness thread is well funny! In between the frequent outbursts of possibly-tounge-in-cheek militant veganism, there are some genuinely funny and genuinely well-informed posts, including the phd one about exactly how they “grow” it.

    Also some of the profile/avatar photos on it are aaaaawesome. 😀

    If I join and lurk as a closet ‘only’ vegetarian, will they find out and send “Bronco” (page 4, a few posts above MTQG’s) round to deal with me?

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