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  • Salsa Blackborow | Haul More Junk In The Trunk
  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    haldon is fine for xc; there is a waymarked ‘red’ route and lots of other unmarked bits. I’m sure someone here will point you towards them.

    BTW its still pretty much night time here at 6am!

    Free Member

    i thought everyone was going to sleep up there ^.

    I think that as this is a mountainbiking forum and the only way to settle this debate and its many confusing facets and offshoots will be a trackstanding/stare-off combo competition. It could be screened late at night on extreme sports channel after the canadians xc racing. No baps or other nakedness necessary though bonus points for lurid team kit and matching jersey/bibs/socks. CFH to provide mysterious gladiators-style voiceover commentary. Winner!

    Free Member

    wonder if anyone would be able to calculate a ballpark cost in money of the missed jabs, sick children and general hoo ha?

    and compare it to how much the nhs saved by a million-odd children having one jab/appointment instead of 3?

    were they tied into a contract with the producer of the mmr vaccine? …as I can’t help but wonder if the pragmatic thing to do would have been to offer 3 vaccines to all worried parents rather than have the risks and repercussions of all those cases of measles in unvaccinated kids.

    Free Member

    The police do it down here. They usually have a pretty good answer for stuff like that: I’m sure one of the stw policepersons will come along soon and tell us why.

    Or glupton.

    Free Member

    slight tangent: one of the ssri’s (paroxetine/seroxat iirc) also stops your, ahem, gelignite stick from detonating too early and i heard anecdotes several years ago of it being prtescribed for this.

    and yes venlafaxine has also been used to treat anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder too.

    I reccommend the royal college of psychiatrists website here for information withou the adverts or crystals in your bellybutton type suggestions. Considering they are all doctors its very well balanced between medicinbes, psychiological therapies and lifestyle changes.

    Free Member

    if you have second thoughts about it after the build, then i’m sure Prince will have it off you:

    Free Member

    aw, mrs julian beat me to it (see above).

    if you found it ‘nasty stuff’, why not mention this to gp and ask if there is an alternative? It depends what you have tried before and what sort of problems you are having but there are quite a few other antidepressants out there. Escitalopram (trade name Cipralex) has a particularly ok side effect profile (it works as well as ‘old’ citalopram but with less downsides) but not usually first line of treatment as it is expensive to the prescriber ie your GP surgery. (you of course just pay your prescription whatever they prescribe).

    Free Member

    DJglover, I think you should complain and don’t take any money if its offered. But be sure of what you are complaining about. (ie corridor for 8 hours). It was almost certainly beyond the control of the consultant and matron on duty at the time, and is likely to be a result of a peak of labours/births occurring during a shortage of staff. The calculation of keeping staff busy enough versus ‘out-of-control busy’ is a hard one for senoir managers. I know from experience (as a nurse/charge nurse not a manager) that they get concerned if they see nurses pootling about doing very little cos it happens to be rare really quiet day. And sod’s law says that is when they always visit the wards. They need to be kept aware how busy the really busy times are. Any carefuly calculated saving on staff or resources can be completely wiped out by investigating and compensating just one death or disablement of a baby. Managment need to be reminded how close they could be sailing to the wind and complaints like yours serve to remind them of this.

    Free Member

    i am amazed that ‘****’ is not filtered, it gets used so much here!

    what about a few more in there? Today I am thinking ‘shimano’ and ‘xtr’.

    Free Member

    Re my **yikes!** above: I can’t believe that the four letter word beginning with H that is the opposite of Heaven gets swear filtered!

    Just in case you thought i was getting all potty-mouthed and that…

    Free Member

    I am fairly sure i am straight and like ladies. But i think if i had been wandering around a jungle for months and bumped into that lady then in my “oh hell, a lady?!” awkwardness, i could probably manage to come across as the camper than a row of Brownies too.

    Free Member

    What particularly bugs me about Shimano stuff is the fact that you can’t replace the bearings in a HT2 BB

    if you have a funny expanding collett tool (like the one Phillips has just ordered, yay!) to extract the bearings you can replace them with vastly superior phil wood or enduro bearings. Dunno about the phil wood ones but the enduro ones are £20. I think with shimano’s price versus longevity this is really the way forward. And its nice to give money to smaller companies via smaller bike shops for this.

    Free Member

    My pigeon-hole at work is 6 and a half feet off the floor. Does this mean I am one of the more ‘top’ mental health nurses in the UK? I am not the tallest though and my name comes at the end of the alphabet though so i porobably lose points there…

    Seriously though i imagine what alpin means is that his aunt is that she is one of thos senior representatives at strategic health authority level, so in effect the most senior one in her region who shouts at talks to the senior midwives for each of the nhs trusts in the south east.

    Which if this is the case, I would be very wary about quoting her about such a contentious issue, alpin. You’ll get her in hot water. I’m sure it would take me a few clcicks on google or the nhs websites to find out her name and her work phone number. I would be in all sorts of bother if i spoke candidly about my job and anyone from my NHS trust read it; I read most of the medical threads on here but very often i refrain from commenting…

    Free Member

    Could always “slum” it and use Deore or LX till prices come back down. Poor little darlings, how do you cope?

    seconded! deore chainrings will last you longer anyway, and there is plenty abouton classifieds or ebay in the way of mechs, brakes etc. The only brand new shimano-ey stuff i ever buy now is chains cassettes and chainrings. Best buy up some sram whilst its still relatively unaffected. Bike manintenance products sales should go through the roof though! the amount of wear on my less tidy mates’ bikes compared to mine on the same rides is startling. And i do not keep my bikes that clean either.

    I feel sorry for the bike shops as i am sure shimano will easliy suck up the huge drop in sales in only one country (euro seems far more buoyant, Germans far more likely to swallow price rises to have matching components on their bikes etc) but this must be a large chunk of overall revenue for a lot of smaller shops.

    Free Member

    I see your Hague, go as far opposite as possible (little known reverse euripedes cross-country ramble) and raise you a Croxley Green.

    Oh no. Its friday. Works on the line.

    Free Member


    wooh! it works!
    errrrm, if that isn’t a hotlinked stylised picture of the Hoff please remove!

    Free Member

    I knew someone who used to take a drug for obesity which sends any fatty food ‘straight through’ before you get a chance to digest it. (Lipidor IIRC?)

    He had a Mcdonalds, went shopping and then messed himself in the middle of Asda.

    Obviously as a nurse it would have been totally wrong of me to find that hugely funny in any way. *wipes away tear and coughs a bit*

    Free Member

    where’s Musson when you want him?

    iirc his book says that if you trust the original build, and the spokes are the right length and not cracked or scraped by your chain, then there isn’t much reason not to re-use the spokes. He says he doesn’t re-use other peoples’ spokes cos he has a business to run and a reputation to uphold but would reuse his own.

    Or £15 for 36 dt stainless double butted at CRC is also nice.

    If you do reuse them, remember to separate the ‘inside’ ones from the ‘outside’: the ones that pass from the inside of the flange and exit on the outside will have an extra bit of ‘bend’ as they double back on themselves slightly when built.

    Free Member

    EPO caused a rash of deaths in top class cycling. Increase in number of red blood cells effectively thickening the blood leading to heart attack.

    indeed, such was the risk that many pro riders would set their alarms a couple of times a night and get up to excercise, in order to minimise the chance of their blood getting so gloopy that their heart stopped in their sleep.

    It would be prudent to wait for a post mortem before we get too carried away though. It is extraordinary how many super-healthy and drug-free people do just keel over. It is more apparent now, as most medical ailments have become easier to prevent, predict/detect in early stages, or treat when they happen. SADS is not one of them, and in the light of so many other advances in medicine, it seems to stand out more when it does happen.

    Very sad indeed, I feel so sorry for his parents: no one should have to outlive their children.

    Free Member

    ebay? :wink:

    seriously though, there’s a seller on there who appears to make his own mostly; if they aren’t in stock perhaps they could make some up for you. A search for most bike brands will come up with several ‘reproduction’ decals in a variety of colours; its the one whose listings are in eye-watering multicolour writing.

    Free Member

    I know two epic 08’s (and their owners!) One is on its third and other its fourth shock all ‘replaced’ under warranty. The 09 shock is completely different (and won’t fit in the 08 frame either). I wonder why they only made this one for a year?! Specialized are presumably fixing these like crazy (it sounds/feels like a seal blows in the compression/brain bit) and putting them back out for warranty replacement. The latest replacements on both bikes have been going a bit longer than the previous ones did, mind.

    Free Member

    Nutt’s been gone an hour. Did he take a book in?

    Free Member

    Pile on!

    Free Member

    It snowed like crazy for about an hour here yesterday and is now all gone again. So yes, very rainy muddy wednesday night ride as usual tonight. bah/yuk.

    Free Member

    you need an extra spacer on each side. post a wanted add on classifieds.

    Free Member

    one on the drive side is correct. Any more than that and the cranks won’t do up properly.

    Free Member

    Re: mark’s point about KE advertising alongside the article about one of their adventures:

    ‘If I’d known you were running a piece that featured one of our trips I’d have told the marketing dept. to run and ad in this issue.’

    The gist of the article being “we didn’t know the trail had been washed down a river 2 weeks previously, we had a miserable old ‘ride’ and had our arses saved only by the kindness of some locals we luckily chanced upon.”

    I can’t say I am overwhelmed with confidence about a smoothly run riding trip. Were they not better off spending the money advertising in the following issue anyway?

    Though oddly for reading the article I am quite keen on riding in Morocco now. Just not with them. :lol:

    Free Member


    As long as you use the correct adaptor for the size of the rotor you ought to be reet: both callipers are designed to bolt stright onto a post mount fork with no adaptor (except the spacers on juicys which can be taken as a given part of the caliper rather than the adaptor for the purposes of working out your adaptors). So all the adaptor does is convert from IS mount to post mount and add a certain distance (in this case 12.5mm) from the wheel axle.

    In practice avid adaptors seem to have the post mount holes drilled ever so slightly further over to the left ( I use juicys on shimano mounts on one bike with a timy bit of filing on the conical washers which sit too far out of the right side of the adaptor)) and this could mean aligning the calliper becomes a bit of a mission if it doesn’t slide far enough to the right to sit central over the disc rotor. You won’t know until you try as it will be a matter of 1mm max. If that happens you could either space out the adaptor on the fork/frame mount, or space the rotor out on the hub mount.

    EDIT: oh and a) like most other disc brake manufacturers, shimano don’t honour garauntees if you mix and match parts from other suppliers
    b) you can’t get 185mm adaptors made by shimano cos they don’t make 185mm rotors either.

    But it will most likely be fine.

    Free Member

    beware there are 2 different ‘pitches’ of thread too: the v brake studs on my maxmax have a different pitch to the ones on my maxlight. (maxmax ones have fewer, wider threads)

    Free Member

    Blaming Thatcher is soooooo 90’s. I’m glad I have chanced upon a politician of er… ‘mutual dislike’, Cap’n.

    I’ll have a Doom Bar then please.

    And some roysters.

    Free Member

    Can I blame Michael Portillo then?

    Free Member

    I blame Gordon Brown [×]

    (lifted from CFH’s post up thar^^. )

    yes of course he does. :roll:

    Edit: (though oddly you had to be logged out to spot it.)

    Free Member

    he will undoubtedly be out with his destruktion kru on their mint rides, scoping out a zone for some sick lines, maaaaawnster hucks and ill flipwhips.

    Free Member

    oh and look at that thread about Elbry Sandland from last week, plenty of ridiculous huckfesting in that too.

    Free Member

    ‘sending it’

    sending it where, ffs?!

    Free Member

    Carl, four posts to find the filthiest (semi-legal) thing on the interweb.

    You have no shame!

    Free Member

    spend the more money on similar parts but get roger musson/wheelpro to build it. The way he talks in his book, i would expect to get proper advice about what is realistically the lightest you can go and then a fantastic build. Its costly, but he has a ‘won’t need truing’ garuantee afterwards. My mate has a set of tubeless dh wheels he has absolutely hammered the crap out of, and he really is a very fast ‘flat out, plough through’ rider, and his are still straight as a die.

    Free Member

    I second A&B having had similar in our local woods over last few years. Being unable to unearth bits of old line will make you rethink and put in new bits. And plenty of wood lying about for building up of lumpy bits.

    Slightly cheesy christmas cracker level understanding of far eastern wisdom: there is no such thing as a problem, only opportunities.

    Free Member

    slightly less rubbish at uphill :(

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