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  • Flippin’ Heck. It’s The Singletrack Tech… Shirt.
  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    Smee – Member

    You see if glupton had started this thread the replies would have been along the lines of “you ****, that is one more driver out to kill a cyclist – nice one ****.”


    Almost certainly that would have happened.

    I suppose what is funny for me is the small volume of spittle on unsuspecting cyclist is met with much larger volume of whatever it is CFH has in his camelbak (Pimms or something probably) immediately afterwards. It would have been less funnny if there was some delay in proceedings (driver may have even forgotten all about his misdemeanour after a while), and not funny at all if the ‘punishment’ had been different or more aggressive ie being yelled at, punched or car damaged. It is the timing and nature of the ‘response’ that makes it funny and hopefully a little more embarrassing and (humble non-violent) thought-provoking for the driver.

    BTW, everyone that remembers the wonder that was glupton does know you are both the same person, you know…

    Free Member

    Am I right in thinking I can chuck the spacer and put a 9spd cassette straight on?


    You will also need narrower chainrings especially if it was all old 7sp stuff.

    Free Member

    your instructions are waaaaay funnier than the avid instructions.

    which are in turn superior to the formula instructions, which are not worth reading as they basically say: “Do not do this or your will DIE. But since you are reading this, here is how. But don’t blame us if you DIE. And ffs don’t sue us. You can’t anyway, our lawyer wrote these instructions. That’s why they are so rubbish.”

    Great brakes though.

    Incidentally folks I also did my formulas like this^ a while back and it worked very well. Funny that it takes someone else’s bleed kit and instructions to get the best out of them…

    Free Member

    what did the driver do??

    He realised he had been ‘sprayed’ by the elusive CaptainFlasheart and proclaimed “I will never wash my face again!”.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    What: kinesis maxlight xc pro
    Where: soggy bottom round 3 Newnham Park. It was ace. Mostly dry.

    Free Member

    …mrs julian’s bike (spesh myka) also has comedically wide bars, especially considering it is a 15″ frame. I am sure there must be some reasoning behind it and she likes it…

    Free Member

    if you use dh16’s you will take all your carpet down the stairs with you.

    Free Member

    One Franny Jeffers!! Come on you blue and white wizards

    we was robbed!

    Free Member

    1000mg of Mefenamic acid

    …you know that’s more commonly prescribed for period pain don’t you? :wink:
    I’ve heard that 2.1 explorers hook up well on slightly worn stair carpet.

    Oh, and on topic, one set does one brake, not both. Still bonkers value and comes next day.

    Free Member

    closest club to birthplace for me. So I support/follow the Hornets.

    Someone has to. :(

    Free Member

    Mr Nutt, that was some far out writing up there. :D How are the painkillers working out for you?

    Free Member

    mine have been fine, in both sintered and regular flavour.

    was the pony ok in the end? Nothing brings me to tears like a singed pony.

    Free Member


    …I wonder what on earth that is called in French?

    Free Member

    i’d have more than a toothache if my formula levers fell off this weekend.

    thanks for the tipoff(s).

    Free Member

    you are indeed supposed to have two but on my bulb at least, (which dismantles exactly the same as that diagram up there) they just stop the spacer falling off the hub (not particularly structural) when you take it out of the fork. So I wouldn’t let it stop you riding it, and hope have excellent customer support/aftersales so I am sure they will fire you over another ring by express carrier pigeon.

    Free Member

    What I said. The gearbox was dropped out of the frame when it was stolen, ie, there was no gearbox in the frame when it was stolen.

    …hahaha, I was honestly thinking that in the hurry to pinch it, the gearbox actually fell out of the frame. And wondering how on earth they won all those races with such an unrealiable way of fixing it in the bike. I am such a spanner sometimes! [/doofus]

    but really, how on earth would you imagine a) sorting out a new gearbox to put in yourself. and b) selling the last rn01 in existence on ebay and not attracting some sort of suspicion.


    Free Member

    ridicule of Marins.

    and bar mounted map boards.

    oh and I like it that people find some random little widget someone needs and posts it to them for nuffun’.

    Free Member

    good rant retraction

    fair cop, mr-m-w. the edit button is a wonderful thing. It was my usual beleaugured and underpaid nhs worker rant by the way. You didn’t miss much.

    and yes, ‘client moving goalposts’ is a horrendous problem. We (nhs trust) had an IT company once who would announced that they were going to update a big piece of software and its associated database every so often, and it was up to us to decide what we would like changed and agree it with them before each update. thus grumbles could be ‘saved up’ and dealt with at sensible intervals instead of changing like the wind.

    Civil servants are familiar with buidings in a way that they are not familiar with IT. And they know when to stop tinkering with a building whereas may have unrealistic expectations about what can be done in IT at what cost.

    Free Member

    Charliethebikemonger’s ebay shop usually has a set or 2 of silly-wide flat singlepeedy bars.

    btw, not seen CTBM round here since the ‘new sticker’ competition back along.

    Free Member

    here’s a lot of IT types riding very shiny bikes on this forum

    hear hear.

    There are also a lot of IT types spending a lot of time looking at this site in office hours. *waves*

    Free Member

    Oh sorry it wandered off a bit there. Also I think the real starion doesn’t have octagonal wheels but it really is that angular.

    And yes I know 2 drivers of new mini convertibles (both yellow -wtf?) and they both lunch. One is 36 and the other will admit to being somewhere ‘around’ forty.

    Free Member

    Fact: Mitsubishi were into horses in the 80’s and brought out the ‘colt’. They then designed a front engined sports coupé and thought it should be like a bigger more powerful horse. A bad phone line between australian and japanese reps got the new car heralded in press releases as the “Starion”. By the time they realised it was too late to change it.

    btw the official line is that the name is a contraction of “star of orion” but i like the first story the best.

    Free Member

    I believe Elbry Sandland is still a member of stw following his excellent contributions to the recent thread about him. His comments there would suggest that he may out of the rest of us be the the fastest at both DH and singlespeed xc with a beer in each hand.


    Free Member

    How would they know you’re returning the original file you downloaded and haven’t kept a copy. Impossible, therefore, ya can’t.

    ah, but with i-tunes they will know if you have transferred it anywhere or burnt it to audio cd as they have mean and nasty drm on their files. IIRC you can only burn an itunes download 4 times to audio cd and after that it won’t let you. And if you leave it in your ipod the next time you synch it with itunes then it will get picked up.

    big fan of itunes as an application, but not of the i-tunes store btw.

    so in answer to the OP, I think its worth a try as their ‘security’ means if you were to ‘return’ the file then you wouldn’t be able to listen to it again.

    Free Member

    my very old mbr’s went in the recycling!

    Free Member

    So whilst you can say “it’s just a velo saddle”, it’s not as clearly Charge have put a bunch of thought into it/customised cover/padding appropriately.

    thanks for a prompt and sensible answer Brant.

    ..interesting to see how someone can go about banging out dead good saddles at such a sensible price. The funny thing is that if they had originally come out at £30 we would probably still be buying them and telling folk how good they are.

    Free Member

    The plasic base on mine says ‘Velo’, which iirc is a far eastern saddle producer.

    What i would be interested to know is whether Charge designed the spoon and got them to make it, or whether they were just lucky enough to spot a really great saddle and got their name embossed on the top. It makes me wonder how many other great saddles might be lurking out there without the kudos of a brand like Charge to get people interested.

    fwiw I love my 2 chromo railed spoons (which also weigh less than ti railed belairs if you are bothered about that sort of thing) and a couple of mates are buying them having tried mine.

    Does anyone have a ‘knife’ to comment on? I must say its not the most appealing name for a saddle but a narrower less squishy version might be just the job for my ‘paperclip’ race bike…

    Free Member

    I remember being ‘spoken to’ a few years ago by fc person in our local woods as I was riding a ‘blue’ not ‘red trail’, which my evil mountain bike was obviously going to make mincemeat of. The fc person on this particular bog-fest of a trail had got just out of his landrover (making further bog of the edges of a trail it was a bit too wide to be driving up) and waded over to chat to two people on horses.

    Sometimes :roll: emoticons are really not enough.

    And yes these are the same woods as f-m-h mentioned earlier with the logs and trail debris. Although you can tell its dogwalkers and not anyone who has ever ridden a bike in the woods, as the logs are all laid perperendicular to the trail and as such easy to ride over or boost off. Muppets.

    Free Member

    it will be great to meet you Simon. Always welcome on our twice weekly rides.

    Oh and Dartington college is so far out it should have its own hemoisphere. You’ll love it!

    Free Member

    I wonder if the theoretical drop in sales by decreased availability as compared to ‘mailorderable’ bikes is actually offset by any reduction in warranty claims?
    I suppose since treks are available pretty much everywhere that possibly isn’t as much an issue as it would be for less well distributed brands.

    Free Member

    Yes. You used to be able to open up the motion control damper and unhook the return spring but i had a look at mine and it doesn’t seem too obviious how; I wonder if they changed the spring or something.
    The aluminium knob is ludicrously expensice for what it is too.

    I keep wondering if its worth swapping the whole damper and poploc lever with someone who has the fork-top lever. I hardly ever use mine even with the convenience of it being on the bars.

    Free Member

    fwiw looking at the way that bit is written and punctuated, i think the ‘bomber’ comment was the other journo’s own, or lifted from the bag’s own sales blurb.

    However, Chipps did seem to say “wipeout” in place of ‘fall off’. :? I have heard many rad and gnarly expressions for this up the woods on a sunday afternoon but down here ‘wiping out’ is strictly for ageing surfers.

    Free Member

    Where: Plympton (of newnham park fame) to Mount Gould in Plymouth.
    When All sorts of wierd nursey shift times.
    What Black hardrock with surly fork, full guards and one or 2 sliver pannier bags. Probably nodding like a bit of a wierdo to ipod.

    Free Member

    Michael Jackson to Adolf Hitler in 30 posts. I love it here.

    Free Member

    tj must be at work, this has been up at least 20 minutes!

    I knocked myself out from about 15mph and was amnesiac/well wierd all day after. And my helmet broke. I hate to think what i would have been like without one.

    it would be nice to hear from some people who have injured their noggins without helmets on and whether they do or would do now.

    Free Member

    to be fair, f-m-h does keep all his bikes equally dirty this is the only one it has ever happened to. And that includes a non-chainsucky blue 456 iirc.

    I always though most bikes ‘sucked’ a little in mud and it was whether the outside of the chainstay was close enough to the chainrings that made it noticable and a problem. If the 456 has nice big tyre clearance i suppose the stays might sit further out than other frames.

    Or it is cursed. That’s what I told him out riding tonight anyway.

    Free Member

    when you consider how much more expensive they were in the uk than in australia last year (i am trying not to say ‘middleman mark-up’. Ooops I just did), its no suprise that with the rubbish pound, the maths doesn’t add up any more for the uk salespeople.

    Shame, I chatted to them at 24/12 and they semed decent folk.

    Free Member

    fiskars cool tool about 10nyears old.

    Also I have a cheapo ritchey logic loose ball headset that has done 8 years and god knows how many clumsy filthy offroad miles, still on the original bearings and only regreased about five times in all that time.

    Free Member

    A quick question for you cable disc fans; do you also use gas lighting at home?

    no gas lighting (and 3 other sets of hydraulics) but two of my four bikes also have 8 speed rears. One has isis and one has square taper. All have inner tubes.

    I have heard that some of the folk on here have only one gear. 8O 8O 8O

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