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  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    caller display.

    or hang up if you don’t hear anyone on the other end within a second.

    Free Member

    In the uk, the best way round for slightly clumsy people (and i include myself in this!) is that you indicate to turn right whist feathering the back brake with your left hand. If you feathered the front and then got a bit wobbly your reflexes might make you squeeze harder and go over/off.

    At least, that is what i always thought.

    Free Member

    in my experience you are better off spending a couple of quid more getting enduro bearings fitted to your old cups.

    Free Member

    they are heavy!! and chunky: same lowers as an 888 and make my pikes look like spindly supermarket bike forks in comparison.

    Free Member

    normally just over excited people using xc race bikes for silly trail/ all mountain riding

    do you sell specizalized in your shop by any chance?

    Look at this recent thread.

    I ‘know’ three 08 epics ridden sensibly in the woods who have had a total of 9 shocks between them. the shop they were bought from keeps spare ones in the back. Its great if you live near a specialized dealer as you get a new or serviced shock every so often (5 year garuantee, woo!) but i certainly wouldn’t take one on holiday or buy a 2nd hand one.

    But they do ride well nice :)

    Free Member

    there is a really good guide on the park tools website where you clamp the wheel on the outside of the left dropout and then do it. Hard to explain but they manage it!

    Free Member

    no idea about the geometry changes but you have heard about the repeatedly blowing shocks on 08 and 09 ones haven’t you? that would put me off right away, shame as a mate has an 08 and it rides lovely. When it works!

    Free Member

    cli-mach trail starts and ends in machlynlleth i think. though nit really a trail centre. And you get there on a train from peterborough/leicester/birmingham/shrewsbury. But it takes aaaaaaaages!

    Free Member

    Mrs julian in first-ever-race-gets-pic-on-british-cycling-website-shock. Jealous? Moi?

    Free Member

    oh which of the 2 shock postitions is for what travel? Ususally the ‘inner’ (ie makes a smaller triangle) one makes longer travel but my maths/geometry isn’t what it used to be…

    And i am putting 100mm rebas on. Sensible or chopper handling?

    Free Member

    I have just bought a 2001/02 ish team one with the daft sponsors list). There are some new bearings in the post for it but the shock seems fine: hopefully will be built and shaken down for the set2rise next weekend. I am not a post your bike up sort of person (it will be all mis-matching colours and unaligned tyre logos anyway!) but the frame looks like this with a little dent, wear on one rocker and some heel rub:

    Free Member

    Changes in posties’ hours mean there is not the attraction in finishing your round at lightning speed in case they give you another one to do. So the stand-in probably just starts from the opposite end and does you road sooner and others later. Or something along those lines.

    Does your postie look like this?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    same/usual postie?

    i remember getting a parcel dropped inside the front door at christmas one year but of course it was well busy then and i suppose he saved 15 seconds of me getting to the door.

    Free Member

    sounds like about what i did when mine were that age. And i don’t work from home so see less of them if anything. Now we squeeze more riding in (mrs julian gets out on a bike 2 or 3 times a week too) in evenings or for fitness/family bablance wiuth bike trailers/seats and a picnic. Night ride once the kids are in bed makes no difference to them imo.

    Free Member

    you could try ringing goodridge: they certinly mail order mtb hyraulic brake bits on their website; might be worth seeing if they will sell gear bits direct too.

    Free Member

    Tell me again, what/how much have you lost to this IWH fella then?

    Hora has lost hours/days of his life posting on this thread. :-)

    Free Member

    my 66’s weigh about 3 kilos Sharki, I reckon you could do an above average level of damage ‘owning’ with them.

    Top snooping, and nothing cowardly about hanging round taking surreptitous photos of probably very nasty folk: I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes if they spotted you. Chapeau!

    Free Member

    if i can get my 2 year old to work the camera, i might just be able to help you out there Mick!

    Free Member

    fatmuthahubbard’s PA which he rode twice and then sold as he ‘didn’t get on with it.’ that was fun on a stick!

    -kinesis maxlight xc pro (i notice someone else hated it on the other thread)
    -456 summer season
    -rivette h4
    -my scott genius but only when i put pikes at 140mm on it; much more fun as a play bike than a marathon/race one

    the best funnest bike ever was a foes xct5 from a bike demo day about 3 years ago. I have honestly never equalled (err, on a bike that is) the fun i had ragging that round a bone-dry newnham park. Wish i could afford one.

    oh CFH, I am reviving (ie bearings/shock) an 01/02 vintage NRS team (with the daft sponsors list on the top tube and everything) i bought the other day. I was going to go 100mm up front. Any tips?

    Free Member

    Andyhilton, yesterday :-)

    Sorry Andy, any excuse to lighten a thread with a daft fellow countryman!

    But yes a whole shock instead of a spring is well wierd.

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member

    a some of the forums i post on wont let you start a thread untill youve posted a certain number of replies. And won’t let you post in the classifides untill you’ve started a certain mnumber of threads that generated replies.

    on you have to put in your race results with the ad so people know who you are and that they could find you at a race (and so the moderators are also sure who you are i guess). Obviously my race results are so deplorable i never post anything for sale there.

    On that basis, perhaps for here you should at least have to have posted a photo of your bike leaning against a trig point.


    Free Member

    I’m in a team of four.

    if i read right, 500 riders on an eight mile course is going to give us loooads of elbow room! Lovely :D

    Free Member

    as MisterGnar suggested above, acoustic guitars don’t ‘travel’ as well as electrics and are harder to remedy if they come set up all funny. I would always try it (or get someone who can play to try it if you can’t). It doesn’t matter how good it sounds if it feels all wrong; a badly set up guitar is even harder to love than a badly set up drivetrain!

    oh and fwiw one of the nicest to play (but not sound-wise) acoustics i ever tried is a cheap second-hand yamaha fg335. (i bought it as well) But a mate had an identical one too once and it was fairly horrible to play. Really, try before you buy.

    Free Member

    Where can I get a spacer from?

    …the other side of the bb shell. the pedal spindle is a fixed length and if you just put in an extra spacer then it will not do up properly. The best you can do if it is a 68mm bb shell is move a spacer from the non-drive to the drive side. This moves the whole crankset across 2.5mm. This might mean you don’t have a great deal of thread left in the bb shell on the driveside bb cup. And this will make your bike wonky. I’m sure someone will be along in a bit to say whether or not 2.5mm ‘out’ makes a difference to your position on the bike. Never tried it mesself.

    Free Member

    oh, also the £18 or £36 threshold thing now includes the postage fees as i found out when i bought a chain device from the states recently. I suppose this is to stop folk on ebay dodging ebay and customs fees by charging way over the odds for the postage and way under for the product itself. It also meant my chain device ended up costing a quid more than if i had bought it within the uk, and took three weeks to get here. :(

    Free Member

    pasty, innit.

    [edit] oh. Pasties say moo not miaow. I think that means I must be a pussy. Will that explain my cat’s irritating and just a little bit worrying level of interest in me this evening then?

    Free Member

    In between exploding rally cars and excellent delivery times from crc and wiggle, I think somewhere on this thread it says that Lee is from Plymouth.

    No I don’t know him.

    No some people from round here are quite nice. I get all worried if I can’t get to the post office the next day when I sell stuff on here or ebay.

    And if I am the sort of person that anyone’s mum would scare off if I went round looking for him. Biceps like semolina pudding, me. :cry:

    Free Member

    so is mrs julian!
    Rolled oats seem to stick together better, also apricot pumpkin seeds and chocolate goes down well here. Some raisins/sultanas we get seem to be less dried than others; the juicier the better imho.

    Free Member

    Ideally we should all go on a road trip collect him, then to put him up in his town centre in stocks for a couple days…….

    awwww gutted, here in ‘provincial’ Plymouth we only stopped using the stocks outside the magistrates court last year. :|

    Free Member

    Tu passes par le Tourmalet et l’Aspin? J’habitais par la il y a dix ans.

    Roule bien, bon courage!

    Free Member

    perhaps they nicked that man for paking on the pavement too…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Earl Grey and a nice Duchy Originals Lemon Shortbread, perchance?

    CFH, you also been round my parents’ house today? :-)

    I would quite like cycle lanes that are both in the road proper, and not full of broken glass and/or wet dead leaves.

    I am considering putting those clickly plastic things that come with mrs julian’s shimano pedals back on my commuter. I wonder how easy it would be to engineer in a couple of bits of reflector in most clipless pedals? (not eggbeaters I suppose) I don’t recall any bit of the blurb that says how large said reflectors need to be.

    As for helmets, I thing there has been at least 2 big threads on this since the new forum started. I cannot imagine there is anything left to add!

    Free Member

    downhiller: once a fortnight I properly ‘downhill’ yes. But a lot less than I ‘xc’.

    engineer: I think the mind and feelings of the messed-up teenager is about as far away from cars/bridges/software as you could be, so pretty much no.

    Free Member

    security corner: Photos, reciepts and serial number of frame and fork in a safe place. Also put your your address in something indelible somewhere hard to find like the bottom of the seat tube, inside the handlebar etc so you can prove its yours if you ever see someone riding it.

    oh and an old inner tube ziptied on is a good and easy-to-clean chainstay protector

    Free Member

    there was a young *cough* man from Hampshire
    whose bike even has a few fans here
    in the interests of clarity
    I’ve heard its for CHARITY
    so let’s have no more talk of bans here.

    btw, is there much interest in the kiddy trailer TT? I am trying to borrow a lighter child than my 3/5 year olds.

    Free Member

    It was someone who was known as an elite rider on the start line of a 24 hour race: I guess the camelbak wearing infidel could have been anyone…

    If i had someone willing to hang around near the start line exclusively to pick up my discarded bottles hand me new ones and tell me how far behind (measured in laps rather than minutes, most likely) the next rider I was then i probably wouldn’t bother with a camelbak either.

    I ain’t shaving my pins for anyone though.

    Free Member

    On the bike frame: lucky can of hutchinson ‘fast-air’ (lucky as I have never needed to use one), 750mls ‘sports juice’ in a bottle cage.
    In pockets: small multitool incl chain tool and powerlink. Another tube and a co2 canister if i am feeling jittery. Couple of gels and a go bar.

    I would confess to using a 1.5l camelbak if its hot, also makes for less flappy pockets as tool and tube goes in there too. Though I once overheard an elite rider berating someone on the start line for having one!

    Free Member

    I have a VW T3 Syncro

    mmmmmmmmm, T3 synchro….. :D

    there is one doing the Gawton uplift now (with 2 extra fans on the radiator!), what a great machine.

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