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  • Go Bananas, Go Disco, Go Retro – It’s Fresh Goods Friday 490
  • julianwilson
    Free Member

    psychiatric nursie here, and it would be fair to say that i am no nymphomaniac. I do a great 'fart, rollover and fall asleep' though.

    Personally I reckon the nmphomaniac distribution is probably the same for most occupational groups, it's just that a randy nurse is just a bit more memorable than a randy estate agent. I don't think i would forget TJ in a hurry!

    Free Member

    what is this training you speak of?

    I have tried lifting up the bag of my new enormo-tent a couple of times if that's what you mean. I am also trying easier and easier gearing on my new/old singlespeed in the hope that i can do just the one lap on it before rolling into the transition in floods of man-tears and riding the geared one instead.

    mrs julian's training has been the trying of many flapjack variations and buying herself some (more) new shorts.

    Free Member

    my wife went for an organised girly ride around Minions: she said it was mix of quarry silliness and old skool xc.

    Similarly semi-cheeky unmarked stuff around Poldice Valley

    you could also buy a day pass(£5) and pop across the river to hurt yourself at Gawton downhill wonderland[/url]. Two of the tracks are pretty full on downhill and the third is more like a hard-ish trail centre with jumps and chicken lines.

    Free Member

    I would dearly love to hear from someone who works for their distributor on this issue.

    camelbak spares are well overpriced. When you consider that £30 also buys you a whole smaller camelbak bladder with a whole camelbak pack to put it in, via the same dealer and distribution network. Does this mean that it actuall costs the same to manufacture the 'outside' pack of a hydrobak as it does to put five inches of extra rubbery stuff onto its 1.5l bladder and make it into a 3l?

    what they charge for pipe cleaners, plastic drying frames and milton tablets is also daylight robbery. Decathlon could do so well if they would mail order their own more sensibly priced alternatives.

    Free Member

    cannondale commuter lights for mrs julian in perfect nick, and five (ie lifetime supply of) unboxed nokian dh tubes for a tenner. Yay!

    Free Member

    crispybacon to the thread please…..

    he has some very nice pics from his cameraphone. Particularly one of the Avon reservoir (dartmoor) flat like a mirror and a perfect reflection of the opposite side and sky in it.

    My idea of a cameraphone pic however is more like this:


    Free Member


    Free Member

    yes. the m531 is just an updated version. Worth taking a few spares if you have room/money as perhaps understandably, there are no knockdown prices on bike spares in bike resorts. Especially brake pads!!!

    Free Member

    My brother in law mucks his cows out with one of these. Manitou apparently having much greater standing and reliability in agriculture…

    Free Member

    jambo, were you at gawton this morning?

    I found last week’s tyres that were ace in the dry and dust there last sunday were completely lethal this morning :(
    Managed to ride slow and have a few comedy dismounts and miracle recoveries rather than big spills.

    Free Member

    Mine is backed up onto several dvdr’s. This is a part of itunes software and you don’t need anything else to do it besides a cd burner. It takes a while but, once you’ve done it, it remembers what you have backed up and lets you put all the new stuff added since last backup on further discs.
    External HDD also works; I did this when my tiny hard drive on my laptop got all bunged up and i wiped it asnd reinstalled everything. Not sure what it does for stuff you bought from itunes store as i never buy anything from them!

    Free Member

    My now dismantled and sold play bike. Silly light frame yet somehow ended up heavy as hell with howitzer bb and enormo tyres. Great fun to ride though, and you could just step off the back of it.

    EDIT: bah! bleddy fotopic: click here if you want.

    Free Member

    how much are you spending? formula k18’s at £150 from merlin are a great combination of weight, price and performance. Oh and you can change the pads without taking the wheel off. You can spend the change on some lighter tyres or a tubeless kit.

    Free Member

    (Parent of 3 and 5 year olds, family full of teachers.)

    -give and take here too.

    Despite being in the business of nurturing children, most local educational authorities are really quite bad at helping their employees look after their own children. For example, despite having very strict rules about keeping ‘infectious’ children out of classes, schools will not/cannot give their own teachers carer’s leave when their own children are sick and cannot attend their own school.

    And yes maternity pay is pretty average in education. Not forgetting that newly qualified teachers earn well under the the national median wage with no option for flexi-time. Hardly at an advantage to sort their childcare out affordably.

    Free Member

    aaaahhhhh, bike lawyerese…..

    The non-name stem that came as standard on my maxmax bike, (obviously built as and marketed as a jump bike) had a sticker underneath saying it was not suitable for aggressive off road riding, stunts or jumps.

    Free Member

    Massive public sector love-in in progress…

    lol, makes a change from the usual ‘what chronograph/iphone/butler’ threads on here! :D

    Free Member

    Its no wonder this countries gone to shit

    You are a eurpoean citizen? Invoke your right to move to a better run european country then. Oh, except they all do the same too. Except they have better wages, conditions and a 35 hour week for their massive state workforces. That’ll make your pee boil. :)

    Free Member

    Hold on, when I was a community psychiatric nurse (oh, by the way, at well below national average wage despite 3 years in higher education and getting chucked down the stairs every once in a while), I was frequently accused of atempting to run people’s lives. (if trying to keep odd folk on their pills and out of hospital counts as running their lives that is.)

    If that was me running the life of anyone on here, I sincerely apologise, I’ll try not to do it again. Farm it out to private enterprise and see how much the armed forces, acute hosptals and mental health services, social services and education go to s**t then.

    I’m not sure you can privatise the police and still be a democracy, mind.

    Free Member

    I think and hope you are confusing ‘civil service’ and ‘public sector’.

    Free Member

    I ride at newnham a lot on account of living nearby.

    Bonty mud x is my favourite for newnham mud. I tried trailrakers before and they just fill up with mud at newnham, so you get both heavy and slidey bike. Mud x’s are ‘tubeless ready’ ie with rim strips and sealant.

    In fact they are ok in the dry at newnham, two of my team did the 24/12 dust-athon on them last year and i used them at cheddar in the dust too: quite good all round really. If newnham is dry and dusty as last year, 2.1 small block 8 on the back and a ralph (i presume you have some?) on the front would be reeeeeeet.

    Free Member

    ^^ As her legs went crazy with agonising cramp, Shirley wished she’d taken peoper elctrolytes with her to SITS.

    oh, and yes Rego makes me fart like the Devil too. But i still feel better otherwise.

    Free Member

    Do they still make the kona smoke?

    It used to come with a horn and everything :)

    Free Member

    Toes with no toenails on.
    Toes are great! Anecdotally, people who have lost their little toe fall over a lot more, such is the last little bit of stabilisation that you get from such a tiny part of you.


    Toenails: completely useless! Except to go all manky and keep podiatrists busy. Engineer them out, i say.

    Free Member

    Gawton. I thought i would get bored of a total of 2.5 miles of downhill but I keep going back :). Plus its reet pretty round those parts.
    Highly reccommended for those of a downhilly persuasion.

    Free Member

    I found my pistons to be a little overfilled when i wore out the first set of pads on my k24’s (that cheap batch merlin did 18 months ago that propel were a bit funny about iirc). I could never get both pistons all the way back even though they moved in and out quite freely. In the end I opened the bleed port, let a bit of fluid out and then bled them properly with an avid bleed kit. (opening the port will allow ari in as well as fluid out i discovered!) No problems since though.

    But if you are really fed up with them I’ll give you a few bob for them: I’m thinking about another set. They are awesome brakes.

    Free Member

    Many of these points are elementary, but create a terrible impression and have in many cases been tolerated for too long. They will now cease.

    With thanks for your co-operation.

    I am not filled with the feeling that the writer is actually thankful for his subordinatescolleagues’ co-operation.

    I think the leaking of harshly worded missives like this creates a far worse impression of a group of approachable, trustworthy, professionally-regulated ethically-practicing solicitors.

    Free Member

    I scratched my head and had to google it when someone on here advised me to GAFL. Obviously I hadn’t been spending enough time on the internet!

    oh and I am amused to see a sprinkling of ‘WT for OSMM’ type abbreviations in thread titles.

    Free Member

    all the climbs bar one at 24/12 were both weatherproof and wide. Oh and you almost didn’t realise the bluebell woods at the top was done the uphill way round. This was the place where i noticed overtaking people or being overtaken the most. The narrow one up to the farm would have been a bit of a bottleneck if it was really wet. And the descents usually lost height quite slowly (again, quite a bit of the cottage run is uphill but only just…) so you felt you were getting more fun per lap.

    A few clearly marked ‘man lines’ which save faster and more skillful riders a few seconds on the downhills would help overtaking as bottlenecks aplenty on odd tricky/tech sections. I liked the ‘splitter’ at newnham as particularly on the night laps you just took the trail the person in front didn’t take rather than getting stuck behind them. Although I didn’t feel i rode either line much faster than the other.

    For me, the space between riders was great and conversely the lack of it at cheddar last year was rather frustrating.

    Free Member

    I am planning to try being some sort of ‘chelsea’/beginner singlespeeder.
    -currently no beard (though i could produce photographs of both big beard and jesus-like hair)
    -will be singlespeeding a shamelessly aluminium xc race frame.
    -with a mech hanger/tensioner, and cog/spacer on 9 speed freehub.
    -and a suspension fork.
    -and though i posess a hipflask of rum, i am the worst even-slightly-tipsy rider ever.
    -oh and its a bit hilly round here. I anticipate either getting calves of steel, ruined knees or pushing a lot.

    go on, should i bother?

    Free Member

    my mates rave about those montane featherlite ones: seem to be pretty widely available in lbs’s too.

    Free Member

    bars too.

    I like the xc lids with carbon effect printed ‘flashes’. Tres cool.

    Free Member

    I celebrated the summer solstice by doing my last (daylight-ish) downhill run in the woods at quarter to ten. (a fringe benefit of living in the arse end of the south west is that the sun sets a bit later. :D )Staying out late on a dry and dusty track without the need for lights is reason enough to celebrate for me.

    Free Member

    mrs julian knows a rather successful cyclist who is also teaches autistic kids (hers are older and speaking/reading ones but her colleagues teach non-speaking/signing kids). if she gets any pointers from her, i will pass them on.

    Free Member

    I am a below average mountain biker in fitness and skillz.

    It is hugely in keeping with the froggy stereotype but i am really quite good at pétanque and volleyball.

    Free Member

    I have got a protec ace sxp (that’s with the squishy foam that is supposed to stay the same under repeated impacts). It is still very hot compared to an xc helmet. I only really use it for short rides or longer ones in winter now for this reason. However it is really comfy for my shape head, and feels really well put together. The pads are nice and the holes are arranged in a way that I can fit my headlight (l&m solo) on it and ziptie the cable down the back. (not the case for other skate style potties cos of the arrangements of the holes) Though I am sure they didn’t have this in mind when they designed it. It would also be suitable for other sports (there is some gumph on the website about this, snow and watersports iirc) I would definitely buy another one if i needed to replace this one.

    If you are bothered about that sort of thing, the shape is a bit more interesting than the other protec potty or tsg ones.

    Free Member

    I read somewhere that Greg Lemond once had some illness-based, err, ‘faecal urgency’ on a rather crucial part the TDF one year and so he just went in his shorts, drizzling ecstatic fans with a fine brown mist from his back wheel as he rode past. That really is commmitment!

    Free Member

    Sabine Schmitz would fit right in with her polo shirt tucked into her jeans.

    Free Member

    My grandad used to pee on the compost heap, this is good for it. My compost bin is about five feet high so i have had to resort to occasionally peeing in my lad’s potty and tipping it in. Or using his.

    Free Member

    fatmuthahubbard – Member

    she overtook you…she then got fed up with you staring at her arse so slowed down, you overake she gets peed off waiting for you so overtakes, you speed up so you can perv her arse again….repeat until lap ends.

    Fact: this is how fatmuthahubbard never gets in better than 20th in xc races.

    Free Member

    Cut the end off an old tube, then use wire to roll up and close (think like a dry-bag or roll top pannier) when you have refilled it. Not pretty but would probably work.

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