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  • Sea Otter 2022: Aeroe Spider Rack makes any bike a long hauler
  • JulianA
    Free Member

    Well said WWJR. And thank you.

    Free Member

    Fair comment, winstonsmith, but I refer back to a part of my previous post…

    Don’t know quite how they are proposing to use the information or whether current IT is up to processing, archiving and retrieving the information but I’d rather not find out too late.

    Free Member

    Benjamin Franklin:

    They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

    Paraphrased many times:

    They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
    They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
    Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.
    He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.
    He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.
    People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.
    If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both.
    Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
    He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither.
    Those who would trade in their freedom for their protection deserve neither.
    Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security.

    From Wikipedia (not my favourite source)

    Free Member

    barca – Member
    What are the symptoms or consequences of having your civil liberties breached?

    If you have to ask the question you wouldn’t understand the answer.

    Free Member

    Barca, I don’t care if there is free internet access in public libraries (or even at home): it seems to me a clear breach of such civil liberties as we supposedly enjoy to wish to collect all this information.

    I suppose that people who never want to travel again might not have a problem with this legislation…

    On a different tack, if the information has been collected, you have left the country and someone leaves a CD of this information on a train, anyone with an inclination towards breaking into your house is going to have a pretty clear run… But that’s getting away from the original point: this is a(nother) gross infringement of our civil liberties.

    Free Member

    OK, winstonsmith, try this one:

    Granted, it’s the Daily Hate, but there is this one as well:

    Don’t know quite how they are proposing to use the information or whether current IT is up to processing, archiving and retrieving the information but I’d rather not find out too late.

    What made you think that this is done already? Have you ever handed over information like this in the past?

    Just realised the irony of your questions in the light of your moniker!

    Free Member stayed in a really good one on the Fosse Way near Nottingham, and there’s one near us which looks really nice.

    Free Member

    No, its by Bob Dylan..

    Bruce Springsteen, the thinking man’s Bob Dylan.

    Free Member

    I take it then, barca, that you have no problems with the proposed legislation? Oh, I really hope that your comment was tongue in cheek…

    Free Member

    Second the Octavia, rusty trowel. Really, really good cars.

    Free Member

    Your as bad as RB, winstonsmith.

    It’s not a matter of ‘tin-foil hats’, it’s about our civil liberties being even further curtailed and an(other) extension of the surveliiance society in which we live.

    Wake up and smell the coffee (if it’s not too late): it’s been brewing for a long time now.

    Free Member

    RudeBoy – Member
    Yes, but we’ll only get another bunch of totalitarian bastards in their place.

    Sometimes you say some sensible things, RB, but this ain’t one of them.

    I am guessing that you don’t vote, as a mate of mine who doesn’t vote says similar things to what you’ve just said.

    This kind of dangerous ignorance is EXACTLY what allows governments to introduce whatever they like virtually unopposed.

    Perhaps, given the seriousness of the threat to our (so-called) civil liberties, it would be more intelligent to find out which, if any, party or parties are opposed to this legislation, and ID cards, and any other oppressive legislation, and see whether they would scrap it or not introduce it in the first place if elected.

    As I said in my first post, apathy is the government’s friend. I’ll add ignorance to the list of allies.

    Free Member

    This is very, very scary. I heard about it a while ago and can’t believe that there isn’t a HUGE stink about it. Apathy is the government’s ally here.

    The proposals that I heard include collecting details (address, phone number etc) of all the places that you are staying. Not sure how this is going to work as we tend to just take off to France and stay where the mood takes us. Is this now to be illegal?

    The information that I should like to be able to give is

    Destination: Greece [insert country of your choice]
    Departure Date: 16/03/2009
    Duration of Stay: indefinite
    Return Date: N/A

    It really does bother me that it would be quite easy to stop us travelling abroad at all, although that would clearly be bad for trade etc.

    Let’s get this bunch of totalitarian b*st*rds out before they introduce any more dangerous curtailments of our so-called liberties.

    Free Member

    Yes they have the right to free speech

    There needs to be a limit

    With rights come responsibilities…

    I think that the police refusing to allow the parade would have been wrong as that would have stifled freedom of expression in the first place…

    (In fact, I find it unacceptable that the police have the right of veto anyway: sounds like a possible police state situation?)

    Free Member

    G60 is a real pain to work on, apparently, according to a mate who was a VW specialist.

    Free Member

    Sorry to be predictable, but Octavia 1.8T 150hp is a great drive… Roomy and well put together without being too huge. Warm not hot.

    Free Member

    Man walks into a bar…..


    Free Member

    There are plenty of other people out there who don’t charge.

    I assume that you have registerd with JobServe and are getting a daily email from them?

    Also have a word or two with MatchTech – extremely good people and located in Whiteley, so you could go and see them without too much travelling involved (and I always think actually going to see people will make them remember you rather than you being just another voice on the phone…).

    My other favourites are Huxley and Progressive – but we are not in the same branch of IT, so your experiences may differ…

    Good luck


    Free Member

    Possibly, if ‘don’t really want a job / would like to go travelling / would like to live abroad’ count, but never ‘want to sleep around / want to do drugs’ stuff. Perhaps slight MLC?

    Happily married for ten + years and my wife is back home from a (thankfully short) stay in hospital. She is unbelievably supportive, we have fantastic shared memories, have fantastic friends who have are very supportive, love doing the same things as each other and she has a great job, so I’m very happy with the way things are.

    Very lucky, I guess!

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, but yes, Cardiff Bay is where I found it. Just can’t find it anywhere else… Someone must have written it!

    Free Member

    Not a very efficient way of trying to kill someone…

    Thought did cross my mind, though.

    And Robert Mugabe going to the hospital proves nothing either way – a kind of ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ scenario.

    Free Member

    Yeah SFB, we did, and you didn’t come out so well.

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    Well then, Chimpy, you could be a real contender for London 2012, I’d imagine….!

    Free Member

    Nice gesture to ask, but I didn’t – my proposal was a (very drunken Navy ball) spur of the moment thing (was going to propose at some point soon anyway)! No time to call… And never a moment’s regret.

    Knew it would be fine with the (prospective) in-laws, whom I love very much, and Mrs JulianA loves my folks too.

    Twelve years plus together and ten years plus married.

    Go for it!

    PS phildowling: Sounds like you are gonna break the speed limit with your drive!

    Free Member

    Yeah, sorry, good luck to all peeps!

    Last contract finished mid-November, but have been sick / working on a house since then, so haven’t been trying… Gonna be bad when I do start looking, I guess, since mates have been reporting ‘no joy’

    Why do agencies (specifically G2Recruitment) think that a role in Cheshire (or somewhere else miles away) would be good for someone who lives in Hampshire?

    We can only hope that the rubbish ones don’t survive the current economic climate and that it will be better soon (although I think not very soon!)

    Good luck all!

    Free Member

    Does Darcy have a prosthetic arm? You’ll get Brant going…

    Free Member

    I think we tried the whole ‘is snooker / pool a sport’ thing about two pages ago, SFB!

    I’d rather look at her than look at you… I’m sure you’ll be relieved to learn!

    Free Member

    iPod for me – music, video, games, podcasts, games, contacts, you name it.

    iTunes is very good, I think.

    Play your videos on any television with the red, white and yellow inputs (£35 for a lead is a bit steep though, but you do get UK and continental plugs with it). Useful for holidays abroad when you get fed up with the local TV (unless you can speak the language!)

    Not sure how Meatloaf reduces likelihood of speeding! But perhaps you don’t like Meatloaf…

    Mine’s a 3g Nano – cute (but would by a Touch if I had the dosh)

    Free Member

    Shoes and bombers spring to mind…

    ‘Tis bad stuff though, doesn’t sound as though he’s too good a manager: bit insecure about his position?

    Free Member

    Not exactly a participant, but I like Michaela Tabb…

    Thanks Google!

    Free Member

    Not casting aspersions, but is your copy of Windows legit?

    Assuming it is, maybe try Start | Control Panel | Security Centre | Automatic Updates | Windows Update Website?

    Is there an error message? If so, type it into Google?

    Any of these ring a bell:

    Good luck

    Free Member

    I’ve always found Wrox books to be very good:

    There’s also one for Escel 2000, Excel 2003 and Excel 2007, depending on your preference… Must get around to reading my copy of the 2003 version sometime.

    Or if Wrox turns out not to be your style:

    Free Member

    Nice to hear some good job news for a change! Presentation sounds like a pain, though: no PowerPoint!?

    Hope you get it.

    Wonder if WCA got his after all the posts on his ’12 hours to learn JavaScript’ thread?

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t ‘absurdity is not a handicap’ be our collective motto on this forum?

    Some great albums there!

    Free Member

    ‘If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear’ is one of the most dangerous and inaccurate statements I have ever heard and leads to a very scary place.

    What if you have the misfortune to have the same name as someone who is on the list when you aren’t?

    Couldn’t happen? Oh yes it could and it has. What about all the people on whom a CRB check was done and their names were confused with someone else? They were branded as rapists and murderers etc, and the government’s response was basically ‘it’s your fault for sharing a name with someone’.

    Even if you have nothing to hide you still have everything to fear from a surveillance society.

    The other one that scares me is ‘it’s not too bad, we can live with [insert new law / regulation here].

    I bet a lot of people unfortunate enough to be Jewish or gay or gypsy or Jehovah’s Witness or Catholic and living in Germany (and quite a few other places to boot) thought like that and look what happened to them…

    We should all be suspicious of any apparent attempt to limit our freedom: and let’s not forget about ‘function creep’: who wouold have thought that anti-terror legislation would be use to freeze the assets of a foreign country who happened to be a bit skint?

    Don’t be afraid: be very, very afraid.

    Free Member

    Umm, yes, sorry. Feel bad having contributed to rudeness… 😳

    I should have thought that one through.

    Don’t want to a) get banned or b) lose this thread.

    Free Member

    You are quite correct, RudeBoy.

    I got the joke…

    Free Member

    Left the interior light on in our MK2 Golf for a fortnight at Gatwick. No chance.

    Fortunately we had some jump leads and flagged down another driver (who actually had no idea how to jump start a car!)

    Agree with CFH – MK2 Golf fantastic. Mind you, all our VDubs have been and are being excellent (Passat and Octavia currently).

    Sciroccos were unlucky though – two written off by being rear-ended (one bent several times in carparks etc) and one bent by me rear-ending someone!

    Free Member

    Let’s not have a picture of you as world champion w@nker, eh Simon…

    Free Member

    AB – Member
    Just a thought, are we very quickly not going to run out of attractive female athletes?

    This feature could be short lived.

    I doubt it – Friday Kylie ran for ages with pictures (mostly) of just her!

    Long live A & A – good idea CFH!

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