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  • FGF 601: Fort Bill is Back Edition
  • JulianA
    Free Member

    Thanks! Just sent this to a like-minded friend…

    Free Member


    Any help? Maybe not… but it might make you smile! Good luck fella.

    Free Member

    Hi Zed

    Really sorry to hear the way this has panned out.

    I’m not a lawyer, but MrsJulianA is an HR Manager and she makes the following points:

    If a letter is sent recorded delivery the intended recipient can refuse the letter and it is then ‘not delivered’. A tribunal will assume that a letter posted by ordinary mail to an address which is reasonably believed to be the last known address of the intended recipient will be delivered two days later.

    The basic award for Unfair Dismissal is £10,500 and the Compensatory Award for Unfair Dismissal is now up to £66,200 depending on age, how hard you have tried to find another job and factors like that.

    She also suggests that you get legal advice on this, but I think you have that base covered already.

    Good luck and let us know the outcome of this and of your interview!

    Free Member

    Another vote for Parasol.

    Free Member

    Thanks redthunder! Gonna cost me hours, i know it is!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Not Bluebells, not this year and not this country, but I like this one, taken in the Keukenhof Gardens 30k or so from Amsterdam. The blue flowers are Grape Hyacinths (Muscari armeniacum – OK I had to look that bit up, I admit!)

    Free Member

    Had a mate who used to get them if he had chocolate or oranges…

    Free Member

    Bit late tonight but do the Citizen’s Advice Bureau work on Saturdays?

    Doubt they’d be able to offer much if any more advice than people have here, but it’s another angle…

    Really hope you get this one sorted to YOUR satisfaction as it sounds as though you are having a shite time of it.


    Free Member

    scotia – Member
    i’d prefer to get to the bottom of the problem, rather than have a pill all my life…especially as for me, if i take the pill a little too late im screwed..

    Sure – but why suffer in the meantime? Imigran is not a pill to be taken every day – you just take it when you feel the symptoms coming on. Does no harm if you take one when you didn’t need to

    especially as for me, if i take the pill a little too late im screwed..

    If you take it too late you are just as screwed as if you hadn’t taken it!

    Win / Win: it can only improve matters.

    But hey, they’re your migraines… It’s no skin off my nose either way! Good luck with it though; I have seen how debilitating they can be.

    Free Member

    Imigran (Sumatriptan)

    + 1

    Transformed MrsJulianA’s life.

    Prscription – not over the counter unless it’s urgent, although I think you have to be able to prove that you are already being prescribed it or at least know what you’re talking about before they will let you have it in Boots or wherever.

    Free Member

    Have a good one! See you when you get back.

    Free Member

    Hey, great photo of the Sparrowhawk! Saw one on the patio the other week – sitting on top of an equally surprised Collared Dove. Think the dove escaped, though – no feathers around…

    Free Member

    Yes, I was lucky enough to see a Red Kite as a kid when there were about six pairs in the country – nearly 30 years ago. Great to see them pretty much any day we go up around Watership Down. A real success story.

    Saw a Snowy Owl (yes, really!) on Jan 2nd this year!

    Free Member

    Don’t tell me someone replied to a Smee post…

    Free Member

    mikeclarke – Member
    i thought mine was good – about 20 cross bills up cannock the other day!

    Also brill: nice one… Not seen a Crossbill for a while

    Free Member

    twang – Member
    Shall never use the ‘t’ word again, many appologies (gulp!)

    No worries: regular thang!

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    Check my edit!

    Checked and noted!

    Great to hear that Waxwings are still here. May be hope yet then… Got a few Bramblings in the garden still, which is brill.

    Free Member

    Monogamy works for me… Just MrsJulianA for me 😀

    Free Member

    Agreed CFH: not read the book but read the original article in the RSPB’s Birds magazine. It was excellent and made us think about the birds we look at. Equally happy to see a flock of sparrows as a Red Kite.

    Bad birdwathcer = good.

    Never wathcered birds though! (Not sure how!)

    Free Member

    PS: you didn’t say where you saw them…

    Free Member

    No, NOT a twitcher.

    For the record, a ‘twitcher’ is no more than a stamp collector who collects birds instead of stamps. I really dislike the epithet ‘twitcher’ when applied to birdwatchers. I have been labelled a ‘twitcher’ many times for going birdwatching, and although it was in jest from mates it’s still wrong.

    18 Waxwings: you jammy barsteward! One of the birds we really wanted to see this winter! Good on you! (And I wonder how many people on STW would have known what they were or even looked a second time?)

    Free Member

    buzz-lightyear – Member
    Smiffy: are you talking about The Hunters’ Lodge?

    I’m usually in the back or side room on Friday’s between 7:30 and 9pm.

    What a dreadful pub the Hunter’s was last time I was there! Poisonous beer and matching landlord. Always preferred the New Inn…

    Free Member

    40s good for me! 44 this year…

    Free Member

    UncleFred: don’t know anyone who wouldn’t know the answers AND won’t be there!

    Free Member

    rightplacerighttime – Member
    The boy stood on the burning deck

    His feet were full of blisters
    He hadn’t got the from the fire
    But from screwing both his sisters

    Leo Marks…

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    Pigeon is indeed lovely eating, as is bunny wabbits!

    No probs with eating rabbit per se, just not too sure about the mixy thing: how can you be sure?

    Mixed plurals, CFH? most unlike your usual posts!

    Free Member

    Thanks UncleFred: hard to go with those guidelines when you already know the answers ad think the questions are all easy!

    Free Member

    No way! It’s for everyone!

    High Flight

    Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
    And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
    Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
    Of sun-split clouds – and done a hundred things
    You have not dreamed of – wheeled and soared and swung
    High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there
    I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
    My eager craft through footless halls of air.
    Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
    I’ve topped the windswept heights with easy grace
    Where never lark, or even eagle flew –
    And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
    The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
    Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    Stockbridge – Robinsons and Robjents. What more do you need?

    Meal in the Greyhound? Is the food still good there?

    Free Member

    all thatcher’s fault Politician = Thief

    There you go then: the level to which political debate has sunk; for some, at least.

    No wonder we have the shambles we currently ‘enjoy’

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Member

    I didn’t vote in the last election.
    I thought carefully about it – my choices were the existing conservative mp – who is an excelent local mp, but idelogically we share nothing in common

    Excellent in which way then, since you ‘share nothing in common ideologically’?

    Free Member

    Guilliano = +1

    Free Member

    What are your near misses?

    Living in the same country as someone who can’t or doesn’t want to support their argument?

    Free Member

    eldridge, peregrine and spungebob have just proven themselves to be the kind of utter wnakers that are ruining this country and exactly the sort of thoughtless **** that I want to escape by leaving this country.

    Yes, I’m sure you’ll say ‘good riddance’ but I say ‘good riddance’ to you, you mindless arseh*les.

    You deserve the country you’ll get, as do all those who who are too stupid to see the writing on the wall.

    Free Member

    There have been many more posts on here than I expected: thank you.

    Would it hurt to pop down to the polling station? I think not: it’ll probably be pretty close. And it does matter!

    Free Member

    Yes, bummer. What happened? Are you OK?

    Free Member

    I don’t think Belgium, Greece and Australia count as dictatorships (not been to Aus though)…

    Free Member

    No, of course no-one should work or supply goods for nothing. Driving licences aren’t free, so maybe ID cards could be done the same way (Can’t recall what driving liceances cost, though).

    The crucial point for me is that to impose something that most people don’t want AND make them pay for it is wrong.

    Looked at another way, it’s just another tax, I suppose. Not looking forward to having to stump up several hundred quid all in one go though.

    Then again, if enough people vote for a party that has pledged to scrap ID cards we won’t have to! And this thread has gone full circle.

    Free Member

    Rich – Member
    Instead of putting all the onus on the non-voters, have you not thought that the politicians should share the blame for making people feel so helpless, and that their vote is going to make no difference to the way we are controlled?

    Couldn’t agree more, but there are too many important issues coming up on which we should at least try to make a difference…

    Conservatives have said they will scrap ID cards: that alone should be a compelling reason to think about which way to vote.

    So tell me, how much should an ID card cost and who should pay?

    Pass. First thought is that if they are going to be compulsory they should be free. Leave out the biometric data to reduce the cost.

    I actually have no objection to carrying an ID card: indeed, I really want to emigrate, and where ever I go it may be a requirement. I just don’t want ID cards in the currently proposed format and I certainly don’t want any more of my data than they already have going to the American government.

    Cards could be

    Date Of Birth
    NI Number (maybe)
    Small photo

    In fact, just like the plastic bit of the driving licence?

    Cost of an ID card as above shouldn’t be too high…

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