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  • Moorland fire equalled carbon footprint of a small town
  • JulianA
    Free Member

    Last Of England by Ford Madox Brown?

    Free Member

    Liking the P. J. O’Rourke / Stephen Fry / Bill Bryson (some of my favourite authors) angle. Better get some coke in then… (maybe not for Bill though)

    What about Dr Hunter S. Thompson? Reckon he’d be good conversation.

    Free Member

    Gonna be an interesting dinner party! What shall we discuss?

    Free Member

    It’s great living in a free country………

    Yes, it is, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Do you mean Claus von Stauffenberg, epicyclo? In which case, yes.

    Free Member

    Would you care to elucidate on that post, RichPenny?

    Free Member

    Smee – Member
    If we weren’t meant to eat animals they wouldn’t be made out of meat.

    Flanders and Swann fan by any chance?

    Free Member

    Steak! Mmmmn… Blue please!

    Free Member

    Thanks jova54!

    We think it will work out OK as they seem to be getting on reasonably well…

    We thought Chicago would be intolerant as well but she seems to be doing OK.

    Free Member

    Well here she is and it’s going OK! (Thank goodness – Cleo (the incomer) is getting less stressed and Chicago (the incumbent) is learning to live with it)

    Free Member

    rogerthecat – Member
    If they can be trusted with an expense account they can be trusted with this enquiry, after all it only concerns and illegal war and the deaths of thousands.

    You cynic!

    But good comment…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Ok, let’s kick this one off:

    Won’t report until after the next election, so won’t damage the current administration…
    Completely private, so will we hear the results?

    Is Hutton chairing this one as well?

    I don’t think this will be the ‘full and frank’ investigation that is required…

    Free Member

    There was a great band in the Southampton area called the Flatville Aces. Love it!

    Free Member

    Welcome to Britian! That’s the way it is…

    (By the way, if you say anything about wanting to leave ‘cos its crap, you’ll get flamed on this forum)

    Orwell was correct and I agree with you, but most here don’t.

    TJ et al will be along soon.

    Free Member

    Let’s not do the ID card thing again: we’ve done it ad nauseum on here before, I’m sure.

    I think your point of view has some validity however since I can’t do a lot directly about the people living on less than $2.50 a day or dying of hunger I should at least like to try to improve my standard of living.

    Hey, if everybody wanted to leave the UK we might end up in the same place, and I’m sure you wouldn’t like that! So let me dream of going somewhere that I consider more civilised and you can stay put if you like. Each to their own, huh?

    It puzzles me that there is a strong faction on this forum who instantly rubbish anyone who dares to say that there is anything wrong in Britain and wants to leave. At least I shan’t meet them if I go abroad!

    Free Member

    grumm – Member
    FFS put down your Daily Mail for a second

    What Daily Mail? – I don’t read that trash. I am telling it how I see it where I live.

    Why don’t you think about what I have said rather than just rubbishing it? Don’t you have the ability to think about someone else’s point of view?

    You, sir, are an arse in my book, which I expect makes us quits.

    Free Member

    Well I live in rural UK, and there are drugs fairly easily available in the village, our Coop has been raided and we have a large town quite nearby which makes me think that the large and expensive houses here (ours is neither by comparison to some round here!) could easily become targets for the criminal classes in said town.

    Plus I don’t think that other countries have the same nanny state and surveillance societies that we have here. Wherever you live in the UK you may soon be forced to shell out for an ID card, you may well soon have to provide the government with every minute detail of your travel plans and you may well be spied on by your neighbours and reported for putting your rubbish out on the wrong day, to give some examples off the top of my head of why I think this country is rubbish.

    It’s absolutely beautiful where I live, but I am still affected by issues which arise here that don’t appear to arise in other countries.

    Free Member

    @TJ – Yes, there are social problems in other places, but they appear to be getting worse here.

    If by your rather patronising ‘You don’t tend to see these on your annual holiday but they are there’ you are suggesting that my ‘annual holiday’ (several trips abroad every year to different places, actually) is the only thing on which I base my opinions you are quite wrong.

    We have several friends who either have or are emigrating, and it’s not my aftershave that’s making them go…

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Bye Zaskar – dunno where you will find your nirvana tho

    TJ in standard ‘it’s the same wherever you go’ posts shock.

    If he every bothered to cross the borders of his beloved Scotland and travel to almost anywhere on the continent he would realise that things are far more civilised across the channel.

    Free Member

    No mention of Rossetti yet?

    Free Member

    mogrim – Member
    I was going to post “Flaming June”, JulianA – saw it at the Prado last week, very impressive in the flesh (so to speak).

    Love to see that one – I thought it was in Puerto Rice or somewhere. Was it on loan or has it come back to Europe?

    This one’s fantastic:

    Paul Delaroche

    Also like Georgia O’Keefe

    Another vote for Tamara de Lempicka and John Singer Sargeant, plus suggest William Holman Hunt, The Hon. John Collier, Evelyn de Morgan, John Roddam Spencer-Stanhope…

    This guy was pretty good at light (sorry if he’s been mentioned before)

    Free Member

    Sorry, been for an interview (hoping to leave the JoblessTrackWorld Club) and to the pub, so been away for seven hours.

    RichPenny – Member
    Your second pic looks just like the Palladian Bridge at Wilton House Julian.

    M. Bouchard’s pictures are based around Bath, so I guess it’s the Palladian Bridge in Bath and, indeed, Prior Park.

    Also love Micheal Sowa and a lot of the other pics and this guy:

    Trains, nudes and skeletons – what’s not to like?

    Good pub quiz qustion: What does the JMW stand for in JMW Turner’s name? No Googling now!

    Free Member

    Or anything else by Frederick Lord Leighton

    Phillipe Bouchard

    And quite simply the most stunning picture I have EVER seen:

    Completed in 1432, the colours are still fantastic today. Wonderful. I could look at it for hours. A must see if you are in Ghent (although it’s worth a trip just for this picture) – and the rest of Ghent is fantastic too.

    Free Member

    Any household insurance with legal costs cover?

    Free Member

    They shouldn’t change anything to anything – it’s an historical fact, that was the way things were then: apparently it was a fairly common name for a dog and now the world has moved on and it’s not. Get over it.

    Correct, that was the call sign for a successful breach of a dam.

    End of.

    Free Member

    Good news!

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    For the first time ever I didn’t bother to vote.


    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    For the first time ever I didn’t bother to vote.

    Then you are hereafter banned from making any political comment on this site. You gave up your democratic right.

    Even better – good call CFH.

    Free Member

    nickc – Member
    Going now. I have to walk past the pub on the way….Must be strong

    Unless your Polling Station is IN the pub!

    Free Member

    Sat outside the Polling Station was a rep of a political party who said, “Can I see your polling card please?”

    It really annoys me that they do that – they have no right to ask for your registration number and I usually refuse to give it to them.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ouch. Sad news. Hoping this is just an enquiry out of curiosity, but I’m guessing not…

    You really need to Google that one – perhaps the DVLA could help?

    Free Member

    Do you think he will “walk the walk” now?

    I hope so. The world needs a lot more harmony around these days, to put it mildly…

    Free Member

    Nice one sootyandjim!

    Free Member

    llama – Member
    we moved last year and our new polling station is IN THE PUB

    I hope they are serving beer?

    Free Member

    Very different to a discussion in the pub. Election officials are supposed to be completely impartial, and if an old lady can’t make up her mind who to vote for she is likely to think that the election official is supposed to say that.

    Report it. What if ten thousand people can’t make up their minds and are all told the same thing?

    Free Member

    I should be strongly inclined to report that straight away, asking to speak to the person in charge of your polling station, or if it turns out that that person IS the person in charge, to the police. It sounds totally wrong that an election official should be influencing voters.

    Off to vote here shortly, too. Need a cup of coffee first, though.

    Free Member

    I shall be voting as always.

    Free Member

    Following through, I should think! Any chance of a General Election come next Wednesday after the debate?

    Free Member

    Possibly, CFH – should be worse for him Friday / Monday?

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