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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • Jujuuk68
    Free Member

    If they look peaceably "resting" and not in any discomfort or pain, Leave them alone.

    If they are in a position of repose, ie having managed to dismount, place bike down neatly, and manoever to a point where they are simply resting in a comfortable position, then they will probably be asleep, or resting.

    If however, the bike is just "junked" and some crazyangle and they are "passed out" in a strange lying position, and somewhere inappropriate, like the middle of the trail, then they may need your help.

    Of course, they like me, got calf cramp in spds whilst climbing box hill, then laughing at me falling off and trying to get out of my clips is the recommended course of action.

    Free Member

    I think it depends on if you "did that dance" thing that, say, I do when falling off hurting myself.

    I sort of angrilly dance about, shaking aformentioned site of minimal injury, swearing loudly. To be honest, you can't really be offended, as whilst looking like a "funky chicken" it's hard for anyone to take you seriously, no matter how much it hurts. Particularly effective with ankle or wrist injuries.

    Free Member

    I've got the biggest. Does that count?

    Free Member

    google images suggest it may be a boarded up address, but you didn't include the exact housenumber.

    Free Member

    It almost doesn't matter if it's legal or not.

    If theres a richochet, or the pellets otherwise cause harm or loss to someone or their property, then they may still have civil action against you.

    Say the pellets go through the fence, or richochet over, and the neighbours cat east them and dies, there could be a claim for that loss.

    Best thinking to do, is find somewhere safe to do it. If you felt it was totally safe, you'd probably not be here looking for advice?

    Free Member

    You bought a years cover. You paid for a period of insurance.

    Ok, you can't cancel the policy mid term, as you have used it, and insurance polcies, like condoms and underwear, are things that people are not terribly impressed with once you've "used" them.

    For example, if a claim wasn't subject to payment of a full premium, how many people insuring on jan he 1st, crashing on jan 2nd, would pay for the full year, but expect full payment of claim otherwise?

    However, as you paid a years cover, then most policies continue to run, but you get levied a charge for substituting another product on cover. Which is only reasonable, someones got to go to the effort of taking your qurey, setting it all up, sending you docs for the new item, and the usual checking when you return them.

    Some insurers may cancel a policy if you make a claim, but frankly, if they're taking a years premium, thats taking the piss.

    Free Member

    To be honest, I did say in your other thread that I felt your claim had good prospects. The vehicle owes a greater duty of care to you than you to they, the fact you may have had a drink or two is irrelevant if it didn't contribute to the circumstances, and the motor law of Davis Vs Schrogin, whilst aimed at motorcycles, is pretty valuable to your case.

    At the end of the day, no win no fee is just a way of funding a claim, and if you were not injured, then your claim up to £5k can be made in the small claims court anyway, where no legal fees are required/needed, nor is any cover for theirs.

    Chase up the household insurance, but the police are not the best at assisting when they've been in a bump. Arrogant coppers who know they make impressive and unimpeachable witnesses, and that courts lap up their evidence, will routinely mess you about, not respond to requests for information and basically make life hard for you. Either that, or they're all too busy eating bacon sandwiches in the canteen to deal withthe paperwork.

    Free Member

    "Since when was a silly teenager with a silly teenage crush on a boy forgotten about in, ooh, about 3 weeks after he finally dumps her, worth trying to renege on a comercial agreement entered into by you?

    If you'd not made so much of it, she might have grown a little emotionally, instead of being cossetted for every tearful whim."

    Would be a particularly harsh but realistic assessment. Six weeks is hardly the end of the world to wait to sort out problems. Next time – try prepay?

    Free Member

    Hull was only ever worth a visit by the Luftwaffe.

    Free Member

    Can Dgudge post the sellers ebay username so we can add him to our "ignore" lists please.

    Seems a fair request. I note the op has gone "missing in action" since the buyer turned up.

    Free Member

    I can't even hold a right handed guitar comfortably, let alone begin to think about playing it. I physically can't even stand with it strapped over my shoulder.

    Ignore those thatwant you to play right handed – it's hard enough playing anything tuneful when your happy with what your holding.

    And besides, when theres 2 of you in the band, you can both share the same microphone without clashing….

    Free Member

    I suppose the traditional man response of "give it a good squeeze" will only risk the approbrium of the forum users, but it worked for me in the past…..

    Seriously, theres no reason why you can't/wont get a boil in that chaffing, sweaty place, when your camelbak will give you one to the shoulder for exactly the same reason.

    Seriously though, I managed to get a 3 ft squeeze shot from shoulder to bathroom mirror one night with a boil… was accurate too!

    (awaits a telling off from a medical person).

    Free Member

    Don't waste the cash. You'll be frystrated at it's shortcomings pretty quickly, if your going to be doing your test reasonably soon.

    Me, I was never interested in motorbikes at all really, but bought a simple 125 to get to work on, as 90mpg appealed when my alfa was giving me 23…

    But within a couple of months, the wind blowing you off the road, the other motorists riding on your rear wheel, and the lack of get up and go, or proper stopping, meant I did a test simply to get a more stable comfortable bike.

    I was a "nervous" biker, but still regret taking so long getting round to doing my test, doing 8 months from the cbt one august bank holiday, to my first test and DAS course the following easter.

    It's hard to be cool on a 125, so don't bother.

    Free Member

    That is a seriously easy commute, on an MTB, even in winter.

    Free Member

    Sounds like the real issue was someone else has "poked" her anyway…..

    Free Member

    This also pretty much meets my experiences in Croydon. I work opposite busy traffic lights, and the frightening display of rlj every day, grossly outweighs the amount of people that actually stop. I blame fixie riders, clipped in, so desperate to not stop, so they wobble, hop about a bit, and given a choice between unclipping and having the incvenience of putting a foot down, or trying to evate that juggenaught, go for the latter every time.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    To be honest, you don't know women do you.

    Women will know by the delivery whether they're cheap or not.

    If a Tescos or Sainsburys van pulls up (despite Sainsburys doing really nice bunches when I last had to buy some years ago, and I wasn't trying toimpress, just say thankyou to someone)you lose so many points that you might as well not have bothered.

    And women can tell petrol station flowers. They note things like the wrapping when you fill up, just onthe off chance you ever dare buy flowers there.

    Your better running round the house resetting all your clocks/calenders and pretending it's a day earlier, than get flowers cheaply, or "from the wrong place!".

    I mean, a woman with a fat arse stilll looks like a lardy, but it maters to them if the label screams "bloody expensive". Its not about the look, its how the look looks.

    Free Member

    Trackpads only not working as safemode doesn't boot up most drivers.

    What happens if/when you restart windows when it asks for your last known good setting?

    Free Member

    Davis Vs Shrogin is your man.

    If they do a u turn, when your too close ot avoid doing anyhting about it, it's their fault. Also as a vehicle, performing a manover, they owe a greater duty of care to you than you do to them.

    They will probably offer a 50/50 suggesting you shouldn't overtake, but it's not illegal to go past a vehicle which has pulled over to the left, or we;d never get past parked motorists until they switch engines off.

    Free Member

    Find out if the new owners would like the courtesey of a filled up tank so they don't have to worry for a bit, and then if they would, then "sell" the unused onto them. Its not like they're not going to need it, sooner rather than later, and might actually be grateful not to have to worry straight away, and have the reassurance that in the middle of knowwhere, at some time like midnight on saturday, they won't lose heating/cooking (if theyhave an aga).

    Free Member

    Isnt it "pwnd with bombers, then wee'd in his shoes" ?

    Free Member

    To be honest, if your business has such cashflow issues that they feel a couple of quids worth of tea/coffee is going to make/break them, and it'w worth upsetting staff over, as MrWoppit says, it sounds like they're going bust. I worked at a place that was the second largest super/mainframe/minicumputer in the world after IBM a few years ago, and still recall when they cancelled the papers for reception, and feeling it was the beginning of the end.

    It was.

    Free Member

    You don't know how long it was stolen for before recovered?

    It may have been flogged to death. Trust me, a heavy right foot from some little crim canshag a motor remarkably quickly. I almost bought one when I worked for an insurer. I put a bid in. The guy who won the bid had no end of issues. Everything ie brakes, shocks, engine, clutch fell apart fromthe moment he had it.

    Crims tend not to maintain stolen cars.

    I'd avoid personally.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Being honest with you, I would have agreed, until what we still call "the dried apricot day" at work.

    I was experimenting with non "sweet" munchies, part of a diet/weight loss idea I had.

    I wolfed a bag of dried apricots over the course of a couple of hours.

    Jesus, the other end of the office from me, 20 yards away, the flies were dropping fromthe ceiling. Children were crying, dogs were distressed, adults were consulting Nostradamous to see if the date tied in to any of his predictions, and I though the world was going to end, through the hole in my bottom…….

    Even I a veggie of 20 years, was totally unprepared…. and staggered. And as a manwho would fart in someones face usually and laugh, even I was totally appalled at myself. I wished I had multiple personalities, just so I could blame someone else.

    I actually got sent home by my boss eventually….

    Free Member

    still left with what look like chemical burns. I used Eurolax cream

    I see where you went wrong.

    You wanted Picolax, not Eurolax. Go out and get a big bottle and wolf it down. Soon you'll forget all about your trivial arm injuries……..

    Free Member

    Be thankful he's interested in you.

    What ever you do, don't say here he thinks your the dogs bollocks. Or that he is a retired cokehead Canadian ex underwear model.

    Free Member

    The Ritz serves at 3:30 and 5:30.

    I has always thought of it as "High Tea" at 4:00 myself, with Northerners having "tea" later, from say 5:0. Northern tea being a more substantial meal, comparable to "Dinner" in the south.

    Obviously, They had dinner at lunch time.

    Certainly in the 70's it always seemed to me when on holiday, that Northern families tended to be in the dining room earlier than southerners, but I suspect in 2010, this is probably a quirk of the past.

    However, before anyone mocks me for my southern ways, as a student, I could never get a handle on the times for northern chippies. They'd round my way open at say 4:00 ish, open for a hour or so, and then close for a couple, to reopen at say 8:00 ish.

    Southern chippies tended to open later, say 6:00 but then serve through to later, say 10 or 11: ish.

    Free Member

    At least she died doing something that she loved…

    Free Member

    Who decides what a "crime" is these days?

    A law is introduced that is complete knee jerk Daily Mail nonsence, poorly drafted amd made retrspectively, (say like Dangerous Dogs act) or even something as trivial as "The Property Misdescriptions act" and suddenly, you might not believe it, but suddently, your a criminal.

    Or alternatively,
    . Why should the law have a copy of your DNA to use, as it sees fit. There have been enought people "fitted up" by the police, without them having the "Gold card" of dna. Essentially, say, you inadvertently put a comma in the wrong place when selling a house, or drank too much on a night out and awoke in the cells, and having been forced to give over "evidence", essentially the police now have a big scrapbook of "evidence", all they need is to fit it to a crime.

    I have too much experience in my job that police can be dishonest, why do we want to sleepwalk into a position where we given them everything up front.

    Lets say as a further example, that you want to start a political party. Might not be a nice one, say BNP esque, or even simply one that becomes a threat to those in power, who's to say that the people in charge of dispensing justice coulnd't use this database to their own devices.

    And if you think that Govt is above these things, remember, even today, theres a demand for a fresh inquest into Dr Steven Kelly's "suicide".

    Why should there be an automatic presumtion that unless you tell the state what your doing, all the time, and have alibi's and full accountability, that you have "something to hide". What happened to my right to privicy, to live how I want, without 24/7 surveillance, and records being kept to a biological level on how I live. Why can't the state leave me alone, and why can't I have a presumption of "innocence" im my activities.

    The problem with "nothing to hide" is its not you who choses what "nothing" is. The answer might surprise you.

    Free Member

    The nice thing about Wheelies from an insurers point of view, is that they have a huge database of released uk models, which I beleive includes spec and original rrp, so when people say "but my Rockhopper was only a couple of years old", Wheelies will tell the insurer that actually it was 6years or what ever. They seem able to source most bikes, and wil actually take over the negotiation on behalf of the insurer so you don't end up with a knowledgeless berk like me "having a go" at your claim.

    however, if you are a cyclist knocked off, and you don't want to claim for injury as you were not actually hurt, you might find someone like me being remarkably generous on your unbranded age/marque unknown fixie, as even insurance handlers can believe in repaying karma sometimes.

    Free Member

    And for those that mentioned the RAF have little input, you'r not really correct.

    All the pilots are serving, qualified fighter pilots, and there are fewer pilots generally available due to our involvement in Afghanistan.

    Indeed, requests have to be made to the RAF to allow them to allocate resource (ie pilots) over and above the logistics of getting servicable vintage aircraft in the air. (Think, these planes are real high performance throughbred planes, when the average person owned an Austin 7) and so prone to breakdown and limited parts supply.

    As a result of pilot shortage, the RAF BOB flight were unable to supply resource for Lowestoft Airshow on the days they wanted them, and so the airshow has been moved to the same days as Eastbournes airshow.

    It's not a "resource disgrace", just that we happen to be committed fairly heavilly to conflicts elsewhere in the world right now, the rights and wrongs of which are not for this thread.

    Free Member

    The term "Battle of Britain" referring to the air war over Southern England from June-Sept 1940, is a more modern epithet than you might imagine.

    When Churchill gave his "The Battle for France is over, I expect the Battle of Britain is about to begin" he was speaking in general terms.

    Indeed, Bomber Command was a vital part of taking the offensive to the Germans long before we had the ability to open a second front.

    From that point of view alone, and for the 50k+ airman that died delivering bombloads over occupied territory, many long before D-Day, its quite right the Lancaster can be included in a "Battle of Britain" Memorial flight.

    And yes, it's not a "disgrace" when old, obsolete aircraft break down and occasionally have to miss a show. In much the same way it's not a disgrace for your grandfather to not send a card on your birthday becasue his broken hip after a fall prevented him getting out to the shops.

    Free Member

    If you are third party only, then a green card isn't strictly needed to provide mimumum cover in most EU countries.

    However, as it should be free, then there are some benefits to getting one. Theres absolutely no point to not making a quick call to the insurers and asking for one, so do it.

    for example, a green card information pack will probably include an "ASOF" which is a continetal insurance claim form. If you get involved in an accident, the foreign driver will have one, will fill theirs in for you, give you a copy, and before you know it, having signed it, you have inadvertently admitted liability in a legally binding document by the road side which cannot really be disputed. Every year we get people who dont understand the significance of the form being stitched up by foreign drivers as its known UK motorists don't understand.

    If you have an ASOF in your car from the green card pack, at least your identical but in English form will help you out with exchanging details and agreeing at the scene what happened.

    Also will be good advice in the pack such as if you have an accident in Spain, then without witnesses, or a police report, if a driver refuses tosign an asof and drives off, you cannot make a claim, as to a spanish insurer only an ASOF is "proof" their driver was involved.

    Also, if you are tpf&t, a green card will at least cover you for theft and fire. If you are comp cover, then you really really need a Green card, as otherwise your insurance will not cover you for damage to the vehicle regardless of the premiums you pay and the cover you think you have.

    Free Member

    See, this is civil servant mentality.

    I wash and clean all my working clothes. Everyone else does, even the staff at McDonalds. Indeed, most of us would like the financial burden of "free work clothes" gifted to us.

    Someone asks a govt employee something reasonable, and they get all up in arms, in their keyworker house, on their queens birthday holiday, counting a jolly good pension, working in a virtually "unsackable" environment, and get all arsy about it.

    Free Member

    Presumably all the girls in Croydon must ride Clockwork's, P7's, Crush's, Patriot's and 224's ect…….

    Free Member

    Lowestoft Air Show isn't bad, over 2 days, as it's free, and you get a decent view from the sea front.

    And when you see a sunburned guy with a charity bucket, with his back to it, missing it all, then do him a favour and drop a single quid or two in the bucket, don't sneer like a chav as you march to the beach with 24 carlings under your arm and say "I already paid" as I;ve heard it 53498 times already, or avoid me like I have plague. Its free, but whats a quid when it brings 40k people to your town, with all that tourist income?

    You really do see the best, and worst in people. Generally the single mums all pay, and pay extra, setting an example to the kids, as to the pensioners. Its that male 15-29 chav demographic who really get on my tits.

    Free Member

    You go to work to earn money, not to have a fantastic time, or else you'd be working on sub 5k a year serving drinks on a tropical beach.

    That 12k gets a lot of mountain bike fun, family fun, holidays ect which is why we're here! God didn't put you on this earth to enjoy your job to the detriment of your hobbies or home life.

    Anyway in the present market, there's no guarantee you won't be redundant in 12m and the issue resolves itself, or that you go elsewhere and they close in 3 months.

    I'd stick it out for the extra 1k a month (which is more than half the posters here earn IN a month).

    1k a month gets you custom built ti frames, and a lot of flights to sunny places to use it!

    Free Member

    If the job is that lucrative, you can probably get the kids flown over 2-3 times a year. If so, they might actually benefit and grow from that experience more than a wet saturday at Sheffield Mcdonalds or whatever.

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