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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: DT Swiss EX 1700 Wheelset
  • Jujuuk68
    Free Member

    You could just pay your fair share of tax.

    Odd that it seems not to have occurred to you. Yet I presume your happy to spend my tax on sending your kids to school, driving to work on roads I pay to maintain, and rushing to the docs//hospital when you feel ill.

    Pay your fair share, and if you can’t, dont move, rather than stiffing the rest of us.

    Free Member

    A clean chin isn’t going to get you laid….

    Free Member

    Perhaps it was a small helicopter which flew in and turned the hot tap off……

    Free Member

    Sounds just like a pc of mine from a while ago.

    I think it was overheating. The actual cpu itself. Fan was clogged with crap, and repeated overheating killed the chip in the end.

    Free Member

    Serve the judgement yourself?

    Free Member

    I tend to ignore elfinsafety as one of this forums more tedious trolls, but when the op is quoting from the Daily Heil…

    I expect the full headline should read “Organic single mother asylum seekers find organic food raises house prices near Princess Diana’s grave due to Labours past record in bank bonus scam”.


    Free Member

    Neil F – Member

    tree surgeon eh? You’ll need to call Special Branch.

    Anyone seen my coat?

    Wood have thought He’ll twig who called them, and then he’ll bark at you to get knotted… I’d leaf it alone if I were yew.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t really looking for advice, just throwing it into the discussion for entertainment really… I do have a locus report and the 2 van drivers came forward as good independent witnesses.

    Although the moped rider was an off duty copper, and so will probably get the courts “sympathy” and win…

    Free Member

    Tandemjeremy – I see you Davis Vs Schrogin, which is when a motorcycle is so close that they have no alternative when a vehicle u turns in front of them, and see you Farley Vs Buckley, where the motorcyclist was 100% at fault for an emerging vehicle when they had no alternative. BTW ignore the appeal – they did, and lost.

    BLM acted for the defendant in this reported case. The defendant motorist, who drove out of a side road to turn right into a major road where a large vehicle was waiting to turn left and obstructed his view of oncoming traffic, did not have a duty of reasonable care to stop just beyond the offside of that vehicle before proceeding further. Accordingly, the defendant was not liable for injuries to the claimant who overtook the stationary vehicle at a reckless speed and hit the motorist’s car.

    The claimant took the case to the Court of Appeal, where the decision at first instance was upheld. On the particular set of facts, the defendant was not negligent to effect a continuous movement out of a side road and, while it was foreseeable that a motorcycle might be overtaking at a modest speed, the defendant could not reasonably have foreseen that a motor cycle would be overtaking in the reckless manner found at first instance. The negligence was entirely that of the claimant. BLM was awarded their costs at first instance and the costs of the appeal.

    The claimant has now lodged a petition for leave to appeal to the House of Lords on the grounds that the CA was wrong to interfere with a finding of hard fact at first instance. The trial judge found that the defendant was travelling at 5-8mph on the strength of witness evidence. The court of appeal accepted that the defendant made a continuous movement but did not accept the witness’ assessment of speed. BLM has lodged objections to the appeal and await the outcome of the appeal committee.

    Free Member

    The answer is essentially, both of you.

    you must ensure it’s safe to pull out before you do so.

    The taxi should not over take when they might come into conflict with other road users, and the Highway code explicitly states junctions as an example.

    If the taxi was so far away when he started his manoever, you should have been able ot manoever and clear you manoever. If you collide he wasn’t “so far away” after all.

    If you’d pulled out, turned and were established on the major road, and been hit head on, then possibly a court might find you not at fault. If you had only just started to pull out when you hit the side of him, and the impact is largely on his correct side of the road, he might get away with 100%.

    If it was a say, dual carrige way, and he was passing somehting you couldnt see through, and traffic was say, stationary, and say creating his own lane, perhaps to turn r further down the road, or looking to pull into a space he couldnt see into, and he couldnt forsee you pulling out, as say you were coming froma petrol station, not a turning, then that might end up 80/20 your favour.

    However, I have an interesting one this week on my desk.

    A careful retied ambulance driver, wants to pull out of a side road. Van stops to the right and a van stops also to the left to let her out. The van to her right, is at an angle, stationary, and indicating. The side road is just after a pedestrian crossing, with zig zags. However, the van cannot turn in, as the side road is narrowed, so the car pulling out “must” do so, without ensuring the way is clear. The main road is a single carrigeway in each direction. So the driver pulls out, and collides with an moped, overtaking the stationary van.

    Who is at fault? I say the moped 100%. There was enough warning of the 2 stationary vans, the presence of a side road. The emerging vehicle had no alternative, (it was practically unable to reverse down the side road), and couldnt be expected to sit there all day blocking the side road. The mopeds riders solicitors say say 100% the emerging vehicles fault, but I think would accept 50/50 if we offered. I dont think thats fair, and we are proceeding to trial. If we lose, the claim with court costs is probably worth £35k, over settling it quickly against the van driver at say £5k.

    What would you do?

    I work for an insurance claims dept dealing with liability/personal injury.

    Free Member

    Rewarding stupidity is anti darwinism, and for that reason, I’m out.

    Free Member

    Is it an optnio to tell the company to collect the bikes, and then independently, offer to collect all bikes from the employees returning them, and to buy them privately from the company, for a fee less than you sold back to the company for?

    Ie they say mrp is £250.

    you say fine – collect it.

    Company have heap of bikes to sell.

    You offer them £100 for each bike collected?

    Free Member

    Can I suggest a second hand Audiolab 8000a?

    Similar price to a nait or nait2 second hand, but much more “flexible” in terms of interconnets, inputs and still sounds good. Again, they don’t seem to lose money second hand.

    Of the original q, the nait was from memory, “fussier” over the speakers it was paired with than the 2. TBH the prices of a nait2 (or 3+) you may actually be closer to the cost of a lower end Naim pre/power than you think…

    Free Member

    There seems fairly large number of old school bmx’ers who are crying out for a decent anodiser.

    At the moment, a chap in Barnoldswick (Colour Custom Anodising) gets much of the custom, but is very slow as the parts take second fiddle to the “real work” of car parts and commercial work.

    If your works good, and you are not hideously expensive, and bike friendly, theres possibly a good market for a decent anodiser if your willing to take on older parts.

    Might I suggest if you can show your work, a price list and post on the resto section of the radbmx forum.

    I will be looking to get some brake arms, a seat post, and some rims and hubs possibly done later this year for a build…. :D

    Just a thought, and possibly an unoriginal one too…

    Free Member

    Would I sound like a total snob if I venture to suggest it’s probably parked outside a (ex?)council house?

    Thought so…. I await righteous flaming…

    Free Member

    C2w is a tax saving.

    Theres no tax on second hand bikes.

    I don’t understand the point of the op?

    Free Member

    Why did so few of the posters to this thread ignore wiltsrover’s second (and thread 10th) post, about waiting for the shop manager returning his call before ranting?

    Its the console generation I tell thee – no attention span.

    Free Member

    SV is easilly restricted.


    Free Member

    Curried fish?

    I would recommend a compormise – perhaps marinade in a yoghort/curry powder fashion, and grill, rather than a thick cloying sauce. Mre of a “tandoori” style fish?

    And I’d ditch Babylon 5 for something on sale from HMV like the Hornblower box set, or possibly “The thick of it” just for the Malcolm Tucker swearathon.

    Free Member


    Light, agile for traffic. Not too valuable for the thieves. Not too expensive to keep going either. Good characterful motor, pretty reliable. Can get faired for winter/longer commute, or unfaired for shorter, slight difference in gearing makes faired faster, slightly slower accellerating. Its 650cc and not expensive to insure.

    Curvy ones are older but prettier, carbed motors. Pointy ones are fi. They sold loads of them, and always got well reviewed by the press, apart from the budget elements of suspension which whilst “adequate” can be improved, to a point. is your friend.

    Free Member

    Why would you buy hi-fi without listening to it first? You can’t do that on the interweb.
    Much the same as you wouldnt buy a car without driving, shoes without trying on, bike without a test ride, telly without looking at picure ect ect.

    Is it so much hassle to get out of bed and go to a shop? Richer often throw extras into the deal in store, and isn’t the auditioning part of the fun? Unless your in guantanamo, in which case, best of luck with getting the wide screen plasma delivered……..

    Free Member

    Why is that Kona dodgy? If you look at the feedback, he bought it in june 2010.

    So he hasn’t stolen it, and selling it through ebay and then organising the buying, 7m apart is a bit of an elaborate “fencing” operation.

    Free Member

    Have you thought, and I appreciate that I am exposing myself to all kinds of abuse and ridicule by even suggesting this, of actually asking her?

    Crikey – have you “ever” actually spoken to a woman?

    Do you really think men ever get straigh answers to questions like these? Its the basic “keep them guessing” psychology, and that everything is a test….

    She’s not going to mention a specific present – the test is your imagination and how well you know her/listen to her. She’s not going to mention a cost – its a test of how much you love her. Too little – hell to pay, you dont value her. Too much, you must be guilty – hiding a secret? Been cheating?

    Free Member

    To be honest, if you use any smart phone a lot, you get a days useage.

    I get a couple, sometime 3 if Im not using mine much and have screen brightness down to low.

    but for a cheapo phone, its fantastic. Great screen, capacitive screen, lots of memory, easilly unlocked to a network that won’t rape you for data charges.

    Fantastic for the cash, you’d need to seriously spend £300 to get something significantly better. Ownly real shortcomings are a poor 3.2m camera no flash really.

    Free Member

    For commuting, comfort is king, and apart from a lack of fairing, Bonneville over gs650. At least a paralell twin might be less vibey than a single.

    To be honest, if your talking about commuting, and a decent distance, you want a fairing, and an engine thats il4 smooth (possibly).

    An older VFR would be better. Comfier, less windy, less “tiring” and built for what you actually want to do. OR perhaps get a SV1000, cheap, can be got fully faired, still a twin but at least has the cc for the motorway, and a semi sporty position.

    Free Member

    Once saw a tuareg having a **** in a ditch at the side of a road in Algeria

    I once saw a **** in a VW Toureg. This was on the a23 near Croydon.

    Free Member

    It’s hilarious how theres a rush to this thread of unfunny people trying to prove same. I guess all those media studies graduates have too much time on their hands right now, what with being unemployed.

    However, had Tarquin’s precious <insert niche £3k mtb> been stolen, from the garden shed, they’d all be bemoaning that no one who saw the thieves acting suspiciously did anything.

    Thats how low this forum occasionally drops, its just a race for the terminally unfunny to try and “get in first” rather than offer any helpful or practical advice. That the ratio is about 9-1 going by this thread, is sad. If I want funny, I’ll go to b3ta.

    Free Member

    It’s not this frame is it?

    If so, I wouldn’t bother as the owner won’t thank you for any improvements……….

    Free Member

    Seconded the advice above.

    I haven’t been out since october. I just dont like cold wet muddy dark rides that much. Nothing wrong with that – but a warm summery day with a view when the bodies working well is one of those joys. I live in a flat where its impactical to get the bike too muddy anyway, and much of my riding since I got a bit older and friends got kids ect is just to and from work on my road bike at the dark ends of the days

    I find myself monitoring the sunset/sunrise times, and the first “nice” day when I can leave work and it’s still light is one of the best days of the year. A sunday out on my BMX bike to the coast is what I love about bikes, not damp cold rain wind and dark.

    Free Member

    Inception was I thought, fantastic. I’d give it 8/10. It might be one for the cinema, not the home though.

    The “action” scenes, whilst a bit naff, actually gave me thinking time to work out all the other stuff going on.

    Men who stare at goats got recent reviews, but I found it unwatachably tedious. And I like George Clooney and that Obi Wan fella.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    She’s certainly funnier than the tedious Miranda Hart (telegraphing jokes 5 minutes ahead of delivery and then accompanying with a shot straight to camera resembling a moose trying to do its 12 times table) or the frankly grim Sarah Millican, (who’s routine is an almost viz parody of a female comedienne – the “eh pet, I’m ugly is’nae”) the pair of whom who can only be involved in some sort of lothesome relationship with someone high up at the BBC to explain the amount of exposure they are getting.

    Roni all night ahead of that odious and unfunny pair. Actually, is it a coincidence that funny comediennes tend to be attractive? I think its perhaps the prejudice ugly women get in an occupation where looks are important (showbiz). Think say of Shappi Khorsandi, both funny and attractive, without being quite so brutally “self depreciating” as the grim pair of mooses earlier alluded to. And a death sentence to the first person to mention Victoria Wood, who was funny, once, for a bout 3 minutes with “lets do it”, but then spoilt it by letting the song go on too long.

    Free Member

    Fraud is also a big problem, and the BD postcode is up there.

    As is PR, BL, Ol, BB, UB, LU, some B, BD, some Il, and any where else with a large asian/immigrant population. L, SK, M are also problem areas.

    Regrettably, the numbers of whiplash claims, where 4 people in a car hit another 4 people in a car where police are never notified of an incident, despite both vehicles requiring expensive private recovery, storage, the non fault driver requiring a hire car, and multiple injury claims funnelled through the same accident management company, are very high.

    Essentially, if you were able to see the addresses of companies, known to be a souce of fraudulent claims, you would find culturally, that asian (pakistani/afghanistani) areas are grossly over represented. Its quite usual to find asian drivers hit asian drivers, who have their vehicles recovered by asian owned firms who are not even in the phone book or on the net (suggestive they are “prepared” for the accident) and then provided with a hire car from an asian owned firm. Asian solicitors are instructed, as is an asian medical expert. You see how “closed” culturally UK living asian people can be, when working in motor insurance fraud.

    I would say however in balance, that those areas identified tend to be economically “poor”, and certainly the likelyhood of “frauulent” or “unlikely” injury claims from any ethnic origin from say, large parts of lancashire, yorkshire, are high.

    Interestingly, the issue now appears to be escalating with those from eastern europe over represented statistically, and it seems with its high court compensation awards (we are the second highest in europe, behind Eire) and low standards of proof required, that people “claims shop” ie they actually come to the UK to have their accidents. This is born out by the over representation of people with pw or px national insurance numbers. (signifying non uk born).

    It seems a cultural issue, that big companies can be defrauded easilly, and so they will, by certain groups. Along with the +’s of multiculturalism, there are -‘s, and the attitude to fraud is one of them.

    Free Member

    Realistically, you get the premiums you deserve in the UK.

    If you want hte service that allows for claims management companies to earn huge sums out of hire and credit repair, and for everyone to get a £2k payout on the flimsiest of evidence, then premiums have to be high to pay for it.

    Its the lawyers that win every time. But then, they get to write the rules without consequence.

    Free Member

    Why’s it so expensive?

    Well, as a young driver, you will almost certainly have an accident in the next few months, statistically.

    And speaking for the over 40’s, when we went out with out mates and they crashed a car, putting a mimi on its roof, you climbed out, pushed the car back over, and comiserated. The claim cost £500.

    These days, all 3 of the occupants will develop “whiplash” and will all proceed to instruct bottom feeding solicitors who tell you its ok to sue a mate, as “his insurer pays”. These aformentioned scum will send you to a dodgy medical expert, who’s word is not worth challenging economically at a county court, especially somewhere like Birkenhead or Liverpool county court, where the judges feel the need to “support their local law firms”. The lawyers get £1500 min legal fees, the medical expert £250 ish, the dodgy “after event legal fee insurers” get £500, and the medical expert who will always supply a prognosis long enough that their solicitor friends guarantee the legal fees, meaning the claimant gets £2k. He will ask you pointed questions about twinges, and ensure he doesnt have to do too much cut and paste to his standard report he bangs out after a 10 minute appointemnt.

    So what was a £500 claim in 1990, becomes a £15000 claim in 2010.

    Once upon a time, you tended not to see injuries until you saw labour figures of about £500. Now, anyone gets whiplash for the most trivial of impacts.

    And woe betide if you hit someone in another car. They not only double the “whiplash” payout, but it seems everyone needs a “like for like” car for repair duration, a courtesey car is never good enough.

    In many cases, the cost of short term hire is far mroe than the repairs, and oddly, when garages are not supplying the car themselves, but one of these “scumbag” accident management companies, your car gets repaired convieniently slowly.

    And the courts just love this rip of. Darren Bent the footballer, hardly short of a bob or two, recently recovered over £60k in HIRE CHARGES ALONE when his Aston was hit, despite having another car awailable to him. Courts threw out the insurers arguments.

    I see daily, hire charges of over £20k for a few weeks when people have a prestige vehicle damaged.

    Free Member


    Aston Villa. As is Dodgy Dave C, apparently, along with Mervyn King, Hazel Blears Tom Hanks and Nigel Kennedy.

    Free Member

    I don’t think OP was having an affair.

    Not when theres such quality cottaging going on in shopping centres up and down the country.

    Free Member

    Oil on nipples and grease on flanges?

    Free Member

    There are some good arguments, pro’s and con’s here, and I won’t try to interject anything new here, except to say :-

    My first MTB back in about 1995, was a Claude Butler. Ok, but cumbersome, overbuilt and a bit “hard work”.

    Then I got a bonus at work, and went to a bike shop with a budget of £400. I tried Specialised Rockhoppers in both steel (ok) ali (awful) and Various Marins. All looked quite smart. Then I saw a little Clockwork in the corner of the shop. Frankly, it looked “plainer” than the others, but somehow “smarter” too. Not sure why or how, but the paint looked good, and the bike seemed to have “kerb appeal”, it was lower, sleeker than anything else I’d tried.

    The guy at the shop was really good, let me try out all the bikes I wanted, (Rayment Cycles Brighton, fwiw) and I thought I could just stretch my budget by £100 or so, and asked to try the Clockwork.

    Now, I know all the frames were probably taiwanese, but as soon as I put a leg over the clockwork, that was it – it was a bit fast steering for the first few mins till I got used to it, a bit “bambi on ice”, but for the first time, I realy could feel what the “frame” was doing on the bike, the bike just “zipped” with every pedal stroke – it came alive in my hands – even the seating position, further back, a bit less “shopper bike upright”.

    Frankly, it was so much better than the other bikes I tried, even with bargain basement alivio kit, that there was no use trying anything else. If I’d had the cash, I wouldn’t have bought a better bike, just a Clockwork with an upgraded component spec.

    It was the first bike I’d had since My Diamond Back Silverstreak BMX that really felt “special”.

    Thats why I bought my first Orange. – I haven’t quite managed to capture the magic with subsequent p7’s, but they are great workhorses, similar, but just a bit less “zippy” than the Clockwork.

    So I buy Oranges as the just seem to work for me. – The P7 I have is a 99 spec bought in a sale in 01, and the finish is fantastically hard wearing – anything bolts to it I could possibly want – it all works, including the wheels which have never needed trueing from factory.

    The only reason I am thinking of a change now, is the Pure 7 interests me as it looks more “lightly fabricated” than the p7, ie more like the Clockwork, whilst giving me a modern suspension length up front.

    I have tried more modern rockhoppers and even had a Kona Muni Mula, in aly – all good, but none have the magic that my first clockwork had, and that the p7’s have to a lesser extent. I am a slightly odd shape, and Orange’s just seem to fit me better than the rest.

    Thats why I buy Orange’s, even knowing that it’s Taiwanese fabrication. It still works bloody well as a bike, and are well built up by their dealers and at the factory.

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