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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • Jujuuk68
    Free Member

    When we were kids, our BMX’s never needed “facing”.

    I bet most bikes rolling off a production line in taiwan or whereever don’t get “faced” before build.

    I’d put it together, and then worry if it’s not right.

    Free Member

    We’ve killed tens/hundreds of thousands of bears, driving them from their habitats over the last few decades. They deserve a place on this earth too.

    It’s about time they came back and did a few of us. There’s now nearly 7 billion humans, invading their spaces as we continually push for redevelopment of their wild inhabitats.

    Meh, and then let the sharks and lions have a go. Its more eco friendly than the carbon footprint of a cremation.

    Free Member

    Simply because it’s the largest, and thus makes the “impact”, Tyne Cott?

    There’s a museum at Zonnebeke, a couple of miles to the s/w.

    From there, much of the WWI battlefields are closeby. Arras with the arch and eternal flame are easily found. Also probably easy to find somewhere to feed the kids here.

    The large German one, just to show they are indeed humans, and fellow europeans is not that far at langemarck.

    Free Member

    If it works it works. The fact that science can’t explain it is not grounds for dismissal.

    But back to Bowen technique. That the practioners wrap up what they do in cod semi clinical terms, which are totally meaningless, concern me. Its that they are actually explaining what they do, in total twaddle, but it sounds plausable to 90% of the population.

    I’d be more impressed if they said “it works but we don’t know why”. But then no one would go to a practiioner who was that honest. But all this thing about “electrical impulses”, “energies” “letting the body remember”.

    Even witch doctors must have some measure of success, or belief in them would have died out hundreds of years ago.

    Free Member

    I think some of the posters who are “pro” or for the idea of Bowen, have totally missed the point I was making.

    You may feel better during treatment. Thats entirely natural. There are sociologial experiments going back for years to show that when humans have an “interest” taken in them, they feel different. If you go through the mystical journey of going into a room with a practitioner who does something you dont understand, but your receiving their “care” and “atention”, then that will have an affect on your wellbeing.

    How else do you explain psychiatry, where its all about the minds effect on pain?

    However, what I had tried to demonstrate is that the garbage cited by Bowen practitioners isn’t that they are doing something spooky that they don’t understand but it seems to work. It’s the opposite, by trying to use meaningless quazi-technical words to describe functions of the body that either don’t exist, or are so ill defined by the practitioners that they are wrapping up their mumbo jumbo to try and fool you into thinking its a genuine technique. Its almost exactly like homeopathy in that sense.

    “Electrical impulses sent to the nervous system remind the body to regain normal movement in joints, muscles and tendons”.

    Next, you’ll be able to get your knee ligaments to take your calls whilst your out with that kind of “memory”. Now, I think we can all see what they are trying to say. Some ill defined “memory”. We link it in our mind and interpret it a certain way, (thinming like when you stretch a piece of meat, and it slowly goes back to shape”. Is Bowen suiggesting thats the injury thought? Dunno how that treats asthma, or fybromyalgia? (Although many poeple think fybrymyalgia is a psyciatric injury itself, it cannot be explained). But this explaination cuts no clinical mustard what so ever.

    If Bowen practitioners could clinically tell me what was happening, and why, and how, then I’d be prepared to cast my questioning aside.

    But Bowen has all the hallmarks of a “cult/con”. Most of the practitioners are not qualified in any other clinical area, just a bunch of beardy limb stretchers. There are courses set up to train and take your money, but none of them are from “proper” places of study. They may call themselves “anatomisers”, which sounds impressive but means nothing. THere are few genuine osteo/chiropracters, who’s work can be readilly understood, who would endorse Bowen. Its all like the Poo Doctor McKeith and her Cod PHD who calls herself a nutritionist as it again has no meaning.

    Basically if the bloke rubbing his hands on you (very lightly, through clothes, remember kids this is in no way whatsoever chiro or osteo, nor even massage)cant say what he is doing, how it works, or why, then do you not question why he is even there?

    Still if you want to believe things that cant be explained, then go ahead. Dont call other people close minded thought. Suicide bombers believe if a spooky old guy in the sky who will give them 40 virgins for killing an israeli. Thats where believing unexplainable shit eventually takes you.

    Free Member

    is really pathetic. For a start it’s not hands off – it does involve touching, secondly my GP does recommend it, and thirdly I have seen it have very good effects on whiplash, so maybe you should get out of your cave and realise that therapies like this could maybe save youe company a lot a money.

    Ok. Explain the scientific basis on which it works, and point me in the direction of a single clinical trial which has any peer review legitimacy, in the last 50 years, and I’ll accept that I am pathetic.

    You were already of the opinion from your partner that it would be effective, and so you expected it to work, and so you unquantifiably feel “different”/”better”. I expect you’d feel better if she told you she had a magic pill made of a “special” sugar. Don’t feel angry or confused, it is an alternative version of the placebo effect, in itself well documented.

    There are of course, people who feel healed by Lourds water as well, but frankly, until you show me it really is the tears of the virgin mary, I’ll put it down to the power of belief and the mind, over the healing power of the water itself. I have no issue with people feling that Bowen may be of some help to them, but there is no science at all behind it. The practitioners are not generally in any way clinically qualified, but they might have some impressive initials after their name from “Bowen” courses. Its a bit like the Scientologists in that respect. In the meantime, your GP who couldnt heal you, recommended this to you. That is almost a perfect circular argument, an incompetent GP recommends nonsense as he cannot do anyhting himself, because he is incompetent.

    Anyway, as no one has explained to me what having my “bioenergies in balance” actually means, I am off to feel my chakras.

    Free Member

    It may be of benefit as a placebo.

    If you look online at any websites – they all look rather “legit”, ie mentions of head offices, “anatomists” ect.

    Remeber the poo doctor – and how the term “nutritionist” has no clinical meaning, unlike say dietician. Well, bowen technique practitioners indulge in the same mumbo jumbo, with courses, certificates and other hogwash. but essentially, it was invented out in the bush by some australian bloke with no clinical or even high level qualifications, and its virtually “hands off” – with some daft spin that its successful due to the practitioner leaving the room.

    No doubt some of these Bowen people are very nice, and well meaning, but frankly if I could charge you for mumbling about energy, and then spending most of the treatment session out the room (laughing at you and counting your cash).

    If you got ongoing problems, then do try it, dont let me stop you, but I’d love to see Ben Goldacre do a piece on it.

    Indeed, if anyone can interpret this for me from a website :-

    The Bowen Technique helps the body remember how to heal itself. The gentle yet powerful Bowen moves send neurological impulses to the brain resulting in immediate responses of muscle relaxation and pain reduction. The moves create energy surges. Electrical impulses sent to the nervous system remind the body to regain normal movement in joints, muscles and tendons. This helps relieve muscle spasms and increase blood and lymph flow.

    The Bowen Technique affects the body primarily through the nervous and the bioenergetic systems, to bring it into a state of balance

    The autonomic nervous system controls over 80% of bodily functions (cardiac, respiratory, peripheral circulation, reproductive, endocrine, gastrointestinal) and is very susceptible to stress and emotional tensions. For healing to happen, the body needs to shift from sympathetic (fight/ flight mode) to parasympathetic (vegetative mode) dominance. For this to happen, it needs time and space to literally unwind and “digest” physical and emotional stress. The Bowen Technique facilitates these positive shifts.

    Me? I quote Catherine Tate’s grandmother… what a load of old shite…

    Free Member

    Put it this way, I bracket it with homeopathy.

    I work in personal injury claims, and when I get an invoice from charlatans practicing this rubbish, I just refuse to pay.

    Anything about ill defined “energies” and techniques that don’t involve “touching” are total mince imho.

    You rarely see a genuine GP recommending this. I see the odd PI whiplash “rubber stamper” ie medical “expert” paid by solicitors to find something wrong with people for cash handouts, recommend it, which only increases my incredulity.

    Free Member

    My Orange Sanfranciscos less than a year old – there are googleable unlock programs free for that.

    I’d head over to – its a top place for phone help.

    Free Member

    if you google for chinese dwarfs specifically, rather than russians or syrians, then there are other notmal pictures of them like yours.

    Free Member

    There are lots of holiday homes. They’re called hotels, or sometimes, quaintly, B&B’s.

    These actually supply jobs to the local community. The people who try to save their wages to actually “live” in them. Those poeple are part of the “community”. Their kids go to the schools there. They have friends there.

    Trangers who appear every few weeks and are not “the community”, no matter how well meaning they are.

    I say try something else with your money. Like a decent pc, then you can photoshop yourself some quality Margaret Thatcher granny porn. Buy some red braces with the change.

    Free Member

    There is some mathmatical formula based on the most likely thrown numbers. So for example, if you roll 1 and 1, you get 2. You can only get 2 on that combination. To roll a 3, you cando 2 and 1 or 1 and 2 on the dice, so theres 2 combos. Anyway, the most likely outcome of a dice throw is 9, and with chance/community chest theres a number of ways to get to go, so the light blues are a good bet as “most likely to land on”.

    Given the propensity to go to jail, for all the rule breeches like 3 doubles being rolled or chance cards, again, the orange houses are good.

    There are other factors which skew it – but essentially you often have to hope that a player lands on a properly and has to auction as they have no funds, to aquire, so buy everything isn’t always the be all and end all of the game, in much the same way as having Park Lane and Mayfair are only 2 in a set, and despite being expensive to land on with hotels, do not repay the cost benefit analysis of say, the yellow set.

    Free Member

    So the point of a quad is?

    They are slower than a bike.

    They are more expensive to buy/get parts for/service/resell than a bike.

    They are potentially more unstable than a bike hence more dangerous.

    They are unable to filter through traffic as they are the width of a car.

    You can’t park them for free like a bike. You need a full size space for it.

    People look like prats on them. Chics dig bikers. They don’t dig herders.

    Spend £500 on DAS, pas the test and then chuck £2k on a CRB600 or an SV650.

    Anywhere you can go on a quad, you can go on a ktm.

    Free Member

    Castration can help calm young dogs down, some vets will reccomend it to avoid any possibilty of cancer in your dog.

    Thats a terrible reason…

    So if you cut off its 4 legs, you get the 100% guarantee of no futire leg cancer? At what point is it just economically viable to have a head on a cushion barking at you, just so you know its going to be really healthy?

    I mean, your dads getting older now, but you just dont lop bits off him that “might” become ill in the future….

    Free Member

    Of potentially more importance, is that you are purchasing a house adjacent to a flying freehold over a passage thats you have some possible rights of access to. Their bedroom floor is one which maintance is in your interest – Can you enforce it?I mean, if they let it go, and crap falls fromt he roof into the ginnell, can you enforce clearance?

    Free Member

    It is definitely not a manufacturers fault

    For a man to divine that without seeing the item, thats impressive.

    or bollocks.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the quick reply there –

    So when you say any Ht11 will fit, with the supplied BB, that means that despite the present bike not having an external bearing BB, there would be room for that setup retaining a decent chain line?

    It does seem odd to me that given the bike is 9 speed, which is still typically the norm, that a decade old crank is effectively a write off due to one bent chain ring that was designed to be replaceable!

    Trouble is the bike ins’t worth that much, certainly not the £200 odd estimate for parts quoted. (They also suggested with rings and chain replacement that casette whilst on first glance seemed ok, would be worth replacing at same time – which is logical if you were doing the drive train “properly” rather than on a budget.

    Alternatively, if you do find an inner and middle pair of rings, happy to deprive them from you for RRP as a cheap fix to a new crankset.

    Free Member

    Just throuhg experience, I once had an old Alfa, which I was mollycoddling along to get to a fuel stop. I reckoned it was about due to come to a halt, when lo, it did.

    I walked a couple of miles to the station, filled a can, and walked back. When I tried to start, the car wouldn’t fire.

    I called the AA. They agreed it sounded fuel related, but after over an hour, cound’t get it going. He rang HO, and after a tecnical discussion, (they have a database of breakdowns) one Alfa like mine, had broken down once before, with a failed balance resistor in the fuel injection – nothing to do with the fuel situation. The guy “shorted” it out or whatever, to get me going, and hey presto…

    So the 4m walk was entirely wasted….

    Don’t always assume the source of a breakdown is obvious.

    Free Member

    Any bets on Pete Docherty following before Dec 31st?

    Free Member

    Don’t mention the latter bit – you never know what the relationships are like at board level between companies.

    Free Member

    The secret to most italian food is keep it a bit rustic, and certainly don’t drag too many flavours in.

    A couple of key complimentary ones is best.

    I like to make a white garlic sauce base, and then just add black olives, thinly sliced leeks, and then either mushroom, peas or sweetcorn for a bit more colour.

    And then rather than use white mozarella, use gorgonzola instead.

    Free Member

    I think the Police indicated that they are not taking this any further and are not following up the matter with the registered owner of the car (who was not driving it). Disgrace!

    Presumably being driven by a NOTW reporter then…….

    Free Member

    I’d go to court.

    1) They have to provide a NIP within 14 days. This was not done. There is no case, chances are that the clerk will move to throw it out of court before she ever steps foot in a courtroom.

    2) If procedure was followed and she’s simply forgotten, they’re still going to have a hard time proving anything when there’s no witnesses.

    At the very, very least, I’d suggest asking for advice on before committing to a course of action either way. Fixed penalties are quick wins because they rely on people’s fear of going to court; it’s easier for both parties but it’s not always fair or just.

    (ObDisclaimer, I Am Not A Lawyer, etc.)

    I did post right at the top, that a verbal NIP can be delivered at the scene by a police officer, it’s only latterly done by letter if one isn’t done so. For example, if she was taken to hospital, or not at the scene for other reasons, or her role in the offence isn’t immediately clear.

    A court is going to accept a police officers statement he delivered a NIP. I imagine there were probably 2 at the scene, and one will be the others witness. Even if one was speaking to one driver, the other speaking to witnesses, they will have seen/examined each others notebooks when compiling a report.

    And as for asking for advice, well thats fair enough. But essentially she has lost control, crossed lanes of traffic, ending up in a field after potentially smashin through a wall/hedgerow, and totalling the car to such an extent she had to crawl through the rear window.

    The next time a “loophole” comes careering through the traffic at you, you have no sympathy from me. It could have been a robins face! As she is such a new driver, she is frankly very lucky to be offered a course. It could have been 6 points for DWODCA, and as a new driver, losing her licence pending an extended retest.

    I suspect if she hadn’t been a distressed female, but a chav in a modded corsa with a bunch of lads in the car, the latter option would have been employed.

    Free Member

    If it was only 2 months ago, theres little she can do.

    I can’t believe that she wasn’t verbally warned at the scene (it doesnt need to be in writing) that she would be reported for any offences.

    The police then have a reasonable time to lodge proceedings before the court (and a court might view up to 2 years a reasonalbe).

    The confusion arises when the police don’t caution someone at the scene, they only have a limited time to put in writing the warning that they will (read may) report the person. This is I believe called the NIP. (Notice of Intended Prosecution).

    So essentially, if she was verbally warned, any action will hang over her head for a long time. If not, then the police have 14 days to write and warn so. The idea is it allows people to gather evidence, and if warned at the scene, then people know immediately to do so, and by writing, they have sufficient warning before evidence useful to a defence is destroyed.

    If she says she wasn’t warned, she might just not have realised what was being said or the importance of same. This is quite ususal.

    As its a criminal offence, its nothing to do with the insurer. They only deal with the civil matters arrising as a result of their olbigation under the Road Traffic Act to compensate third parties for her negligence in civil law, not for specific offences under criminal law of say driving without due care.

    Free Member

    Just remember – the word “orthopedic” when used in conjuction with matress design, has absolutely no clinical meaning whatsoever.

    Free Member

    This is when they moved your accounts as they were linked to your other halfs?

    So did they move them back? If yes, then whats the point of this. Halifax did the opposite to this to me, that I changed address, went in with my savings account as ID, and they only moved the saving account, which meant I then got a lot of letters weeks later about huge charges I could have stopped. They offered an apology, compensation for failing to honour a cheque which would otherwise have been covered, and at that point, having spent best part of couple of hours sorting it out, felt the matter ultimately resolved.

    It shouldnt have happened, they apologised, end of. I didn’t demand “specific” apologies, or forensic investigations. Nor did I epxect them to wear sackcloth and ashes for me.

    If you had an issue, and they sorted it out, then whats the problem?

    Free Member

    From the tone of the post, I am thinking the minor injury was possibly due to “Darwins Law” on the users part, and that a far more catastrophic injury is just round the corner.

    Please, keep using the product. Badly and without reference to the instructions if possible. Hopefully its a chain saw, or something industrial.

    Free Member

    Well, for a mass produced japanese family hatchback/estate, er, its very er, well, is “nice” a good word. Rather than bland or dull, for example.

    When do you get your pension? Soon I hope.

    Free Member

    In fairness, I have, in relation to the NOTW phone hacking, heard at least one comment today which is directly attributable to Josef Goebbles, but the orator refused to accept that.

    It was the one along the lines of incarcerating 10 innocent men or letting one guilty one live freely.

    So some of the above may not have been sofar off the mark.

    Free Member

    Standard quality answer.


    Lowish seat height so not intimidating, light so easy to manoever in traffic, easy to ride its quite chuckable, and the brakes and suspenstion which are a bit budget can be uprated easilly enough if you get fond of it, cheap at over 10 years old the early curvy ones are both better looking, easier on maintanace with carbs not fuel injection, and a better frame than the later ones. Later ones do look ok fully faired though. Reasonably quick. Jobs a goodun.

    Free Member

    Without clicking on the link, this is going to be “Downfall” parody 45873873487 ?

    Surely theres already a Downfall parody based on Hitler keeps finding people emailing him “downfall parodys” thinking they’re original and hilarious?

    Free Member


    My insurance is about £78 a year for my SV650.

    Tyres at £200 a pair, and servicing, the major one being £400, and chains/sprockets every 12k are the real costs to me.

    Free Member

    I think the problem is your calling it a “dog house”.

    Try calling it a “huge wolf house”, and your huge wolf might just use it.

    Free Member

    The tenner is for a man, with the tool, in a room, with light and heat, open for 12 hours a day, for your walk in walk out convenience, who is insured incase he does harm or damage to you. He has to have change, a machine for accpeting your cards, provide a warranty on repair, and account for VAT and any other relevant taxes, as well as sundires like the squirt of wd40 it needed.

    Its not a case of “just getting the right bolt”, its all the above.

    The fact is any car repairer will have a minimum charging time, of 15m, even if it is just to fill a washer bottle or something, yet you dont “hate” Volkswagen”. And VW charge up to £200 per hour in southern city locations. A tenner is nothing. Its not even 3 beers, and about half an hour on the minimum wage.

    Free Member

    Its all tedious, same sounding, souless, studio written emotiomless drivel, delivered by “technically excellent” furmula pop stars.

    what bo11ocks. all is pretty big word.

    dont be too upset at being wrong – theres a lot of dollars gone into making you feel this way. If you agreed with me, it would mean the marketing wasn’t working. The corporate suits who pump out this souless junk to the kids would have failed, and heads would have to roll. I expect your drinking branded lager, wearing superdry t shirt and some similar nike or something on your feet as you consider me a daft old fart.

    I just hope that at some point in her “lets shift product” career, she does a johnny rotten and just sits down on a stage asking if “you ever felt cheated”.

    Free Member

    R&B is really the prog rock of the 70’s for this generation.

    Its all tedious, same sounding, souless, studio written emotiomless drivel, delivered by “technically excellent” furmula pop stars.

    But the issue is, I dont think the kids today have the gumption to reinvent or replace it. Music just means “less”, as they have more “other things” in their lives. Earlier girl/boyfriends, earlier exam/career choices, alternatives to spend cash on like xbox,ps3,dvd.

    Its why kids are so dull today. The question is, is it thatchers fault they all feel the need to conform?

    I am listening to Bouncy Beyonce, and finding it hard work frankly. Ok, its technically up and down, and she can actually “sing”, ie hold a note and warble like all the best divas, but she simply has no emtional connection other than the contrived slick intros.

    One big glasto yawn, and it really is just another music festival now….

    Free Member

    S24aof the Theft act.

    24A. Dishonestly retaining a wrongful credit
    (1) A person is guilty of an offence if-
    (a) a wrongful credit has been made to an account kept by him or in respect
    of which he has any right or interest;
    (b) he knows or believes that the credit is wrongful; and
    (c) he dishonestly fails to take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to
    secure that the credit is cancelled.
    (2) References to a credit are to a credit of an amount of money.

    Free Member

    Yep, I stopped with Innocent once they did the coke deal. I make my own now, which are better, fresher, and not supporting murdering of Trade Unionists or the plundering of water resources……

    Free Member

    It’s an old alfa.

    It’s going to break down in a number of crazy ways that you cannot yet even imagine. Unless you go for a total full rebuild of the whole car, then “preventative” maintanace is not really worth it.

    To be honest, those old engines are pretty bulletproof, unless like the 2l lump fitted to my 83 GTV, you throw a conrod at 120mph……
    Just use the car, and often, and reckon on making friends with the AA. They do love fixing old cars – seriosuly, you will find any decent AA man goes the extra to get you going, when if you were in a modern Kia/Hianddry they would just tow you away.

    Fact, unless metal fatige has sheared a part, theres not much on an Alfa that cant be bodged into a get you home fix.

    Just enjoy the car, but please, do budget for ongoing repairs – I found that the higher up the range Alfas go, the higher the cost of repairs.

    If its not in great order, salt away £250 a month for repairs, and save any surplus towards mot/welding time.

    As the owner of a 33, then a Sud Sprint, then a Gtv2000 and then a 75 3l v6 (the head gaskets/cambelt and valve stem seals cost over £1200 back in 2000 !

    Free Member

    I bought a frame from Japan, and it cost me almost £70, for a small BMX frame last year.

    I would cost you the kind of sums your thinking about just so send one in the UK, let alone mainalnd Europe.

    A lot of the guys at who buy bmx’s and bmx frames from a 1st world country like the States still pay £70- £100 a frame for shipping.

    Is it a warranty repair? Surely you’ve not sold to someone on ebay from China, and seriously thinking its not a scam?

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