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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
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    There’s a fair bit I don’t agree with, but some people have kind of got a handle on it.

    For a successful claim against your policy, they have to show negligence. The incident itself occurring isn’t enough to claim as a third party. If you haven’t done anything wrong, there’s no liability to third parties. Litigation is carried out under the tort of negligence – without any, no claim.   Classic example to illustrate is automatism – where say a driver, with no pre warning, no opportunity to stop or pull over, and with no known medical pre history, faints at the wheel and collides with third parties. Even if they hit a bus load of orphans, killing all on board, there’s no “negligence”, but a simple, genuine accident.

    However, the matter is also under civil law, for which success is simply “on the balance of probability”. (Rather than criminal which is “Beyond all reasonable doubt”. So if they say you simply parked the bike badly, say without checking the kickstand is locked into place, or parking it on soft ground so the stand sinks in, and that is accepted as the most likely or probable event, by the Court (notionally), then you will lose.  So you need to consider what evidence you have to defend the matter.   But event itself, ie the bike colliding, is not in itself sufficient for them to make a successful claim.

    Consider preparing a carful, detailed statement for your insurers, including say, How long was the bike parked? (If longer than a coupleof hours, was it really likely to fall over on its own?) Was it on soft or hard ground? – what side did it fall over (ie if the stand is on your left/port side, and and it fell to the right, it must have been agitated into that position, and it’s more likely an unknown third party has caused this.) Is there damage to both sides to show it had been nudged over?  Is there evidence from doorbells in the street?  Where it’s parked, is it off or on road and is it likely a third party could knock it over? Were there High winds and a motorcycle cover to blame?

    You should declare the incident, because not telling your insurer achieves nothing, and potentially loses you some negotiating control – because as soon as the neighbours contact them, then theres an open claim anyway, and ncd is stepped back and it’s noted fault (until proven otherwise).

    Cougar is wrong, they are totally entitled to make a claim via your insurer – as a Third party claim, either directly or via an accident management company, rather than use their own insurer as a contractual insurer. If you’;re disputing they may well use their own insurer, and let them dispute with yours.  Then their insurer will pay their bill and seek recovery, rather than simply seeking recovery directly from your insurer.

    As your neighbours are insured, presumably comprehensively, the MIB will not deal with a simple vehicle damage claim from them.   The MIB is slightly  sarcasticallyknown as an “Insurer of last resort”, ie it’s there for specific circumstances.  Under the Untraced driver scheme, it will only deal with injury claims anyway, and thats what your claim is – the alleged wrongdower didnt stop, didnt exchange and didnt otherwise makethemselves known.  The uninsured driver scheme, where a driver is identified but uninsured, is irrelevent in this matter.

    It doesnt matter whether it happeend on your drive, a private road, a public road, or even a car park or beach, as long as its’ somewhere the public have access to, then under S151 & 152 of the Road Trafic Act, then your insurer is required to compensate,  *if* you are found liabile.

    But at the end of the day – it’s up to you to decide on the practical level, do you want to go to court? Do you think your evidence is better than theirs? Do you want the hassle of mardy neighbours? Because just because your bike hit their car, if it was knocked by an untraced motorist, you’re as much a victim as they are.

    Free Member


    I think you’re biggest issues are –

    1 -Is you’re not “rejecting” the car. It’s not faulty.

    2 – It  may not a distance sale. You collected it from the dealer. You had time to fully inspect, and establish suitability before you “used it”.

    As such, rejecting the car as a adequate, distance sale is probably not going to happen.

    I think your best case for resolving the “buyers remorse” you have, is seeing if they can source something more suitable, and coming to a favourable deal.

    Free Member

    The thing that troubles me is this immediate “boot out” of the premises, presumably after some form of payment.

    What power do they have to “force” you out, with no notice, following a civil dispute? Can’t see the Police being very interested.

    Seems a rather unfair term, and as it flows from a breech of contract – You were to be supplied by X, and only Y was delivered, I’d be issuing a claim at Moneyclaims, going to court not only for a full refund, but any additional costs, and something for the buggeration factor.

    Still, it’s Slough.  Given most of my car claims involve lying and exaggeration from that postcode, I can Imagine the sort of people you’ve been dealing with.

    Free Member

    Those issues are all largely service items. There’s nothing pointing to the car being dangerous such as corrosion, or expensive to fix engine parts.  If you spend £650, then you have a car with 1 yrs MOT and that must be worth £1k, with a wash and polish.

    Or you spend £2k, and then have to change that cars tyres next year anyway……

    Free Member

    “Gove came out before Christmas…..”

    Isn’t this still the subject of a Court Superinjuction, that means you can’t even refer to the super injuction, let alone the subject of it?

    Free Member

    McDonald’s chocolate milkshake.

    Nothing chocolaty about it whatsoever.

    Free Member

    Boris doesn’t need that for a safe seat. Reigate & Banstead’s empty after the ghastly Crispin Blunt decided to stand down at the next election, after the local CA broadly suggested they’d not back him.

    Whether they’d be prepared to take the fantasists favourite sexpest honeymonster is another question.

    Free Member

    Little to add really as I don’t have kids.

    But my sister and I were different personalities. she would refuse to eat, and the pointles rows that ensued, were one of the things they wished they could have done differently with experience. They tried the re presenting of food time after time, and the hours at the table in front of the same plate. Neither worked. With stubborn kids, they wont. Emotionally, as undeveloped reasoners, painting a kid into a corner where the only option is a humilating stand down for them, most won’t do it, even if they wanted to.

    Me, 9 lears later. I ate most things most of the time. I did develop a coupe of key dislikes (eggs, cooked, ie boiled, scrambled, fried, poached) offal and cauliflower being the main ones. That however, was simply cured having found what I did genuinely like and didn’t, they just wern’t served. I ate what was served because *I liked* what was served. I rarely had “a choice”, til near adulthood. I think to be honest mum and dad didn’t really like the things I disliked very much either.

    If the child is trying a wide variety of foods, and not *unreasonably* picky, its a reasonable thing to then cater to those preferences. As even in the late 70’s and 80’s both worked, and so we also had exposure to a wider variety of restauanrt/takeaway food than average, and so by the time I was teenage, I’d tried most things.

    Free Member

    At the moment in my area of the country, (Reigage area)there’s very little avaiable at the lower end – 1-2b flats. We seem as a town just outside the M25 to be getting a lot of London “urban flight”, as well as a lot of immigration locally pushing the rents up. You look on our local FB pages, and most of the people saying “Hi looking for accomodation, moving to the area” seem to be Indian. It’s pushed the rental market high. The only things not going instantly, are some new build developments, which are 10-15% higher min than everyhting else for the sake of being new build.

    Even though I’ve been a long term tennant, my rent went up 7% this year, and due to my long history of payments, it went up less than the market rates. My LL wouldn’t keep the rent the same, even though I offered 6m then 12m in advance.

    Unless you are looking at something overpriced, you stand no chance of haggling.

    Free Member

    When I had friends on Guernsey I used to bring back Blue Bottle Gin. Never found a gin drinker who didn’t really rate it as one of the best they’ve tried. The bottles are pretty funky as well, so it looks more like a gift than some. There are not many places in UK to buy it, so Amazon might be your friend there.

    I quite like the previous suggestion of Solent Pool too.

    Free Member

    Black shoes. Black trousers. Black poloneck. Box of Milk Tray for the lady.

    Job done.

    Or blue jeans.

    Jobs done.

    Free Member

    A dog.

    A loud, barky growling teeth baring dog.

    Free Member

    I think you probably need to be a certain age now to appreciate

    “M. Khan is bent”.

    Free Member

    Download a blank small claims form. Fill it in, with a short precis of your efforts to date and send a copy to Eon, with a short letter notifiying them of your intention to commence County Court Proceedings, telling them it will be sent to the Court for issue in 21 days, whereupn addtiional interest and court fees will also become payable by them, unless payment is received. Give a firm date for payment.

    Send it recorded delivery.

    Keep a copy.

    Free Member

    I started to watch it last night on the basis of this thread.

    Not the usual sort of telly I’d choose, to be honest.

    I finally went to bed at 4:30am……..

    Thats how much fun it is, watching a bunch of entitled Gen Z and millenials who all think they’re cleverer than they are, tearing each other apart tearfully, yet gleefully.

    Free Member

    I’m not having subbuteo in this list.

    When you got it, yes it was crap. A bit like a snooker table, when you celebrate wildly a break of a red, any coulour and another red before putting the white. Or you’re first bike when you can’t ride.

    But the magic of subbuteo, waslike riding a bike, like snooker, with enough hours, it suddenly becomes awesome. When you know what your doing and can spin the little fella’s fairly consistently and accurately and have a bit of “touch”, it suttenly turns into a really fast game, running round the table end to end. At Uni, my mates and I couldn’t do more than 15 minute halfs, we’d be exhausted. But you needs to see it being played by people who are half good, before it makes any sense.

    Free Member

    He’s currently having to lug around a small Fender Mustang LT40 combo amp at 6kg.

    I got a Fender Mustang GT100. 100 Watts, twin speakers. Too loud for a flat or bedroom really, a decent gigging amp. But I only bought it because, it weighs literally 1/4 of what my Fender Pro reverb 70’s silverface valve amp weighs, which sounds amazing with an analogue reverb tank fitted. And I live on the 4th floor. And it is also far too loud for a small flat.

    Free Member

    From what I understand, you can only “boil” off the alcohol, by subjecting the beer to a very low pressure environment, so that the beer is not actually heated to a point where significant flavour change takes place. I suspect the kit required to remove alcohol from beer is way above the capabilities of a home brewer.

    Free Member

    25 years ago, the answer was “Orange P7”.

    Suspect it’s all moved on a bit now.

    Free Member

    Given the state of Legal Aid, we have a situation where in the UK, Barrista’s can earn more than Barristers.

    Free Member

    Puddings appear, unlike Jesus to have failed to rise.

    Why all the “extra’s” – mushrooms/onions/bacon – it’s just weight the batter couldn’t support. Save the bacon and mushrooms for the breakfast next morning and the onions for the gravy.


    Free Member

    “I bought some 2×2 and 2×4 timber yesterday and the bloke in the builders merchant knew exactly what I meant”

    I think the trade refer tto them now as a Sunack or a Truss? One’s probably too flimsy and lightweight for the job.

    The other seems almost the same from most angles, but appears to be much thicker.

    Free Member

    From Chichester, there’s a lot thats only a modest drive, because the A27 opens up to a speedier road past Chichester and then into M27. So you can get on that road, and Bournemouth with its huge sandy beaches, especially Hengistbury Head, is not so far time wise – porbably an hour. As is Salisbury. Russians come just to see the famous spire! And then that takes you to the New Forest & Beaulieu.

    Actually, from Chichester 30m to Portsmouth or 45 to Souhtampton, even the Isle of Wight is do-able. and theres loads to see there.

    Free Member

    I’m glad you sorted. I know some breakdown providers will cover misfuelling incidents as a breakdown.

    Free Member

    £1000 Ford Street Ka, bought 2018.

    If it was worth nothing today, I have spent £250 pa in depreciation.

    Thankfully since covid, I do few miles in it.

    In that time it’s swallowed 6 tyres, new front lower suspenstion wishbones, some heater matrix pipes, broken down the odd time. But its great everytime the sun shines, and doesn’t really look like a 17 year old car.

    Free Member

    It might be their cancellation text, but frankly, with no warning, thats an unfair term. They can’t expect someone to find fresh accomodation with 1.5h notice. They’re effectively cancelling your holiday once you’ve fuly committed other costs. I bet if you try to cancel, the t&c on you are far more onerous.

    As such, for £80, it might be worth Moneyclaims online later on. Trivial costs to you, should be nil costs in the event you lose.

    But I also think its highly likely at peak season, there’s no issue with the cert. The property has just probably been booked, by the owner, outside, to a higher paying family. They need a “technicality” to cancel with zero notice.

    I’d be checking out the occupation if I was passing, and taking photos of any signs of occupation to support my claim for damages.

    Free Member

    Five litre boxes? I presume you’re talking about a take home polypin? Given the beer is poured “From the barrel”, and thus already “served” once, in much the same way as into a glass, but simply into a plastic tapped container instead, I think you’ve left it too long. I think general received wisdom, is two days if kept quite cool. Really best enjoyed on the night. After 5 days, even kept well, it’s going to be very much “end of life”. Its not like buying a sealed product in airtight container.

    My local brewery (Pilgrim, Surrey) does a mix of polypin boxes, and metal cask cans, I expect you might get longer out of the cans.

    My own view, is I know its an expensive waste, but in high summer temperatures, hoping for opened, poured, bright beer to be drinkable five days after purchase is not a particularly reasonable expectation. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Makes a change, a leopard and not a jaguar.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a rear wheel come off an MG Midget – we were working on the brakes, (front only) and neither my or my friend recall even trying the rear wheels, but we must have done.

    But it came off, literally within 200 yards of driving off. And thats a low powered leightweight vehicle.

    Free Member

    Well, I’m only a small chap who doesn’t like getting hurt, but I’m possibly closish (Reigate area), and gladly come along for support/help/numbers if you want – I’ve had too many bikes nicked. Even getting the Garmin back and concerning the “innocent purchaser” would a modest win.

    I had a p7 stolen from my flats doorway a few years ago. Bought a replacement. That was stolen, 18m later, and in searching for that on Ebay, my original bike appeared. So I won the auction, went round and picked it up. Didn’t pay for it. I was just incandescent, and told the guy I wasnt leaving without it, and if that meant calling the Police, that was his decision. Also handy I had my purchase receipt, and photos, which showed the same (broken) bike lock shakle and dealer stickers.

    Free Member

    If only he was a tory donor, they’d probably have let him set up a fracking site there.

    One rule for them… ect ect…..

    Free Member

    Blandford fly bite? Have you been near water?

    They’re quite nasty, and distinctive. I had one, that got infected, within a few days I was in severe agony, couldnt walk or barely stand or lie down with any comfort – tremendous back ache, I felt like a 90yo.

    Free Member

    “Thomson posts are notoriously under-sized.”

    Did you order the Peter Andre model?

    Free Member

    Well, he did accuse little old Elsie, who was just trying to keep warm, of being a buswanker earlier this wek!

    Free Member

    He’s there for the cash.

    Estimated net worth of £3-4m, earning possibly iro £800k pa.

    Pre the invasion, he was probably wealthy enough to bribe his way out of trouble, what with speaking fluent Russian. I suspect being alleged to be a “spy” in the present climate, all the money in the world might not help you.

    Free Member

    In fairness, and for balance, Benjamin Rich-Swift was arrested and went to trial with two other men for a rape, but at the end of the trial, the Judge, whist noting the men should be throughly ashamed of themselves, directed the jury to return a not guilty verdict and the prosecution offered no evidence. This was over 20 years ago.

    A reminder, the latest data suggests successful outcomes to reports of rapes is about 1.9 %.

    Free Member

    Just rememeber, the mouth is bigger than the arsehole.

    If more comes out than goes it. Thats weight loss, right?

    On a serious note, intermittent fasting might get him there, if he DOES IT PROPERLY, and is also careful on other days and keeps up the movement/excercise.

    Free Member

    Coolmints – and they had a mild laxativeeffect as they were an early sugar free product, that used sorbitol.

    Mymother was a type 1 diabetic. We found out about this kind of stuff, including diabetic jams ect the hard way.

    Free Member

    Tend to look at Cyberpower, who often have good weekly deals, Ebuyer, Chillblast, Scan and Overclockers, who seem a little expensive, but their forums suggest good support.

    My last PC was a Yoyotech – really well built, good selection of parts, but I think they went bust a few years back.

    Chillblast used to win quite a lot of UK PC magazine awards for builds.

    Free Member

    I think your wife has psychosis.

    Given the poisoning allegations, that have apparently been made before, in itself a pointer, but with other unusual behaviour – the “hating” outburst, which by the time of discussion has become something else. They are two, wildly different emotional outbutsts, only linked by underlying condition.

    She needs urgent help.

    I’m not clear you’re taking this seriously.

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