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  • Thomson Elite 35mm Aluminium handlebar review
  • juiced
    Free Member

    crazy car :D

    Free Member

    Just got myself a little bmx, within the last week. First proper trip was too Harrow Skatepark last weekend. Was wet and a little slippery but I gave it some. Great fun. There's loads of skateparks everywhere!

    Free Member

    Like it. All the best!

    Free Member

    PP's offer is probably the best.

    Free Member

    three lime green bikes 8O

    Free Member

    I could meet you if your willing to accomodate my slowness on the flat and uphill as I will be riding a FR ht bike. Will be quick DH though :D
    So probably the opposite to a fixed s/s.

    I could ride an xc ht if required

    Free Member

    Prodigy rule.

    Free Member

    function over form?

    Free Member

    the newer named 519 may be more suitable and be better with wider tyres.

    Free Member

    Cinnamongirl, just re-read page one. Apologies very tired at present!

    Free Member

    Solomanda, what sort of pace are you riding the slackers group at? I know there's a possible clue in the title .. but still..

    Free Member

    Ride well within your limits and let someone know what time your likely to be back.

    Free Member

    Mech hangers.Although tbh I'd prefer a higher price and easy ability to purchase than cheaper and no ability. ( thinking in terms of older frames)

    Free Member

    two pints of guinness. 20 odd miles.

    Free Member

    I often get up early but rarely feel like riding until later on for some reason.

    Free Member


    Please can you help me!

    What BMX is that? Mine looked indentical to that and i've always wondered what it was. As much information as possible would be great ( If you can remember)


    Free Member

    I've got a pair of Spy MX ones of CR. Fit my face really nicely and I love them.

    Free Member

    woffle. YHM.

    Free Member

    classic. Get 'him'

    Free Member

    my tesco's sells sheets in the cycle section.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Had two youths run at me, but spotted them and rode off.
    Recently had a hooded chav run at me, but again, just rode off.
    Couson had two Samarlians (sp??) try to attack him for his bike in town, He decked both of them.
    Friend had group of stoned/ Khat eating Samarlians try to get his bike on the canal. Didn't though

    Free Member

    phychodelic trance
    Just finished listening to Offspring.

    Free Member

    blimey derek starship. That's some bruise. Keep riding :lol:

    Free Member

    love mine. No pics tho. Oh and it's black :P

    Free Member

    woffle, I may well interested. :lol:

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone.

    Hairychested, the lanes in actual Slough alonge the Bath road tbh are superb. Something like 2 miles of lane. Interesting comment about the West Of heathrow.

    Free Member

    you'll be fine.

    Free Member

    Yeah fair point. I have been on other cycle paths, ( although oddly i just said i do not use cycle paths usually??) on the cycling side of the line and had people just appear from the other side. Most are probably not aware of the dividing line. This is where my bell comes in handy. :D

    Free Member

    Well done. That's one of the reason's I like using a helmet light when on night rides.

    Free Member

    Yeah usually I do not use them, but this section of road has some major lorries going along it over the bridge to Heathrow, complete with traffic islands that narrow the road. Oh well no harm done.

    Free Member

    the older guys did not appear to be such a risk, other than being awkward as they did not exactly stop me riding past, just seemed to try to block the way as i approached. The guy running at me I felt was however a real risk. I also I suppose it's possible he was running for something else, but seemed unlikely.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Near Slough/ Back end of Heathrow. Only ever had youths run at me once before, many years ago in West London. Not exactly a dodgey area this time either. I suppose the risk going out late on a weekend eve is always going to be higher than normal.

    Free Member

    suffering and delaying gratification. Good things come to those what work hard and are patient.

    Free Member

    music is a passion for me – Punk, Indie, Electronica, Techo, Trance, Hardcore, Jungle, some Pop, Some classical, Some disco, Some rap , some hip hop…and of course grunge..

    Free Member

    I'd say, ignore the size and get a feel for it. That heckler is a very versatile bike and should be fine running different stem lengths and seat heights and builds.( as too I'm sure the newer ones are.. )

    Free Member

    5 foot 2 and ride a small 06 heckler. Perfect for xc with seat up. Short play bike with seat down.

    Tbh honest the 06's imho come up small due to a short tt.

    Small bike to tbh

    Free Member


    Free Member

    thanks so much! Love them both.

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