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  • Bluetti AC180 – Take a bit more home away from home
  • jruk
    Free Member

    Not sure if it will be the same but I needed two on the drive side and one of the non-drive with my SLX cranks…

    Free Member

    Whilst at Uni I did some landscaping work on a traveller’s site in the summer but it was more like a delivery job. We’d lay the turf (paid for by the tax payer), they’d roll it back up and sell it on. We’d plant stuff (paid for by the tax payer), they’d dig them up and sell it on. We’d lay slabs (paid for by the tax payer), they’d dig them up…repeat ad nausem.

    Really lovely folk, honestly.

    Free Member

    Zulu – that’s nail/head time.

    Government spending has to be cut back to something sustainable, we need to live within our means…I’d like a new bike and could buy a fancy one tmw but know that bills/savings etc. are more important than bling so I’ll enjoy what I’ve got.

    The UK population need to deal with the fact that the state (i.e. taxpayers) shouldn’t be doing everything it is. It’s time the country grew up and started paying its way rather than living off debt.

    Free Member

    Found a few unmarked tracks at Haldon, saw Dan Atherton eating crisps, finished packing for hols. Nice. Hope you all had fun.

    Free Member

    Yossarian – if you hate the UK so much, you could always piss off somewhere lovely like Iran or North Korea. Or even China, they have a really interesting human rights policy. The UK ain’t perfect, but I’m bloody grateful I was born here.

    Free Member

    Seat an inch or two above bars as I’m 6 1 – should have dropped seat today, didn’t and went over bars and ended up stuck in a tree. Have tried seat lower for general riding but find it really inefficient.

    Free Member

    So anyone up for a bit Dartmoor tmw morning? <tumble_weed>…..</tumble_weed>

    Free Member

    Well, my daughter thinks 6am is the perfect time to get up so I’m planning on being on the moor for 8.30ish as I need to be heading home (Exeter) by about 2.

    Thanks for the tip on the run – didn’t know it was on and that’s where I was heading (not that I knew the name of the it, first time in that area).

    Free Member

    Hi Yunki, can’t do tmw but planning on riding from Bovey (ish) early on Monday morning if that’s any use.

    Free Member

    Start charging her market rates for everything (inc washing machine, dishwasher etc.) and bolt the doors at 10pm. She’ll soon piss off. If that doesn’t work, tell her to mtfu and sort herself out – hints have passed (but she’ll always be your baby girl won’t she).

    Free Member

    Anything that pisses off Gaurdian readers has to be a good thing.

    Plus of course our politicians have big enough egos as it is. Can you imagine ‘President Blair’…he’d go off invading countries for no reason…oh, hang on minute…

    Free Member

    Thanks for the responses.

    I need to be back in Exeter by mid afternoon but happy to meet up fairly early in Bovey. Email in profile if it’s easier for anyone.

    Free Member

    You have a fs bike and you’re questioning steps????

    Free Member

    Is he a sales person or a lead generator or both? The best closers aren’t always the best prospectors. Is he getting proper leads or just contacts/suspects? Or like you say, he (or the product/service) could just be crap.

    I’d throw him a few decent leads and see what happens. If he can’t close them, get rid. If he closes them better than anyone else, then you need to work on your demand and lead gen activity and give the sales guys (the closers) proper leads.

    Free Member

    People who say “£1,500 isn’t a lot to spend on a bike”. It’s a ‘king fortune to most people in this country.

    Bikes that can only go downhill. WTF? If you can’t ride it back up, get fitter or buy a proper bike.

    People worrying about flexy kit when their wrists/elbows/shoulders/knees etc have more flex that you can shake a stick at.

    Glad Bula hats are still considered cool :D

    Free Member

    Exmouth can be pretty rough but the beach is good and there some small sites not far away iirc. North Devon might be a better bet.

    Free Member

    Polzeath could be worth a look. We’ve been a couple of times – the beach is awesome with plenty of camp sites. One even has an Indian overlooking the beach :-). Not sure of the riding though.

    North Devon could give you a good mix of beaches and riding. Depends if you want to ride from the camp site I guess.

    Exmouth has a good beach and is very close to Woodbury Common. Plus you can get to Haldon Forest in about 20 mins (car).

    Free Member

    How about:

    “Not now cancer, Bullheart’s busy.”

    Slipping in to work (marketing) mode for a moment, it depersonalises it so people without cancer won’t feel odd wearing a t-shirt that says I’M busy and it builds the Bullheart brand – it’s an amazing story and will give strength to so many people.


    “Hey cancer, **** you.”

    Bullheart, 2009

    Whatever it ends up as, keep it short and allow loads of people to wear it – it’ll spread the word more effectively.


    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’m 95kg and never been described as delicate. I’ve run QR for god knows how long and never snapped one or seen one snap (prob will now…). Get a decent skewer, not some lightweight fancy crap, do it up tight and you’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    1993…when men were men, JMC was (still is) a legend and people had proper sized chainrings (none of this poncy 44t rubbish).

    Free Member

    Small dogs are rubbish. Get a decent size cat instead. Our Maine Coon is great with kids, the size of small dog and no worries about walking him. His liking for bringing live animals into the house is a bit of a downer though.

    Free Member

    I get the whole shared trail thing but it’s the runners and their dogs going the wrong way up tracks that have no-entry signs that get me. Thankfully they’ve all been wise enough to get out of my way but it could be messy…bit of respect all around is the best way me thinks.

    Free Member

    Since when did heavy equal fat? But I’m guessing you know that anyway :wink:

    Free Member

    I’d imagine they had fully comp with no claims protection (and didn’t tell the wife).

    Free Member

    Obviously I wouldn’t recommend it but I’ve heard of people driving over their damaged bikes and claiming on their car insurance. Tut tut.

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