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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • JPcapel
    Free Member

    Same thing happened when I changed my bank, paypal was linked to the old account which no longer existed.
    The firms I purchased from, via ebay, came after me to re-claim the short fall, so clearly paypal leaves the seller out in the cold, rather than suffer the loss themselves.
    Maybe this will make for a re-think, shouldn't let a seller suffer at hands of paypal – for what its worth, were it paypal that solely suffered I'd say stick it to them, – their percentage on handling money is totally at odds to high street banks and is border line theft (IMHO) !
    You are very unlikely to be pursued properly for this sort of some by a retailer.

    Free Member

    Edit -meant post-card! friend still has his wishing him a fun stag weekend.

    Free Member

    2nd the banana bar.
    They will write you a postcode – without using their hands – their hand writing was neater than mine !
    Also using a plastic penis on your bar maid can only really be considered "good wholesome fun" in my book.

    Personally, I found it rather degrading but went in all the same for 3hrs of drinking – just to fit in!

    Free Member

    have always been disappointed by this section, which I'd guess had the most money thrown at it when it was made(?) given the sponsor(?).
    THe fact it also has some bits that go uphill makes it complete gash! summer lightning in Surrey is better by miles! (IMHO).
    I do like the rest of Whites level though.
    And agree the table top style jumps just aren't easy to ride and get air, you've got to commit some serious speed to clear them.

    Free Member

    As a left wing suggestion
    Action cycles – Epsom (will be open Sunday). Look for Mike (known as/looks like Homer – is an ex employee from Cycleworks.Leatherhead).
    He will order in most items for cheaper than nearly all local stores, almost at mailorder prices. Means you have to know what you want and then wait while he orders it.
    Got a cracking deal on a set of totems off him.
    Also nice guy, has a laugh/feel free to rip the pi55 in return!
    That said Actions cycles – is mainly BMX land for youfs, not really a window shopping place.

    Corridori – mainly road riding and limp wristed MTB.
    Nirvana – westcott – good place Turner, Lapiere, Cube, Ragley stockist owner is an acquired taste – I find him v.funny.
    head-for-the-hills Dorking – good place, stocks Ibis, sadly now has rd. section. Roger/dan good people to deal with.
    Freeborn – Esher – has Eshershore next door if you have your bike with you. Very DH flavoured IMO.

    Free Member

    I have recently gone back to 1×9 having adopted this set up on my bike for years.
    I now use my hardtail with 1×9.
    Using a 32t front and 11-34t rear – gets me up everything (so far) I've tried around Surrey Hills/surronding area. Seems a good mix of gearing too giving near enough all you need off road.
    Not sure how much difference having a 36t rear and 10speed spread of gears would actually make…..
    Why not pilot the idea with a 9speed set up, trying this gearing?
    Works so well I wonder why I don't do this on my full suss to in order to reduce some weight….think the odd Welsh climb would make me miss my granny gear. Albeit have done the whites level climb on a 1×9 (s-works hardtail weighing about 21lbs which know doubt made it easier).

    Free Member

    Yes – gear cable. Used an XTR teflon coated one to hopefully make it work with less cable drag – probably an over expensive solution to the problem.

    Free Member

    Been called out all day, after posting my message – thanks to those who replied.

    Mike – appreciate your thoughts and comments. I love the PA(the new frame) this would be additional bike alongside the PA. I may well consider an Alpine to get the top tube clearance. Equally today I have been thinking of XTR finishing kit to loose some weight and a carbon seat post. Will be the most bling jump/Xc bike going at this rate!!
    geetee1972 – I'm not guilty of buying the on one on ebay – not me! that said appreciate comments on TT length on blender ti frame.
    Know doubt a nights sleep will provide the solution, have just been looking at my white custom paint job PA – does look cool and component weight reduction may well be right outcome.

    Free Member

    thats the problem ! PA is almost spot on – just weight is tad excessive – and the top tube could be lower to aid jumping.
    Am finding this a head scratcher….

    Free Member

    most forks leak some oil without any real problems.
    Rock Shox if you turn them upside down can leak loads.
    Wouldn't worry, unless a) you notice performance dropping off, or b) loads of oil starts spewing out.

    Just wipe it off, keep an eye on things and carry on.

    Free Member

    Medium DW link, 5ft11.
    50mm stem – slight layback to post.
    Fairly low riser bars fitted – makes the front end really direct and quick with the steering. Would never want a longer stem back on. Previously had 70mm.

    Free Member

    Very enjoyable.
    Nice camera angles, particularly the over head stuff.
    Some nice riding too.
    What camera are you using?

    Free Member


    probably depends on your riding. The handjob is the steel hardtail I think.
    I don't think you'd get much out of the park on such a bike.
    All the downhills could be ridden, but you would get shaken about.
    The drops range from say 2ft upwards, so again measure this against your riding.
    Most riders had full on DH bikes or playbikes, a few youngens had hardtail jump bikes and were doing well on them.
    Was a well run, friendly place with excellent trials. A full day only scratched the surface of the place.
    Found the 4X track a disappointment, Vs Chicksands.

    Free Member

    I should add, once left for say 10mins at 60psi, I reduce back to normal pressures.

    Free Member

    I had this regularly when swapping UST tyres about.

    LBS advised:

    Use muck off (or similar) to lubricate rim/tyre interface when inflating – also use of Co2 cartridge makes for better seal. Over inflate, up to as much as 50/60psi to ensure tyre bead clicks onto rim.

    Use wheel milk or similar to help seal tyres, once inflated, role tyre round in the air (holding wheel level/horizontal) letting the sealant work its way around the tyre bead/where it joins the rim, the sealant I was told helps seal the tyre and make it airtight.

    Having followed the above process each time I change tyres no more air loss. Hope this works for you. Also make sure Stans rim tape is flush and actually sticking to the rim all the way round, on my Stans flow rims I had to re do the tape after the first one developed an air bubble near the valve hole which leaked a slow amount of air over a few days.

    Free Member

    As a total tyre addict, I'd offer the following thoughts:

    Nobby Nic evo model – disappointing (agree with uncle jimmy) – also b.expensive.

    Panaracer fireXcpro 2.1 – a-ok, nothing remarkable, a pronouced shoulder tread which digs in well giving good side grip. Also has the anti snake bit thing to tyre wall.

    Kenda blue groove – really good, the less well known option to the nevegal. 2.1 model, great for dry and slight wet conditions – good all rounder until our usual winter arrives. Worked better on full suss. than hardtail. For me Nevegal was a disappointment, removed after 1 ride.

    Panaracer rampage 2.1 – awesome. Does everything, other than totally boggy conditions. They do a soft compound option, have this on a full suss and hardtail. Did a welsh trail centre on red & black runs and these were fine. Great grip in all conditions so far, used them for about 3 months now on 2 of my bikes.

    Spez.tyres – got on with most in the range, like cheap prices.

    Conti. mountain king – very light tyre, good in the dry, have used them with good results. 2.2 width. totally avoid in the wet.

    Can't think of any others worth mentioning – from my experience to date.

    Free Member

    had the same on my Pike 454 dual airs.
    Was getting about 100mm of the 140mm travel.
    Put them in for a service – was told:
    No oil inside
    Both top and bottom seal had blown on cartridge
    needed new mission control unit

    Total damage £160 – ouch.
    Mine were bought new, about 14months ago, this is first service required.

    Best of luck with yours.

    Free Member

    The black & white jump is work in progress, the landing has yet to be constructed, but we wanted to test it for size ! it doesn't ride nicely either landing to flat from that height.

    Free Member

    Its a small – really small lip of a jump between 2 trees, which has a nice berm to land on, which itself is a tight left hander. You aim to pop a small air, land on the berm and get fired out of it.
    Having got the camera out, I decided everything looked better if you ride it twice as fast as usual, So having got into the grove for the bulk of the morning this last bit of filming was just destined to end badly really.
    I have never ridden at that lip/left hand bermed turn at anywhere near the speed of this film, still not sure why I did, but I rode at it like an spanner and crashed as a result! all in the name of making a decent ending for the film !
    In the air I knew I'd over cooked it, stabbed on the brakes upon landing (bike going straight) then decided I'd like to exit stage left – cue me trying to get off the bike to the left – then a split second later wham tree in the face. Fingers broke from me landing badly on my hand, not the impact, full face lid and body armour worked perfectly and no pain at all from actual impact ! mad!

    Free Member

    Thanks foxyrider
    Went to put my wedding ring back on this morning, having bust fingers on 15 April (am thankful now that I always take my ring off before riding) to find ring finger kuckle remains about 3 sizes to large due to swelling!
    Am booked for UKBikepark on Sun 16th May with hospital saying takes a few weeks to heal, so hoping they have got their estimation of time about right…. am tempted not to say "fingers crossed" …..

    Free Member

    No is the answer.
    Where the pivot is for the lever, this would need removing and changing to the alternative remote verision which includes a lock nut for the cable. The pin holding the lever in place is "whacked" in to get techical and won't be happy being removed – or may not even be possible to remove.
    I have the i900 non remote model, friend uses same with remote, his gives him grief all the time, cable gets too tight when post drops then doesn't want to release, cable has snapped on a ride as he tries to force the process. I would suggest sticking with the non remote option as seems to fair better in muddy conditions. Also is 1 less cable to attach to the bike = cleaner lines.
    I have used both remote and non remote posts, (speedball, Joplin, Gravity Dropper & i900) I now stick with non remote posts out of choice.
    Hope this helps – appreciate is just my opinion.

    Free Member

    Outstanding – IMHO.
    Had 1 on my main bike for close to 2yrs now, totally fautless, ridden all through winter, inspired me to buy another more recently for a further bike I own and which was in need of a new BB.
    A proper fit and forget item…. so far.
    Friend has Chris King – has nicer rounded profile to edge of cups but does cost more.
    Hope do lots of colour options too.

    Free Member

    Also tried this, has worked v.well through winter.
    Seems to resist the usual hosedown post ride.
    Now on 2nd bottle.

    Free Member

    I use MaXx D – I like the ease of leaving v.small bracket on bars of all bikes all the time, so each is ready to accept the light, the ease with which its fits sold itself to me. Vs the Hope (I previously used a Hope LED2 light before).
    I use the MaXx D along with a Diablo, with the Diablo being helmet mounted and then link the Diablo to a 3hr battery cell in my camelbak.

    I had occasion to return the MaXx D for a new on/off switch – mine was bought just as the light came to market and the switch was a bit naff – USE were 1st class in their service and approach – in terms of aftercare service I will be a customer always – was well impressed.
    The MaXx D and Diablo together are awesome, previously I had the joystick instead of the Diablo and this also worked well – bags of light.

    Free Member

    The issue of the car being registered as stolen – is recorded on a database called MIAFTR by your insurance company(which from memory of car insurance days is Motor Insurers Anti Fire and theft register…or similar) this can be reversed, so provided car is ok – Your Insurer should pay to check it over, then just make sure your Insurer has removed the entry from MIAFTR so in future your car doesn't "flag" as stolen when selling it one day.

    Free Member

    Mondeo vote here too.
    Had 2. both via car auctions.
    Both been outstanding, drive well, reliable – just very Fuggly!

    Free Member


    I've ridden an Alpine – for me, the PA seems just as bomb proof – so for a lighter build the PA made more sense.

    If your local to Surrey/Dorking welcome to try mine on a ride. it really is "class" !

    Free Member

    Hiscox, as suggested, is meant as Hi-net worth Insurer – meaning really you need to be rich to require a Hiscox policy.
    Try Halifax directly, rather than via AA, where AA are acting as Broker and will take a cut.
    Halifax and M&S remain the 2 home insurers which seem to cater to high value bikes more comfortably.
    Sainsburys is underwritten by Halifax and I believe has good prices – so also worth a try. Or consider esure (albeit sold by Halifax about a week ago) but again good prices & cover levels.

    Free Member

    Afternoon all,
    Sorry to say work got in the way of contributing to this thread!

    Mike – thanks again, loved my original PA and can't stop riding the new version.

    Thoughts – having literally swapped the frame back to back with same build kit, the new PA is lighter by some margin, the tube diameter appears thinner (Mike correct me if wrong), know doubt adding to lighter weight and making the frame feel more "twangy" in a steel type characteristic way. Its not a massive difference from the original, but enough to make me think I can feel the changes made to the design.

    Aesthetically I like the new frame the bridges between seat and chain stays, gives a more interesting look to the frame. I have had Windridge spray it white and it wears the colour well. (something to consider Mike as future colour option perhaps….)

    It remains more often my fav. bike to ride (have a Turner 5spot DW link and a SX trial play-bike) the PA is the bike I take out most of the time, I jump it, ride decent size drops, and it covers Xc duties happily. I am running a 50mm stem and a set of pikes and the bike feels like a rocket on singletrack decents, yet climbs superbly too.

    Can't say enough good things about it, price remains excellent value for money IMHO too. Any questions please shout, as happy to offer any further opinions on the bike.

    Free Member

    Just for info – camera has sold, sorry grantway.

    Free Member

    No, far from.
    I own other camera equipment and this being the newest to the fold is being sold on to aid funding a house move.

    Free Member

    Am selling a GF1 + 20mm f1.7lens, 4GB SD card, Lowepro case.
    All immaculate, like new condition.
    £495 (on ebay as of this evening).
    Ebay link:

    Please feel free to contact me via email: if at all interested

    Free Member

    I used Argos to spray a set of pikes.
    Looked fantastic upon collection, wear was v.poor, speaking to others it sounds like Argos are best for road frames where your not scratching past the undergrowth while riding through mud!

    I recently used Windridge down on the SE Coast – they do powder coating – very good price £89 for hardtail frame and an 8.5 out of ten finish – but proving to be hard wearing – would recommend them more.
    Friend has had 5spot done by them with similar results, paint job isn't Aston Martin type finish, but is reasonable and good keen price.

    Free Member

    Not seen it.
    Its the scottish film isn't it, featured an early Danny McAskill I believe.
    Will give it a try – thanks for suggestion.
    Does McAskill do a trials section in it, in style of Ryan Leech in the Collective films?

    Free Member

    Owned a puma – agree great fun.
    Had mine on a V reg. in Silver 1.7 engine.
    Was lethal in the wet, real light back end that would give over steer if you came off the throttle to quick on the limit.
    Tiff Needel rated it car of the year when it first came out.

    That said, its not a "dad's" car and you'd be slightly mental to buy this when your expecting a child* (*congrats). I had a 3 door Golf GTI as my car when our first child came along, that wasn't bad sizewise but a Puma would have been sold instantly remembering how small that was.
    The Focus 170ST (original Focus ST) would be a fun motor, if your after reasonable performance and some practical space for baby stuff.
    My wife sister has a Puma – wife now says its mainly a girls car!!

    I must confess to now driving a Vauxhall Vectra – so feel free to ignore all car related advice!
    Am ex-1000cc motorbike track day addict, but long ago memories – pre-children.

    Free Member

    Sorry only just logging back on….
    Extra battery was c/o CRC and from memory about £90.
    Fits in top zipper dry pocket of camelbak & I don't notice the cable going up to the diablo, so works perfectly.
    Was out last night with riding partner who has non battery-backed up diablo and he was turning it off to conserve power, where as I kept my diablo on full setting for complete 2.5hr ride. Alongside the MaXx D its brilliant – proper flat out riding as per daylight conditions.

    Free Member

    I use the MaXx D for bar mounted duties and upgraded from a joystick to the diablo for helmet mounting.
    THe joystick is definately a narrower beam, more like a spot that covers a surprising distance. THe diablo is similar to the MaXx D (IMHO) is being a wide spread of light. Using both on full off rd. really does mean you can go flat out as per daylight conditions.
    I bought a further battery to plug into the Diablo so I can run it full power for a 3hr nightride, Minus any battery back up the burn time I think is 1hr 20mins on high setting, which with my riding partner using it minus a battery to plug in, often runs out too quick.
    Hope this helps.
    Had occasion to send back my MaXx D to USE in Petworth for a new off/on switch – 10 out of 10 service, fixed it in 3 working days and checked battery was still up to standard – no charge and couldn't find my receipt – has made me more loyal to Exposure/USE brand as result.

    Free Member

    2nd shout for Dialled Bike frame (Alpine or PA).
    Pa takes forks up to 140mm.
    Alpine good up to 160mm.
    Both outstanding to ride and total bargin price.

    Free Member

    My eyes…my eyes…. they are burning….!

    Like Yeti brand & like the frame – incl true Yeti colour.
    LIke the forks.
    Not sure on coloured "trim" choices…..
    That said beauty is in the eye of the beholder (I hope).

    Free Member

    grum -Let me have an email address and will send over – if anyone else can post pictures – welcome to, don't use Flickr, etc.

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