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  • Fresh Goods Friday 717: Sound The Sun Klaxon!
  • jova54
    Free Member

    Cheers FC and TJ.

    She’s on her way home at the moment but we’ve had a chat on the phone and she sounds really upset by being put in this position. She treats people honestly and gets very worked up when people are devious or don’t tell her the whole truth. (She’ll learn I suppose but her honesty is refreshing).

    My thoughts were the same as yours FC, better to do what they want and then find a new job, which she was going to anyway, for next year.

    Free Member

    Hi Tracker,

    They have two classes in each year currently, hence the year leader and NQT and daughter.

    I suppose she’s also concerned that if she has to do the year leading and support of the NQT and something goes wrong then she’ll get the blame.

    As I said, she doesn’t lack confidence but at 23 she has limited experience to draw on.

    Free Member

    TJ; It’s probably a small point but Stalin was more of a socialist than a communist. Although the USSR was run on communist lines the oligarchy was socialist in nature and exploited its population like any good capitalist state.

    Free Member

    toomanybikes – Member

    Lets ban the Communists then, Stalin was just as bad, if not worse, than Hitler.

    Don’t need to, they used to be called socialists and were supposed to be represented by the Labour Party, wherever that has disappeared to.

    Free Member

    Outrageous attack on his human rights. Part of the problem here is that he was fairly and reasoanbly elected. You absolutely cannot complain once he has been elected that he has been. Its called democracy.

    I’m sure the people of Germany and Europe who msuffered because of Hitler and his cronies will whole heartedly agree with your opinion G – NOT!

    Free Member

    B*st*rd had the nerve to hold his press conference outside Parliament which he wouldn’t get into if he was the last potential MP in the UK.

    Free Member

    Second installing AVG (or Avast).

    Don’t forget to remove completely any other AV software that you have on the machine as the new AV will see its directory of viruses as actual infections.

    Free Member


    I used to marshal the GPs at Silverstone and it was a great place.

    Take plenty of sun cream and full waterproofs. 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    This is not to say that I approve of the BNP. I’m just not sure that calling the BNP “right wing” merely because they are racists helps the analysis.

    Would it be true to say that BNP style racism/facism is based upon colour or ethnic origin which has been a ‘traditionally’ far “right wing” attitude whereas socialist/left wing attitudes like ‘British jobs for British workers’ is based upon your current nationality no matter where you came from or what colour your skin is?

    Free Member

    Ms Kennedy, Liverpool Wavertree MP, has quit the government before – as health minister in 2006 over NHS reforms.

    Sounds like a serial quitter. In his current position GB is probably better off without her ‘support’.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a bare aluminium frame that I want to get painted.

    Can you powdercoat an aluminium frame and what would be the best way to prepare the frame?

    Free Member

    Neither belonged to me but MDs of two companies I worked for.

    The best was a Jaguar XJS-HE compared to the Ford Cortina estate I had as a company car it was unbelievable.

    The worst was a Rolls Royce Silver Spur, for the amount of money it was a horrible car to drive.

    Free Member

    + Ireland .

    They were the first to embarass the great powers when they defeated the West Indies in 1 dayer a few years ago.

    Worse for England though as it was at ‘The Home of Cricket’.

    Free Member

    Well done WCA; nice to see some positive news at last.

    Did you go for the first or second job?

    Had an interview today, got to wait till next Wednesday or Thursday for a decision.

    Got some freelancing to keep me occupied but I seem to spend all my free time chasing payments.

    Free Member

    This is my all time favourite Dilbert


    Free Member

    If you’re really bothered tell the local council, they’ll send of of their ‘smoking gestapo’ round and fine him and probably put him out of business.

    If not ‘live and let live’

    Free Member

    druidh – Member
    Dunno – I’m only 50.

    I’m only 54 and I haven’t had mine yet, but then age is only a state of mind.

    Free Member

    We’re still stuck with bin bags.

    We recycle all the paper, metal, glass and plastic that we can and still have 2 bags of othr rubbish each week plus we compost all vegetable matter as well.

    One of the joys of living in the affluent south.

    Free Member

    Jailing these two was only the start.

    Now they should deal with the incompetents in the CPS, Probation Service and Police who are all directly responsible for two avoidable deaths.

    Free Member

    Thanks pedalhead, saved me time and money.

    I was tempted but when I heard that the director had done the two Charlie’s Angels films I had my doubts.

    Free Member

    Just been to exercise my democratic right.

    Sat outside the Polling Station was a rep of a political party who said, “Can I see your polling card please?”

    So I showed her the back of it with the instructions on!

    Mrsjova said I was very childish. 😀

    Free Member

    Decisions decisions.

    It’s always the same, you wait months for a job offer and then two seemingly come at once.

    IIWY I’d put off talking the first company at all today and when you go for the second interview this evening tell the second company about the offer at an opportune moment and see how long they are going to be in making their decision and how near the top of the list you are.

    If they really want you they should be able to tell you quickly. If they can’t/won’t and you’re not confident about getting the second job accept the first and move on.

    There is no point regretting what might have been; you have to live life as it arrives, sequentially.

    Good luck whatever happens. 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers all. I’ll let you know what happens.

    Now, where did I put my suit?

    Free Member

    Cheers dc.

    Swapped the 2nd output device in Displays from ext monitor to TV and it’s working fine.

    Free Member

    CF, they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing! 😉

    Free Member

    Sounds liking a wiring fault like MF says or a poor earth connection from a lighting set.

    Free Member

    We’ve had similar problems here.

    We moved in 8 years ago and still get mail for the previous owners and their damned son who appears to be having money problems as we keep getting threatening letters form collection agencies.

    Had the bailiffs turn up one day, despite having rung the collection agency and appraised them of the facts, and had to call the police to get rid of them. Luckily we’d had some dealing with the copper that turned up and he sorted it in double-quick time. Mrsjova was at home on her own at the time and she got really frightened by the experience. She phoned me at work and I probably broke every speed limit on the 7 mile drive home.

    Free Member

    Is there enough material to drill out, re-thread and fit a helicoil insert?

    Free Member

    We had the same problem when we moved in this house about 8 years ago. The meter must have been broken for some time and the previous owners must have saved a mint from it, but it wasn’t noticed by the electricity supplier, nPower, even when the final reading was taken before their departure.

    We told nPower after we got our first quaterly bill as it was obvious there was a problem.

    We told them again after our second bill and our third bill but they still did nothing.

    Eventually, after a year and a fourth bill they woke up. Too late! We had arranged to move to a dual fuel deal with edf. Edf read the meter and passed the reading to the nPower. Edf were informed of the problem and fitted a new meter within 2 days.

    nPower squealed an awful lot but we pointed out that we had been informing them for a year about the problem and they had done nothing about it. They sent us a humungous bill for ‘estimated’ usage with a demand for immediate payment which we told them to stuff and offered to pay them 4 quarters at our next metered usage rate, which just happened to be July to September and requested that we pay it in 2 installments which they ultimately agreed to.

    Free Member

    Hey RD you following me? Salisbury on Sunday, SNAP! ish

    Free Member

    Sunday in Salisbury. Glorious day!

    Free Member

    What part of the country are you in and what sort of house?

    Good news for you and supposedly your buyer too.

    Free Member

    It’s been a long time since I did this calculation as both our daughters are in their twenties but when they were in nappies I insisted to Mrsjova that we use terries and not disposables as much as possible.

    Over the period of their combined usage; given the initial outlay, washing, drying, neutralising chemicals etc I calculated that the terries cost less than 25% of the projected cost of using disposables and doesn’t include the negative effect on the environment of thousands of non-degrading disposables.

    Of course, back in the 1980’s no-one had heard of carbon footprints.

    Free Member

    Bad luck Archaic, but at least you’ve got a month with pay to find something else. Are you getting any sort of redundancy package, it sounds like you’ve not been in the job long?

    Welcome to Joblesstrackworld, the only club that actively works to get rid of it’s members. 😉

    Free Member

    We have quite a few in our garden, unfortunately most of them have been got by our two cats who don’t try and eat them but bring them in as presents for Mrsjova and our two daughters.

    I think they’re great and am really pleased to have them around as we also have large numbers of slugs.

    Free Member

    Now that all parties have finally agreed that the expenses system needs a complete overhaul there has to be a person to lead the process and that person is the Speaker of the House of Commons, current incumbent Gorbals Mick.

    Unfortunately he is the one person who has prevented previous reviews of the system, last July being the most recent, and MPs see him doing the same job again this time round.

    He also has a ‘bit of previous’ IIRC with his wallpaper and taxis for his wife’s shopping and his private dinner parties paid for by taxpayers.

    The move to get him removed from his position is to get someone without baggage that all parties, including the minorities, can trust a) to get the job done and b) more importantly sell it to the public.

    Nick Clegg did himself no favours in calling for Martin’s resignation as he is the leader of one of the three major parties and is supposed to uphold the democratic process. He should have left that to Ken(?) Baker who seems to be doing a pretty good job.

    I see that Vince Cable has been mooted as a replacement for Speaker Martin should he go. He seems a very intelligent and straight person who stands no chance of getting into government unless he changes parties but possibly has the nous to do the right thing.

    Free Member

    The only advice I can give is a bit hackneyed but I think true;

    ‘Your new job is to find yourself a job’

    I’ve been approaching my search with that in mind and it will focus your attention on what you should be doing.

    It’s nice to have the freedom to get up and go riding when you feel like it but you should spend as much time as you would have done working, looking for your new job.

    Best of luck in your search and hope you’re not here for too long.

    Free Member

    Well done Olly!

    This is one club that is pleased when its members resign.

    Good luck in your new job and as woffle says, you’re moving to a beautiful part of the country.

    Free Member

    Yeah, head for Harpers in the centre of town.

    Fantastic place!! 😉

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