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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
  • jova54
    Free Member

    Money – Pink Floyd
    Whole Lotta Love -Zep

    Used to have Song 2 as a ring tone on my mobile. 8)

    Free Member

    Single chord at the beginning of ‘A Hard Days Night’ The Beatles

    Free Member

    Can you not get the current owner to retax it for you or do they not have insurance for it?

    Free Member

    What distance do you know, length of the slope or horizontal distance?

    If it’s the length of the slope then divide the slope by the height. The result will give you the Sine of the angle. Find Tangent of the same angle, multiply by 100 which will be the %.

    If it’s the horizontal distance then divide height by horizontal distance which will give you the Tangent of the angle, multiply by 100 to give the %.

    Free Member

    I have a similar problem with my neck which tends to lock in position occasionally, usually when I’m tired, and then releases with an audible ‘Crack’. Like solamanda my GP reckons there is nothing to worry about but I’m over 50 and worry that one day it will lock in place or it will become arthritic.

    Surprising thing is I’ve done a load of damage to my lower back, falling off and over things and using poor lifting techniques, but can’t remember injuring my neck at any time.

    Free Member

    IIRC vehicles on the roundabout have right of way but if they are stationary they should not block the passage of vehicles entering the roundabout if their exit is clear.

    FWIW I passed my test 30+ years ago so I might well be wrong.

    Free Member

    God if it takes you 4 hours to fill out the form…

    It was one of the worst constructed on-line forms I’d ever seen, and I’ve completed quite a few in the last 5 months, and being too cocky I didn’t bother to save an off-line copy. There was no logical flow to the layout and it probably wasn’t helped by having to take Mrsjova to work halfway through.

    I know the job exists but you can’t apply direct to the company and have to go through their preferred agent. If it wasn’t such a good fit to what I’ve done before and what I’m looking for I would probably have given up.

    Lessons learnt the hard way I’ve now saved a copy to work on off line and then I’ll just cut and paste the info into the on-line version. Hopefully the second attempt will be more successful.

    Free Member

    I am maintaining a respectful distance.

    Shame you couldn’t do that 2 weeks ago on the underground! 😀 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve still got the Premium Bond (yes you could buy them individually) my dad bought for me when I was born in 1957

    Beat ya! I’ve got TWO that were bought as a christening gift in 1955 and I’ve never won a bloody penny. 😥

    I wouldn’t mind a grand at the moment either so if you don’t want them maxray chuck them this way. 😀

    Free Member

    Weather reports of high winds today as 10 year old boys around the world breathe a collective sigh of relief.

    Free Member


    If they are 1942 could be a savings book with savings stamps in, had them when I were a lad in the 1950’s. 😉

    If it’s a ration book may be worth seeing if a local museum would take them for their living archive.

    Free Member

    Try having a look here;

    Are they Premium Bonds or actual certificates?

    Free Member

    You could have a bit of a problem explaining where you got 6Kg of spent cartridges from.

    You might also get a visit from the Police as you have removed MoD property from an MoD site without permission.

    Free Member

    Almost certainly MTB Pro as I sold all my copies when I got made redundant for the first time and that was 10 years ago.

    Free Member

    Cheers uplink.

    I’ve seen some cheap sale ones on CRC so I’ll probably get one of those.

    Free Member

    Any cheap dérailleur should work AFAIK

    Is there any issue with the size/thickness of the jockey wheels, I can only get one out of the old unit as the second is rivetted in? 😕

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that mrsflash. Been there since January but mine had no forewarning.

    I’ve managed to do a bit of freelance work but the redundancy has now finally run out and I’m desperate to find something new.

    I know it sounds trite but if you have to work to pay the bills then your new job, when it happens, will be finding a new job.

    Best of luck whatever happens, at least it’s summer time.

    Free Member

    You will generally find that any form of Income Protection Insurance will have a clause that requires you be in continuous employment for a minimum period after the policy comes into effect, something between 3 and 6 months is the norm, for a claim to be accepted.

    A number of years ago I was made redundant twice in the space of 5 months. My Payment Protection cover had a 6 months continuous employment clause in it and I didn’t qualify. Got no redundancy payment from either job as well. 🙁

    Free Member

    Just tell her you’ve got an invite to a wedding and ask if she fancies coming along. 🙂

    Free Member

    Sad to say that the first set win was as good as it got. She fought well but finally lost out.

    Better luck next year Laura.

    I’ve had to turn the TV off now as the screaming from the Sharapova match was getting on my t*ts!!

    Free Member

    Cheers flatboy, I’ll give them a call.

    I’ve had mine for about 3 months as well so maybe its a production issue.

    Free Member

    Well done Tim.

    Welcome to the club flatboy, don’t stay too long. 😉

    Free Member

    Set Claymores or lasers pointing out of the windows at eye level.

    Word of warning about the photos. Be careful when you take them if they are under 16. I did a similar thing with the scroates round here and had the Police knocking at my door because the parents of one of them complained about me taking photos of her son wrecking council property.

    Free Member

    Had one in Woking two weeks ago which I missed because I had some work that day but it was apparently v well attended and the highlights on tv looked good.

    Colchester round on ITV4 at 7.00pm tomorrow.

    Free Member

    You don’t need to take her as the letter from the hospital is the legal proof of her birth.

    When our second daughter was born I was so keen to get her registered that I went straight from the hospital to the registrar only to be told to come back in two days with the letter from the hospital.

    Back in the good old days, when our first daughter was born, the registrar visited the hospital and did it there and then, but that was in NI in 1981 so things have changed since then.

    Free Member

    Pure window dressing.

    Wonder if he’ll remember his promise of a referendum on the EU constitution especially now it looks more likely that the Irish will re-run their referendum.

    Free Member

    Winston Churchill
    Jimi Hendrix
    Michael Caine
    David Gower
    Graham Hill
    Betty Boothroyd

    Free Member

    She looks really chilled Julian.

    Hope it all works out well for her and Chigaco. Only wish we could offer some help but our two cats are completely intolerant of any other cats.

    Free Member

    Well, I suppose the change from a dial to push-buttons might be a bit challenging! 😀

    Free Member

    Free Member

    “In the end, that judgement was wrong,” she told the Manchester Evening News.

    Poor judgement??

    Probably a good thing that she’s no longer part of the government then.

    I wonder how many of the decisions she made in her many jobs were also ‘poor judgements’?

    Good riddance.

    Free Member

    Oops, double post.

    Free Member

    Two of my favourite artists. Very different styles but unique talents.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member
    Call that a hill…..

    This is beginning to remind me of the Monty Python 4 Yorkshiremen sketch;

    ‘When I were a lad we used to get up half-an-hour before we went to bed …….’ etc etc etc 😀

    Free Member

    Congratulations to you and especially MrsMF.

    We have two girls, although considerably older than yours, and they are our pride and joy.

    I wish there had been digital cameras when our two were born, all we have are poorly focused Instamatic shots taken by a tearful father.

    Free Member

    At least its poetry headfirst, better than the tired old recycled ‘joke’ of the OP.

    We don’t mind being seen as shandy-drinkers if it keeps northerners away 😉

    grumm – Member

    The great hills of the South Country

    Where are these then?

    Anywhere between London and the south coast. My former boss, a professional Yorkshireman from Sheffield who lived on the edge of the Peak District, moved to the Weald having been driven through the north and south downs and being amazed that we had proper hills in the south.

    Free Member

    For a bit of balance to them ‘Northerners’

    The South Country – Hilaire Belloc

    WHEN I am living in the Midlands
    That are sodden and unkind,
    I light my lamp in the evening:
    My work is left behind;
    And the great hills of the South Country
    Come back into my mind.

    The great hills of the South Country
    They stand along the sea;
    And it’s there walking in the high woods
    That I could wish to be,
    And the men that were boys when I was a boy
    Walking along with me.

    The men that live in North England
    I saw them for a day:
    Their hearts are set upon the waste fells,
    Their skies are fast and grey;
    From their castle-walls a man may see
    The mountains far away.

    The men that live in West England
    They see the Severn strong,
    A-rolling on rough water brown
    Light aspen leaves along.
    They have the secret of the Rocks,
    And the oldest kind of song.

    But the men that live in the South Country
    Are the kindest and most wise,
    They get their laughter from the loud surf,
    And the faith in their happy eyes
    Comes surely from our Sister the Spring
    When over the sea she flies;
    The violets suddenly bloom at her feet,
    She blesses us with surprise.

    I never get between the pines
    But I smell the Sussex air;
    Nor I never come on a belt of sand
    But my home is there.
    And along the sky the line of the Downs
    So noble and so bare.

    A lost thing could I never find,
    Nor a broken thing mend:
    And I fear I shall be all alone
    When I get towards the end.
    Who will there be to comfort me
    Or who will be my friend?

    I will gather and carefully make my friends
    Of the men of the Sussex Weald;
    They watch the stars from silent folds,
    They stiffly plough the field.
    By them and the God of the South Country
    My poor soul shall be healed.

    If I ever become a rich man,
    Or if ever I grow to be old,
    I will build a house with deep thatch
    To shelter me from the cold,
    And there shall the Sussex songs be sung
    And the story of Sussex told.

    I will hold my house in the high wood
    Within a walk of the sea,
    And the men that were boys when I was a boy
    Shall sit and drink with me.

    I’m a man of the South Country and proud of it!

    Free Member

    Me, Mrsjova and our eldest daughter did a similar thing about 3 years ago.

    General health check, blood pressure, pulse, height, weight, BMI, questionnaire and blood samples.

    It was interesting the compare the blood test results with the set they did at the surgery earlier this year.

    As Moses says, do it.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the additional comments.

    I’ve shown the thread to my daughter and it has given her some food for thought and confirmed her that the management problems are not limited to her school.

    She hopes that she’ll be left in Y1 but knows that if she goes to Y5 it will be a useful experience and look good on her CV when she moves next year.

    Free Member

    Cheers Tracker. Accept your point about not being on her own to deal with the problems. Seems she was ‘ambushed’ after school just as she was going home, although she’d been expecting something to happen somewhen during the day they left it to the last moment.

    After she called me she managed to get in touch with her current year 1 leader who she gets on really well with. Seems she has some issues with the management as well and she has told her to refuse the position and let them deal with the outcomes.

    Freeandsingle – daughter knows she’s missed out for moving this year. Her plan was to do two years and move on next year and she wants to move to a specific area so needs to have time to find a new school/job.

    She expects to get moved to year 5 whatever happens and she’ll do the job to the best of her ability but she still has expectations of people that they fail to live up to.

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