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  • Campus: New Video From Danny MacAskill
  • jova54
    Free Member

    Cheers marty.

    Good old Sheldon Brown, god rest his soul.

    Free Member

    Hey Zone, you in the painting/spraying business?

    If so where are you? I've got a road frame that I'm considering getting stripped and repainted.


    Free Member

    If you've still got problems try spelling it correctly 😉

    I've been logging onto it all day to see if I've been paid some monies owed and have no problems.

    Free Member

    A good fridge or freezer should last about 15 – 20 years. The ratings are based on power consumption and hence running costs.

    Go for the best brand you can afford with the highest rating; you'll save money in the long run and it'll make your green credentials look good.

    Free Member

    Cheers Steve-Austin,

    Had a look at sjs site and I found a Sachs/Maillard rear set for another bike I'm rebuilding but not a Sachs/Huret.

    I've emailed them anyway with a query to see if they know of any other sources.

    Free Member

    Yeah, been there and already got a replacement rear shifter but there's only one sprocket set on ebay and it looks more worn than the one already fitted.

    I was hoping that amongst the massive there might someone who knew of an alternative source.

    Thanks for the reply anyway. 🙂

    Free Member

    I see you've invented a new scale of measurement Jerome. To go with area measured in football pitches we now have steaks expressed in terms of soft drinks cans.

    Your piece of meat, in the photo, is the size of approximately 5 cans of Coke. At least it's the proper stuff and not the diet version. 😀

    Free Member

    Are you using an old SIM?

    I had a similar problem with a new Nokia 5800 and an original SIM card which was about 10 years old. Apparently there was an incompatibility betweeen the phone's OS/Firmware and the SIM. Took it to my provider, Vodafone, and they created a new SIM with my number and I've had no problems since.

    Free Member

    Not mine but Spike Milligan's;

    See, I told you I was ill!


    Mine will probably be;

    'Yes, I've switched the electric off at the fuse board'

    Free Member

    I haven't been a fan of Lord Rumba since Labour got into power in 1997 and his true character became clear for all to see; but I have a grudging respect for his ability to keep re-inventing himself and being able to persuade two prime ministers, who are poles apart in their political outlook, that he is the man they cannot do without.

    He is a political fixer in the true sense of the word and he makes the Conservatives look like a bunch of kindergarten idiots.

    Free Member

    Got up about 8.30
    Checked my emails
    Ate breakfast
    Went and did the weekly shop
    Painted hallway in our annex
    Had lunch
    Posted 3 items on eBay
    Applied for two jobs
    Dinner in 5 mins

    Telly and beer tonight after I've taken No1 daughter and her plants home.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the warning. I shall avoid clicking onto ITV for the next 5 hours or however the dross takes.

    We went to cinema to see it as well and I fell asleep during a film for the first time ever.

    It's overblown rubbish with so much excess over the b&w original that it should have been called King Kon!

    Free Member

    It seems you're not too happy in your current place of work and probably a break away will sharpen your focus so take the secondment in London or Edinburgh, get a cheap road bike to cycle around on, save the extra money, use the 6 month secondment to learn new skills and widen your network and look for other career opportunities.

    Good luck whatever you do.

    Free Member

    When we lived in Milton Keynes we changed our phone number because of nuisance calls.

    Some years later I found it had been given to Phil Corley Cycles where I bought my first proper mountain bike, and he's still using it MK311424.

    Free Member

    Our last cat was going blind because of blood pressure problems, she was about 13 at the time.

    Like Blingbling we took her to the vet who prescribed some medication for her which regained her her sight and gave her another 2 years of good living. She finally died aged 16 due to kidney failure but we think she had a good life.

    Take her to the vet and let them have a look at her. Good luck.

    Free Member

    Looks like tomorrow could be nice down in the south east. Hope so, Mrsjova wants to go out for a picnic!

    Free Member

    Good luck with whatever you do MD. A change of career can often result from redundancy.

    Since I got the shove in January I've been doing freelance training work and trying to build a customer base so that if I can't get a new job, (no luck so far in 6 months) I'll hopefully be able to make a living from the training.

    Are you claiming JSA or mortgage payments on a payment protection insurance? If you are just make sure you don't go over the 16 hours a week limit for work, paid or unpaid, otherwise they are both likely to stop!

    Free Member

    IIRC he was tried and jailed under Scottish Law which makes the decision the preserve of the Scottish justice minister. Also depends on whether Scotland has a reciprocal agreement with Libya

    As a general rule, are mass murderers dying of terminal illnesses normally released from prison?

    Having known someone whose daughter was killed in the attack and the effect her death had on him I would vote for him staying where he is.

    Free Member

    IMHO it seems that the major doping problems are in sports where 'athletes' compete on a one-on-one basis, so athletics, cycling, tennis, swimming etc would be the sports most at risk.

    With football (soccer), rugby, basketball, non-singles rowing being team sports, the enhanced performance of one individual probably wouldn't be seen against the performance of their team mates and there isn't the element of personal glory involved. Unless you can nobble the whole team there is no advantage to be gained.

    Free Member

    Give us your address TJ and I'll send them up to Scotland

    Free Member

    Hopefully it'll be a transient problem and he'll be OK again soon. Not nice when pets suddenly take ill like that.

    Amazed at you finding a vet at 2.00 in the morning though!!

    Free Member

    I'm in Guildford and they did a church close to me recently.

    Lead has become very expensive and the number of thefts round here have increased quite dramatically.

    Free Member

    I'd rather just smash their f**king head in!!

    and breathe…

    Free Member

    Cheers TJ. Thought it might be sciatica but assumed that went down the back of the leg.

    I'll have to give the gatekeepers a call on Monday and see if I can get an appointment on Tuesday morning.

    Free Member

    Horne met glazier Wayne Harper, 30, when he visited a hospital casualty department for treatment to a cycling injury.

    Careful when you go to A&E for those cycling injuries guys. 😉

    Free Member

    I've always liked Marins and I don't have a beard, but I would rather not be seen on that.

    I think they are trying too hard now.

    Free Member

    What's the name of those then jova?

    Volsaid Retard 75 (Retard? – probably only a coincidence)

    Free Member

    thanks, i'll up the ibuprofen to 1600mg a day and hope it's ok for a 700 mile cycle tour in less than 2 weeks!

    Doc told me that ibruprofen was no use for inflamation which is why he prescribed the anti-inflammatories.

    He also told me I needed to lose a bit more weight and I should get back on my bike as soon as possible.

    Free Member

    Got exactly the same problem with my right knee/thigh after parting company with the bike at relatively low speed last week. Biggest problem was that it took a couple of days for the knee to get inflamed and driving became very difficult.

    Gave up on pain at the weekend and went to see the doc on Tuesday.

    Prescribed me some anti-inflamatories, which appear to have a side effect of a laxative, but the swelling is slowly going down and I can drive without too much pain.

    Don't bother MTFUing, get thee to the quack and get some happy pills. 😉

    Free Member

    Get a hold of Nick Mason's book 'Inside Out', gives a good fairly balanced view of the band's history.

    Original band were Syd Barratt, Roger Waters, Rick Wright and Nick Mason. Barratt had major problems with drugs/fame and burnt out early (Wish You Were Here is a tribute) and was replaced in the band by Gilmour.

    Towards the end of the record making history relations between Waters and Gilmour wrecked the band and Gilmour only reluctantly agreed to play the reunion.

    Recommended listening (mine); Pulse Live double album with a bit from all eras, Wish You Were Here, DSOTM, Atom Heart Mother, Piper At The Gates Of Dawn. Apart from Comfortably Numb, The Wall is pretty rubbish, typical overblown 70's concept album.

    If you can also find the DVDs for Pulse and Live At Pompeii.

    I saw them live a couple of times including during the final Earls Court concerts but the best was Dortmund in 1977 when then did WYWH and Animals, flying pig included.

    FWIW, Mason owns one of the most amazing collections of sports racing cars and is a nice guy.

    Stick in on your iPod, fire up a joint, close your eyes and away you go.

    Careful with that axe Eugene! 8)

    Free Member

    1971 – 1981 Royal Signals TE Technician; telephones, exchanges, crypto kit, computers
    3 years college at Harrogate
    3.5 years West Germany, 2 Armoured Div, Bunde; mobile divisional comms for the general staff
    1 year trade upgrade Catterick
    3 years NI, can't tell you what I did otherwise I'd have to kill you. 😉

    Free Member

    Can't answer for the RAF but I spent 10 years in the Army, allbeit some time ago before the current commitments and publicity, but I did spend 3 years in NI.

    As a character building experience there in none better and based upon your degree it will also give you the career direction you seem to need.

    All the forces offer excellent sport and social activities, sound like an advertising poster don't I(?). If you're single it's ideal. I left just after I got married and we had our first daughter. As Andy_K says, if you're married or in a relationship, the current commitments can make it very hard.

    I think sootyandjim of this parish is something to do with them so he'll probably be along sometime.

    Just BUMP the post a couple of times and see what responses you get.

    Good luck whatever you do.

    Free Member

    When I replaced my front triple with a double and bash all I did was drop it down the frame a bit so that there was a 3mm gap between the cage and the top of the largest chain ring with the shifters set on 2, (although this wasn't strictly necessary) and then screwed the limit screw in so that it wouldn't shift up onto the missing big ring.

    I presume you don't have a front shifter on the frame at the moment?

    Free Member

    Tell them to send you the road brakes and the cable outer that you have paid for[/u] and a payment for the return postage on the mtb bars.

    Yes, they have made a mistake but it is their responsibility to rectify it and not put you out of pocket.

    Free Member

    No, music quality is just as good on the 5800 as on a nano.

    If I want to listen to good quality music I listen to the CD or VINYL versions I have at home.

    Free Member

    I've got a Nokia 5800 and I also had an ipod nano.

    When I got the phone I transferred the ipod playlist onto the phone.

    Nokia Music is pretty rubbish, but it's possible to transfer stuff downloaded from iTunes onto a pc onto your 5800.

    Free Member

    I'm in Guildford and out and about a bit at the mo so I'll do the same.

    Hope you get it back and the scrotes get what's coming.

    Free Member

    Anything from £400k to £700k. Nice location though.

    Free Member

    Bliss Mill in Chipping Norton.

    Used to Be a wool processing mill now converted into flats.

    Passed this every day I drove from MK to Bristol via the scenic route years ago.

    Little known fact of the day: Ronnie Barker used to have an antiques shop in Chipping Norton. 😀

    Free Member

    Place I used to work had/has the following;

    South African
    Irish (north & south)
    British (English)

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