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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • JonR
    Free Member

    Ahhh jubnuts. Nevermind, cheers.

    Free Member

    5 spot plus 1

    Free Member

    I’m on Xbox number 5 now having paid for 2 and I say buy a PS3. If my one dies after the extended warrenty is over I’ll be defecting to Sony.

    Free Member

    Not very good at this are you

    I’m exceedingly good at this.

    NO I only asked that you prove it is an accurate generalisation -it is your assertion why can you not back it up? Is this really unreasonable or PC of me to ask you can evidence what you say. If you can assert without evidence why can i not just reject without evidence?
    Fair enough you generalise away without the ability to demonstarte it is a fair, reasonable or reflective one.

    You can no more prove what I have said than prove that capitalism is better than socialism or that God does or doesn’t exist. The issue with it is exactly the same, its a matter of what your reality and opinion is.
    I’ve just had a chat with the Muslims lads who I work with and all 6 of them think that their communities are more homophobic than white communities in Britain. I trust them over some pixels on a screen just as you will obviously trust your reality rather the the pixels on the screen that is me.

    I could cite the bloke on the today programme on Radio 4 last week who felt he needed to start a workshop in his Mosque because the Black Muslims weren’t being allowed in my the Asian Muslims or the story that beeb ran at the start of the year about Gay Muslims bing the largest growing sector of homeless people in Britain as they are ostracised by their families. I’m not going to because I just leave myself open to the the claim that these things get blown out of proportion when then happen in the Muslim community even though I deliberately chose the BBC as it is as balanced and fair a news organisation as there is. There simply are no statistics breaking down ethnic and religious communites and their standpoints on different issues, would you rather there were so that the state could police tollerance?

    The point is I stated MY truth, what i see with my own eyes and ears living in Manchester and mixing daily with a number of people from all different cultures and enjoying the differences we have. Someone approaching multiculturalism as a good thing but ignoring all of the differences you find unpalatable is as I have stated idiocy. We aren’t all the same, its a fact of life.

    Free Member

    Dyno Rod van colour.

    Free Member

    that is a rather broad brush you have wielded there and I do not agree. Look at the EDL and The NF/BNP for racism from white folk- what exactly are you accusing all Muslims of here rather than a few nutters “honour” acts are not very common despite there being over a million Muslims here – they are also committed by other faiths. We should just treat them as crimes – plenty of white folk used to and I assume still do beat /disown children for inter racial affairs it just gets less publicity and is termed violence rather than having a specific name
    Faithist – WTF does that mean ?- the Koran specifically tells them to respect people of other Faiths – but you knew that didn’t you eh
    Homophobic? – no worse/better than other religious groups who frown on it – yes we should challenge all groups re this but you don’t need to be religious to be homophobic nor does being religious necessarily mean you will be

    Bigotry is wrong whether it is someone showing it toward Islam or someone Islamic showing it.
    I really am not sure they are more likely to be racist, faithist or homophobic – who are you comparing them to?? What is your empirical evidence base?
    Is it muslims in the UK or all Muslims ?
    Afro –caribeean men are not exactly tolerant of homosexuality nor are many working class white males etc. You see th epoint donet you
    It seems odd to make such a sweeping statement about a diverse group of people.

    I’m not going to get in to a long and drawn out discussion because its a hiding to nothing. You’ve jumped on to my post because you feel it contains generalisations and for no other reason.

    I tell you what you show me your empiracle evidence that am I wrong and don’t just lean on the politically correct yet erronous assumption that generalisations are the route of all evil and then we’ll talk but I suspect that wont.

    Free Member


    For sure there is an element like that but there is as well in white society.

    Is it that you just hear of these instances more?

    Yes, I really am sure. Islamaphobia in the media is easy to highlight with just a quick trip to the Daily Mail website but having some sort of blind faith that all communities have similar levels of bigotry just because that would be nice is idiocy.

    Free Member

    He has annoying mannerisms but only a moron would let that prejudice the view that what he is doing is nothing but good. He is showing the people who pay for governments what they are paying for and its clear that those governments don’t like it.

    Free Member

    Its difficult, members of the Muslim community in the UK are far more likely to be racist, faithist and homophobic but the moment you point it out you feel like you have committed a faux paux because you have pointed out a fault of a group of people who are almost exclusivly not white and the stigma of racism is a bad one. Its amazing how badly black Muslims are treated by asian muslims for example.

    Free Member

    You can’t say Si is guilty of it as he is open about the bikes he sells and at that quilty at those prices why wouldn’t he be and who could resist them? 😉

    Free Member

    I struggle to find a word that shows the lack of regard a seller would have to sell a cracked frame. Just kidding.

    Free Member

    No offence but I would be really hacked off if you contacted me like this. To leave 2 days over a weekend for an email to be replied to is not much time. Most people I know only check their personal email every few days.

    As for Gritty bearing, take them for a second opinion to another LBS. Dont mention the issues and see if they come forward with the same independent assesment. My thoughts are a clean up and a bit of grease will sort out this. If they have been sitting idle for a while and could just be a little dry.

    What he said, if someone who doesn’t really post on the bike forum only came on it to moan about a bike part sale after such a small amount of time cos he couldn’t get in touch with me and dragged my name through the mud I’d consider hanging him out to dry because he had done the same to me. Well over the top.

    Free Member

    Sounds to me like someone being a bit of a slapped posterior.

    Bottom bracket paint is there to chip off and the reason that the exposed area is silver is probably because getting carbon fibre to form screw threads is a bit tricky so frame builders tend to fit metal sleeves with the screw thread on them in to carbon frames.

    As for claiming for a new frame, why not, why not also try and take the shop as compensation for all of the “emotional turbulence” as well, you might be in therapy for years about this ordeal. Stop being a tart.

    Free Member

    If i was earning less than £35k a year I’d deem my life a failure and on £35k a year then £4k is easily affordable.

    I’d deem my life a failure if the amount that I earned was a feature of my own sucess criteria.

    If you teach yourself some basic bike mechanic skills you can buy yourself a second hand perfectly decent bike for around 300 quid and slowly upgrade bits as they break or when you see a bargain and fancy something a bit shiny for sale for a decent price on the classifies/bike radar/pink bike/ebay. The cost is then spread over months and years and you can find yourself riding a bike a few years later which is still your bike to you but is totally different from the one you started with.
    The only original parts on my hardtail from the bike I started with are the seatpost, shifters and rear mech.

    Free Member

    I can tell you the parking is daylight robbery

    Free Member

    It just looks like a Chumba VF2 to me only without the sexy rear triangle.

    Free Member

    Johnny Marr now lives in a massive country house in Cheshire…
    Down the road from Dunham Massey apparently

    The House that Johnny Marr used to live in was big but really wasn’t that big when I used to have to walk past it every day. And since then Mike Joyce and thingy Rourke have had a small fortune out of him and Mozza.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t sell a bike in the winter months at all. You notoce on ebay and the like prices of second hand bikes go up by 30 or 40 percent in the summer months as the weather is better, the days are long and people want to get out and ride them.

    Free Member

    How does it compare to the Pike?

    Free Member

    I bought a riser bar for a mate on ebay that was made my a company called Koski, a company I had never heard of. When I looked them up online they made rather funky snow bikes

    Free Member

    Does anyone know if it is possible to translate that?

    It costs £2800, I got that much.

    Free Member

    Its good to know on STW there is always someone who wasn’t there but knows better.

    Free Member

    I’ve had one for the last few years and despite having one I still got a nasty case of flu the year before last. They only immunise against one strain and viruses mutate all the time so whilst they lower the risk they don’t eliminate it. I get mine free because I have asthma but it can’t hurt to ask your GP.

    Free Member

    Can you get a 15mm axle to fit Pikes?

    Free Member

    I’ve known AndyHilton for nearly 16 years and if he were breaking that many bikes there is no way he wouldn’t have phoned me up to borrow tools.

    Free Member

    Oh yeah, proper minging 😕

    Free Member

    Its difficult to miss from there

    Free Member

    Where does the cycling bit come in?

    She was the local bike

    Free Member

    • Recommended tire widths: 1.50 to 2.30

    Up to you, I can’t see an extra 0.1 being too dangerous unless anyone has any horror stories. I’ve run 2.5 tubed on rims that were only meant to take 2.3 and they were fine.

    Free Member

    He had a moustache, about 6ft 3.

    That’s an awful big moustache.

    Free Member

    Titus have the sexiest headbadge in mountain biking.


    Free Member

    It doesn’t lend a lot of gravitas to your legitimacy when you post your rebuttal to allegations against yourself from an alternative account. The only reason anyone would have an alternative account would be a nefarious one surely?

    Free Member

    Here’s an idea which is sort of pinched from RetroBike. When I bought or sold stuff from there, once finished the guy asked if I’d mind posting on his feedback thread – this was just a thread he’s started a while back with the title “”AUsername” – feedback”. And everyone who bought from him or sold to him posts on there. The thread has a static URL so can infinitely be referred back to and searched for. No extra work on anyone’s part. Obviously if the user doesn’t start a thread themselves, someone else can start it on their behalf, as long as the title contains Username & feedback, its easily searchable.

    Whats not to like? Who’s gonna start their feedback thread first….?

    If you did this on the bike forum or the chat forum they would start to spam up the board a bit but if another forum were opened for it in the same way that the new wanted forum has sprung up then I reckon it could be a winner and wouldn’t take much programming time. Up to the mods I guess but sounds to me like the easiest option so far.

    Free Member

    Ahhh first bit of XTR, mine is am m952? rear mech in xtr grey still on my hardtail. Never been anything but great for me.

    Free Member

    Those that have bought stuff from freeform5spot and not had issues are lucky – there are several horror stories such as mine.

    Chipps- we’re not talking about someone who’s just tardy getting to the Post Office. Looking at the sheer quantity of stuff freeform5spot sells on this Forum he is clearly a ‘Trader’ operating a business on STW. Furthemore, he’s doing it fraudulently – selling broken, damaged and not as described goods in my case (and others it appears!)

    He sold me a Turner 5 Spot frame which he advertised as a 2010 frame (a new warranty replacement). It was in fact a 2009 frame, easily identifiable from the serial number and earlier frame features. So at a minimum he overstated/misrepresented the truth.

    The Lyrik forks that came with it did not work properly and when sent to TF Tuned for inspection turned out to be completely fecked, requiring £225+ of repair work. The Mission Control cartridge is completely knackered and would require a further £120 replacement, which I did not bother with.

    Furthermore, the Specialized Command Post, also included in the stuff I bought from him, was quite clearly broken and wouldn’t go up and down at all. When I sent it to Specialized they said it had suffered a major impact while in the low position and required £65 worth or repairs, new head etc, which I paid for.

    All this was in May this year.

    Over the course of the past 7 months I have called, emailed, texted and pleaded with Peter Gratwick/freeform5spot to try to settle the matter. I offered to split the repair costs 50/50 wit him, which he initially refused, then agreed, the refused, etc.. I also emailed the STW Mods twice about this, as I think it is simply unacceptable behaviour for the STW forum to be abused in this way.

    After 5 months freeform5spot agreed to a partial refund of £60, promising a further £60 which I agreed to in full and final settlement of the matter. Of course, I’m still waiting for that (no surprise) – with no hope whatsoever of getting it.

    I paid £1,500 to freeform5spot for a frame that was not as advertised, was missing a crucial part needed to even make it work, with forks that were broken, a seatpost that was broken – I’ve spent over £1,800 so far and yet he continues to trade on this forum.

    Peter Gratwick/freeform5spot has given me the run around for 7 months and even threatened to set his “Family Solicitor” upon me!

    People like him let STW down.

    This has soured my view of him somewhat. If it were me I’m petty enough to spoil every classified post he makes on here and on bike radar where he post as ireallylikebikes with a warning that he is a trader and a scammer.

    Free Member

    Iron horse 6 point 5? Old Kona Stinky? Some sort of Big Hit? Giant Reign? All of these can be picked up on the cheap. I had a reign and it was pretty plush for the money.

    Free Member

    The thing that 5spot seems to have going for him is he seems a really decent bloke and so any censure would be harsh but as AndyH says a touch more clarity would be nice.

    Free Member

    I’ve bought a couple of things from freeform5spot and never had a problem, in fact he has been very business like. I assume that is because selling bike parts is his business and considering he looks to have broken about 10 or 15 bikes in the last month for parts I’d say that conclusiion seems valid.

    Free Member

    I wear one every year as do my kids. I might not agree with wars but I am glad to do something to support the poor sods suffering after risking, or losing, their lives to support our liberty.
    I found this disgusting:

    As did I, if I were to eat indian food with my poppy on I would be sure not to get any potato stains on it.

    Free Member

    Sadly I got them back as said scrotes didn’t manage to carry the bikes that far rather than the more satisfying alternative, I’d like to think that I made enough angry manly noise that they filled their collective undergarments and ran but in truth carring them back was quite difficult.

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