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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • JonR
    Free Member

    I was sick on Bill Beaumont’s shoes after drinking a heroic amount of beer in Leeds in the late 90s. He looked less than impressed.

    Free Member

    So from summer 2011, United have a net spend of 80mil and City 100 mil. Mata will put United on 115mil.

    Chealsea 140 million
    Arsenal 40 million
    Liverpool 60 million.

    So united are right up there with the big spenders.

    What astonishingly round figures, almost like they were just made up on the spot.

    And this website says they were.

    And if you can’t be bothered with an overview here are the net spend figures since City came in to their oil money.

    Manchester City £480.05m
    Manchester United £138.75m
    Chelsea £269.75m
    Liverpool £89.4m

    Free Member

    Shut it Hindle Pie, You blue monkey! You’ve got to get past the mighty Sunderland yet

    Yeah right! Like City are going to be beaten in the cup final at Wembley by a relegation threatened side. That would never happen. Ever!

    Free Member

    Well done for being so patient, it’s sad that your patience did not yield any results. There is some good advice on here even if the majority wont be happy until you’ve stormed round this woman’s house, shat on her doorstep, kicked her dog and called her cat a bastard.

    Free Member

    If it helps Hora there will be one going up on the classifieds bored about 2 to 3 weeks after you manage to find one.

    Free Member

    probably 75-100 quid

    Free Member

    I suspect when the cases came to court (and of course they would) the magistrates would be unlikely to back the copper on that one.

    For those who could be arsed to take it to court whilst the rest just accept it because of their total ignorance of what the law actually says.

    Free Member

    JonR – where exactly did I say that I agreed people should be fined?! I said it should be a crime, that is all.

    You should be a politician with the ridiculous spin you’ve just put on my post, with your skills at taking things out of context you’d be a shoe-in. Please wind your neck in a bit and read what I said again before you blast me for something I clearly didn’t say.

    I reiterate:

    It should be a crime to use a phone on a bike.

    It should be a crime to ride through a red light.

    Now – are you arguing it shouldn’t be illegal?

    Where did I say you agree they should be fined?

    My opinion on the matter of whther it should be legal to use a mobile phone on a bike is no consequence. The fact that the police are punishing people for a crime they have invented is. Would anyone be so quick to say good if they were fining people for being a bike wearing a helmet? It’s just as much against the law as talking on a mobile phone. All it would take is a copper to decide that a helmet restricts head movement and so a cyclist can’t look round as fast and therefore is not riding with due care and attention.

    Free Member

    According to you but yet according to the law it comes under not riding with due care and attention, that’s where it started with motorists too before it became specific.

    How do you know that I cannot use a mobile phone and ride a bike without due care and attention? Quite clearly the law makes provision for it by the fact that riding a bike with a mobile phone has not been specifically outlawed.

    You are arguing for the enforcement of a law that has not been introduced because it is, in your, opinion correct.

    Free Member

    I’m just gobsmacked that so many people are quite happy to support the police for FINING SOMEONE WHO IS NOT COMMITTING A CRIME.

    Talking on a mobile on a bike maybe be silly in your eyes but it is most certainly NOT illegal.

    Free Member

    Sorry – but it’s all wrong and using a phone or running reds SHOULD be crimes, and quite frankly I wonder why cyclists put themselves at risk of injury by doing the above!

    That is all well and good but when the police are punishing people for things that SHOULD be a crime but is not then you get on a very slippery slope. After all what SHOULD happen is just a subjective. That daft bint from twitter last month seemed to thing that motorists SHOULD be able to knock cyclists off the road as they “don’t pay road tax”.

    Free Member

    Using a hand held mobile phone whilst cycling is not illegal per se, however, you could commit an offence of careless riding or riding without due care and consideration. It is also not advisable for the obvious safety reasons.

    On that basis just automatically punishing all people using a phone on a bike could land the popo in hot water as it is not an offence and to pressume an offence on the basis of sopmething that is not an offence is legally a near imposibility.

    Free Member

    It is Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks. The scandal is this story.

    :tap nose:

    Free Member

    The OP clearly states that the reason for getting fake branded frame would be because it looks fantastic.

    Logically then so would the real one, but without all the worry about frame quality and whether it’ll be impounded on the way to your house, oh and support and warranty….and a warm glow of envy from your fellow crit riders….

    Makes perfect sense.

    Sport the Cervelo sales rep who hasn’t met his targets and his manager isn’t happy.

    Aren’t straw men fun.

    Free Member

    Where has all this rubbish come from about if you buy a fake branded frame you are just trying to convince other people you have a genunine one?
    The OP clearly states that the reason for getting fake branded frame would be because it looks fantastic.

    I think my Cannondale with a lefty looks great but I am told repeatedly by her indoors that it looks terrible, I don’t care what she thinks in this regard though as she doesn’t have to ride it; I do and I want to ride a bike that I think looks good and I don’t care what other people think.
    For the same reason I am conetmplating one of those green and yellow On One frames that most people think look disgusting but I like them.

    Free Member

    The seatstays look like pieces of string. Is there a weight limit on riding one?

    Free Member

    Alternative thread summary.

    OP asks for advice for idea he has is just kicking about.

    Near entire population of forum breaks down in to a seething mass fury, comparable to an Orwellian 2 minutes of hate, and spew forth bile about Chinese carbon.

    Tales, some apocryphal and some not, are told about the dangers of Cheap frames.

    Counterfeit goods are all universally condemned to be immoral and the multinational companies that pollute the third world, use child labour, avoid taxation and work purely for the benefit of making rich men richer are venerated as the gods of Western society whose branding is moral good.

    Consensus is blank frames are preferable.

    Free Member

    I would love to hear that argument in court, you would make my life, I can just imagine the court erupting in laughter at you and your nonsense.

    From someone coming out with the blind subservience to the law of a concentration camp guard or hangman I would be happy to “make your life” if I remained an individual still capable of making my own decisions as to what is right and wrong.

    Free Member

    I see counterfit goods in the same way I see stolen goods and that is simply illegal.

    Eh? Illegal is illegal and that is the end of it. Well then it looks like I don’t have to work inside my complex moral code any more because we have a conservative government to make laws that I will blindly follow because they know best.

    What utter rot!

    When you buy a conterfeit product you have not stolen any material thing like a bike theif has, nobody has lost any money if you were never going to buy an original anyway. Why not claim the classifieds on here wrong as if I buy a second hand frame I’m denying the maker of a sale of a brand new one?

    Free Member

    There is a not a day that goes by in Cycling Internetland where this topic does not get discussed.

    Some people get all high and mighty either because they have shelled out over a months wages on a lovely bit of carbon kit that is warrantied to the hilt or they are just a bit snobbish. They will post pictures of cheap Chinese frames that have broken with newspaper in them and dodgy youtube videos supposedly showing how weak sheap CF is.

    Some people will get all Guardian reader about it, saying “screw the man yeah”, “all you’re paying for is like a brand yeah and this way the poor people of China get all of the money yeah” and “What have Pinarello ever done for you?”

    The reality seems to be somewhere in the middle. Some people on road forums have cheap chinese bikes and love them saying they are as good as their nicest dandy horse, some buy them and they are dogs. It’s a gamble, you pay your money and take your choice, you stump up thousands and you’re likely to get a better frame then a stumping up a few hundred but it’s no 100% certainty, top frames break too.

    For my money I’d get a plain Hong Fu or Flyxii frame and put my name in flip off big letters in bright white on the downtube, why advertise someone else’s company when you could advertise yourself and boost your own ego? OUT OF THE WAY JONR COMING THROUGH!!!!! (probably quite slowly and wobbling as I’m likely to have had a drink)

    Free Member

    It is churlish to celebrate the death of a fellow human being so I will just say that I am less upset than I would be at the death of any other person in history.

    Free Member

    Sell them. I’ll give a you a ton for ’em.

    Free Member

    trying to keep them SFW

    Free Member

    Free Member

    King Kenny YNWA.

    You’ll Never Work Again?

    Free Member

    Stop focusing on the current hardtail frame thats ‘hurting me. ALL hardtail frames cause me discomfort.

    Don’t fancy buying my Turner Flux do you Hora?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I think Suarez’ apology for not Shaking Evra’s hand probably puts the argument to bed.

    Free Member

    Late to this thread but…. WHY would anybody VOLUNTARILY live in south Manchester?

    Seriously stay well clear of North Manchester. It’s full of racists with incomprehensible accents whose idea of fun is going out of a Friday night to a dour and dimly lit pub to drink pints of flat, room temperature mild whilst watching old men put ferrets in their trousers followed by glassing anyone who used any word over 2 syllables in length, then sparking their hobnail boots on the cobbled streets all the way home to beat their wives before getting up and going for another day “downt pit”.

    South Manchester on the other hand is a Nirvana like metropolis of sophistication and class with its café culture, good looking residents, plethora of world cuisines on offer and general air of enlightenment.

    Free Member

    Mourinho who won the treble at Inter?
    Mourinho who trebled the number of league titles that Chelsea had ever won in 2 years of being at the club?
    Mourinho who won the UEFA cup and Champions league back to back with an unfancied team from Portugal and a budget of next to nothing?

    That Mourinho?

    Free Member

    Hodgson for me. Does well with smaller inferior teams and that is what England are.

    Free Member

    I feel that the HL has almost a perfect head angle the way I have it set up. I did have a 456 SS with the slacker head angle and hated it for anything that wasn’t downwards as the steering seemed wrong and teh front wheel was so far forward which is sort of why I asked the question. I also have a Flux TNT which is newly built so I’ve not really got a feel for it yet although it does feel long and low as an XC bike should. And yes I’m always grumpy.

    Free Member

    Well sod you all then

    Free Member

    Going from a hardtail to a flux is a good step up in weight so going up to a 5 spot would be a large leap. That said you might really love a Turner, why not try and organise a test ride of one of each? I have both and I love them (but prefer the 5 spot if I’m honest)

    Free Member

    Evans Manchester are very good.

    Really? Not the tragic centre one?

    Free Member

    Aren’t Saches rooms charged by the hour?

    Free Member

    Im not arguing what the law is. I am arguing what it should be in a perfect situation and what the football authorities should be aiming for to improve the game.

    Do you really think using offensive language to abuse someone is fair just because it is not illegal ?????????

    Also there are laws against defamation so you cant just go saying what you want about people even if it isnt racist.

    Its not clear what Evra said but its quite possible that he said something that is overheard might make people think ill of Suarez.

    I dont know if what Suarez said is worse than what Evra said but Evra admitted very strongly abusing him but got nothing. This send out the message that you can abuse people as long as your not rasict.

    If Evra got a 1 match ban and Suarez a 100 match ban I could understand the judge deemed what Suarez said is 100 times worse than what Evra said.

    But Evra got nothing.

    So **** you Jon you mother is a *****.

    Which is apparently fine as its not racial.

    Yes, it is absolutley fine. Its well known that in high temper matches players will shout abuse at each other and square up. Anyone trying to put some sort of hippy perspective on football that all should be fair and nice is living in dream world. There are limits however and racial abuse or violent conduct are punished by the FA as they are explicitly against the rules just as they are against the law.

    Frankly your all missing the point the FA should of used the case to stamp down on the players using offensive language whether its racist or not by punishing both players.

    They’re always complaining about offensive language being used to Refs particularly in Amateur leagues and in also in Junior leagues, often by parents and children who’ve seen it in the Premier league.

    This would have been a perfect example to show this type of behaviour is not acceptable no matter what the situation or provocation.

    They could wipe out this unsightly aspect of football if they took a strong stand as they have in the case of hooliganism.

    I don’t think anyone is missing the point, I don’t think you have one. Agression and football go hand in hand yet yet every week in the premiership players manage to shout abuse at each other without resorting to racist abuse.
    What sort of anti racism message does banning the player who has just found to have been racially abused send? It sends the message that black players on the end of that sort of thing should keep their mouths shut.

    Free Member

    I simply said that Evra is a cock. And he is. Everyone knows it.

    No bias in that then, everybody knows it? I wonder if the people of Ghana think he is a cock?

    Free Member

    Thats my point the rules are clearly wrong when decisions like this turn up. Both players use offensive language one player banned 8 games one player not banned at all !

    The rule should be you cant use offensive language in the work place just like it is for the rest of us.

    Using offensive language to abuse someone isn’t against the law, using racially offensive language to abuse someone is. The rules of football reflect the law of the land, I really don’t see your point.

    Free Member

    One type of insult is against the rules and one isn’t. So they punish the one who broke the rules just as they have done so in the past with other players who commited similar offences. How dare the FA be consistant!

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