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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • jonnyfelloff
    Free Member

    Noticed that in the opening sequence animation Ted was with them on the peer. Nice touch.

    Free Member

    This thread is relevant to my intrests.

    I started MTB as I wanted to get fit but hated the thought of going to a gym. Now I’ve joined a gym so that I’m stronger and fitter on the bike. Funny old world.

    Only been going 2 months but doing 3 sessions a week with a focus on one set of equipment each day. Day 1 is kettle bell, day 2 is bar bell, day 3 is sandbag then bar bell as its a longer session. Doing that 5×5 thing I see a lot off on youtube (dead lift, row, squat, press, and then pull ups* on a moneky bar). Plus I do the rowing MC for a warm up, some of the leg and arm machines, rope pulley, and some medicien ball crunches for variation.

    *Pull ups are really hard. I do them in sets of 2.5. That is One, Two, Two and a half … rest

    Free Member

    Vitus Substance might be worth a look. For £1300 up you’ll have carbon fork, hydraulic disc brakes, and Shimano GRX 2×11 group set or Sram 1×12. I use mine as a commuter mainly but there is a section of very rough unmaintained road / farm track on the route that I’m chasing a KOM on.

    Free Member

    We watched The Thing a couple of weeks back as my 15yo daughter is getting into her thriller / horror / supernatural film phase. She loved it, said it was weird but messy fun.

    Tried to watch The Matrix with her a few weeks earlier, she got bored. Serioulsy though the first hour is so slow.

    Free Member

    Buying a hardtail frame as a project bike build has helped me. I can’t afford bike parts and spend money on beer. Beer is a spendy thing to piss away.

    Free Member

    Watched it with a few beers on saturday. All boxes ticked.

    Free Member

    I’m shocked to read that people on here haven’t seen Predator for 20 years. I’ve probably watched 3 times this year alone, if its on TV (usually ITV4) I’ll watch it, if my 15yo who loves it is watching it on AppleTV I’ll watch it with her. Same with Aliens, Alien 3, RoboCop, First Blood, Chronicals Of Riddick, etc.

    BTW my nephew watched Prey last month. He’s 21 and a bit techy so can do pirate streaming on his devices, he said it was great.

    Free Member

    Loves black pudding me but I believe there are are only two flavours either hard & crispy, or soft gooey. But that could be down to my cooking.

    Free Member

    Cadac make a spray foam cleaner what we used on ours. Sprayed it on, left it and hour, scrub & rinse. Its probably a caustic soda mix or sommert.

    Free Member

    Looks great that does.

    Building my Big Al currently which will share wheels with my full sus (Bird AM9). I’m going through the brake debate atm, the bird has Sram G2 but I’m thinking about using Shimano on the Big Al, or even Hope if I can find them. First world problems and all that.

    Free Member

    Very nice. I’m about to start on a Ragley Big Al build too. I went for the Raspberry frame which is in a box in the garage awaiting a headset fit this evening. That’ll be it till next payday though.

    Free Member

    How is the new bike honeymoon period? I’ve been on the look out for a Steel hardtail frame for a while to build up as a project bike and I’d convinced myself it had to be Ragley Blue Pig until I saw the HardTail Party review of the Big Al on youtube. So now the Big Al is my No.1 choice even though its obs not steel.

    And the Big Al being a 29er means I could just swap wheels over from my full sus to save some money. It practically pays for itself .. right? Yeah!

    Free Member

    I followed Katie K from youtube for a few days but she rides so much I had to unfollow as my feed was just her!

    I’ll admit I record my dog walks as I do the walking challanges. That said the dog is old now so we don’t go far so yeah its pretty pointless.

    Free Member

    What don’t you ever see elehpants hiding in trees? Because they’re good at it.

    Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? Because it would be a foot.

    Free Member

    I’m liking it so far. Good tele but thats all it is, I wasn’t expecting Citizen Kane or something.

    ‘True’ StarWars fans seem to hate everything these days. Odd.

    Free Member

    I’ve got one of those Gerber Suspension multitools in my fishing kit, very useful for undoing tangles … which happens a lot alas.

    I wouldn’t carry is as a EDC though due to the locking blade. I’ve got a Gerber Dime on my keys though, which is a smaller version of the Suspension with a non locking short blade (1.5 inch). Mostly gets used for cutting the bruised bit out of apples.

    Free Member

    Quite a good piece I thought, even though the Country File presenter seemed to be trying say “yeah but some cyclists are idiots” at every opertunity he could.
    I was suprised by the statisic of you’re 3 times more likely to be killed on a quiet country road than a busy town road, will take that into account in future for route planning.

    Free Member

    Never heard of it, like the look of it, will aim for next year.

    Free Member

    I watch it every year, it so bad its good. I saw on TV this morning our entry is 3rd favourite with the bookies, with Ukraine first natch.
    I’m not sure though thats more embarrisng though, winning it or finishing last with nil points. I think I’d take last place over 1st.

    Free Member

    Went to the dentist last week. She counted my teeth, sent me on my way, and charged me £40. I could have told her I hand’t lost any and saved her the bother.

    Free Member

    Congrats. best advice … don’t panic. Babies are easy: feed it, clean it, don’t let it over heat.

    Your outlook will change rapidly too:

    After 1 week you’ll be like “oh no baby has dribbled on me I’d better change my t-shirt”.
    After 1 month you’ll be like “oh no baby has been sick on me I’ll wet wipe it off”.
    After 1 year you’ll be “gah I’ve got shit on my jeans, I’ll just rub it in”.

    Free Member

    I had an unexpected pay rise this month which the NI raise cut cleanly in half. Still better off so I’m grateful but I’d really like the other half back. We’re making do in the household now with our combined incomes so we can cope with the cost of living rises, but there is no room for savings.

    Can’t imaging ever spending £30k on car though unless we win the lottery. Seriously do normal people spend £30k on car? Do they all live in mansions?

    Bike: £2.5k
    Car is a van: £5k

    Free Member

    Mine occasionally has a brain fart too. I’ll plot a ride on Kamoot, it appears on the Wahaoo phone app, but when I select the route to ride it won’t bluetooth to the Bolt unless I re-sync over wifi. Not the end of the world but I used to be able to just bluetooth the routes in without wifi.

    Free Member

    Sudden reaction to nuts? Yes.

    I love peanuts and have had 47 successful years eating them until 2 months ago. I’d eaten peanut butter sandwiches at work for lunch all week, got home friday and the father in law had been round and left a big bag of peanuts. Opened that and smashed them down. Sunday afternoon we finished the big bag. Eyes started itching, eyes went red, face went puffy, took anti-histamine and went for a lay down. Luckily no breathing issues, but I stayed puffed up for 2 days.

    I put that down to over exposure, but two weeks later I tried peanuts again and my eyes immediately started itching.

    No more peanuts for me.

    Free Member

    I’ve been playing for 30 years and I have to admit that CAGED system baffles me. IMO learn the barre chords as someone mentioned above, and learn the modes of the major scale. If you know the major scale you already know the modes, just start & finish on a different note. Then learn the moveable mode shapes (basically pentatonic shapes with additional notes). And link it all up.

    Free Member

    We had mice a few years back. Mouse traps with peanut butter & chocolate sorted them out. They run along against the walls so put the traps at 90 degrees to the wall about an inch from it, mouse runs past, stops for a nibble, bosh.

    Apparently they can squeeze through a hole the width of your finger so you’ve no chance of blocking any entrance points.

    Free Member

    I use it for road route planning on the PC with no bother. Route saved to Kamoot, auto linked to my wahoo account and appears after a refresh, send to Wahoo Bolt, start pedaling.

    Free Member

    Over night oats when I can be bothered, but usually frosted shreddies (left to go soggy before eating).

    Free Member

    Went to my NHS dentist a few months back, she counted my teeth and charged me for it. I could of just told her I hadn’t lost any and saved her the bother.

    Free Member

    Offside tyre is behind the 2nd pedestrian and in front of the ball when the ball is played

    Free Member

    Heard an interesting point on the radio about it; while its seen as a good thing for people trying to reduce or maintain weight, it can be a bad thing for people with other eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, etc as it ‘could’ add additional guilt for calories consumed.

    Free Member

    Yes, I’m a feast or famine drinker. I did dry Jan and felt great, even had the app and loved seeing all the dry days (and money saved) add up. Then started again in Feb and hit it hard, maybe 2 cans a night in the week, 8 on Friday (yikes), 4 on sat, 2 on Sunday.

    Decided two weeks back that the fun feeling of drinking did not out weigh the rough feeling in the morning. Also I’m getting fat belly and skint and I don’t want to die before I’m 50. So mostly dry again, non in the week, 4 little 330ml cans of fancy beer as a treat on Saturday, non on Sunday.

    Feel much better again, motivated to do exercise, not destroying my exercise gains with empty beer calories, and saving over £100 a month.

    Free Member

    Another vote for MTBBatteries. My set is 2 years old and the batteries are still going strong.

    Free Member

    I had some knee troubles a few years back so went to the work physio. Turned out to be my left ankle that was the problem. I was rolling in (over pronating) my ankle which was over loading inside of my knee. She gave me some insoles to put in my shoes and some some ankle exercises to strengthen them, worked a treat.

    Free Member

    My other half has been covid positive with minor symptoms for the last 10 days. I’ve tested negative throughout but had a full on head cold, my nose has been dripping like a leaking fridge. Maybe a different cold stopped me getting covid because I’m full of antibodies?

    Free Member

    Why do you never see elephants playing hide and seek? Because they’re good at it.

    Free Member

    We used to have a 1986 petrol T25. Great fun when the kids were young. But reliability … nope, fuel economy … noper.

    Free Member

    Did karate as a teen, then Kung Fu at uni and into my mid 20s, then Tai Chi Chen in my late 20s. Then kids came along and I’ve not done any since. Now approaching 50 and I fancy a bit of Wing Chung, but living in rural Shropshire there’s no chance of that happening. Alas I will never be Ip Man.

    Free Member

    I thought it was great. We live in world where people have a mindset where they feel they can say & write what they like about people without consequence, even mocking someone’s medical condition. Assault can be mental as well as physical, Chris threw the first punch imo.

    Good on Will S.

    Free Member

    Woodford reserve yes, Makers Mark yes, Bulleit yes for cleaning toilets but not for drinking.

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