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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • jonno101
    Free Member

    Another interesting (for me!) observation from todays ride without PM is once my LTHR/FTHR has been more accurately calculated & updated HR zones across all platforms (Garmin Connect, TP & Strava) is now my garmin calories is almost bang on my Strava? And those two where miles out from each other before…

    Free Member

    Average watts was 273, max 672
    Heart Rate Av 176, max 193

    DR whats impressive with your ride is calories burnt, virtually 1000, and with a lowly TSS score of 79. How many more calories would you burn if you went harder?? I have heard of top TT riders burning 1400 calories and hour.

    Free Member

    Just as curious as you so re-loaded old files after I updated more accurate HR zones. Its quite a difference. Bottom red is new updated TSS scores.
    So if you really are interested in getting more accurate HrTSS scores for no money, do a 30 min test, & update HR zones in TP. Worth it for free 😉

    Free Member

    I have just migrated to TP and did a CP30min test, to get my LTHR so I can put more accurate HR zones in TP. Try this and you may get more accurate HrTSS scores. It won’t take effect on old rides I think, unless you delete them and re-upload. But does make a big difference on your scores?
    Hence why u need a power meter really 😉

    Free Member

    Mr B, as far as I can see with quick search:
    FTHR is the Same as LTHR?
    Anyways I understand it to be my HR I can hold for maybe 1/2 – 1 hr without going in the red.

    Free Member

    somewhere around 173

    Thanks mr blobby, Ill set TP at that and hopefully have some accurate HR zones now, which is good when out on the road for bike without PM, and maybe my HrTSS will be a bit more accurate in TP. Which I’m starting to get my head round now. Cheers

    Free Member

    LTHR help please.
    Just done a 30 min LTHR test (within TR 20 min test):
    TR suggests new LTHR should be 166
    but according to:
    It should be 175 for me. I presume thats the better one to take as this was a specific LTHR 30 min test i did?

    Free Member

    quick question…is ftp 200 the default setting

    I believe so? So don’t read anything into it for first test, go on feel…
    Just go hard but steady, better to start first few mins slightly gentler and leave something for last 4 mins. At least you can repeat it, so learn from the first 8 mins. First ones is always a bit up & down. Good luck.
    Im tempted to do 20 min test tomorrow as want to get a more accurate LTHR for Training Peaks.

    Free Member

    HNY all
    Gonna fire up a TR plan after few weeks off. Think Ill try Sweet Spot Base Low Vol. II, as did low Vol I, might have to trim that little recovery 30 min ride out?? Also just tried Ebbetts at new FTP and that was pretty darn hard!!

    Also been playing with Training Peaks, it looks really, really good, even just free version. Great way of keeping track on weekly TSS, especially if you drop saturday TR ride and do your own outdoor sunday ride ;)..

    Don’t think Ill pay for TP though, as already Strava premium & paying for TR, all mounts up. Could probably join a gym for cheaper than all that?

    Free Member

    Only one Sipsmith. Hammersmiths finest

    Free Member

    Just had a break after finishing sweet spot base – low volume 1. Did an 8 min FTP test today, boy u forget those things aren’t pleasant – why oh why do we do them???
    Thought i’d only improved FTP a few watts, but gone from 245 – 260, so pain was worth it. Not goona bother with a plan until new year maybe enjoy a mince pie or 2 & festive 500.
    I now get a feeling to see much more improvement I’m going to have to really up my workload, which I dont think is possible at moment.
    Had to share as wife will just look at me blankly if I tell her 😉

    Free Member

    +2 Gorilla, you only need small amount as expands!

    Free Member

    MotionX-GPS for me, not sure how good it is to plan on?
    I use ridewithGPS website and email GPX to phone. Am playing with ridewithGPS app but no offline maps at present (but in pipeline apparently?)

    Free Member

    Border Terrier 🙂

    Free Member

    Perhaps base 2 is Hardcore?

    Free Member

    Oh Yeah SS Base 2 – Low volume is 4 hrs a week, maybe just about doable? 😉

    Free Member

    Just 99% finished Sweet Spot 1 low volume too (well I got to do Brasstown, just to say I have actually finished it?)
    I think Ill have a week off turbo, then just do an 8 min test just for shits & giggles ;))

    I’m not sure what plan to do next, problem is I can only do 3.5 hrs Max per week, so would like one more intense but dunno which one? Also Im gonna wait until new year, as every Xmas have ambitions of Rapha Festive 500, but always fall short…
    Haze let us know what new FTP is, good luck 🙂

    Free Member

    I have Sonnos Connect so can use current amp & speakers in living room, and Sonos Three in kitchen.
    Connect is very expensive for what it is, but if you have a half decent hi fi setup i guess you have to bit the bullet.
    Its expensive but it does work and multi room works great, Im gonna get a Sonos one for bedroom. Works very well with Spotify as well.

    Free Member

    doing my head in now. I have it down to 2:
    28 – YES 29.99
    28 – YES 29.99

    I guess Panaracer might be better for off road bit. But My rides will probably be only 25% off road, so still want as good a roller as poss? So temteped to go for Shwalbe?

    I think ur last recommendation is too off road for me? ta though

    Free Member

    Oh yes exactly thanks. may give it a go

    Free Member

    Most of the touring tyres have a solid (or very nearly slick) centre tread

    I know what you mean, I have 2 sets of winter tyres, Vredstein Fortezza Senso & Vittoria Rubino Pro and both have this slick centre.
    So no good for off road, plus these are 25. I guess would help to go wider?
    So I guess an “Urban” tyre is my best bet like leelovesbikestoo says:

    Free Member

    maybe answering my own question, but I guess its more of a city tyre like:

    Free Member

    Thanks Mike & Graham, will have a look

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I have this combo, and recently found Bontrager unit to be a pain. All advise above is good. Make sure paired as speed/Cadence sensor otherwise wont work.
    Wheel circumference innacuracy wont stop is showing speed, and works on auto fine? I found I had to unscrew the arm adjuster screw and give contacts a good clean, reassemble & position v. close to magnet and screw back tight.
    That did the trick for me. Maybe these units are bit unreliable, I have gone back to my Garmin one on turbo.

    Free Member

    Thanks womp was after light as well?

    Free Member

    We went to Namibia a few years ago & Loved it, great country, saw loads of wildlife & did it ourselves (no guided tour) but we did have massive help of a good friend who lives there.
    Flew to Windhoek (via Jo’berg), then on to Swakopmund, then traveled up to Etosha National Park & stayed in there & a few v. nice camps around it.
    Highly recommend, feel free to be nosey:

    Free Member

    Sounds like a dodgy strap, they don’t last that long. Should work either with shirt or without? I had to get new one recently as last one died after about 18 months, no probs now inside or out, shirt / no shirt! I do now rinse after every ride & detach sensor.

    Free Member

    Me too, just joined STW team on TR and see you there (& others). I think we’re about same level, so be interesting to see what Sweet spot base 1 does??
    I had a nice (if thats correct term!!!) raise in FTP as haven’t done for a year. This is a good nerdy thread for TR fans. Thanks jon

    Free Member

    Im using Elite Arion Mag, so has 3 resistance levels. Have just completed my 1st full hour TR session which is a big improvement on before, but cant do out of saddle High watt stuff yet, even if this is possible>>?

    Free Member

    Question for you rollers out there?
    Can you do standing high power intervals?
    This is easy on Turbo, but had a quick go on my rollers and thought was very tricky??

    Free Member

    anyone use rollers & TR?
    I have just got some and was trying switch from turbo to rollers, but am really struggling?
    I know rollers are trickier but can ride them ok now with 2 hands and looking forward fine, but cannot hit keys on laptop, watch sopranos & drink whilst on rollers (which was easy on turbo) so..
    should i just stick to TR on turbo and forget rollers
    cheers jon

    Free Member

    I think yes, this is true. I’m sure I read somewhere that it was something to do with the higher inertia of the wheel (and flywheel) helping through the dead spots in the pedal stroke, and that this helps reduce fatigue. I’m sure someone will be along soon with a better explanation of this though!

    Was actually out on the roads today and thinking about it. Was suspecting someone was gonna just say power is power whatever?? But what you say makes total sense. I guess difference would be like doing FTP test on a climb versus flat road?

    Free Member

    Hi all
    Im dead happy to stumble across this thread as being a relatively new dad (2 year old), laugh at fellow TR users with one ear on sopranos, one ear on baby monitor whilst trying to keep a steady 250 watts!! Which for me is quite tough?? Have been known to do this in the garden on hot summer days just because I can’t escape the house.. (which I know is very wrong)..

    Anyways an interesting observation today which I just wandered if anyone else has picked up on. I was doing 20 Min FTP test as want to see if I have improved. Went out too hard and couldn’t sustain !! (too used to 8 min tests) So my wattage dropped had a break within 20 mins and then went hard again but this time dropped the friction setting on My Tacx Satori from 5 to 3 (so less resistance), This adjustment meant I could go on the big ring and spin the wheel a lot quicker to get to my desired wattage, and then found it easier to sustain a certain high wattage that I couldn’t when turbo was set to more resistance and in small ring?

    So my question is from my observation. If the wheel is spinning faster due to less trainer resistance is it easier to maintain high wattage than if wheel was spinning slower? Mainly thinking of flywheel & inertia within trainer itself? Well next time I have another FTP test I will put this to the test?

    Has anyone tried same FTP test but with friction set differently on turbo and noticed they find it easier to keep high wattage if they get wheel to spin faster? If so then is it a slight cheat to produce higher FTP?

    Oh and Im not talking about virtual power? I do Have a Powertap G3 on my Tacx Satori so getting an actual power reading.

    Cheers all and will keep up on this thread as its a great resource for a sado like me that would like to be out on the open roads more?

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