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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
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    10. Fortune


    Full Member

    Redthunder – I like your boats. If that’s your rough sketchbook the rest must be amazing!

    The spooky tree is also excellent.

    Full Member

    Cue Tigger images

    As requested!

    9. Bounce.


    Full Member

    8. Toad


    Full Member

    Nice drawings.

    Looks like it’s only the three of us joining in this year

    Full Member

    7. Drip


    Full Member

    Finally got my arse in gear and got started.
    Catching up from day 1.
    1. DreamPXL-20231006-201938025-MP
    2. Spider
    3. Path
    4. Dodge
    5. Map (Tried drawing something on an actual map but it looked shite so it got binned)
    6. Golden
    That’s it; all caught up…

    Full Member

    @shedbrewed To be honest it’s been a few years since I charged anything with it.   I think I bought the cable from exposure years ago.  It’s up in the loft packed away with my bikepacking kit.  If I remember at the weekend I might go up and find it.  It might be this one but I really can’t remember

    I have to say it wasn’t the best at charging as you only get the residual power after the front light has taken what it needs but if doing long rides it would keep a garmin ticking along.

    Full Member

    Love the path drawing.

    I’m planing on catching up on friday as work is mental this week so will post some up then.

    Full Member

    doing a bit of googling, it seems the revo does something to the input voltage and reduces it so the back port is only pushing out 3-4V,

    I’ve not looked at what is going on inside the light but I think it must be about 5v as I have occasionally used the Revo output port to charge my phone, gps and battery pack.

    Exposure customer services are excellent. If you emailed them I’d be surprised if they didn’t tell you whether it would work or not.

    Edit – The Revo output is definitely DC though, not 6VAC that comes straight from the dynamo.

    Full Member

    Another vote for the exposure Redeye.

    It’s been on my commuter for 8 years and covered 17000 miles without being removed. Still works perfectly despite being so weathered the anodising has faded from red to pale pink.

    It’s paired with a Revo and Exposure branded SP dynamo.

    Full Member

    I can see it in Edge on the work laptop but not in chrome on my laptop or phone. 🤔

    Full Member

    We’ve got a 2017 C4GP 1.6 diesel auto.

    It’s very nice to drive. Much nicer than the Galaxy it replaced.

    The engine isn’t the most powerful but om aroundtown and cruising on the motorways just don’t try drag racing with it.

    We have the proper auto (EAT) not the semi automatic (EGT) one. I think 2017 was the changeover year so they did both variants for a while. The EAT auto box is smooth and reliable. The EGT one we test drove was lumpy and felt like there was a pause before pulling away and every gear change.

    Reliability wise it’s been good with only the normal wear items needing replacing. Fuel consumption is about 50ish for mixed driving and can be 60+mpg on a motorway run.

    Bike fitting wise I have no idea as they go in the Tourneo Custom but it is big in the back so I can’t see it being an issue if you take a wheel off.

    Full Member

    Morning Cougar. I’m very sorry to hear of your mum’s passing.

    That is a lovely picture of her. You’re most welcome and I’m glad she liked the picture.

    Almost all my art just gets put in a drawer or cupboard so the fact she, and you, got pleasure from the horse drawing means a great deal to me.

    Thanks, Jon

    Full Member

    I might be running a couple of days behind this week. I hope to catch up by the end of the week.

    Hopefully there’re more than two ot three of us joining in this year.

    Full Member

    That is a pretty decent area to cover with an artists airbrush.  The 350 is an external mix brush which, being generous, don’t produce the most consistent results.

    Assuming you just want to cover the panel with a single solid colour you might be better with a mini/micro spray gun.

    Neo and Sparmax do a half way house between a spray gun and an airbrush.  I know nothing about them and they are about 4-5 times the price of that badger but it may be worth a look.

    Full Member

    Yeah, MIG is what you want for general purpose stuff.

    MMA is pants for any material under a couple mm thickness.

    Full Member

    That’s good to know. My charge spoon is finally beyond salvage after 17000 miles and I was thinking about getting a cambium but didn’t really want to gamble £100+ to try one.

    I cycle past there a couple of times a week on my commute so will stop in and ask to try one.

    Full Member

    I touch myself by the Divinyls.

    I remember being at a party when I was about 10 and the girls belting that out at karaoke. That seems a bit inappropriate now.

    Full Member

    Christmas. Because all the christmas songs are shite.

    Full Member

    People riding their expensive bikes with an unlubricated squeaking chain.
    It isn’t my problem that they’re torturing their drivetrain components to a premature death, yet it still makes me angry as to why they’d do such a thing.

    On a similar note; people on bikes which cost many thousand pounds but have a 50p 3mm led rear light that is so dim it’s near impossible to see.

    Just buy a decent light you cheapskates as you clearly have the money to do so.

    Full Member

    I used to go through the Purbecks and now go through the New Forest. Both are quite nice if not the most picturesque commute.

    Full Member

    Our school is looking to replace all the iPads as their lease contract is coming up for renewal.

    As a governor I have suggested going with android tablets on lease instead as they are about 1/3 of the cost and all the apps we have subscriptions for are available on android too. The lease company supports both so I can’t work out why we pay the extra for iPads.

    These are for use in the school only so don’t get issued to each kid to take home.

    I have no idea why businesses and schools are so wed to apple given the costs.

    Full Member

    Kids start years 4 and 1 and I start a new job today. Yay!

    Full Member

    Anyone with a motorbike who thinks ‘loud exhausts save lives’.
    No they don’t; they just mark you out as a **** bellend.

    Similarly those who ride with their main beam lights on all the time because it makes them visible. No it doesn’t because all we can now see is a green blob where a motorcyclist should be.

    Full Member

    Magura. Lots of people love their brakes. Lots of people hate them as they’re ‘plasticy’

    Full Member

    Cause and effect.

    The driver was a monumental c***. The people who deliberately wound her up to the point she verbally abused someone unrelated to their protest are muppets.

    Full Member

    aside from there not being a direct link there, only a perception that it may happen

    Apart from being called a **** **** by a car driver immediately after passing them the other week? That’s a pretty direct link I’d say.

    They have the right to protest in that way, equally I have the right to think they are muppets for doing it in a deliberately antagonistic way which has a direct impact on others behaviours towards me.

    Full Member

    Guess how the dutch got their cycle provision – a large part of it was mass protest

    If it was mass protest then it may be effective but this was 13-14 people riding slowly in the middle of the road.

    I get that things start small but they aren’t going to get 1000s people turn up and the general consensus around here is ‘FFS, it’s that dozen **** blocking the road by riding like **** again’. It does however reinforce the incorrect, deep seated perception of cyclists on the road making it worse for everyone else.

    The general attitude to people riding bikes is appalling and if they were protesting outside the county police headquarters for proper enforcement of the existing laws then I would fully support them but when they are doing things that make my life commuting on a bike worse by enraging some drivers then I can’t help but think they are muppets.

    Full Member

    anagallis_arvensis – There are plenty of things that Mr Osman could get involved in. Here in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch the sustainable travel planning is managed by BH Active Travel. He could easily get involved in his spare time.

    They campaign and bid for the funding for central government funds that have paid for all the cycling, walking and public transport improvement here. They work with the council and contractor in the planning and implementation of the improvements. They work with local charities businesses to provide cycling instruction and education to children and adults. They work with the motoring groups to limit the perceived disruption and attitudes towards money being spent on sustainable cycling infrastructure rather than potholes.

    Notice all these things start with ‘work with’ rather than ‘rail against’. They are very effective down here in actually getting things improved.

    Pretty much every city has an organisation like this that can actually make improvement rather that just shouting about needing them.

    WCA of this forum didn’t get Southampton Bike Park built by pissing off everyone. He worked hard with the authorities and organisations to achieve a very worthwhile goal. He is a great example of how to make real progress.

    Full Member

    Protests can and do work.

    They can when the numbers involved become so large that they can no longer be ignored as pointed out by someone above.

    The group aren’t that and will never be. I saw them as I live here. There were about 15 cyclists deliberately riding at a walking pace blocking the whole carriageway. This wasn’t 100,000 people making a valued point.

    The general consensus here is “**** **** cyclists being **** as usual!” That is the attitude they are fueling withe their ‘mass’ cycling protest.

    I was cycling the opposite way and had someone shout ‘**** ****’ at me just after passing them even though I had nothing to do with them.

    It has just reinforced the attitudes that cyclists are a minority and a nuisance on the roads.

    Full Member

    If things need to change actually get involved in the things that effect the change. Get involved in renewables research, education, implementation, policy etc, etc. All the opportunities and budgets are out there to do so but that is actually difficult and it’s easier to just shout about it in the street and turn people against you.

    It’s like the people that whinge about local councils. If you don’t like it become a counsellor and start to actually influence change.

    Be the change you want to see not just shout about how bad the current situation is.

    On topic; If Mr Osman actually gave up his time to volunteer for BH Active Travel in applying for grants, infrastructure planning and active travel education that would be a much more productive use of his time in achieving his goals.

    Edit: beaten to it by binners and scruff :)

    Full Member

    Acrylic paint on 16″x20″ canvas

    Full Member

    I regret not committing to becoming a pilot because at 18 I would have had to take out a £60k bond to pay for it with no guarantee of a job afterwards.

    Instead I went to university for 10 years and became an engineer.  23 years later I still want to fly and am finally in a position to get a private pilots licence in the next couple of years

    Full Member

    Regarding geometry, “modern” geometries (i.e. slacker HA and steeper ST) came about from the downhill frame builders then the hardcore hardtails adopted it.  It only comes in to a tangible benefit when heading down steeper terrain.  The slacker head angle provides more stability at speed and the steeper ST puts you more over the pedals when climbing allowing you to make better use of the quads.

    As you are riding in the flattest county in the UK I would suggest that with a slacker HA and steeper ST you would not see any of the benefits unless you go to a trail centre or to hillier trails.  It would still ride nicely but would not be optimised for the trials of Norfolk.

    For riding in Norfolk I would suggest an XC bike.

    When building frames for XC I would usually suggest a HA of between 67-70 degrees and a ST angle between 73-75 degrees.  With these figures the bike will remain nimble on the flat and allow for maximum power from your legs.  Most current XC race bikes have a 68/69 HA and 74/75 ST.

    Full Member

    I would recommend keeping the bike you have if you love the way it rides.

    Why change if there is nothing wrong with your current bike?

    Full Member

    I’ve got an Exposure Revo hub with the front and rear lights on my commuter. It’s been out in all weathers with no maintenance and barely any cleaning for 17000 miles and is still going strong. I would highly recommend it.

    Full Member

    Get some cheap canvases, a paint pot with a hole in the bottom and some string and give pendulum painting a try. It’s an easy and mega cheap way of doing abstract paintings.

    Here’s one that’s approx 1500x600mm in our living room I did a few years ago.

    Here’s a screenshot from youtube showing you can go any size.

    Full Member

    Calvin and Hobbes?

    Like these I painted in my kids rooms?

    Full Member

    Tourneo custom lwb does all that I’m sure? I have the swb which has 2 singles up front, so would think the lwb does as well

    Yep, my LWB Tourneo Custom does except the 2nd and 3rd rows are 2+1 rather than 3 singles.

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