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  • Bounce, Bags and Bling – Spotted at Sea Otter
  • jond
    Free Member

    Have a look at:

    (tho' you'll have to register)

    Free Member

    >You can paint a silicon solution on the brick work which should help stop rain blowing through the wall.

    Downside of that is it prevents the wall breathing to the outside if it's getting damp from elsewhere, and you shouldn't really need to.

    Free Member

    >is she still entitled to benfits?

    I don't think so, but best check – re the 6 weeks thing, the lost of unemployment benefit could be used to argue that upwards, but bear in mind they don't have to give her anything other than pay for the notice period.

    Free Member

    >Turns out this afternoon that a girl in the same dept who has been on maternity for ages and wasnt expected to return is coming back next month. Seems related.

    Does seem a *bit* of a coincidence – so they couldn't make her (*role*) redundant. However they could just terminate her contract, no questions asked, because under a year there's no employment protection. But it sounds like they don't want to do that 'cos it wouldn't look good wrt a following employer.
    She *could* ask for more, but there's no legal reason for them to do so, and tbh they're not being too bad for offering the 6 weeks extra. Still, if you don't ask you don't get, and she could always try some moral blackmail of 'I turned down another job to come here…"

    >ts a negotiation, they've made an offer – she needs to come back with hers.

    She has nothing to negotiate with AFAICS

    >But be careful she doesn't ask for too much, otherwise they'll find a reason to sack her

    They don't need one.

    Free Member

    Moving job solves nothing – the idiot remains a PITA for everyone else as well. The only option IMO *is* to put in a grievance, etc as PS has described, and force the management to get their hand out of their arse. That's why the legislation's there, ffs..

    Free Member


    Enough with the handbags 😉 – what was the setlist like ?

    (And FWIW I've been going to gigs on my own for years, otherwise I'd go to mebbe 3 a year rather than 10 or 12..the only PITA is losing yer spot when you go for a beer…)

    Free Member

    >Tony Blair is a shrewd chap

    Well, he's a lawyer, make of that what you will…

    Free Member

    >Substandard may just mean that they don't comply with current regs.

    We had something like that on our last place – the work had been carried out in the 70's well before the relevant regulations came into being. Best ask the surveyer specifically what they mean, it may just be wriggle room on their part rather than a real problem.

    BTW – there's two parts to permissions – planning permission says you're allowed to build what you've applied for, and building regs sign-off demonstrates that what's been built meets the building regulations at the time.

    Free Member

    Excellent stuff 🙂

    Good fun that..also seems to have helped harden up the fingertips which had got pretty soft – haven't done so much string bending for years !

    Free Member

    Use the search, there are some previous thread and links to a couple of vw van forums.

    Free Member

    Any use ? :

    If you're tempted to buy into the itunes/Apples proprietry stuff (rather than just use it as a player), I'd look into in some detail – wikipedia isn't always accurate but may have some useful info:

    Some concerns I've heard have been to do with itunes overmanaging your pc/player library, and possibly being a nuisance when your using two different pcs wrt library coherence. But that may have changed, or be possible to turn off.

    Re cradles/speakers etc – Apple aren't the only source, btw.

    I ought to add – the company I work for are owned by Creative so most people tend to have either Apple or Creative players, there's pros and cons with both.

    Free Member

    None in Walton, and that's immediately next door to Esher. Probably a bit frosty where the sun hasn't hit, tho'.

    Free Member


    I'm seeing 'em thursday in Wembley..

    Free Member

    Chances are you're picking it up off doorhandles etc that the assorted cold-ridden pupils have been touching, then rubbing your eyes etc. I guess if you can keep your hands clean and not get coughed over, that may help.

    Free Member

    >nothing to say it wouldn't stop again outside the warranty and

    Mebbe the service centre could at least tell you what the state of the rest of the watch is (ie whether it's worth repairing), but depends how much you want to spend just on getting 'em to have a look…

    >edit – yeah I see they've got it already, so mebbe they could tell you without any additional cost..

    Free Member

    >inquest after??????? No – and they never would while he was in power
    That's a bit irrelevant – one woudn't exactly expect the average despot to behave like one's own elected representatives. The issue's about Bliars behavior, given that we have an elected dictatorship…ahem, government.

    >things could have been a hell of a lot worse regarding terrorism.

    Eh? – would you like to justify that ?

    Unless you're referring to something else, the Saddam<>Al kaida link was never there and was disproven years ago, despite Bush's assertions in alledging one to help his argument for an invasion post-9/11 (tho' equally the previous Clinton administration had also been eyeing up Saddam to one degree or another). Saddam was a nutter, but pretty much in his own backyard or that of neigbouring states.

    Free Member

    Without paying extra* for an advance mailing, get on assorted mailing lists, and sign up to band mail lists – you can sometimes get a presale day just through that.

    Also try several ticketing sites at the same time – tho' ticketmaster seems to be the default, other agencies may have comparable tickets but aren't the first port of call for a lot of people, so you may stand a better chance (certainly the case for me when buying Metallica and ACDC tickets last year…)

    Free Member

    >if the conditions get REALLY cr@p, people will stop

    No, they'll still go but in fewer numbers, bear in mind BOB ride there (or thereabouts) several days a week, so why would they want to ride knackered trails ?

    If trails get wide, they tend to stay ride 'cos people ride over the whole width – so nothing much will grow anyway. Hence you need to maintain the trail line in some way.

    I would guess the 'smooth and bermed' is partly so they'll drain to the inside of the corner (tho' I know what you mean about the bobbly pipeline, PP)

    >Shame us mere mortals can't pitch in to help.

    Problem is it relies on BOB to do any maintenance, and they probably need a lot more help.
    I *think* in the past (I was a BOB member some years back) there may have been posts on here for when there's been some work going on – tho' I just had a quick search and couldn't see one for the last several months. But judging by past (unrelated) experience, I suspect there's a tendancy for people to assume it's someone else's problem (or they can't be bothered 'cos they'll just ride somewhere else).

    BTW – I'm pretty sure BOB don't touch anything in the jumps gully.

    Free Member

    If I haven't sat on a flite for a few months, the first 3 or 4 commutes are a bit uncomfortable. Just ride, it'll soon sort itself out…

    Free Member

    Rammstein – Mutter, Sehnsucht and Reise, Reise. Metaltastic 🙂

    Free Member

    …and definitely *not* white spirit, it'll leave a deposit.

    Free Member

    @stratobiker – just as well I didn't say anything about plaiting it 🙂

    Free Member

    There's quite a bit of info on constructive dismissak on the web, eg

    – but AFAIA it's generally hard to prove.

    It's just another form of Unfair Dismissal (typically breach of contract in some way) and, as TJ wrote, awards are low – basically it would just cover your loss of earnings from leaving the one job to starting the next.

    If you *do* wind up being signed off for stress, make sure you own up to it at the next job if asked..they may be less than happy, but they'll be even less impressed if you're economical with the truth. Eg a mate's sister-in-law had been signed off for stress (as a result of bullying) for several months, didn't let on to the new employer…when they found out, she was straight out the door.

    Free Member

    I'd vote for the Rf or else a cheap FSA with a lump of inner tube over the top (works for me) and chuck the rest (plus a few quid) at some nice warm roubaix bib longs..

    Free Member

    >unrealistically short hospital gown?

    Ah, bugger, I'll have to at least fast-fwd through it now 😉

    Free Member

    Can't imagine it'd be much different on a board, you'd still need to keep yer knees bent a bit..dunno how much tho'.

    >not much chance of twisting a knee snowboarding (expect if your having to a scoot a bit)

    I beg to differ – even just coming to a halt, then your weight moving forwards on the board will twist them if you fall to the front or back. If your knees are fine, you'll shrug it off, if they're not, you may get some grief from 'em. But it depends on your problem – it'd utterly screw mine, but in Lazgoats case it might be ok

    Mine's a different problem – missing a lump of meniscus cartiliage – but several weeks of snowboarding lessons on hard boots years ago (plus a board with daffy bindings at one point) really *didn't* do my knees any favours, the twisting messes 'em up (see the bit about stopping above). I resigned myself to the fact that cycling's generally fine, and I don't want to do anything to them that would stop me cycling.

    Free Member

    Have a look on
    plus the t5 bit of the t4 forums (been thinking of a T4 or T5 kombi m'self)

    Lots of people happy with them, but equally some with problems, usually being fixed under warranty but could be expensive otherwise (the 1.9/104ps engine seems to be a bit more robust). Main thing seems to be have a decent amount of time/mileage left under warranty, so mebbe not an issue in your case. Mileage warranty is 100k, seems to be more than a few being sold at the 95k mark (or at least, at the price I'm looking at)

    Free Member

    Mrs Jond took a while to get used to mine (had a shorter version for years), but has since realised it's a huge source of amusement on passing small children..they frequently exhibit a 'wtf is that ?' moment 😉

    Free Member

    Yup, bought several bits of clothing from 'em – they've handled returns too with no problem (FWIW Nalini sizing's a little large compared to most kit)

    The free postage offer seems to be on all the time.
    There's not infrequently a 10% discount, if there isn't one in operation at the moment and you can wait, there'll probably be another along in the near future.

    If you get on their mailing list, they're always doing 7-day offers of various flavours, some of 'em can be quite good. Likewise some of their closedown offers (espec. for large/small sizes, unsurprisingly)

    Free Member

    My OH *might* have some better quality info, I'll try to remember to ask here tonight.
    Certainly one of the quotes on the bbc link sounds like they're complaining that specimen questions weren't on the paper (as has been said, study the subject, not the paper…).

    At uni or otherwise we had what were effectively 'specimen papers' – ie past papers – but you know the questions they asked wouldn't appear (tho' if you looked at an alternate year you'd find something similar).

    >being able to write it down in the way the exam board wants you to

    I'm a bit puzzled, with science it's a bit of an open and shut case in my experience (which is why I liked it) – no weasel words/interpretation involved.

    Free Member

    >mmm when you say this do you mean you don't want to use detergents that contain wetting agents

    I read this as stuff like Nikwax techwash (or whatever it's called), which is the expensive alternative to soapflakes…

    Free Member

    They'll be somewhere in the roofspace – the roof has to have some ventilation so they'd get in there.
    We had several nests in the loft of out last place over the years, mostly all quite small – apart from one (we had rubbish louvre windows immediately below and they'd fly into the bathroom by accident) we never noticed them. It's really at the end of the summer when the colony collapses that they get cranky and disorientated. They predate on assorted garden pests, so quite beneficial FWIW.

    Free Member

    Lol !

    Dunno, do you have the comedy metalhead goatee-on-steroids too ?

    Free Member

    >I've not come across pivot-less softails made out of any other materials other than Ti

    Cannondale Scalpel ?

    Free Member

    Now you tell me 🙂

    Re the fave guitarists thing, it's something like (in no order except mebbe the order I came across 'em):

    Alex Lifeson, Ted Nugent, Angus Young, Uli Roth, Pat Travers, Al Di Meola, EVH, Randy Rhodes, Vivian Campbell (Dio era), Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert (does quite a heavy version of a Paula Abdul tune !), George Lynch, Nuno Bettercourt..

    ..with liberal helpings in various years of John McLaughlin, Neil Schon (good call Plumb !), Joe Satriani, Alexi Laiho, Dimebag, Marty Friedman, Dave Mustaine (oh, and the dodgy couple from that 'other' band), plus Trower, Gallagher.

    I guess that'll do for the moment !

    Free Member

    I think it was 128k, this is the 320k version:

    Free Member

    I've uploaded it anyway, and you'll have to put yer fingers in yer ears 😉

    (I need to check what quality it's been exported with, it's default at the mo, whatever that is)

    As mentioned, backing on one side, guitar on t'other. I'm in all evening so please post if there's a problem.

    Free Member

    Yup, me – many apologies, had a bit of faffing with mixed recording/mp3 yesterday (ie they shouldn't have been). A minor bit of cack-handedness remaining to fix when I get in and I'll upload/post here.

    Free Member

    Again, mebbe muscles at the back of the neck? – is the pain kinda over the top of the head from otwards the back.

    First time it happened badly with me I had it for about a month – physio helped a little, muscles had gone into spasm. Can't ride a road bike now – too low – mtb's just about ok unless it's playing up (hence I now ride a recumbent on the road).

    I normally only get it for a day or so, but it played up last summer whilst on holiday – dunno what set it off again, felt like a dull hangover for a month. I managed to work out what section of my neck to manipulate to relieve it, tho' it's been doing it on an off again since then 🙁

    Free Member

    …and check the cable run isn't tending to pull it to one side..

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