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  • Gabriel Wibmer grinding around Hamburg
  • jojoA1
    Free Member

    TJ, it’s ‘Neil’ the delightful, hairy, kilted spanner monkey.

    Thanks to 2Pure/Nightrider for the lights I used. I was really impressed with the set I was using, the MOAB I think. I’ve always sworn by my Lumis, but this equalled them in power and were more user friendly.

    Free Member

    Do the easier ones first and build up to more tech stuff. Go at her pace and be reassuring that she’s not holding you up/too slow/too rubbish etc. These seem to be the main concerns of the women I know who are starting out riding and going out with their menfolk the first time.

    Free Member

    Off road, no.
    On the road, yes. I live in an area where there is very little traffic and I don’t like my music super loud anyway.
    Tried to have music on in a 24hour race, but felt anti-social and turned it off.

    I find having music on on the road bike a good way of telling if I’m getting a good workout. If I realise I’m singing, I’m not working hard enough.

    Free Member

    Oh and let’s not get started on the "peeing while in the shower" debate.

    (Perfectly acceptable in my book)

    Free Member

    They’re **** itchy if you get an original. Yak hats, we used to call them.

    Hats are underrated.

    Free Member

    Matthew H, that’s what I’d heard.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure I can tell if my forks ‘dive’ through the travel and when they stiffen up through the stroke.

    Free Member

    Thought linear would be if you charted the resistance to the stroke it would be a straight line on a graph, showing the same resistance throughout the stroke? And that a ramped resistance would be shown in a curved line on a graph. whether that applies to air or coil forks I’m not sure. Or haven’t I got a clue? (wouldn’t be unusual!)

    Free Member

    Linear it the first example.

    Free Member

    Which one is playing Alannah Currie?

    I used to have a hat and hair like hers.

    Free Member

    Want: To feel less ill, to be fitter, a hardtail to add to my collection of bikes.
    Need:Nothing really apart from a bit of WTFU (like MTFU but for girls).

    Free Member

    Spoiled and attention seeking woman, not at all a representative of our gender. I predict they will be divorced and skint in a few years.

    Free Member

    Glen Elg is the only palindromic place name in the UK.

    Free Member

    Is the boss reluctant to act cos he’s guilty too???

    Surely gross misconduct would apply?

    Free Member

    Just a wee point of information re Skidartist’s post. The word ‘nice’ historically meant ‘stupid’ or ‘simple’ and has changed over the centuries to it’s modern meaning of ‘pleasant’ or ‘agreeable’.

    A teacher at my son’s primary school suggested that he might be on the dyslexic spectrum because although he can read very well, far beyond his age group, his handwriting is appalling and his spelling is totally erratic. He also has great difficulty organising himself and is constantly losing the possessions he takes to school; also seemingly part of the ‘dyslexic’ spectrum. He was never formally assessed, and when I mentioned what this teacher had said to a later teacher at parents’ evening, it was roundly dismissed as nonsense. I never took it any further and he’s now at high school where his ability to read, learn and express himself verbally seems to far outstrip his ability to write legibly or comprehensibly. Maybe I should push to have him assessed so he can reach his full potential?…

    Free Member

    Even I, as a bleeding heart liberal social workey type, can’t defend them. I put myself through University at the age of 25, had a baby in the Easter holidays of first year and didn’t miss a day of lectures despite chronic sleep deprivation. Some things you’ve just got to work for.

    Free Member

    I can’t see how you can ride a bike and control your dog.

    Caveat: unless your dog is also on a lead or immediately and reliably obedient to your command.

    Free Member

    long range forecast showing cold and wet at the moment :? Surely one or the other would be sufficient :(

    Free Member

    I was jesting, there shouldn’t be an upper age limit. Just give up at the point where you feel mildly ridiculous on a bike that looks waaaay too small for a ‘grownup’. Even then, it shouldn’t matter.

    Free Member

    The “happy day” is a euphemism (another word for) for “marriage”….

    Free Member

    15 deffo.

    Free Member

    I was simply dissipating any possible confrontation ;)

    Free Member

    While I do buy it from time to time, some of the Dirt writers seem to be almost illiterate

    I must have read it on a good issue as I have thought that on a flick through in the past.

    Free Member

    I actually read Dirt last month, rather than just flicking through and looking at the pictures when my other half buys it. It really is well written, however, their continuing efforts to make it look ‘cool’ mean it can be really hard to actually read. It all looks great, but the print is tiny, in all sorts of bizarre fonts and every which way on the page. I’m probably coming across as an old fogey, but it needs to improve the presentation of it’s content rather than pushing the ‘style’ so much.

    I also like MBUK for the ‘across the board’ coverage of different disciplines and Doddy’s hilarious fashion shoots.

    I subscribe to STW because I like the ‘quality’ feel of it and the ethos of ‘real riders riding’ though sometimes the quality of the articles is variable at times.

    Free Member

    When’s the happy day? ;)

    Free Member

    The unnecessity/unnecessariness/disnecessity ;) of it, was that the issue you were pressing, did not, to my mind, warrant it. But as you say, we’re all different and vive la diffÈrence I say.

    It was all very well expressed too, I have to say. Which I always admire in confrontation, necessary or otherwise :)

    Free Member

    Thanks for your clarification Jeremy. :-)

    Free Member

    Simon, I was opining that Ro was somewhat confrontational, not you.

    Ro, this post below, was a particular one that I perceived to be in a tone that was unnecessarily provocative. I’m not judging you for it, but it’s how it came across to me.

    Mark, don’t sit at your keyboard and tell me what I do or don’t want. It’s condescending and, in this instance, completely incorrect.

    You were asked, in your position as moderator, to answer a simple direct question relating to a statements you made – unprompted by me – on this thread.

    You ignored my question, twice, and repeated a ‘defense’ of an action about which I’m neither interested nor care. If I’m taking the time to come and post here – just as I take the time to search out and buy your magazine in Bangkok or Singapore when I visit – I do care about what I may say and how I may express myself.

    I’m a customer. Treat me like one, not like some wandering ninny you stumbled over on the way to an important meeting.

    Please. Answer. The. Bloody. Question.

    Free Member

    As an aside, ro, my view, which I’m sure you’re not in the least interested in, is that some of what you have posted is unnecessarily confrontational.

    Free Member

    “**** you, you ****ing ****” would be nice and catchy and look good on a T shirt.

    Free Member

    TJ, Hi :D My understanding of the references you have posted are that for some people, in some circumstances, Vitamin C can have a positive impact on the onset and or duration of colds. Would that be an accurate summation?

    Free Member

    It’s brokded.

    Free Member

    Sneak in to the carpark under cover of darkness after swimming the river with your kit on your back.

    Free Member

    Major tip is to get there early on Friday and ‘bagsy’ a good spot.

    Free Member

    As TD says, there’s camping space around the Forestry Commission car park, but it’s limited. in 07 they had caravans, motorhomes and vans alongside the course going up the fireroad at the start and there were limited camping spaces just off the fireroad if you are creative and don’t have huge tents. The camping area was pretty Glastonbury-esque with barely space to put a foot down between tents.

    There is a level-ish layby/wider part in the fireroad after the first two corners on the start climb that can be used to pitch tents, but it’s pretty hard ground so take a mallet for yer pegs.
    Lets pray for cold dry weather :)

    Free Member

    what about **** ?

    Thought so ;)

    Free Member

    It’s proof that we live in a society of plenty when people get so het up about the minutiae of an internet forum.
    A bit of hardship is what’s required to introduce a sense of perspective. Get oot on yer bikes in the pishin rain and snow and you’ll value the luxury of just being dry and warm, never mind worrying about whether you can search for topics or not.

    Free Member

    I’m finding too, that I have viral things one after the other and getting quite down about it as it’s affecting my motivation to get out on my bike. I take some supplements like vitamin C and Zinc but, I still feel constantly exhausted. Like the original poster, I can’t understand how those around me who lead a supposedly less healthy life don’t seem to get half as sick. :(

    Free Member

    Novelty birds, Big Dummy? I don’t believe I’ve ever ridden with you :wink:

    Free Member

    You can easily dress down, it’s less easy to dress up. Is something my Gran used to say, I guess meaning if you arrive for a job interview without having researched the dress code of the organisation, then you can easily take off your jacket and tie, but if you’re not wearing them, then you can’t ‘magic’ them from somewhere. I’ve rarely worn a proper ‘suit’ for an interview, but then I’m female and it’s easier for us to do ‘smart’ without necessarily wearing a full on matching jacket and skirt/trs.

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