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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • jojoA1
    Free Member

    Is this still on the front page!?

    It’s made me giggle though :)

    Free Member

    Maybe we ”laydees” need a separate kit sales thread? I’ve always struggled to sell womens’ stuff on here and never look for womens’ kit as it’s too rare to find any with all the other stuff for sale.

    Currently have a nice pair of black and dark burgundy trim sombrio shorts in a size 8, a lovely Bionicon softshell in turquoise, size 12 and a pair of Diadora chilli xc shoes in a size 5 for sale which I tried, and failed, to flog on classifieds here on a couple of occasions, all brand new…

    Oops!! Hijack!!! ;)

    Free Member

    It depends on the person and the beardage imo. Some chaps suit face fuzz of some sort, others don’t. Sharp stubble can be painful, but left a day or two more, can be a nice tickly change :) Big Brian Blessed jobs really don’t float my boat though. A bit too ‘pudendal’ for my liking.
    I think beards (not just designer stubble) are a bit ‘in’ just now as well.

    Free Member

    Hi, thanks all for your thoughts. I’m pretty sure it was too low for HAPE, though it was on the days we were at highest altitude. I definitely didn’t imagine the puffy ankles/lower leg. There was pitting of several mm on compression.
    Most likely to be electrolytes by the sound of things, Was hot, but not unbearable and not too sunny. I was concerned about dehydration and drank about 3 litres during the day, plus more at night with electrolyte tabs. Thinking this might be causing a prob with excess fluid, I did cut back on my intake later in the week and this is when the symptoms began to subside.

    I’m not the type to ‘demand’ tests, but might mention things if people thought it might be worthwhile. I’m aware that GPs are by definition generalists and may not be as au-fait with possible sports related things. He was pretty shocked by what I thought was a ‘shorter’ less demanding day’s riding and couldn’t get his head round the idea that whilst I was struggling and in a great deal of discomfort, I still managed to put in a 6hr day on the bike when at my worst. I’ll not tell him about the Strathpuffer solo…

    Free Member

    Went to doctor yesterday and initial examinations showed nothing untoward (bp fine, lungs and heart sounding ok, urine dipped and clear). Back today for blood tests and results should be back on Friday. If bloods dont show anything, are there any other tests I can legitimately request or do I just chalk it up as some unexplained ‘something”? A bit concerned that it might happen again when I’m back out in septem er for the race. Any prophylactic meds possible to take before or during race if it’s related to altitude sensitivity? Online searches suggest acclimatisation, but that’s not possible.

    Free Member

    Walking to the supermarket and carryi ng stuff home in a rucksack.
    Going on holiday and completely knackering myself riding a bike every day rather than lying on a beach with a crappy novel.
    Fixing bikes in the kitchen
    Not wanting to host ‘pampered chef’ home selling type parties

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback. I’ve made an appointment for Monday. Those were the samr things thay sprang to mind with me. I have some basic medical knowledge through the field I work in, but as its mainly the elderly ive seen these symptoms in, I thought i was being a bit neurotic.
    Have also read that electrolyte imbalance can lead to cardiac problems, so wondered about the fluids I was taking in perhaps being part of it.

    Free Member

    Raddog, you’re my hero :) Mwah!! ;)

    Free Member

    Magic :) thanks.

    Free Member

    Decathlon do a half decent one.
    Those of you who keep their camelbak bladders in the freezer, how do you find the space? Mine’s crammed to the gunnels with reduced price loaves of bread these days.

    Free Member

    Sounds like Meniere’s/labyrinthitis. I’ve had it after a cold that went to my ears, and so has a colleague who got it after a flight with a cold that pushed infection into her ears. Horrible swimmy feeling. Mine just went away eventually, colleague was given some exercises by her GP that are supposed to re-orientate some crystal stuff amongst the micro ‘hair’ thingies in your semi-circular canals or something…

    Free Member

    To the police on here, do the English police not have a duty to investigate concerns relating to child protection or alert incidents involving possible child protection issues to social services? If not that’s quite different to what happens in Scotland where situations where vulnerable persons, child or adult (as identified by certain specific criteria under a couple of different Acts must be reported and investigated.
    The incident mentioned here “Instead, he turned the boy into a hostage and made him say really weird things in the garden to her while filming it all!” is of particular concern IMO.
    I acknowledge that there are three sides to all situations (each side and the truth) but IMO the truth needs to be established in the best interests of the child.

    Free Member

    From 1987 to the present I have regularly travelled around Europe and the UK as a lone female by hitching, cycling driving and public transport. I’ve stayed in campsites, wild camped, hostels, slept rough, stayed with people I’ve met along the way/people who have given me lifts or people I’ve given lifts to.

    The only place I’ve ever had trouble was once in the UK when a bloke got his todger out whilst driving along the motorway. I told him I couldnt’ do anything with it while we were driving so he had to pull over. Once stopped I got out, took my rucsac and legged it with him calling plaintively “I didn’t mean it, don’t tell the police…”

    When hitching, I always carried a slim aerosol (hairspray/deodorant) of some sort up my sleeve, to spray in someone’s eyes if things got properly dodgy. Weapons can be taken from you and used on you. Have never had to use them for anything other than deodorising or fixing hair.

    Free Member

    Urge the woman to contact social services. IMO. The description you have given is of a person with psychopathic personality and of a situation that is not healthy for the child. the police need to understand that they have a duty to intervene in what definitely sounds like a child protection issue. Maybe not physical, but certainly psychologically damaging to the child.

    Free Member

    Ta :) Went with no grease and a smidge of threadlock as that’s what seemed to be on the original.

    Free Member

    Oh, and I pronounce Paris “Paree” with an authentic gurgle on the ‘r’, mainly because I’m an insufferable pseud… ;)

    Free Member

    Maybe not top 10, but was effective additional winterising for the Strathpuffer.
    Gaffer tape shoes[/url] by jojoA1[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Northwind, thanks, but I’ve got a pair of Advantages on at the moment and wanted to try a swap for an Ardent up front. Was going to go for a 2.25 as well as I believe they come up really big.

    Cynic-al, I was going to post over there>>> I had a kinky dream about you the other night!!! :O

    Free Member

    D’accord, Capitain Coer-eclair! ;)

    Free Member

    I’m trying to optimise hardwearing-ness with low weight. I used LUST with tubes at the Megavalanche rather than full on dual-ply and this worked well. I’m heading to Provence in May and September and wondered if the new EXO increased protection sidewalls would be comparable and perhaps lighter and also perhaps easier to source as 26″ LUST Ardents at a reasonable price seem to be quite scarce.

    Free Member

    “bet you drink lartay”

    Even when mispronouncing it, they don’t say it like that up here in North East Scotland. People would stab you for being from out of town.

    Free Member

    They do have quite a long tt in my opinion. Can you get a test ride anywhere?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It’s “zhee-lay” with the emphasis on the “zhee”. It’s French ffs, it makes me cringe to hear people say “ghyll-it” or “jill-it”. If you can’t bring yourself to say a French word properly, then call it a “sleeveless windproof” or “waistcoat” or something. And please not “vest”, it’s a vile Americanism.

    Free Member

    I’m 5’5″ and ride a small.

    Free Member

    I have a Zesty 514 and I find it amazingly light and fast for climbing and it loves smooth flowy singletrack.

    I am, however, going to change the stock Fox Float RLC 140 fork to a RS Revelation 150 as I find the Fox too ‘lively’ for the kind of rocky stuff I like and have always ridden RS finding them plusher and more controlled. I think the year after mine 2011, had RS Revs as stock.

    I personally think the Spicey is overkill for most UK riding (even in Scotland, where I’m based) and the X Flow is much more of an XC bike.
    Horses for courses!
    Test ride if you can, though I didn’t and still love it.

    Free Member

    What kind of riding you going to use it for, how do you ride and what weight are you?…

    Free Member

    I used to work on a fish farm near Fort William. The ugly deformed salmon (there were a lot…) and the ones that had had their heads and tails half eaten away by sea-lice, were sent for tinning. The handsome ones went for ‘actual fish shaped’ finished product processing.

    Manky job with some gopping tasks involved, but nice being outside all the time.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed the radio special from Mumbai the other day. A very enthusiastic audience and some nice gentle cultural rivalry. It worked surprisingly well.

    Free Member

    Wow, that was a hard 30 miles! I was really phased by how slippy the rock is there. I thought I’d buckled my back wheel at one point where my back end was all over the shop!
    Johnclimber, you passed me on your fun-bike just after some swoopy stuff where we were held up on the jumps and berms. I had a few squeaky, squealy moments :)
    Was worth the 8 hr drive South as I came 1st Vet lady and 3rd lady overall in 3hrs 5.
    My sister was doing her first ever MTB event, chose to complete the full Enduro and completed it in 4hrs 20. Very proud of her :)

    Free Member

    What they said! But I’ve told you that on facebook. You rescued our hol and are a lovely person and excellent guide :)
    When I’m qualified, we should start a biking business somewhere fab.

    Free Member

    Cool, thanks. I thought it might be spec/quality levels :)

    Free Member

    Chuckling lots at this thread :)

    Free Member

    Icebreaker merino chakra zip top. 200 weight. I have 5 or 6 of them and wear them all the time for all the outdoor sports/activities I take part in.
    Bike specific, a pair of altura semi-dry 3/4s (waterproof bum panel, normal shorts material elsewhere. Functional and I’m told my arse looks great in them! What’s not to like?! ;)

    Free Member

    This is local to me. The trails are not demanding at all in technicality, mostly disused railway lines. I think they did it on Cross bikes or tourers with knobblyish tyres.
    It would be alright for a camping trip so long as you’re not thinking of it as a full on mountainbike ride. There are more wild and technical longer routes in Scotland, but depends what you’re after. The scenery is ok, nothing startling unless you’re from Norfolk or something, again, more spectacular places to ride not that far away IMO. Nice mix of upland and seaside, if that’s what you’re into :)

    Free Member

    I’ve never asked for extra for anything, as everything has been day to day expense, IMO.

    Free Member

    I’m wondering if I should ask for an increase in the everyday maintenance then, as it has been the same for the past 9 years…

    Free Member

    To Edukator, yes, he does want her to go, as do I. I’m by no means in a poverty situation, but I’d thought on principle as he and his wife are ‘much higher’ earners than I and have no other children, he would contribute on principle. Ho hum…

    IDave, Thanks for the info on ‘the party line’.

    Free Member

    I liked my daughter’s comment when aged about 7 she saw two insects mating and said “look at those flies, they’re siamese!”


    Free Member

    I proposed to the Twittersphere, it went like this:
    “Anyone want to marry me? Posh frock & piss up on the day, a lifetime of biking and other outdoorsy fun thereafter… :)”
    There was some mild interest but no firm offers. Never mind, there’s always next leap year. ;)

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