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  • Podcast: DMBinS and the Scottish Mountain Biking Strategy
  • johnj2000
    Free Member

    I do plan to drive to the top car park to avoide that initial climb the first time back, mork. Any other tips will be greatly received 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks all, some good ideas close to home like gosport that I didn’t know existed. Hadn’t give. Haslemere a thought either and have a friend out that way so I can kill 2 birds.

    Free Member

    Good point CG I was referring to sp’s post which I miss read, moors valley rather than meon valley. QECP is just too hilly at the moment, all those up hill switch backs and tree roots would kill me.

    Free Member

    Thanks mattbee. Have tried 100 acres from the railway before and it’s quite fun but as you say it never seems to dry out. Maybe now it’s a bit cooler the hoards of walkers will have freed up the gravel tracks and that could do the job.

    Free Member

    Tomato is the hottest substance known to man on homemade pizza or a toastie

    Free Member

    Thanks sp may have to give meon valley a shot, can take the children as well and try and lap them, well the 6yr old anyway, the 9 yr old will probably lap me at the moment.

    Note: if anyone sees a male or female riding a Cotic Rocket around Meon Valley country park in the next few weeks please keep the “over biked” quotes to a minimum 🙂 actually my wife could probably pull it off, so she can have that and I will take the Whippet.

    Free Member

    You are being rather coy there ATP, was it legal riding?

    Free Member

    Ahhh I know where you mean CG earlier in the year my long training rides from the front door used to take me as far as QECP on the South Downs, there was a short fun section just after Winchester hill just before you went down a steep section through fields before you hit a trout farm and camping place. Have a feeling that may kill me after 3 months without exercise but if it’s still rideable might just have to mtfu.

    Free Member

    Oh, and as for Lords Hill, isn’t that just for people who have the balls to remove the tyres fm the earth from time to time?

    Free Member

    Meon Valley CG? What’s there? Is that the country park? Very handy of it is but I had never considered it for riding, cheers.

    Free Member

    For planned rides sanctioned by the boss then within an hour of fareham. But ideally 40 mins drive so I can get out and back without being gurned at. Where on the border ATP?

    Free Member

    Mick, you need to get to grips with the fact that schools belive that one parent works and the other sits at home waiting for the school to text them and tell them when the next school trip, head lice outbreak, teacher training day, sports day morning/mid afternoon is. Once you understand that and one of you gives up your job then all will fall into place.

    Free Member

    Cheers all.

    Free Member

    It appears you cannot post the answer to a question either. Had a mate send me a question about the paint rub so I could post the answer on the listing but the tick box wasn’t active. Oh well, I guess all I can do is tell the winning bidder as soon as the auction ends and give them the option of not buying.

    Free Member

    I obviously need to work on how to word a post correctly to gain a reaction. We seem to have skipped over the emotional family aspect and moved straight back on to people looking for cheap holidays. It’s not all about that you know.

    Free Member

    My parents live in Spain, only home not second home before you paint yourselves a picture of wealth. We used to take our 2 out of school for two days each year to go and visit their grandparents and experience their life. They live I the countryside in a little village where very little English is spoken, the experience I feel is enriching for the children and for the family as a whole.

    This year they won’t be going. They are gutted, we are gutted, but that’s what the government now says is right. They will still see their grandparents as we will fly them over here as two flights are manageable but four aren’t. They will however miss out on the local Spanish folk making a fuss over them and teaching them bits of Spanish, they will miss out on the local wolf park where the cubs they saw last year will have grown. They won’t get to see the massive fossils at torcal, but hey, they will get to do free play and times tables the same as they do every other day.

    I’m following the rules but I am bitter.

    Free Member

    I am sure it will all be fine. I got issued with a fine once because my ticket had dropped off the window onto the floor. Just a quick email and all was sorted.

    Free Member

    Brilliant to see so many parents out with their children as well.

    Free Member

    I was dropped by just about everyone on the climbs 😳 have to hope for a decent winter to try and get some fitness back. Problem with this is that I am ok on the downs, more just stupidity than skill, but kept getting stuck behind the ones that passed me on the ups.

    Free Member

    I was amazed how busy it was, couldn’t get a car parking space for about 20 mins. You probably whizzed past me on your single speed as I laboured up the inclines, I did struggle a bit. Was on the Rocket as well which hasn’t seen the light of day for a while, and is a fair bit heavier than the hardtail. Great fun going down though.

    Free Member

    Well I went and I had fun. It’s been ages since I have been able to take the bike out as earlier this year I was training for the ride London 100 so lots of long cross country stuff and road work. Following that I got ill and haven’t ridden since until today.

    Skills are less than impressive so I chose the blue trail, was very rubbish on the first loop but the 2 nod and 3 rd were really good fun as I got to know the trail. Didn’t like the bit that had berms and twisty bits all on the flat but apart from that it was great.

    Am now wondering how much harder the red is????

    Free Member

    Thanks frankers. The vaude have a rubbish review on crc saying that the liner wears out, I am not bothered about the liner as will wear bib shorts, is the liner removable? Also what’s the fit like on the spray? Are they baggy around the crotch like the humvees?


    Free Member

    Thanks all. My current enduras have popper issues as well, I just put it down to my spare tyre but now I feel better

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps, that is my Sunday sorted out then. Just need to remind myself I haven’t ridden a mtb properly for 6 months and try not to hurt myself. I think it should be made compulsory that wives and children leave for at at least two weekends every year to allow this sort of luxury.

    Free Member

    Darn it! Those Gore looked perfect but alas they have sold out of large.

    Free Member

    Can’t see any branding on them other than endura logos so not 100% sure they are humvees (had them a fair while) but looking at the pics on tinterweb I think they are. Will look at the single tracks thanks

    Free Member

    Sorry, should have said I would like baggies that are not that baggy. Like having all the pockets.

    Free Member

    Ok i am convinced to give it a go when things get drier, in about 10 months by the look of things

    Free Member

    I am guessing that’s a bad thing?

    Free Member

    Thanks FM. Been out of it for a while and needed somewhere to have a bit of easy fun tomorrow but looking at the weather Tidworth probably isn’t the place. Working in Andover I think maybe next spring/summer will be the time to visit after work.

    Free Member

    I only ask as I stumbled upon a place near moors valley country park the other week and the jumps there would have killed me.

    Free Member

    Happy with it anywhere other than a motorway.

    Free Member

    Heard about this on the radio but that’s the first time I have seen the footage, bloody hell! Clean underwear required for certain. Does my head in, wonder if people like this ever, ever think of the consequences of their actions on other people. Imagine if she hadn’t been so lucky, how would the witnesses have felt, the train driver, and so on and so forth. Idiot!

    Ok rant over, sorry.

    Free Member

    I have a Saris Bones 3 which performs admirably on the hatchback but felt a little uncomfortable with 3 bikes on the saloon. No problem with 2 bikes though, solid as a rock. Pretty colours too.

    Free Member

    Well that’s 30 mins of my lifei won’t get back 😕

    Free Member

    You could do a loop of qecp red and then an out and back on the SDW heading towards Eastbourne and finish with another loop of the red. Nice mixed day with great views and some interesting Singletrack.

    Free Member

    Have been riding mostly road for the last few months in training for the London 100 this coming weekend. I have to say that the bits I enjoy are the visible increase in fitness, the speed you can travel at always makes me smile, and the feeling when you get one of those inclines that isn’t too steep and you can power up it, feels great.

    Saying all that. Am selling the damn bike the moment I finish the race due to the potholes and cars which will at some point cause me serious injury. I have missed my Rocket and can’t wait to get back on it.

    Free Member

    Thanks scotroutes, was only worried as I keep hearing tales of tires splitting and I wondered if this was how it starts. Be a bloody shame if a tyre stopped me collecting the charity money.

    Free Member

    In that case I am giving it away tomorrow.

    So is it a normal thing for road tyres to be covered in these then?

    Free Member

    Or this one[/url]

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