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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • johnj2000
    Free Member

    We need a voting thingy on here, but we don’t have one, so options as far as I see it are:
    Mess around on the trails at QECP.
    SDW ride from QECP.
    SDW ride from Cheesefoot(Winchester) including cg’s sneaky Singletrack bits.
    Kingley Vale as per last ride.

    Any advance on those options?

    Free Member

    @ wonkey donkey – genius!

    Free Member

    Sounds like it could work.i want to dip under 12 and am currently at 12.9, think it might be the way forward.

    Free Member

    @sadexpunk but that does sound like a maintenance plan rather than weight loss otherwise you would have vanished from sight after 3 yrs on it 😉

    Free Member

    Ok, I am putting this out there and am aware I maybe flamed. What on earth is a ‘huck’ and all those other terms used?

    Genuinely interested not trolling.

    Free Member

    I just need to post a thank you to Big Shep. One f the reasons it started this topic/thread was to try and get myself motivated by others riding in hants. Big Shep has got me out mid week round some local stuff that I couldn’t link together myself and it’s been great fun. Bit shit for him as he has t wait for me at the top of every hill but I am enjoying it and that’s all that matters really 🙂

    So, to build on this Hampshire riding love I think we need to get a group ride together like the one that happened a few weeks ago. How many of us could make either cheesefoot, QECP, Kingsley vale as a location? Date to follow when location decided.

    Free Member

    Ok a question, can you lose weight on the 16/8 without doing he fasted exercise? I am considering cmng off my current diet before reaching goal weight as I am sick to the back teeth of it. Problem is the chances of me exercising in the mornng is slim so just weighing up if I can eat away at the last 9lbs with the 16/8 or whether I need to stick tis out to goal weight and then use 16/8 to maintain?

    Free Member

    We have moved from windows laptop and airbook to a iMac we love it! Sits in the front room looking gorgeous and does everything required of it. We find the larger screen much better than the laptop and just use the ipad if we want portable. It bluetooths to everything so no real need to move it around, sounds like the same price as a laptop as well at around 1100

    Free Member

    The IF 16/8 seems a doable thing @cruzcampo. Thanks for pointing me in that direction, i will start that at during my holiday in a couple if weeks and see how it works out.

    Free Member

    Lovely pics do need to get out there again soon, maybe one night after work next week.

    Free Member

    Interesting stuff this. I am currently on a stupid diet, actually just broken it for a week but back on it tomorrow morning, and weight has been dropping off. Once I am back to the weight I want to be at which is sub 12st I need to find a way of maintaining and not gaining immediately, this thread may be the answer.

    Free Member

    Cheers all, I am staying with her at the moment and have my camelbak here so will get her to pop it on.

    Free Member

    Trying to convince on the backpack and bladder but she is adamant it has to be a frame mounted thing. Also it will only get used on this trip and then chucked in the garage.

    Free Member

    Is that a back pack? She is not wanting anything on her back so I was wondering about a frame bag but wasn’t sure if it would be big enough.

    Free Member

    I’m a bit confused by all this fasted riding. As far as I know the body carries, as stated above, a reserve of glycogen which is the fuel used first of all. Now I have heard it can take up to 3 days to get rid of this and for the body to start efficiently using fat as the fuel, so how can an early morning ride, following a day of normal eating, have anymore impact than riding in the evening? Also as soon as you eat anything, especially carbs, the body restores it’s glycogen levels and then stops using fat as fuel.

    The other thing I heard was that your glycogen can weigh up to 6lbs which accounts for people believing they are losing fat weight. Calories in versus calories out I think is the only way to lose weight, this is coming from someone who has just lost 25lbs by eating 600cals a day. Getting really really fed up of it now and another half stone to go.

    Free Member

    Which pub was that CG? Should have just had a pint 🙂

    Free Member

    Excellent stuff, I have numerous running related poo stories but none that can compete in the humour stakes like those^^^^^^^

    Free Member

    Did you do it CG? Sounds a lovely place to rest.

    Had an hour or so at QECP this evening with Big Shep, good fun and I managed to make a climb I have failed on all year, I was puffing like a 40 a day smoker by the time I reached the top! First time I have used strava at QECP and I now know how bloody slow I am lol. Oh, and and the highlight of the ride was the slowest crash on a mountain bike anyone has ever seen, it looked like something filmed by the ‘slo mo’ guys.

    Free Member

    E from the Eels. Spent an evening at the Barbican this week listening to his voice and loved it.
    Around 50 seconds
    Edit: actually around 1minute in.

    Free Member

    They do seem to play music to evoke emotion at everything these days. There will come a time when you reach for the last beer in the fridge and ‘that’ Elbow track will automatically play and bring you to tears.

    Free Member

    Kryten ” well twist my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska”

    Not sure why that one stuck with me but it still makes me giggle

    Free Member

    Makes his willy seem small when he holds it?

    Free Member

    Thanks all, other than the valve maintenance it looks like I have been doing ok

    Free Member

    It’s a good point br, the thing is though, I do find the shrader(sp) much less easy to break or bend and seems lower maintenance.

    Free Member

    Thanks cgg, will give those pressures a try. You may be right about the slime clogging but it’s not visible on the threads, best solution I can see is drilling out the rim to fit the other valve type.

    Free Member

    Enjoy the ride everyone

    Free Member

    I am feeling a little insecure, I wear baggy shorts over bibs or padded Lycra shorts. It’s not because I don’t have a bulge honest, I just like the pockets for stuff. That was until I fell off and my tyre leavers ripped my shorts but that’s another story.

    Anyone else run the combination outfit?

    Free Member

    Gahhhhh to late to edit. Didn’t sit on the sofa, the nappy woman was sat on the sofa!

    Free Member

    Just before my first born arrived I was out for a run, about a mile from home the pressure started, released a few test farts to see how serious the situation was whch eased the pressure a little. It soon became apparent there was now no room for pressure release and the next push was going to be serious. I hobbled walked, limped, minced my way home and about 100 yds away it fell out. Completely filled the inner liner in my shorts as I didn’t have underwear on and it swung between my legs as I walked.

    When I eventually reached my front door, with the package precariously balanced between my legs, I noticed we had a visitor. Entered the front room gingerly and sat on the sofa with my pregnant wife was the woman who comes round to sign you up for nappy trials! I shuffled upstairs to the bathroom and locked the door, drooped the shorts slowly, emptied into toilet, rinsed inner liner, and then bagged them and put to one side for a wash as soon as visitor had left.

    I later found out that a neighbour had seen me making my way home and asked my wife if I was ok as I was walking like I had just got off a horse!

    Never done it at work though.

    Free Member

    Can anyone advise of an off road route from cheesyfoot head to Andover? I fancy giving riding to work a bash but currently can only get as far as cheesy before I need to join a road and then subsequently the A34 which is never going to happen.

    Free Member

    Freedom Bikes were great with my Rocket build, I forget the guys name now but he seemed to be the main mechanic and he seemed to enjoy a bike chat, nice guy.

    Free Member

    Great ride tonight from titchfield abbey to wickham railway. Up into Bere forest and from there I am lost, little bit of road but mostly off road stuff, really enjoyed it despite my riding partner big Shep who cheats on hills. I have proof now that 29rs are massively quicker than 26rs on hills going up 😉

    Free Member

    For sale, one used knog blinder-1 not so careful owner……… 😉

    Will keep an eye out if I get up there this weekend, it’s been a while since I rode from cheesefoot.

    Free Member

    Sorry guys unless there is an act of god then the shopping trip will be going ahead and I will be single dad for the day. Enjoy the ride and let’s try and make it a regular thing, that is of course if you all get on 🙂

    Free Member

    Quite opinionated aren’t you bikebouy, I am sure you are lovely in real life.

    Free Member

    Did this last year, was really great, fab support from the crowds apart from the funny man on Box Hill cursing everyone. Food stops can get a bit crowded which is annoying if you are in it for a time, try and carry your own food, if you don’t want to get held up.

    The last bit into the Mall is awesome, everyone banging the hoardings and cheering, you are going to love it. I did it for a charity and they asked me to so a blog following the ride with tips for first time cyclists as it was the first road ride for me. Here is the link, bit cringeworthy but you might find some of it of use. Blog link[/url]

    Free Member

    Jealous now 🙁

    Free Member

    Your rides sound awesome bartimus 🙂

    Free Member

    My sentiments exactly

    Free Member

    I am feeling the pressure, not many 14-16″ bikes out there are there.

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