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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • johnellison
    Free Member

    50psi is not the recommended pressure – it’s a maximum pressure. I usually run mine at about 35 – 40psi.

    Free Member

    @vorlich – where was this BTW?

    Free Member

    Can members of the public detain someone under suspicion of handling stolen goods?

    In England and Wales, under Section 24A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act of 1984, for an indictable offence, any person can arrest anyone who is in the act of committing an offence, or whom the arrestor has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be in the act of committing an offence; or, where an offence has been committed, anyone who is guilty of that offence or whom the arrestor has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be guilty of it.

    So yes, you could have made a citizen’s arrest based on those two premises.

    However, you also have to meet the following conditions – 1) it appears to the person making the arrest that it is not reasonably practicable for a constable to make the arrest instead; and 2) the arrestor has reasonable grounds for believing that the arrest is necessary to prevent the person being arrested from causing physical harm to him/herself or others; from being subject to physical harm; causing loss of or damage to property; or the person absconding before a constable can take responsibility for them.

    So strictly speaking, you would have been within your rights because a) you suspected that an offence was being committed; b) it was not practical for a constable to make the arrest there and then; and c) you were concerned that the perp may abscond before a constable could take responsibility.

    Free Member

    He’s absolutely spot on – it’s called natural selection, survival of the fittest, etc. The weak die, the strong live. To go against that, i.e. to try to help the weak to live (or to preven them from dying), is against nature – it’s unnatural. It doesn’t happen elsewhere in nature.

    Free Member

    Pennine Powder Coaters at Eastwood? (Half-way between Hebden Bridge and Todmorden on the A646)

    Free Member

    Sheds. Not places for a bike. Something similar happened to me. Possibly opportunist though, sheds are easy targets and People will unscrew your shed door just to take a look inside and bingo, there is a shiny new bike for them to take. I don’t think the police take shed crime too seriously so the risk/reward ratio of burgling sheds is in the thiefs favour IMO.

    Do not keep your replacement bike in the shed again. They will wait for your insurance to come through and take another look inside in 6 months or so.

    Read my OP again – I know what you’re getting at but it wasn’t a complete bike, it was in build, literally just a rolling chassis with no drivetrain, seat or even tyres. It weighed the think end of 25lbs so it wouldn’t have been easy to carry. It was all parts that I’d bought off eBay for little or no money. There was other stuff in the shed which was more valuable and more “fence-able” such as hand tools and power tools.

    No other sheds or garages have been broken into and aside from my neighbour (who actually lives on the other side of the village, so it could be unrelated) who’s car was broken into, no other properties have been targetted. It’s impossible to see the shed from the road without venturing well onto the property.

    No, somebody knew what they were after and where it was.

    There’s a little bit of good news – the rozzers came within an hour of me reporting it and sent a CSI unit to photograph a very clear footprint which I found. The forensic guy knew immediately what make and type of shoe it was without even looking it up and even though he didn’t say it in as many words, he more or less intimated that he had a good idea who it might be…

    Free Member

    BTW – my neighbours car was broken into as well last night. Took his sat-nav out of the glovebox but left the expensive keyboard and PA gear in the boot…

    Free Member

    @Riksbar – wouldn’t surprise me in the least. If it was up to me that scrote would have been euthanised years ago, he can’t help himself. Lives up Brunshaw somewhere, I might go and have a tootle round this afters.

    Thanks for all your advice folks – FWIW I don’t keep my “good” bikes in the shed. It was a half-built Mythic which I was just going to use for mucking about, hardly any value, it had no tyres, seat or drivetrain and it weighed a tonne.

    I know what you’re saying about security folks but in all honesty there isn’t a lot more that I can do as regards where stuff is kept.

    Free Member


    Brilliant… 8O

    Free Member

    @Rusty Spanner – Cliviger mate, near the Kettledrum

    @binners – it really is mystifying. I haven’t told anyone about it or shown it to anyone. Like I say, my shed isn’t obvious from the road and they’ve touched nothing else. I have an enormous Snap-On type tool chest in there too, along with various other bike bits and bikes in various stages of build and it’s nothing else has been touched.

    Free Member

    I’m not being anti-Semitic here or anything

    Well I’m not am I? If I’d have said, Jews are responsible for all the ills in the world and should be punished for it, THAT would be anti-Semitic. But I didn’t say that. I have no problem with Jews.

    Go on, just saying WHAT exactly? I dare you.

    I’m saying, it seems that a lot of the people featured have Jewish ancestry. And why shouldn’t they?

    Free Member

    I’ll probably get hauled over the coals by the mods for this one, but a couple of years ago there were two Asian gentlemen in Nelson who could be seen swanning around in a BMW 3 series convertible with the registration PAK 1S. Fair play to ’em I say…

    Free Member

    A man goes to the bank for a loan to start a business. The bank manager asks what he intends to do.

    “I’m going to start a cafe, sell coffee to take out and call it ‘Starbucks’,” replies Mr. Man.

    “I think it’s been done already,” says the bank manager. “Come back when you have an original idea!”

    A week later, Mr. Man goes back to the bank. “You’ll love this one,” he says. “Me and the wife are going to open a cheap-as-chips supermarket, pile it high, sell it cheap sort of thing! We thought ‘Aldi’ might be a good name!”

    After a quick face-palm, the bank manager says, “I think it’s been done already. Come back when you have an original idea!”

    A month later, Mr. Man re-appears. “I’ve got it this time,” he tells the bank manager. “I’m going to start importing cheese, but not any old cheese!”

    At this the bank manager’s interest is piqued. “Go on…,” he says.

    “Well,” says Mr. Man, “all the cheese is going to be sourced from the Middle East, and one country in particular – Israel!”

    “Wow!” says the bank manager, “this is a great idea – I don’t know of such a niche cheese shop anywhere, so it could work. What are you going to call the business?”

    “Cheeses of Nazareth!”

    I’m here all week…

    Free Member

    The Ku Klux Klan?

    Free Member

    If the weather’s horrific

    go to the pub.

    Free Member

    Always fresh from the supermarket.

    Gah… no wonder then…

    Free Member

    You don’t think they’ve fully researched everyone months before deciding who to feature?

    I dunno but (and I’m not being anti-Semitic here or anything), over all the series that they’ve done, has anyone noticed how many of the subjects have ancestors who came to the UK as Jewish refugees escaping pogroms in Eastern Europe?

    Just saying. Is all.

    Free Member

    Nominal width from shoulder to shoulder. Varies greatly, a 2.2 Continental won’t be the same width as a 2.2 Schwalbe. Probably.

    Free Member

    Clogged injector/s? Try sticking a tub of STP injector cleaner through it at the next fill-up and then go and cane the tits off it.

    Free Member

    I have an ancestor who was taken hostage by the Jacobites in Kendal as they retreated North after the 45. He was arrested by the English as a collaborator and died of typhoid fever in Carlisle Castle in 1747!

    Free Member

    Is it still the landowners problem on a PROW?

    Yes. The landowner is responsible for keeping PRoWs open and accesible at all times.

    Free Member

    It was FP, but not private land, I think

    Doesn’t matter if it’s private land, a PRoW is a PRoW. Report it. You were on foot walking your dog, remember?

    Free Member

    Paramo Velez Lite. Shop around for a decent price. Not ultra packable, but still stuffs down into a fairly small space.

    Free Member

    Serious question, but whats wrong with jump starting modern cars?

    Far more electronics in “modern” cars – if you got it wrong in the past, you might need a new battery or alternator diode; get it wrong now and you’ll fry all sorts of components = massive repair bills.

    Most cars include instructions for emergency boosting in the owners manual, but it isn’t to be recommended regularly.

    Free Member

    Have you looked at a map?

    You’re at one of the main access points for High Street – head east up onto The Knott and then North on High Street. When you get to The Cockpit above Pooley Bridge, double back to Martindale then follow the bridleway that hugs the shore of Ullswater down to Rooking and back to Hartsop.

    A shorter alternative would be to head North from Hartsop and over Boredale Hause down to Martindale, either than or over Bedafell Knott onto Martindale Common.

    Be warned that the weather forecast for this weekend in the North West is atrocious. Plus whatever the weather, this area is red-sock central.

    Free Member

    I have a Marz 66 & 888

    Details? May be interested…

    Free Member

    I have a small torch from them which I use as a helmet light mounted to a Lock-Block, used as a backup to my MagicShine. It’s also bright enough to use as a commuter light. Good service, excellent goods.

    Free Member

    Sealskinz work very well. Not perfect, but about a million times better than no sealskinz.


    No experience of Goretex’s own version but I don’t venture out off-road (or even on foot) in winter without my SealSkinz.

    I’ve tried the Lite and Mid Lite versions. The Lites aren’t up to much but my calf-length Mid Lites are the dog’s dangly bits.

    And if you do get water in them (which is 99 times out of 100 due to going over the top of them) the “wetsuit” effect kicks in fairly quickly.

    Free Member

    I used to use an Onza Porcupine 1,95 on the front and a Smoke 1,75 on the rear. Awesome combo. I refused point blank to use ground controls simply because everyone else was using them. Plus you couldn’t get them in blackwall.

    Free Member

    Been using Mountain Kings for years, both the old design and the new. I just use the bog-basic folding version and the only criticism that I can level at them is that they seem to wear quickly.

    Other than that, no issues – a lot of people seem to feel that they puncture easily, or that the sidewalls are prone to tearing but I can honestly say that I’ve never had these issues (except one of the old ones which blew out but I’d been kicking the arse out of it anyway and it was due replacement).

    They’re possibly not the grippiest tyre on the market but they do roll quickly, even the 2,4″ version. The only time I swap them is in summer when I put a set of Maxxis High Roller Semi-Slicks on if the ground is dry and hard-packed.

    Free Member

    Weather forecast is atrocious for Sunday…. Pub and Super Sunday it is then.

    Free Member

    I need to tidy up the landy roof and I have four new doors that need priming and painting. Im getting a quote from a local paintshop, but It’s going to be difficult convincing them that this is for an agricultural finish, not concourse… and that I want to do as much prep work as possible to keep the cost down.

    Spray cans will cost an arm and a leg.

    Have you considered spray-on vinyl?

    Just done the boot lid of my MR2 which was a mis-match for the rest of the car. £35 all in, no prep needed other than wiping down the old paint with prep cloths. No polishing at the end either cos it’s a matt finish. Don’t like it? Peel it off! Easy.

    Check out CarDip UK – link HERE[/url]

    Free Member

    Measure the diameter? If it’s 5mm, M5; if it’s 6mm M6. Standard lengths for all metric fasteners are either 12,0mm or 16,0mm.

    Free Member

    MOD: Image removed due to malware (link) are a possibility.

    Not a million miles from Inners/Glentress either…

    Free Member

    Could have been a child’s face.

    (Irony alert) And don’t be so ridiculous – since when did helmets actually prevent injury, let alone save lives…?? 8O

    Free Member

    The wording on the Shimano website is wrong.

    That’s where I picked it up from. I stand corrected…

    Free Member

    If you can get the golds, go for them. The damping is way better than the Silver. I have personal experience.

    Free Member

    Clip on wheel trims?

    Free Member

    Er, yes… 8O

    Free Member

    I have a Velez Light which I use most all year round except in summer. It’s probably the best outdoor jacket I’ve ever bought and I’ve had a few in my time. It’s four years old now and not looking remotely worn or lost any of it’s proofing. Wash twice a year in Nikwak Tech-Wash and you’re laughing.

    As others have said, they’re a bit warm for layering except in the depths of winter, but there is plenty of ventilation options so it’s not a difficult job to regulate warmth.

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