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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • johnellison
    Free Member

    ebay has them

    True, but unless you’re happy to pay for carbon it’s difficult to find a decent moly or aluminium pair. I nearly bought a set then realised at the last minute they were made of gas pipe.

    Free Member

    It’s relative. I love football almost as much as I love mountain biking/cycling. However I spend way more on cyclign than on football.

    A good mate of mine eats, sleeps and breathes football – he castigates me for spending thousands on a single bike, yet he will happily spend £200 on a pair of football boots. Mine cost £12 from Sports Direct and have lasted two seasons.

    It’s like anything else – if you want the best (and lets face it, who DOESN’T aspire to wanting the best of everything?) then you will quite happily find the means to fund it if you can. And if you can’t you set your sights on it and work like blazes to get it.

    As far as seeing Asian/black kids on bikes – there is a school of thought that some ethnic groups see the bicycle not as a leisure tool but as a poor man’s means of transport. As most of these groups have immigrated to the UK to try to improve their lot, they see the bicycle as a symbol of poverty, and aspire to greater things. This is why most of them are in cars almost from the point that they can reach the pedals.

    Free Member

    Yep, new seals deffo. Check stanchions for any damage too.

    Free Member

    Depending upon how bad it is, are you sure that it can be trued?

    That aside, you should’t really need much more than a spoke key – if you leave the wheel in the frame (assuming your frame has a symetrical back end) you can use use either the seat- or chain-stays as reference points.

    If you can do it that way, then you’ll need a proper truing stand and possibly a dish tool as well.

    It isn’t that difficult to do, you’ve just got to be slow and steady about it. The temptation is to loosen (or tighten) spokes a lot at a time, but eve 1/4 turn on each spoke can make a difference.

    Free Member

    Where’s Mr Sparkle when you need him??!!

    Free Member

    I know a good place to park in Keswick. For free…;-)

    Free Member

    It’s like anything else – generally, if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

    Cheap gegs are OK if you don’t mind having to replace them every six months or so when the lenses get scratched, frames snap or whatever.

    I love Oakleys, but they are definitely one of those investments that may seem like an enormous expense at the time but it really is worth it in the long run IMHO. The optical clarity of the lenses is far superior and they are more scratch/breakage resistant (except the Iridium lenses, you have to look after these like your life depends on it). Spares are easily available too.

    As for them only being made for midgets, not true. Depends what model you get – if you have a big head, go for Radars. I have a pair of Radars for on the bike and a pair of Oil Drums for casual. Both are great and well worth the wonga.

    Free Member

    I once tried to store a deadone in my neighbour’s garden. He said, “you can’t leave that lyin’ there!”

    I said, “It’s not a lion, it’s a giraffe.”


    Free Member

    TBH honest I wouldn’t bother with any of them. Way too much good natural riding in the area to even contemplate.

    Free Member

    I have THESE.

    If anything they’re too warm. Not guarenteed waterproof but they keep the worst of it off unless it’s lagging it down.

    Free Member

    Is it just a case of getting straight back on the saddle and riding?

    Yes, and the sooner the better, but as others have said it’s a case of softly softly catchy monkey.

    Obviously you’re going to be pretty stiff and sore for a while, but as soon as you feel able to, go for a gentle potter. Build it up as you start to feel more confident, but don’t go too big too soon!

    Free Member

    The best way round Gisburn is the A65 and on up to the Lakes…

    Free Member

    I have an HTC One Mini. It’s pretty good (so far) – not as big as some “phablets” like the HTC One or Galaxy S4, but bigger than an iPhone or my old Motorola Defy.

    The only downside that I’ve found so far is that a) it’s “monoblock” construction – that is to say you can’t get into it, so if the battery goes down the pan or anything else of that nature, it’s fubarred; and b)it can’t be voice controlled which is a pain in the car.

    Stick with the Android operating system if you can. I don’t know anybody who has anything good to say about iOS ro Windows Mobile.

    Free Member

    What a bunch of unpleasant c*cks hang around on this forum.

    There’s quite a number of bleeding-heart weepy hand-wringers, too.

    I think the Mods should consider a policy of just blocking mccann threads as soon as they start.


    Free Member

    At risk of getting flamed (again)…

    Have a look at the e-fits. Now Google “Jerry McCann” and look at the photos of him that are returned.

    Is it just me or do those e-fits bear more than a passing resemblence???

    Free Member

    FWIW I very rarely get anyone stopping or slowing down of any sort if I’ve stopped to mend a puncture, admire the view, spew my guts up (especially if it’s a Sunday morning hangover ride…).

    That said, I do a) tend to look like I know what I’m doing and b) tend to look like I might stab them in the head at the slightest provocation, so I guess it’s justified…

    Free Member

    We’re allowed on dual carriageways which don’t have a hard shoulder but do have a 70mph limit. Riding on one of those wouldn’t arrouse any criticism.

    Unless it’s dark, you’re dressed in black carrying a less-than-helpful set of lights. See the “I Nealry Killed a Cyclist Thread” for details.

    Free Member

    10 days to see a GP! Is that normal where you are?

    Utterly ridiculous, isn’t it?

    Last time I rang to make an appointment (persistent cough after a dose of man-flu), the receptionist asked if it was an emergency. Being in one of those moods, I said that I didn’t know and that was why I wanted to see a doctor!

    She said four days, I said I could be dead by then for all I know. So I got an appointment that afternoon.

    Free Member

    Dammit. I had high hopes for this thread after mis-reading the title… 8O

    Free Member

    Drop his name and let the hive mind discredit him for you.

    I would but he has a habit of instigating libel cases…

    Free Member

    He’s an idiot and that’s probably why he’s no longer in management

    This sentiment has been voiced by others in the past…

    Does he actually scout for EPL teams

    Yes he does, I know this to be true.

    Free Member

    Probably because the unprepared will expect the broom wagon to be along at any moment. MTBers don’t have that luxury so we have to look after ourselves.

    That said, it’s the old “taking responsibility for your own actions” chestnut again isn’t it? No doubt said rider will be having a moan at the organisers for not providing more broom wagons, scattering thorns on the road, making it rain, etc., etc.

    Free Member

    the little plastic clips that connect your brake hose or cable to he frame

    and where do I buy them ?

    Hose clips? Bike shop?

    Free Member

    Are all pregnant women nuts?

    Yes. You needed to ask?

    Free Member

    I think it’s probably far more prevalent than people think – unfortunately the British are great at grumbling but often refuse to take any action. It’s also quite noticable in threads like this that the OP is hardly ever prepared to name and shame.

    This is why personally I have learned to do virtually all the bike maintenance/fiting/repair jobs that I can do, myself.

    Free Member

    Put ’em in the magazine skip at my local council recycling centre.

    Free Member


    All my last four bikes have been bought mail order, on 0% finance, from Sunset Cycles in Swansea. I live in Burnley, Lancs. Never had a problem. Go for it.

    Free Member

    There’s also the issue that many of the ones claiming poverty are also the ones who have fridges full of Kestrel Super Strenght and smoke 20 Mayfair Menthols a day. Probably have Sky TV and go to Magaluf once a year.

    I’m not saying that there aren’t genuine cases, but a lot of people need to get their priorities straight.

    An awful lot people also seem to think that eating ready meals is cheaper than preparing your own food. It isn’t, by a long shot.

    Free Member

    I didn’t even know about that enterprise award until I read about it in that article I stopped buying the Burnley Express years ago,far too depressing.I’ve lived here 43 years and nothing winds me up more than having to go into town on a week day during working hours and seeing the number of piss heads in the pubs or walking round with cans of super strength cider.
    I’ve worked in areas of the town that used to be nice and are nothing more than slums now full of smack heads but there are a lot of nice areas and you only have to travel 5 minutes outside town for some fantastic riding in great countryside.

    If you think Burnley’s bad, take a trip to Accrington, Blackburn, Rochdale or Oldham. Burnley’s like Biarritz by comparison.

    Free Member

    Burnley back in the news,great stuff – soon the tourists will start flooding back.
    Not sure about a failing city,it’s a small town at best although granted it is on it’s arse – with the exception of Wetherspoons natch

    We’re in a far better state than some of the the other towns in the area. It would also appear that some people have very short memories – Burnley was declared “Most Enterprising Town 2013” about 6 weeks ago.

    Free Member

    when I put my finger in and move them round

    Oh god, just spotted this…Fnarr-o-meter off the scale…. :lol:

    Free Member

    If you have dismantled the hub you may have re-assembled it with the spacer in the wrong position, the spacer prevents the free-hub tightening against the main hub body when you re-assemble and refit the cassette with the lock nut, recheck this before you ride out again as the chances are you will wreck the hub, the hope web site has exploded diagrams which show the correct sequence to reassemble.

    ^ This.

    All to easy to get wrong. And don’t fill the hub with grease or it won’t work at all. A dab of light oil is all it needs (I use Bisley gun oil!).

    Free Member

    About 650 seconds. I find I connect with the beer more.

    Is that 650b seconds? Or 27.5 inch seconds?

    Free Member

    There is a byway that we use where quite often a car or two will be sitting. I don’t tend to look at what’s going on in there, but there are some very herbal smells coming out occasionally. I usually avoid this byway if I’m on my own.

    Unlikely you’ll get attacked by dope smokers. Bored to death, yes…

    Free Member

    Is that a yes it will fit?thanks.

    Read Mbnut’s post again – if it’s a 68 or 73mm BB shell then you should be OK (use appropriate spacers when fitting cranks to fine-tune chain line).

    If it’s 83mm (which it isn’t) then you may struggle UNLESS the crank is for an 83mm BB shell, in which case it won’t fit a 68 or 73mm shell…

    Free Member

    I think a lot of it is down to preference again.

    Back in the day I had cranks that fell off and creaked on square taper, and I had cranks that didn’t. I broke/bent some square taper axles, others were fine.

    Similarly I’ve had cranks that fell off and creaked on outboard BBs, and I had cranks that didn’t.

    I’ve never broken or bent an outbard BB spindle though.

    The main issue is bearing life. The further apart a pair bearings are, the better that they will support axial loads, so theoretically they should last longer.

    However, both Shimano and RaceFace outboard BBs were notorious for having cheese bearings although I believe. Hope are way superior though.

    Horses for courses though, innit?

    Free Member

    They are either big and black and look like shadows until you hit one or little and camouflaged and multiple and have big black mums who chase you.

    I’ve been ticked off by the mods for posting less offensive things than this… 8O

    Free Member

    I took them back to sports direct tonight and they said that they cannot exchange them without the receipt, box or a copy of a card statement (she paid cash).

    She insists that this is wrong.

    Unfortunately, it’s your wife who’s in the wrong. Sports Direct are under no obligation to give a refund, especially after six weeks.

    You aren’t legally required to produce a receipt to get a refund, but neither is the trader obliged to offer a refund, replacement or credit note AT THIS STAGE. Had it happened after a couple of days, then fair enough, but in this case it seems like it’s tough titty. They would have a fairly good argument that the goods were of merchantable quality and fit for purpose at point of sale and for a reasonable period afterwards, but six weeks? I doubt it…

    The only thing that you could do is raise it with Adidas UK, but I suspect that you may have no luck there either – I suspect that they may not be genuine UK spec goods. I once bought a pair of what appeared to be Nikes from Sports Direct and while they have lasted there is absolutely no way they’re the genuine article.

    Lots of good advice HERE

    Free Member

    Sram 10 spd mech + Sram 9 spd shifter = DOESN’T WORK

    Sram 9 spd mech + Sram 10 spd shifter = DOESN’T WORK

    Trust me, I’ve tried, and guess what? IT DOESN’T WORK!!

    Free Member

    Manuals are available by download from the RockShox/Sram website.

    Rock Shox are a piece of piddle to work on, plus unlike some other brands you don’t need any special tools (and by that, I mean, unique to the brand).

    Thinks like circlip pliers and o-ring picks are about as specilist as it gets.

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