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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • johnellison
    Free Member

    And you still got it wrong.

    (Rear windscreen can be completely blacked out)

    Dammit, rumbled… :oops:

    That said, I still don’t think it’s a good idea. My MR2 has a tint film in the rear screen which I keep threatening to take out. I can’t see much out of it at the best of times because of the spoiler and the tint really doesn’t help especially at night.

    Free Member

    Out of the blue one of the desk jockies had suddenly decided we all need to wear hi viz all the time. Currently it is mandatory in low light conditions only as a sensible compromise.

    We would like to keep it how it is. Are there any good arguments for/against? I feel making it mandatory would deter some users, so be an overall negative.

    If they are asking you to wear hi-viz at all times during working hours and on company premises, I don’t see what argument you have against it. It’s a reasonable request – it’s not like they’re asking you to do something illegal or immoral.

    Your employer may feel that it is in their best interests to reduce the risks to you as cyclists on company property.

    I can’t see an issue here.

    Free Member

    Supply and demand, innit?

    More cars are built than mid- to high-end motocross bikes. Bulk cost of materials goes down, = cars are cheaper.

    More mid- to high-end motocross bikes are built than high-end mountain bikes. Bulk cost of materials goes down, = motocross bikes have a comparable cost.

    More people buy cars than buy motocross bikes than buy high-end mountain bikes.

    We seeing a pattern yet?

    Free Member

    I am in favour of increased designation of such areas but a blanket right to roam over the whole country is a bad idea.

    Why do think that? Works wonderfully in Scotland. When you get used to the Scottish system, the English one seems absurd.

    Back to the old argument – population density.

    Scotland has a far lower density of population than England does, and there aren’t as many proper wilderness areas in England.

    I know that a lot of Scotland is managed estates, but even so there are huge areas where you are unlikely to come in to conflict with anyone. About the only area that you can say the same about in England is large parts of Northumberland.

    Free Member

    ive never felt pulsing for buckled rotors.

    But it would show up like that…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    @Liftman – that only applies to vehicle first used before 1 April 1985 –

    LINK to government website…

    Free Member

    Whatever you do, bear in mind that the front side windows (i.e. passenger and driver doors) cannot legally have anything more than a 30% tint. Front and rear windscreens cannot be any more than 25%.

    Free Member

    Agree – I’d settle for the same rights as walkers & horse riders.

    We do have the same rights as horse riders.

    In England we have access areas, for example in parts of the Surrey Hills. I am in favour of increased designation of such areas but a blanket right to roam over the whole country is a bad idea.

    Access Areas are only available for access on foot, not by bike or horse.

    Free Member

    What was that American cold war spy plane that was faster than any Russian missile, was it Bluebird??

    Almost, it was the Lockheed-Martin SR-71 Blackbird –

    It was at the time the highest-flying, fastest air-breathing aircraft ever built – on the same day in July 1976, two separate SR-71s set the records – one reaching an altitude of 85,069 feet, the other reaching a maximum speed of Mach 3.3 or 2193.2mph.

    The SR-71 also holds the record for the fastest flight from London – New York in around 1 hour 54 minutes – Concorde’s best was 2 hours 52 minutes!!

    They used to fly them out of Mildenhall in Suffolk.

    Free Member

    I have had a few too many close encounters on the slippery rural back roads


    You are Stan Colleymore and I claim my £5…

    Free Member

    <double sigh>

    You could, but I thought you agreed with my suggestion that that was an anachronism? If you’re going to accept it is reasonable to ride on FPs, why some other arbitrary limit?

    Just because we feel that something is an anachronism doesn’t mean that we can ignore the consequences of going against it.

    I feel that the 70mph speed limit on motorways is an unjustified anachronism, because the car that I drive is capable of twice that speed and can stop a hell of a lot faster than the cars of fifty-odd years ago when the limit was introduced. But I choose to abide by what is expected of me because I am not prepared to accept the possible consequences of doing otherwise.

    Again, I agree with you that not having a right to cycle on public footpaths is an anachronism. As I have stated, I do it myself albeit rarely. I am prepared to accept the possible consequeunces of doing so.

    But the fact remains that just because we think that something is an anachronism, it doesn’t give us licence to act as we see fit if it inconveniences others.

    Free Member

    It is not illegal to ride a bike on a footpath.

    Quite correct, of course. I should have said that we have no right to cycle on public footpaths. An offence is only committed where local bye-laws or traffic restriction orders are in place whih specifically prohibit it.

    Free Member

    Probably not, as if they did, my people would have to kill your people…..

    Always assuming that they don’t drown beforehand… :roll:

    Free Member

    Flubber? Oh no, that wasn’t real…

    Free Member

    Most likely police with blues and twos going – may have been a CO19 training operation in conjunction with the other security service.

    The other people just DO NOT draw attention to themselves. If they’re out in traffic they’ll just cut you up and tell you to **** off if you say anything.

    Before anyone asks, I know people. Oh yes I do.

    Free Member

    I could of course also nit-pick with you


    Free Member

    But I’d have noted the individuals and the vehicle registrations and reported to the police.

    ^This – that’s threatening behaviour, threat of violence and threat to commit an offence (i.e. theft). Police should have been informed.

    Free Member

    What is your definition of “over using” FPs, and do you have a similar one for “over using” BWs? My point is that the difference is purely arbitrary as far as bike riders are concerned.

    I don’t have a definition, but you could argue that ANY use of a public footpath on a bicycle is over-use, since it is illegal.

    By that logic, I can argue that anyone using a bridleway in a motorvehicle is over-using it.

    Free Member

    After a long ride, I find that a chocolate milkshake like a Frijj or a Mars Milk does make quite a difference, in that I don’t get the aches and pains that I would if I didn’t have one. It’ll certainyl tide you over until the next meal time at any rate.

    Free Member

    Looks like RAL2000 (Yellow Orange) or RAL2008 (Bright Red Orange).

    Without getting a colour chart next to it in flat light it’s difficult to tell really.

    You could try taking it to an industrial paint supplier and matching it against a proper chart.

    Free Member

    Dutch footballers are always a good source of names –

    Denis (Bergkamp)
    Jordi (Cruyff)
    Dirk (Kuyt)
    Ruud (Gullit or van Nistelrooy)
    Clarence (Seedorf)
    Wesley (Sneijder)
    Frank (de Boer)
    Edwin (van der Saar)

    are all good dog names. He looks like a Jordi to me…

    Free Member

    the victor looks very menacing up close!

    Wasn’t the Victor the longest-serving aircraft that the RAF possessed? in service for something like fifty years IIRC, they still used them as tankers up to about 2003.

    Free Member

    just not sure I understand your point about “taking liberties”

    What I’m getting at is that some individuals over-use public footpaths and do not (or cannot) see the potential conflict with legitimate users; if anyone challenges them, they get on their high horse and start shouting the odds, which does the rest of us no favours.

    As I have already said, I feel that a lot of this attitude is born of laziness, lack of consideration for others and ignorance, wilful or otherwise.

    When I started riding off-road about 25 years ago, I took the trouble to find out where I could and could not ride legitimately, with the help of a little reading and an OS map. It took about 10 minutes to establish the facts and to start planning routes on a map. I don’t understand why people cannot do this now, especially now that information is so much more readily available.

    Free Member

    The Me262 also first few 9 moths before the Meteor.



    And the Heinkel He178 flew nearly four years before the Me262 (1939 compared to 1943)…


    Free Member

    heating may effect heat treatment.

    Doubt it. Aluminium frames are heat treated after welding to stress relieve and normailise – the heat used is much higher than that used for powder coating.

    Free Member

    You get what you pay for. Mid range Shimano/Race Face external BBs are hopeless (no pun intended).

    Shell out some decent wonga and bye-bye bearing blues. No complaints with Hope.

    Free Member

    she is black and from Germany

    So were the SS…

    Free Member

    Ask yourself these questions –

    – Do I hate myself?
    – Do I hate everyone else?
    – Do I ride a road bike?

    If you can answer “yes” to any two or more of the above questions, then yes – you are a roadie.

    Free Member

    I’ll repeat my comment above, johnellison. Bicycles not being allowed on FPs is an anachronism for which there is no real justification in the vast majority of cases (if not all).

    I don’t disagree. But the fact remains that currently, it is not legal to ride a bicycle on a public footpath (and yes, I am aware that trespass is a civil tort). Until the law changes, if we choose to use public footpaths we must at least be polite and humble about it if anyone challenges us, and be prepared to move over and let those who currently have a legitimate right to be there exercise that right without hindrance.

    My point is, that in my opinion an awful lot of cyclists take liberties when it comes to public footpaths and then act all hurt when they are challenged. Given the prevailing attitudes I would say that these individuals are generally either lazy, wilfully ignorant, or both. In my book, laziness and ignorance are not valid arguments for the defence.

    I ride on public footpaths very occasionally, but I only do it where I know that there is little or no likelihood of coming into conflict with anyone, and if I do I have the good grace to admit that I’m in the wrong and promise not to do it again (whether I mean it or not).

    Free Member

    I am considerate to other users be it footpath, bridleway or cheeky.

    There is nothing else to say, really. There are always one or two tossers about.

    ^This. But there’s more than one or two tossers – I’d say a worryingly large majority who seem to think that they own the countryside.

    I’m not doubting that there are some areas of the country where bridleways and other legitimate non-trail centre riding is thin on the ground – I’m lucky, I live in an area which is rddled with good, legal trails but I do think that a lot of people are just lazy and take the proverbial when it comes to cheeky trailage, expecting everyone else to accomodate them, instead of the other way around.

    Free Member

    90F = 32C

    But if it is 90C you’re washing it at then it’s probably borked.

    I only ever hand-wash mine.

    Free Member

    Cheers chaps, looks like I won’t be bothering because it’s not a turbo, just a UK spec 3SGE.

    Wrapping your manifold will void it’s warranty. You cannot see any cracks, and the wrap will hold moisture making your manifold rust quicker.

    TBH, I’ve no idea how long the manifold’s been on and who put it there. It isn’t stainless, so I think a cermaic coat will probably be the easiest option.

    The guy I bought it off was a bit of well-meaning nobber, I think he liked bolting shiny things on it without really giving any thought to how it should be set up – it had a JapSpeed back-box on when I bought it which made it run like a sack of shit because he’d probably never had it tuned properly. It’s run 100% better since I replaced it with a more or less standard unit.

    Free Member

    *Puts kettle on. Opens biscuits…*

    Free Member

    Iceland isn’t expensive – Prawn rings for a £1, Pizzas two for one. They even do delivery these days.

    Bit weird you’ve chosen a cut-price frozen foods store for your jollys, though…

    Free Member

    Nope. Sorry. With Clarkson all the way on this one. Morgan deserves everything he gets.

    Free Member

    Like the people who buy a Volvo ’til it dies

    In the correct hands, the correct model of Volvo will never die. The Catholic church actually suppressed the Gospel of St. Sven of Uppsala who maintained that the Creation was actually 8 days long, not 7 – the seventh day was actually Volday, when god created Volvos…

    Free Member

    Try taking it out and caning it. If that doesn’t work, if you feel competent to do it try removing the EGR plenum chamber and cleaning all the gack out of it. It works wonders.

    Free Member

    I know it’s not this years model, but my 2010 bike is still fitted with it’s OEM Fox 36 Floats. No issues to report.

    Free Member

    Can’t say I’ve noticed much in the way of unwarranted sensationalism in the media – how were they supposed to report it?

    Did you see the BBC Breakfast news this morning? Given the fact that it’s now produced in Salford, it was virtually saturation (no pun intended) coverage of the Armageddon and devastation that was occurring South of a line from Lowestoft to Fishguard.

    No mention of the fact that from the North Midlands Northwards it was just a bit breezy and it was raining a bit.

    I know that the media and particularly the BBC have a duty to keep the general populace informed but the way that it was done was sensationalist to the verge of panic-mongerming.

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