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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • johnellison
    Free Member

    Go Outdoors currently have a 5 degree Mountain Hardwear bag for £60 (only weighs 1kg too!), which is excellent value and good for spring/summer/autumn

    I’ve got one. Crazy warm. £50 from Blacks.

    Free Member

    Those last ones don’t look like they have much by way of adjustment. Can’t say I’d be terribly happy with cleats I couldn’t reposition.

    The adjustment is in the cleat, not the shoe. Not like an off-road shoe.

    Free Member

    I have THESE. Proper carbon sole, rigid as. Got them for £30 off eBay. No problems with comfort or fit. Uppers are a bit tacky but they’ll do the job until I can justify a pair of Sidis.

    Free Member

    Never had a problem with any Avid brakes and I’ve had Juicy 5s, Juicy 3s and Elixir 5s (2 sets).

    I’ve never had to bleed any of them (and I can’t understand why you’d need to unless you’ve boiled them or had the circuit open for some reason) and never had problems changing pads.

    Only downer for me is that they can be a bugger to centralise the calipers if you need to remove/refit them for any reason.

    Free Member

    Deffo DB every time. More eleastic stretch than PG so less likely to fail at the head. PG are false economy.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure that’s not the case but I’m not first aid trained.

    I am. It is.

    Obviously as a first aider/first responder you can only recommend what the casualty does (unless they’re a) in no fit state to judge for themselves or b) to do otherwise would put them in more danger), but where a child is concerned if they’ve had a reasonable knock on the head I’d rather trust professional opinion.

    Free Member

    If you’ve ever trained in First AId, you’ll know that the rule is wherever a blow to the head is involved, it’s a trip to A&E every time, even if there is no obvious injury. With a child I’d say it’s even more important.

    Obviously if it’s just a slight bump then it may be overkill but a significant fall like that is potentially major trouble. It can take 24 hours for concussion to set in.

    If it happens in a public place and/or you feel uncomfortable about the potential for a grilling, see if you can get an independent witness to back up your story.

    Personnally I think the grilling was justified. HAd you acted immediately then it probably wouldn’t have been.

    The kids’ well being is more important than a grilling from Social Services.

    Hear, hear – after all your children are your most treasured possession. Aren’t they??

    Free Member

    VW Golf? Skoda Fabia? Seat Ibiza?

    Free Member

    Cheers chaps, looks like SwissStop it is!!

    Free Member

    North Face Trail in Grizedale, provided they’ve re-opened/repaired the missing/damaged bits and finished felling operations. Or if they haven’t, just patch together what bits you can with fireroad.

    Free Member

    i need coffee to stay interested looking in boring meetings

    Ha! I know the feeling – unfortunately I work with the two dullest people in North Yorkshire so it does help in that department!!

    Free Member

    Don’t worry about it – as a motorcycle-racing pal of mine says, if you haven’t go both wheels on the deck you’re not going fast enough.

    I’ve never been able to manual, hasn’t stopped me in 25 years of MTBing.

    Free Member

    I doubt if Russia or China would pre-empt a DPRK first stike.

    Possibly but I think even the Chinese are getting pished off with them now – after all, it’s China that’s been pushing for the latest round of sanctions, and the Russians have agreed to it.

    China and Russia are permanent members of the security council and it’s usually one, other or both that prevaricates.

    Free Member

    The US has Patriot batteries in South Korea, the Philippines and on Okinawa. Any missile launch by the north could be neutralised within minutes of starting. That said, Patriots aren’t quite as effective as they make out.

    On the other hand, the US, China and Russia aren’t exactly daft. They’ll have tabs on just about every potential launch site and mobile launcher that the North possesses. Any signs of preparations for launch and ka-blammo!!

    Also, don’t think that because the North is belligerent they are stupid enough to follow up the words with deeds. I think that even Tubby McFatfuck realises that it would be curtains if they started anything.

    Free Member

    Don’t get that with 26″ wheels… 8O

    I’ll get me coat…

    Free Member

    I know you’ve said not Europe but seriously, look at Eastern Europe, Croatia and Slovakia are worth a visit.

    Is your gf blonde by the way? North African men are obsessed with blonde Caucasian women…

    Or just come to Burnley for a few weeks, it’s like living on the North West Frontier… 8O

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Geezer Butler is a vegan and never swears. Presumably because he’s too weak…

    Free Member

    Meh. I smell troll.

    Free Member

    It therefore lasts longer than gtx

    It also remains waterproof if you puncture it, which a membrane does not.

    Free Member

    I think he was talking about people from Saddleworth.

    I stand corrected, said the man in the orthopaedic shoes. But Glossop is definitely full of strange people too. Take my mother for one…

    Free Member

    Paintball guns are great.

    Free Member

    and is populated by strange people.

    My mother’s from Glossop. Nuff said…

    Free Member

    Don’t be ham-fisted with it. Take a quarter-turn of each nipple at a time, and don’t forget to loosen/tighten opposing spokes (i.e., if you tighten one to pull the rim one way, loosen it’s opposite number slightly).

    When you’ve finished, put on a pair of thick gloves and grab a handful spokes before giving them a good squeeze to even things up. The recheck for true and finally give each spoke a “twang” to make sure that you’ve no very loose/tight ones.

    Free Member

    Get on eBay, see if you can find any Camera Care Systems (CCS) bags. They were originally made for the British Antarctic Survey and are absolutely bomb-proof. Unfortunately they are no longer made but you can occasionally pick up NOS or very good second hand. Not cheap though.

    Free Member

    And Haribos! Winner!

    Free Member

    Apparently light from computer / TV screens is concentrated at the blue end of the spectrum, i.e. more like daylight than other sources of artificial light.

    Correct, and this stimulates production of serotonin. Serotonin in the brain governs how much you sleep – more serotonin = less sleep.

    Free Member

    Oh for sure, just had images of someone setting up a ‘Buffalo Soldiers Bikepacking Club’ without knowing the rather more contentious background to the name.

    Nope. Sorry. Lost me there… :roll:

    Free Member

    What’s the biggest source of greenhouse gasses?

    Cows. Farting cows to be precise.

    Where do most cows live?



    Free Member

    ‘Buffalo Soldiers’ was a term applied to Black units in the US army.

    Whilst it became a generic term for African-American troops in the US Army, the origins of it are somewhat obscure. It was originally applied to the 10th Cavalry raised in 1866, mainly of escaped and/or emancipated slaves taken into military service.

    What isn’t in doubt is that the term was coined by Cheyenne warriors who were likening the soldiers black, curly hair to that of the buffalo; however, another version refers to a Private John Randall of the 10th who was assigned to provide an escort for two civilian hunters during a trip to Montana in 1867. At one point during the trip, the hunters were attacked by a large Cheyenne war party. Whilst the two hunters died almost immediately, Randal escaped and kept his attackers at bay with his single pistol until help arrived from a nearby camp. Randal survived despite a pistol shot to the shoulder and 11 lance wounds. Cheyenne warriors later reported that he had “fought like a buffalo”, and the name may come from that.

    The bicycle has been used in conflict almost since it was invented. It is credited as being the only thing that allowedthe North Vietnamese army to keep the Ho Chi Minh trail open during the Vietnam war, and allowed Japanese troops during WW2 to advance quickly through difficult terrain in Thailand and Burma, whislt carrying heavy loads.

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t all the players haranguing the referee have been at least carded too?

    By the letter of the law, probably yes – had the ref made the right decision about Nani in the first place.

    It goes to show what a cheb-ender Rio Ferdinand is though – for him to stand there applauding in the ref’s face after the game is inexcusable, and Gigg’s behaviour wasn’t much better.

    The problem is that Fergie will come down on the side of his players, which makes them look dafter yet because they’re trying to defend an undefendable incident – like Dalglish did with the Suarez/Evra incident.

    Yes, the ref ruined the game (I don’t agree with Mourinho though, I thought Real were the better team), but in the end the result stands so what are you going to do?

    Free Member

    I’ve reported taxis in the past to the relevant local authorities. As long as you can provide the licence number to them they will usually do something.

    Free Member

    if you want to dis colour the anodising/ fork stansions muc off is the one to get

    Never had a problem here – if it was eating anodising I certainly wouldn’t be washing it down drains… 8O

    Free Member

    D’oh!! Should have said, ordered yesterday lunchtime :lol: . But then I am easily pleased…

    Free Member

    Argos – £9.36 a month to insure our 2-year-old cocker. We used to be with Tesco but they put the premium up 50% in 12 months for no reason, so I f**ked ’em off.

    Ours shredded a “Kong” and swallowed part of it – cost £900 in repair bills. He wasn’t insured at the time.

    Free Member

    pie establishment? you mean Greggs?

    What Greggs sell do not qualify as “pie” in any sense of the word…

    Free Member

    +1 for Paramo Velez, but go for the Lite version. Best waterproof/windproof/breathable out there. Wash once yearly in NikWax TechWash and you’re good to go. I wear mine all the time.

    Free Member

    Blackwaterfoot Hotel or the cafe at Pirnmill. It’s where the SBS go for their brews while practising entry and exit from submerged submarines.

    Lochranza Hotel is good for food too, and you visit the distillery while you’re there. Machrie Moor stone circles worth a visit especially at sunrise/set.

    Free Member

    I predict –

    – handbags at some stage, either on the pitch or the sidelines;
    – at least 5 minutes of “Fergie Time”
    – Ronaldo scoring a screamer of a free kick after blatantly diving to get it
    – Sour grapes
    – Me being on Turf Moor watching the mighty Clarets battering Barnsley into a pulp.

    Free Member

    You can buy a little road atlas that tells you where all the LPG stations are, and they send online updates through the year of changes

    You can download a guide from the LPG Installers Association website.

    You can also buy LPG at gas suppliers as well as filling stations. Many caravan dealers sell LPG, as well as people who supply bottled gas for heating/cooking/camping etc. I used to get mine from FlowGas in Burnley, it was about 2p per litre cheaper than buying it off a forecourt.

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