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  • johnellison
    Free Member

    That roadie one….he’s about to push they other one over the barrier.

    Nah, I think he’s stroking his partner on the back, pushing gently and murmuring “don’t you worry, love, we’ll get there together.”

    Either that or he’s saying, “I know we’re roadies love, but we’re not ALL miserable feckers…””

    Free Member

    There’s another way of looking at this – is the bike boring? Or is it that you don’t notice it?

    Admittedly I live in and around the Calderdale area so I’ve got excellent sweary northerner trails to go at; I also travel into the Lakes/Dales/Peak/Scotland/North Wales a lot.

    I ride an Alpine 160 which some may consider overkill for the UK, BUT it’s the only bike that I’ve ridden where I can actually forget about it and just enjoy the riding. Granted it’s not the lightest bike in the world, but I’m not arsey about having to ride up everything in one go, or even ride up it at all if I don’t have to. But it’s more than capable of getting me riding on the razor’s edge on the alongs and the downs.

    IMHO if you don’t notice something doing its job, then its doing it well and as it was designed to do it.

    Free Member

    I haven’t got a competitive bone in my body. I have nothing to prove, either to myself or anyone else.

    Free Member

    Strictly speaking, you are opposing oncoming traffic in it’s own lane, if I’ve understood your manouver correctly. Not really a good idea, but if it had been me I’d have smashed his headlights and not said anything.

    Free Member

    Moral of story: when naked, don’t follow people through doors!

    I’m not sure what’s more disturbing – the fact that he grabbed your tackle, or the fact that you have a wang shaped like a door-handle…

    Free Member

    I use an old table knife. Just hold the blade where the race rests on the crown and give it a few shart taps with a hammer. Usually gets it moving.

    Free Member

    er, 2.7. it’s on the drawing.

    Sure is…

    38.4 non drive side
    49.3 drive side

    At a guess

    That’s the PCD (pitch circle diameter) of the spoke holes.

    Free Member

    he once googled Biggest Black Hole

    PMSFL!!! :lol:

    Free Member

    Personally I’d go the carefully-worded telling off, followed by a denial of internet access for say, a week. That will give a) him time to think about what’s happened and the possible consequences, and b) you time to start putting parental/access controls into place on your browsers.

    Boys will be boys, we’ve all been there (well, if you’re a bloke anyway…and possibly if you’re a laydee too…). Have a giggle about it to yourself and let it slide.

    If it becomes a habit and he’s being furtive about it or deliberately trying to get access (perhaps on a friend’s PC) then you need to look at more concerted action.

    Free Member

    Oh look, his mobile number’s on the back of his van – I can feel some bookings in Burnley coming his way…

    Free Member

    Extra protection for lower races of external headsets? Cut a sort length of inner tube, slip it over the race, install the forks, roll it down and hey presto! longer life for your headset!.

    Free Member

    The construction and use of most type of archery bow, from the bronze-age onwards.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Still by the time she leaves her teens maybe she’ll be daughter 2.0 with all the annoying bits we didn’t like taken out and lots of ‘wow, I never knew she could do that!’ bits added.

    I’d suggest that you stop using the “Cash-Drain” add in as soon as you can, either that or start uninstalling it.

    It might be wise to install the “FindAJob” app at the same time, but don’t start using it suddenly or else you may find a load of unspecified errors being caused everytime you try to use it.

    Free Member

    WeBuyAnyCar.Com. Oh no they don’t – first question they ask is, is it a company car? If the answer’s yes, they’re not interested.

    Free Member

    FFS man, your boss can go **** himself. And if he objects, tell him you consulted a higher authority. i.e. us.

    Free Member

    I’m going to design a big arse fan

    Could you clarify please? Is that a “big-arse fan” (i.e. a very large fan) or a “big arse-fan” (i.e. a large fan for use on arses) or a “big arse fan” (i.e. a fan for use on large arses)??

    Free Member

    What I dont get (as a short arse) is why I should pay the same price for my frame as lanky gits

    And why don’t gingers have to pay more for everything than anyone else??

    Free Member

    Lets be Honest here Short people are just an annoyance and an evolutionary throwback…

    They’re always asking you to get things off high shelves, whingeing that the only clothes that fit are children’s (which are both Cheaper AND have cool stuff like Spongebob and Transformers on! So I can’t really see the issue there) or complaining if you use their conveniently low heads to rest your pint on in a busy pub…

    What really bugs me though is that the various efforts of all the Evil Corporations of the world have simply failed to wipe out these paranoid dwarves that are holding the rest of society back.

    Between airbags that explode in their faces, poorly fitted clown bikes bikes, slightly bigger gaps at the edges of train station platforms and tumble driers they can fall into and be slow cooked by accident, we should have wiped almost all of them out by now.

    Yes but having a girlfriend who is only 5 foot when I’m 6 foot does have it’s advantages –

    – she’s easy to carry home when she’s pissed (usually in a carrier bag or rucksack)
    – she’s far easier to hold under the duvet when I’ve farted than, erm, larger models <EDIT – HAVE BEEN…!!>.
    – I can rest my pint on her head in the pub.
    – Nagging goes hypersonic, so far from bothering me all the dogs in the neighbourhood start throwing themselves under buses.

    Free Member

    “Hans Bwix? Muufu**er! You’re breaking my balls here Haaans! I’m a vewy busy man!!”

    Actually Tubby McFatf**k does have a smartphone, there was a photograph of him released by accident a few weeks ago, it was on the desk next to him.

    Free Member

    The whole point of suspension, if it is well set up, is not to bottom out – once you’ve bottomed out you’ve no longer got suspension, sort of defeats the object. Also how can you say you need to bottom out every ride?

    ^^This. Saying that you have to bottom your forks out is just utter bobbins. It’s like saying that you need to bounce your car’s engine off the limiter at least once everytime to drive it. Who comes up with this guff?

    Free Member

    Depends who they are. Poles/Latvians/Lithuanians tend to have a fairly solid work ethic, they’ll do a good job cheaply and get it done fairly quickly too.

    Personally though I wouldn’t trust anyone who doesn’t come recommended.

    Free Member

    Read THIS[/url] ref. Sleepless…

    Free Member

    Oddly this is now illegal. You actually need to keep it locked up.

    Not true.

    I thought crossbow ownership was now illegal, sure I remember an amnesty several years ago.

    Also not true. The only restrictions on crossbows are that a) it is illegal to sell one to anyone under the age of 18, b) persons under the age of 18 may not own a crossbow or any crossbow parts, and c) anyone under the age of 18 may not use a crossbow unless supervised by someone over the age of 21.

    The only issue with any sort of weapon, be it shotgun, sporting rifle, air rifle, crossbow or whatever is that they are not inherently dangerous. It is only the user that is potentially dangerous.

    I spent years shooting air rifles, shotguns, practical pistol (both before Dunblane and after) and I have also represented England twice in field archery. I have never once witnessed any dangerous occurences or behaviour with anyone who is actively involved in these sports. The only danger comes from the inbred sub 100 IQ **** who use airguns and crossbows as penis extensions

    Great Britain has some of the most stringent firearms legislation in the world, which is why we have one of the lowest rates of firearms crime.

    Free Member

    ^^With these you can sharpen two edges and use it as a make-shift axe, too!!

    Free Member

    Bearings can be borked without displaying any outward signs of being so. Even the tiniest amount of wear can be amplified amzingly in the whole assembly. 2008 model = 5 years old. I’d replace the bearings.

    Free Member

    Have you made a tin foil hat yet ?

    Will it stop the voices??

    Free Member

    Definitely Sirius – googled a few star maps and it ties in perfectly. Cheers chaps!!

    Free Member

    Have you got a smartphone? There’s some pretty impressive apps. You point your phone at the sky and it tells you what you are looking at in any direction.

    Duh, why didn’t I think of that :roll: ??

    You need to download this free software:

    Saturn is very bright and low in the southern sky at that time.

    Cheers, I’ll give it a try.

    Free Member

    Definitely wasn’t any part of Orion – Orion was probably in the South South West to South West at the time; it definitely wasn’t Jupiter because I know where that is, although it was about as bright, if not brighter. This was definitely due South, as the front of my house faces that way and I was looking out of the front bedroom window.

    Definitely wasn’t a comet, and no way was it a meteor/ite (not travelling fast enough).

    It was moving reasonably quickly (East-West) but not say as quick as aircraft that were visible. If I can get photos tonight I’ll put them up. I’ll try to get a star-trail to give an idea of it’s path.

    EDIT – Looking like it may have been Sirius then…

    Free Member

    but as they’re not that warm when up on the moors


    Keep moving – no stopping allowed.

    Free Member

    or possibly South Tirol

    …where there are as many German speakers as Italian…if not more…

    Free Member

    The golden rule…assume that every other road user out there is a complete and utter imbecele and hasn’t got a clue what they’re doing and to expect them to do something unexpected…not too far away from the mark and its a rule that has saved my skin and other road users skin many times as a driver and cyclist.

    +1 for this. Everyone’s a tosser. Deal with it.

    Free Member

    Can you get the wife unit streaming properly when it’s turned on? They can make a lot of noise when this happens, but I find an old pair of underpants stuffed in the main breather vent helps to cancel it out.

    Free Member

    It’s more fun than walking them and they get better exercise.

    And unless it’s a breed specifically developed for running long distance (which most aren’t, dogs are sprinters) it does their joints and hearts no good whatsoever.

    Our vet goes nuts about the number of people who take dogs to him that have become ill or injured through people running or cycling with them. I absolutely agree with him. I have a working cocker spaniel who never stops running about, but I wouldn’t ever consider exposing him to this sort of exercise.

    Free Member

    IIRC under statutory consumer law, if you experience a fault with a second-hand car within 6 months of purchase, you must give the dealer a fair chance to rectify it. If they cannot/will not rectify it you have the right to demand a full refund.

    The dealer cannot reasonably expect you to get it seen to and then “see what he can do”. The ball is firmly in his court on this one. Stick to your guns, and if he refuses to budge take advice from your local trading standards.

    The relevant info is HERE (linky)

    Warranties don’t come into it – these are your statutory rights as a consumer which trumps everything else. The only get-out that the dealer has is to say that he told you about the fault when you bought the car, but to do this he would have to show that you were aware of it – and he would have done it by writing details of the fault on the sales invoice, which you then sign as acceptance.

    Free Member

    Bearing shop? Seriously, google bearing suppliers in your area. If you don’t know what size you need, just take the offending item to the trade counter and get them to match it.

    Free Member

    “Common Land” is actually a bit of a misnomer. All land in the UK is owned by somebody – be it an individual or an organisation.

    The term “common land” simply denotes land which is owned by someone, but over which other people have rights protected in law, be it local, regional or national. A good example is the right to pasture cattle on common land.

    Unless there are public rights of way across said land then you may not have a right to cross it, as local by-laws may prevent access. That said, little is likely to come of it if you do go exploring and somebody objects.

    Free Member

    On a slight tangent – might I suggest that the OP is a bit of a Grumpa Lumpa..?
    a Stropalotagus Rex..?

    You’re not kidding…

    I’ve had no problems with Hope BBs, hubs or headsets. Anyone who knows the South Pennines will tell you that the gritstone geology round here soon exposes weaknesses in bearings, and I can’t say I’ve had any problems that I wouldn’t expect.

    Grumpy? Hardly. There’s an issue with the outboard bearings I have.

    You have an issue with most things judging by previous posts…your attitude to helmet use still the same??

    Free Member

    The other option from Wasdale Head would be to go back up Sty Head Pass and hang a right at the top. This would take you over Esk Hause to Angle Tarn, from where you could drop down Rossett Gill to Dungeon Ghyll.

    Another alternative would be to go up Ennerdale, then go over Scarth Gap into Warnscale Bottom and then back up Fleetwith and over the top to Honister. You could then drop down Honister Pass to Seatoller, then hang a right up to Stonethwaite and over Greenup Edge. That would let you drop down Far Easedale Gill to Grasmere, from where you have a choice of absolute bastard routes up and over the Helvellyn Ridge.

    Not easy going by any stretch…

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