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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • johnellison
    Free Member

    Fill their cars with snails.

    Given the OP’s location I would have thought that funnel-web or huntsman spiders would have been preferable. Or a brown snake or two. And no, that isn’t a euphemism…

    Free Member

    Bollocks, forgot about that…iPlayer it is then…

    Free Member

    Running is only good for escaping things. The sooner people realise that, the better.


    Free Member

    What are they?

    Sachs Sedis, I wager… 8O

    Free Member

    String. What the F*** is the point of string? It has no structural properties; if you tie a knot in it it WILL work loose; it breaks if you look at it sideways; and to make matters worse you can NEVER find any when you want it!!

    The “table” function in MicroSoft Word – Rubbish

    Disagree. I like it.

    Free Member

    You have EVERYTHING about it? You hate the historic waterfront, the parks, the Liverpool One shopping centre? EVERYTHING, huh?

    Sure do. I will never set foot in Liverpool again as long as I live. It’s called illogical pathological hatred.

    And the last time you were here was…?

    15th April 2012. Got dragged to the Hillsborough Memorial Service by my ex who for reasons best known to herself was a die-hard Red Shite fan despite having no connections to Liverpool whatsoever. I only agreed to go because I am a football fan and Hillsborough was a football tragedy, not just a Liverpool tragedy.

    It was pure torture. I’ve never witnessed such a maudlin, hand-wringy, self-absorbed, schmalzy, insincere display of cod grief in all my life. I wanted to vomit. It made a mockery of the whole thing.

    Needless to say this is why she is now my ex and buried under the patio.

    Free Member

    Could he cope with a single brake? In which case would a cruiser BMX / “Big BMX” (google it)/ DMR Drone Reptoid type thing be sutiable. If it’s a single speed he could just put his feet on the pedals if he wanted to without actually pedalling.

    Free Member

    then a wee latte

    Don’t think it’ll catch on. I prefer a coffee latte myself.

    Free Member

    Would coming into contact with rude horse riders count?

    No. I’ve been in contact with quite a few “rude” horse riders in my time!! :lol:

    Oh, I see what you mean…rude as in ill mannered…

    Free Member

    So my question is, who has spent a reasonable number of nights sleeping in their car (and a bit cramped as with at least one other person)? How did you get on? Recommended or avoid at all costs?

    I’ve done it once or twice for an odd night, but unless a) you’re very good friends (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) and b) you can put up with being cramped, I wouldn’t bother.

    Good cheap estate car? Any Volvo 240/740/940/850/early V70 can be had within your price bracket, plus you can sleep in the back full if you’re 6 foot or under (with back seats folded flat). Ultra reliable if not great on fuel unless you can find a diseasel.

    Oh and sleep with the windows open to avoid carbon dioxide/fart poisoning. And be prepared to leave all your kit outside the car where all the theiving Johnny Foreigners can get their dirty mitts on it.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure what point you are making. Not everybody visits a forum on a daily basis – even after making an initial post.

    I’m starting to get an almighty whiff of troll here – the OP started this thread 2 weeks ago and since then…nothing.

    He may not be interested in debating it, but just wanted to make us aware ???

    I appreciate that, but surely he must be even a teensy bit interested in the responses if he’s so concerned about it???

    Free Member

    I also say the v70. So practical with a tow bar bitter and the rear seats fols completely flat down getting two bikes in easy

    Plus One for this. But don’t get a Phase 2 unless it’s a facelift (post 2004) – the electrics on the early ones (2000 – 2004) are notoriously dodgy. The beauty of the V70 is that it has a vertical tailgate so you get an absolutely cavernous loadspace. They’re also obscenely comfortable on long motorway trips.

    V70 – Really heavy on fuel, like late 20’s if you have a moderately heavy so watch that one

    Yeah, if you get a petrol – go for a diseasel (preferably a late D5 SE) and hello 45 – 50mpg, 185bhp and 140mph top speed! Not bad for a car that weighs over 2 tonnes fully loaded.

    Personally (if you can find one with less than rocketship mileage for under £4000 8O ) I’d go for a 1998 – 1999 Phase 1 TDi. But even then with a good service record 150K miles for these is nothing, they’ll go on forever with proper servicing.

    Free Member

    The only thing that lets Superstar down is the atrocious bearings that they use (and that goes for the BBs and headsets too). You could probably get a Superstar plus a full set of replacement SKF bearings for less than a Hope.

    Free Member

    Mashing too high a gear. Change down, sit down, spin. Not difficult.

    Free Member

    Its a wear and tear item that will wear pretty quickly if alu and you ride somewhere remotely wet and gritty

    Depends what grade of aluminium. If it’s something cheesy like 1000 series then yes; if it’s 7075/Duralumin unlikely.

    Renthal have been making 7075-T6 aluminium motocross sprockets for years – the contact surfaces work-harden, so they actually wear less the older they get.

    Free Member

    How do you tell if someones vegan/vegetarian?
    Don’t worry, they’ll f**ing tell you!

    Well they’ll not put their hand up will they? Too weak…

    Free Member

    funnily enough there are uk versions of that kicking about too. By all accounts remarkably good

    Who? What? Where? Been looking for a 30T ring for ages – any pointers?

    Free Member

    Firstly, because the Home Office guidance (if correctly quoted) seems to describe a rebuttable presumption in favour of granting a shotgun certificate, not a rebuttable presumption against granting one.

    I stand corrected, said the man in the orthopaedic shoes. I’m surprised at BASC making such a basic error…

    Free Member

    Assassination often works well.

    Free Member

    I can NEVER stay “stuck” to flats! I always manage to part company with the bike mid air which usually ends in a horrendous saddle/bollocks or shins/pedals interface… :oops:

    Free Member

    ^^^ johnellison… sir are a true player!!

    Aye thenk yoww. I could go into more detail, but well… 8O

    Free Member

    Is Lancaster what used to be Forton??

    Free Member

    Mind you I did end up banging her.

    no chance of that happening here….they’re married and so am i but if was single i wouldn’t say no to them…

    So was she pal! :lol:

    And yes she did take her cardigan off, but only after putting the central heating on full blast. In the middle of July.

    Free Member

    The first bulletpoint (bdumtish) of the BASC advice contains at least one error because it doesn’t make sense. I’d be a bit wary about being completely cock (tish) sure of its accuracy (thangyew).

    How so? It makes perfect sense to me – you don’t need good reason to own a shotgun/apply for a shotgun licence, but if the Five-Oh feel that the issue of a ticket could cause a nuisance or danger to the public they have the right to refuse. Fairly straightforward IMHO.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I doubt its worth anything, its aside by side.

    Please tell me it doesn’t say Holland & Holland on it anywhere??? 8O

    Free Member

    I spent quite a while installing packaging machinery and conveyors at Thatchers at Sandford in Somerset a few years ago. Their generic “for public consumption” ciders were nothing special, but they had a little factory shop where you could by the “special cider” in gallon plastic bottles for a fiver a time. They did some called Mendip Dry which was like cloudy piss to look at but good god it got you battered…

    Free Member

    Maybe the “flowers” route is actually looking better

    It’s actually a top plan – flowers to show your appreciation, you could even ask if it might be possible to hand them over in person. And which wrist was it by the way??

    Free Member

    Only ever had to bleed a set of old Hayes HFX 9s once because I accidentally popped a piston out. Took me 10 minutes because because a I did a “bottom-up” bleed by forcing fluid into the system at the caliper with a large syringe.

    Never had to bleed any of my Avids, but then I don’t faff with them. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    Free Member

    Assuming that your friend’s brother has declared it on his ticket, then get him to take it to a registered firearms dealer (RFD) (you can’t do this because you do not have a ticket, therefore it is illegal for you to be in possession of it).

    Ask the RFD to proof the piece and see if it is possible to deactivate it permanently. A good gunsmith should be able to either weld the firing pins in position permanently or possible weld the locking lugs shut. It will then need proofing again and a deactivation certificate can be issued. Once it’s declared as a “de-act” then you don’t need a ticket to keep it.

    Free Member

    Go to SKFs website (, oddly enough), register and log in, then you’ll have all the bearing info you could ever want.

    Smallest standard size with a 180 bore is 225 O/D and 22 wide. SKF ref. no is 61836. Just google industrial bearing suppliers in your area, or try BSL Brammer (again, google it). Prices will be VERY expensive for ball units at that size and even more very expensive for any type of roller bearing.

    If you need any design work doing, let me know.

    Free Member

    my office which i share with 3 female colleagues is the warmest in our building yet my manager insists on switching on a fan heater under her desk to keep her feet warm, she also does a very good Dom Joly impression when on the phone. the girl opposite me also has a fan heater under her desk…i suffer from dry eyes so when the heaters kick in…it’s sleepy time for me!!

    I know, what the **** is it with women insisting that it’s cold all the time???

    I used to work with one (our receptionist) who despite the fact that she worked in a glass-fronted reception area which was South-facing and thus like a greenhouse 99% of the time, insisted on having a heater on behind the reception desk and wearing a coat/cardigan indoors all the time. Even in summer. Annoying as tits. Mind you I did end up banging her.

    Free Member

    thinks i need a new hoe, any offers?

    Free Member

    logical – looks like you’ve blown a seal there, mate.

    I’ll get me coat… 8O

    Free Member

    johnellison – have you just started a new job? Work with someone called ton?

    I was beginning to wonder that myself… 8O

    johnellison, football and golf are banned words at our place…….the sports of moronic fools.

    You are my boss and I claim £5.

    Free Member

    Would the mining industry still be going in 2013 if M. Thatcher hadn’t stopped it all ?

    Mines closed during Harold Wilsons’ premiership – 212
    Mines closed during Margaret Thatcher’s premiership – 25

    So in answer to your question, I doubt it. Seeing as the damage had already been done, annd as the great lady herself said, there’s no point in supporting failing business.

    Would manufacturing still be active in 2013?

    Exqueeze me? Baking powder?

    Toyota, Nissan, JCB, Airbus, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Aston-Martin, Jaguar-Land Rover, BAE Systems.

    Shall I go on? OK then – Vosper-Thorneycroft, Handley-Paige, Bombardier, Honda, Outo-Kumpu, Glaxo-Smith-Klein, Procter & Gamble, Akzo-Nobel.

    Not to mention the thousands of sub-contractors that these companies use.

    Granted, they aren’t all British companies, but they’ve had the good sense to invest in the UK. No manufacturing in Britain? Pull the other one…

    Free Member

    The two guys I work with are perhaps the two dullest individuals in Britain. Neither of them speak; neither of them like cars/football/bikes/golf; one of them clears his throat incessantly. I could quite happily windmill the pair of them.

    Free Member

    We used to get our work waste collected by Sita. One of their operatives told me that just about everything they collect goes to landfill, regardless of its ability to be recycled. Utterly pointless.

    Free Member

    over-exaggeration (I suspect there was probably 2 or 3 kids, not 18)

    i was in accrington!

    That figures – your mums your dad, your dads your mum, etc.

    Free Member

    Most normal people wouldn’t open such a door all the way.

    Clarify “normal people” please? People are not normal by definition – they’re all mentalists.

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