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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • johnellison
    Free Member

    Did gluten intolerance exist before the Chorleywood process was invented?

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Why can’t farmers vaccinate their cattle? Oh yeah, silly me – because it would cost cash money… :roll:

    Free Member

    Could there be a less sexy sounding word?


    Free Member

    Make as per normal chilli, but use soya protein meat subsitute. Place in a cool dustbin.

    Free Member

    You know you’re a roadie when other roadies say hi and MTB types ignore you…

    Not true, proper roadies ignore everybody including their own kind. At least Northern ones do…

    Free Member

    Is this them?

    Brilliant!! :D

    Free Member

    The guy’s 25 and therefore (shock horror) an adult. What he does is none of your business, as long as it doen’t have a direct and/or detrimental effect on you and your partner. And by that I don’t mean his mum being worried about him – that’s what mums do, I’m 41 and my mum still worries about me if I don’t ring her at regular intervals. It’s part of their job description.

    What I would say is that you need to knock the board-free bit on the head, ricky-tick. Tell him now he’s gainfully employed he contributes to the household upkeep or he finds his own place.

    Free Member

    Never liked Gisburn from day 1, and still don’t. Mind you, I haven’t found a trail centre in England that I like yet anyway. The Scottish and Welsh centres are far superior.

    Free Member

    in general think a fair number of people can’t actually read a map so carrying one is pointless for them

    Which begs the question, why are they out in the sticks in the first place?

    It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who I meet in the middle of nowhere, who have no idea where they are and aren’t carrying a map or other means of navigation.

    Absolute folly to be out and about when you can’t navigate yourself around.

    Free Member

    Ever been there John?

    Er, no. Can’t say I have – but whichever way you look at it, Chelyabinsk was recorded as a level 6, Chernobyl as a level 7. Ergo, Chernobyl is considered the more serious of the two – or it was at the time that it happened. Given the fact that two cities had to be completely abandoned and the effect is still widely felt even in the UK (Cumbrian lamb still has to be tested for radiation before going on sale) and I’d say that whilst Chelyabinsk was/is no walk in the park, the effects of Chernobyl were far wider ranging and affected more of the earth’s population.

    That said, who knows how the fallout from Chelyabinsk will affect the populace in the future?

    Free Member

    It’s amazing the number of people who sit WAY too far from the controls to begin with.

    Look at in car footage from the WRC – see how close the driver is to the steering wheel?

    There’s a good reason for this – when you get into a hazardous situation, you instictively sit forward. So why not put yourself in that position to start with?

    I’ll put money on the fact that you’ve got the seat back at too shallow an angle and at the same time you have your arms stretched right out to the steering wheel. Yes?

    Put the seat back more vertical; move the seat forwards until you can reach the pedals comfortably (move the steering wheel as far forward as it will go to start with) then adjust the steering wheel back until it’s closer to you than you would normally be comfortable with – your elbows need to have about a 90° bend in them.

    As for the cramped hands – relax FFS! You barely need to grip the steering wheel at all!

    I have a friend who has an Aston Martin Vantage – he’s 5′ 8″ and I’m 6 foot. When I’ve driven it, he complains bitterly when I return it that the driving seat is too far forward and close to the steering wheel. Yet when I get in it after he’s been driving, I can barely reach the pedals and I’m nearly flat on my back! Figure than one out!!

    Free Member

    I don’t get the attitude that wearing a helmet isn’t effective at all.

    Surely if you wear ANY protection of any sort when undertaking a potentially hazardous activity, then the risk of injury or death is reduced (or survivability is increased, whichever way you look at it)? Or am I being overly simplistic?

    I’m throwing hypotheticals around with reckless abandon here, but lets say with this young lad that when he set off on his journey without a helmet if he is involved in an accident there’s a 10% chance of him ending up in a coma.

    If he had been wearing a helmet and the risk is reduced to say, 9%, then surely that’s better than the risk not being reduced at all? Isn’t it?

    He might still have ended up in a coma but at least he took the precautions to protect against that situation.

    Free Member

    Yes, I’ve done it. Took a three month break before my head imploded at the beginning of May last year.

    I had enough money to last me 6 months with s few cut-backs, and found another job after three months. Best thing I ever did for my own sanity.

    Free Member

    Chelyabinsk….. Chernobyl is for pussies by comaparison

    Er…not exactly. Chelyabinsk (or more properly the Kyshtym Disaster) was a level 6 emergency, Chernobyl and Fukushima were both level 7, and the two highest ever recorded.

    By comparison, Three Mile Island and the Calder Hall fire were only level 5.

    Free Member

    As in all walks of life, you gets what you pays for.

    FAG and INA are owned by Schaeffler – Hope use Schaeffler bearings exclusively.

    Free Member

    Don’t expect miracles, is all I can say.

    I did a couple of thousand that my parents had had in storage since year dot with an Ion unit and the results are variable, to say the least.

    Free Member

    Oooh Nissan Navara – so badly engineered that Euro NCAP refused to give them a safety rating… 8O

    Free Member

    M:Wear D’arcs here. Similar shape to Oakley M-Frames at a fraction of the cost. Mind you they look gash after a while where Oakleys tend to keep their looks.

    Free Member

    I think the bloke deserves a medal for showing up the tossers who are in power. People in glass houses and all that…

    Free Member

    I don’t want to just pull it off!!


    Free Member

    I used to use the classic Onza Porcupine 2,0″ front/Panaracer Smoke 1,75″ rear back in the day, hell of a setup.

    The claim is that the bigger front tyre gives better traction for steering while the narrower rear reduces rolling resistance.

    Free Member

    Get super-anal about economic driving –

    – check tyre pressures every week – you lose something like 0,25mpg for every 1psi your tyres are under pressure – so if each tyre is 1psi under, that’s 1mpg.

    – remove roof boxes, roof racks, rear mounted racks and any other extraneous outsde stuff when not in use.

    – no hard acceleration – smooth and steady is the key. Use as high a gear as possible without making the engine labour.

    – regular and meticulous servicing – if you can do it yourself, so much the better.

    – switch your air con off if you have it.

    I’m assuming that it’s a diseasel? If so, look at getting the DPF removed and also blanking off the EGR valve. I’ve just done this with my Volvo D5 and got 5mpg extra out of it without trying.

    Alternatively, could you justify spending say, £1K on something small with a small engine just for commuting?

    Free Member

    What bike are they fitted to? I fitted a 720mm bar to the 70mm stem on my Orange Alpine 160, but then went to a 50mm stem and it’s just about cock on for everything. Really steep climbs need a bit of thinking about but everything else is just peachy.

    Free Member

    It’s still not 165mm though surely? That would make the wheel about 20″ or more?

    What has the cap diameter go to do with wheel size? Or am I missing something?

    Free Member

    Depends. Do you see this as a one off or as a potential source of income? If you let them off the once, they may try to take advantage.

    Have a look at what other stock libraries charge for similar images and what the limitations on use are.

    I would also caution that if you upload photographs regularly to any of the hosting sites (or even Facebook or other social media) then make sure that they are watermarked. EXiF data can be tampered with and is no guarantee of your compyright being honoured.

    I use TSR Watermark which is available as a free download to do this. I generate a low-res watermarked image which I upload, then if anyone wants to use the image I come to an agreement and provide a high-res non-watermarked copy after payment (if any) has been made.

    Free Member

    If that’s how its done ^^ they are a lot braver than me.
    Surely the “baddie” is still in a position to fire at the back up so shooting him is best.

    It’s a calculated risk. It might work, it might not.

    One thing that the advert cannot get across is the emotions that both parties are feeling; neither does it explain why either party is in that situation in the first place.

    How do we know that the “baddie” is potentially wanting to surrender, and his first reaction when faced with an armed professional is to panic slightly and offer (albeit limited) resistance/defiance as an act of bravado?

    In the split second that he realises that said professional might not be “all bad” and that to offer continued resistance would be utterly futile, he backs down.

    I know that US doctrine preaches the “Three D’s” – deterrence, de-escalation and disarmament, wherever possible. This potentially increases survivability and the likelihood of a peaceful outcome.

    Free Member

    Depends how old the note is. If you acquired it recently it shouldn’t be a problem, but remember a few years ago (2004 I think it was) there was a mahoosive bank robbery in Northern Ireland?

    Well after that, both the Northern Bank and Ulster Bank issued £300m of completely new notes of £10 and over so that anything issued previously wasn’t legit. Anyone who had old notes legally could swap them for new ones.

    I have a Bank of Ulster £10 note which was issued before the robbery and I can’t get shut anywhere, even in Northern Ireland.

    Free Member

    not my area of knowledge – but is it not implying that being aggressive / confrontational is likely to get him shot by a panicy enemy with a twitchy trigger finger but ‘body language’ and trust in his mates to back him up might save his ass.

    ^This. It’s called de-escalation – potentially it can throw an agressor off guard and buy vital seconds, either to come up with a cunning plan or for backup to arrive.

    Free Member

    650b is NOT 27.5 It’s barely 27.


    Free Member

    Bear in mind that there are also murmurings among the major manufacturers (particularly Giant) that they may quietly shelve 29″ wheels in the next year or so – at risk of getting shouted at by the beardy sandal brigade, 650b (27,5″) seems to be the way forward…

    Free Member

    I’ve just got some cheap airwalks (£20) for use with flat pedals, but wandering how good they’ll be when I need to get off/push, what does the ‘dotty rubber’ grip like off bike?

    Airwalks are cheap for a reason and one of those reasons is the fact that the standard sole is about as grippy as a freshly buttered weasel.

    Bolt some Stealth Dotty on and you won’t know what’s hit you, it’s unbeleivable. It’s the same type of rubber used on proper climbing boots and slippers. As has already been said, it sticks like the proverbial to a blanket.

    Free Member

    I’m always surprised that farmers don’t reinstate the line of ploughed out paths more clearly. I’d have thought they’d welcome people sticking to a nice defined line rather than wandering speculatively across their crop. Surely only needs a run along the line on a quad to do it.

    There is actually a farmer whose land I drive past on the way to work every morning who does demarcate the lines of RoWs across his land. When he has barley growing, he runs a shoulder-width line of weedkiller or whatever between the access points – when the crop is green it shows up as a lovely orange line across the field! Genius!

    Free Member

    Race Face, Middleburn, Blackspire, FSA, Stronglight all good.

    Free Member

    The landowner has a responsibility in law to keep all PRoWs free from obstruction. If it has been deliberately blocked, you need to contact your county council rights of way bod who will make representations to the owner to clear the obstruction.

    Bear in mind that this is all very dependent upon it actually being a right of way – just because it’s shown on the OS map, or signposted or “apparent” on the ground doesn’t mean that it still exists. The only sure-fire way to check is to look at the definitive maps, again held by your local county council.

    Where rights of way cross fields used for crops, the landowner must reinstate the right of way within so many days of the crop being harvested, again subject to local by-laws.

    Free Member

    No. Tried that the other way round, different take-up ratio.

    Free Member

    I had some old Airwalk skate shoes done at Feet First a couple of years ago, cost £39 including return postage. Still going strong and they stick like the proverbial to a blanket.

    Free Member

    Bright yellow (complementary colours and all that jazz).

    Free Member

    Is it actually 7075? 7075 is one of the highest strength aluminium alloys available, Renthal have been manufacturing road and motocross sprockets from 7075 for donkey’s years so I doubt that they’ve been getting it wrong for so long.

    I suspect that like a lot of Superstar’s stuff it’s cheap Chinese sh!t masquerading as something else.

    Free Member

    Got a Superstar DCD with a Blackspire roller on mine, with a Superstar top guide. Works fine.

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